Star Wars Rebels: Jedi Surviv...

By Excusemeh_aj5

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This is a Star Wars Rebels/Crossover harem book. Y/N Drake was only 12 years old when the Purge happened, on... More

Bio (Season 1)
1 {The Beginning of the End} Pt 1
2 {The Beginning of the End} Pt 2
3 {The Spark Of Rebellion} Pt 1
4 {Spark Of The Rebellion} Pt 2
5 {Droid Distress}
7 {Empire Day}

6 {Return Of The Jedi}

1.1K 52 16
By Excusemeh_aj5

So about a week has passed and since then Ezra's been practicing on using the force by lifting small objects such as cups, bowls, Chopper and other things. Also in that same week Ezra and Zeb got into it and Hera had sent them off on a supply run with the impossible task of getting a Meiloorun fruit of course Hera didn't tell them that Meiloorun didn't grow on Lothal but to my and everyone else's surprise they actually found one. Oh, they also stole a TIE Fighter as well which was pretty impressive, of course Kanan wanted them to destroy it and they did. Well actually they didn't cause some time after they told me and Sabine that they stashed it somewhere, hell Sabine even painted it. 

Anyway right now we're currently hovering very high in the air right now. And right now Ezra was currently doing a handstand on top of the roof turret of the Ghost. 

Kanan: Focus, focus on letting go

Ezra: Uh, i'd rather hold on if you don't mind

Y/N: That's not what he mean't Ezra. Just keep your eye's closed, relax your breathing and just "let go" mentally speaking

Ezra: I'm trying

Kanan: Do or do not. There is no try

Ezra: What they hell does that even mean? How can i do something if i don't try?

Kanan was about to speak but stopped and we shared a look. 

Kanan: Uh....actually that one always confused my too

Y/N: It makes no sense but it's something Master Yoda used to say, alot

Zeb: *Yawning* Man, i really thought this Jedi stuff would be more interesting, no wonder the old religion died. Come on Ezra amuse me, use the force

Zeb says grabbing the barrels of the turret and moving it side to side causing Ezra to lose her balance and fall into a crate of empty milk cups. I sighed and walked over and helped her out. 

Ezra: Does he have to be here?

Kanan: As annoying as he is there'll always be distractions 

Y/N: Which is why you need to do your best to focus through them, to see past them. If you can do that you'll be unstoppable

Kanan: Hey, why don't we try something different

Kanan walks over and takes his Lightsaber and connects the switch and emitter to the main body. He then holds it out infront of Ezra. 

Ezra: When do i get my own?

Y/N: Having a Lightsaber doesn't make you a Jedi Ezra

Ezra: No, but it get's me a step closer

She then hits the button and the Azure blade shoots from the emitter nearly piercing through Kanan in the process. 

Kanan: Whoa, careful

I make my way behind Ezra and wrap my arms around her and place my hands on hers. 

Y/N: Make sure you have a tight grip on it okay, it's important that so you don't drop it while in combat

Ezra: O-Okay

I could tell Ezra was blushing and i leaned it alittle more. 

Y/N: See this button right here?

Ezra: Yeah

Y/N: It allows you to adjust the blade to your height

She turns the switch and the blade shrinks down by two feet. 

Zeb: I think it should be alittle bit shorter 

Zeb says while laughing along with Chopper. I admit it was alittle funny but i didn't wanna upset the girl holding the Lightsaber. 

Y/N: Alright Ezra stand over there and close your eye's

She nodded and walked over and stood near the edge and held the Lightsaber out with her eye's closed. 

Kanan: Alright Chopper, let her have it

Zeb laughed as he placed a milk carton in Choppers metal hands and his top spun around and flung the carton at her. She missed and he started flinging more and she missed most of them. 

Kanan: No, you're not focusing


Kanan: *Sigh*

Y/N: Okay stop

Chopper ended up flinging one more at Ezra which hit her right in the face, i snorted but thankfully she didn't hear. I walked over and took the Lightsaber from her. 

Y/N: Okay Ezra stand over there and watch okay, i'm gonna do it and i want you to watch what i'm doing okay?

Ezra: Okay

She stood next to Kanan and i held the lightsaber out but quickly changed the blade length back to it's full length. I gave them Lightsaber a couple twirls before closing my eye's and getting in an Ataru stance. 

Kanan: Alright, go!

Ezra watched as Chopper started flinging the empty milk cartons at Y/N, and to her surprise he skillfully cut each one of them down. Her eye's gained a look of amazement as she watched Y/N cut down a carton before leaping into the air and doing a flip. He landed with his back to them and he skillfully cut down a carton behind him before twirling the saber and spinning around. Each moved filled with elegance and a sense of purpose like his master.  She then watched as Zeb took the whole crate and dumped it onto Chopper who then started flinging them rapidly. Ezra got worried for Y/n seeing as he was right on the edge but he surprised her by doing a side flip in the air avoiding a couple cartons before landing and twirling the saber cutting down any carton that came at him. 



I deactivated the saber and did a small bow and smirked slightly as i heard Ezra clapping. 

Y/N: Thank you thank you

I then walked over and stood infront of Ezra. 

Y/N: Were you watching?

Ezra: Yes! That was amazing, the way you just cut them all down it was awesome!

Y/N: I'm glad you thought so, and now it's your turn <Holds out Lightsaber> You got this Ezra

I say winking at her, she blushes and takes the Saber and stands in my previous spot. 

Y/N: And remember, close your eye's, steady your breathing, and focus 

Ezra: I'll do my best

She ignites the Lightsaber and changes the blade size and get's into a stance. She then closes her eye's. Once she does Zeb hands Chopper a milk carton from a different crate. One by one she actually cuts them all down, Chopper increases his speed and while some cartons still hit her she still cuts down a good amount. Kanan and i share a look and he actually has a proud smirk on his face....however. 

Zeb: There you go kid, use your body to block the trash

Zeb says laughing, and i could tell this affected Ezra as her face scrunched slightly and she started getting hit by more and more cartons. Soon Chopper increased his pace and Ezra started to panic and just started swinging around rapidly. And i watched as the final carton hit her and knocked her off the ship. 


Zeb: KID!

I ran over to the edge and saw her slipping off the nose gun window. I dropped down and went to grab her hand but i was too late and she fell. I then stood to the side as Kanan ran up beside me, we both then closed our eye's and held our hands out. We both used the force to hold Ezra in place before she could plummet to her death. 

Ezra: Whoa!

Ezra turned around and saw the Ghost descending through the clouds. She looked and spotted Y/N and Kanan standing on the edge with their hands out. Ezra watched as the Ghost lowered before the front loading ramp opened up, there she saw Zeb making his way to the edge with his hand outstretched. 

She then felt herself moving closer to Zeb and before she knew it Zeb had grabbed her arm and pulled her into the ship. The two fell down and Ezra rolled to the side to catch her breath. She heard something and looked up and saw Chopper stopped at the top of the ramp with a carton in his hand, he then spun around before throwing the carton at Ezra to leaned to the side dodging the carton. She glared at Chopper and before she could disassemble him he rolled away. 


Y/N: Ezra!

I ran through the doors and wrapped my arms around her, i could tell she was caught off guard but she returned the hug. 

Y/N: Thank Eywa you're okay

I then separated from the hug and saw a small look of disappointment in Ezra's eye's but before anything else could happen Kanan slide down. 

Kanan: You weren't focused

Ezra: It's alittle hard to focus when you're plummeting to your death

Kanan: You wouldn't be plummeting to your death if you've been focused. You're undisciplined, full of self-doubt

Ezra: This has nothing to do with being focused, it's because of fucking Tweedledee and tweedle dumb over there. And maybe if you and started teaching me earlier then maybe things would be different, master

Ezra says pointing to Zeb and Chopper. 

Kanan: *Sigh* It's just difficult to teach 

Kanan says walking away. 

Zeb: He mean't it's difficult to teach you

Zeb says poking Ezra in the shoulder before walking off. 

Y/N: *Sigh* It's alright Ezra, it just takes time and patience, you'll get there. But in the meantime you should apologize to Kanan okay?

Ezra: *Sigh* You're right

I then wrap my arm around her and move into the common room. 


Ezra: Kanan i-

Sabine: Sshh, you made the Holonet

We all stood around watching the Holonet. 

Announcer: The stolen TIE Fighter was later used to attack a transport of innocent workers

Zeb: Liar, we set 'em free!

Y/N: That's power right there, they can make the media put out any message they want

Suddenly the program started getting static'y and was replaced by a portrait of some old bureaucrat. 

???: Citizens! This is Senator-in-exile Gall Trayvis. I bring more news the Empire doesn't want you to here  

Y/N: Whose this old nard?

Hera: The only one in the Imperial Senate who has the balls to speak out publicly against the Empire

Y/N: That'll be the day

Suddenly the image changed to show someone who i thought i'd never ever see again. She was a Mirialan women with yellowish green skin, she was wearing a prisoner uniform which despite being a prisoner uniform it did fit her feminine figure quite well. 

Trayvis: One of the Republics greatest peacekeepers Jedi Master Luminara Unduli is alive

Kanan, Hera and i shared a look of complete shock. We watched as Luminara was being escorted by troopers wearing black armor with crimson red accents. Purge Troopers, i knew these Troopers all too well seeing as i'd ran into them multiple times a year or two ago. 

Trayvis: She has been imprisoned unlawfully at the Stygeon System. As citizens we demand the Emperor produce Master Unduli and grant her a fair trial before the entire sen-


Announcer: Marking another successful planetary exterminatio- I mean "Liberation" , utilizing the Delta zero initiative 

Ezra: This Luminara, did you know her?

Ezra says looking at me and Kanan

 Kanan: I met her once, she was a great Jedi Master. Brave, compassionate, disciplined

Y/N: I met her a small handful of times, while master Ti taught me how to use the force in a physical sense Luminara taught me how to use the force in a more spiritual way. Actually in terms of the force she'd make a great teacher for you

Kanan: I was thinking the same thing

The second he said that i saw a look in Ezra's eye and knew what it mean't. 

Kanan: There's always been whispers out there, about her surviving the Clone Wars but they've never came up with a specific location. We can't pass this opportunity up

Hera: Was hoping you'd say that, i'll go set course for the Stygeon system 

Kanan: Alright the rest of you prepare for an op

Everyone then left except for me, Ezra and Chopper. 

Ezra: Hear that guys? He's done with me

Y/N: He's not done with you Ezra, he just wants to make sure you have the best teacher

Ezra: But i don't want the best teacher! I want him, you, i want you guys as my teachers

Y/N: I understand that Ezra but you also gotta understand that Kanan and i were Padawan's when the Purge happened, we never finished our training. But don't worry i'll make sure that doesn't happen

Ezra: Thanks Y/N

Y/N: Now let's go get geared up

After a few minutes of getting geared up we were now all sitting inside the cockpit where the brief was happening. 


Sabine: There it is, i give you the Spire of Stygeon Prime. The only Imperial detention facility in the Stygeon system, and it's impenetrable

Y/N: Nothing's impenetrable, you just gotta find the chink in the armor

Sabine: Well good luck finding a chink in this armor. Cause it's a real work of art, it's blastproof, got ray shields, motion sensors, mine fields, anti ship batteries, a full garrison of Stormtroopers, multiple TIE Squadrons on standby, and short and long range scanners

Hera: The scanners will be no problem

Sabine: That still leaves the full garrison of troopers and guard posts along the wall. Now once we're in the hard part is gonna be getting out, you know cause it's a prison 

Y/N: What if we sneak in low towards the lower platform, that way we'll literally fly underneath the radar. Hera i'm sure you can easily fly through those canyons?

Hera: I can

Sabine: Mmm, even if you can the platform has a heavy guard presence and is blast proof not to mention the auto turrets they got

Kanan: What about here? There's a small trooper presence, we can take them down and make our way up the Spire where the isolation cells are, free Luminara and come back the way we came in

Chopper: {Chirping}

Sabine: You'd have to be crazy to try that plan

Kanan: Good, let's hope the Empire think so too




We were all currently sitting in the Phantom a small shuttle like ship that attaches to the rear of the Ghost. It was all of us except for Chopper who stayed behind in the Ghost. 

Chopper: {Beeping}

Zeb: Sorry Chop, we just don't need your damage logic circuits on this one

Hera gained a look of determination as she flew through the clouds. Once they flew through the clouds she spotted the spire. 

Hera: Thirty seconds, good luck

Zeb: Luck, we'll need a miracle 

Sabine: Funny i happen to have one, four in fact

We look at Sabine and see her holding out some thermal detonators. 

Y/N: Oh i can definitely do something with these

The rear door opened and i felt the cool breeze hit my face. 

Kanan: Try and stay focused Ezra

Ezra: I thought there was no "try"?

Kanan rolled his eye's with a sigh before leaping off, he landed in between the two Troopers and he skillfully dispatched of both of them. I then leaped off after him and landed the door suddenly opened out came two Stormtroopers. Kanan leaped back and i force pulled them both towards me, i spun my staff and knocked the blaster out of the hands of the first trooper and force pushed him off the platform. I turned around spinning my staff and dodged a shot from the second Trooper. I force pulled his blaster out of his hand and bashed him multiple times in the face with my staff. He staggered back and i placed my staff behind his head and pulled him down kneeing him in the stomach. I lifted my staff up and backed up as he dropped to the ground, i then spun my staff and sliced his throat with the blades. He falls to the ground dead and Kanan and i smirk at each other, that was until. 


I moved back as Ezra landed on the platform and rolled into the door making a loud bang. We both winced as Ezra quickly stood up and backed away from the door, we readied ourselves for the door to open but thankfully it didn't. 

Kanan: What're you doing?! 

Kanan whisper yelled. 

Kanan: You were supposed to exit with Zeb, you're lucky ever Trooper in the prison doesn't know we're here

Ezra: Great leaders lead by example Kanan, i was simply following your example

 Y/N: She's got a point


The door opened up and four Storm Troopers stood on the other side. 

Zeb: Alright time to go

Sabine: Agreed

Kanan quickly used the force to rip their blasters out of their hands just as Zeb and Sabine landed. The one trooper who still has his blaster raised it to fire at Sabine, she combat rolled out of the way and grabbed his blaster and redirected it. She then elbowed him in the chest staggering him, she then grabbed his arm and broke it over her knee causing the trooper to scream. She then let go of his broke arm and spin kicked him off the platform. Kanan used the force to push of two troopers while Zeb grabbed the last one, the two shared a look and Zeb just straight up tossed his ass off the platform. 

Y/N: While i agree with you Ezra please try and not to do that again okay? Stunts like that can put not only you but everyone else in jeopardy  

Kanan: Which is why you need Luminara to teach you discipline 

Ezra: I was just following your example

Kanan: Well try to stay focused and follow the plan instead



Sabine: Uh, i hate to interrupt but i need Ezra over here to open the door

Ezra: I'm on it

Ezra walked over and pulled out a knife and used it to pry off the cover panel. She then started rewiring the door. After a few seconds the door opened up and we made our way inside. 

Ezra: Really? No "thank you"?


Ezra: Ow!

Zeb: Congrats you did your job, wanna medal?

Ezra: Not but a thank you would be nice

Kanan walked to the front but stopped. 

Kanan: Luminara's here. I sense her presence, but i sense something else, something...darker

Y/N: Then we need to get her out fast

Sabine walked over and pressed a couple keys on a nearby console. 

Y/N: Where's Luminara?

Sabine: Uh, Detention block CC-01. Isolation cell 0627 

Kanan: Wait they have Isolation cells on the lower levels? Fuck, we're planning this off outdated Schematics  

Y/N: Alright it doesn't matter now, we're already here so let's get her out

Kanan: Dam right, but the plans changed

Zeb: You got a backup plan?

Kanan: Figuring out one right now, Zeb, Sabine you're coming along

We all head into the Turbolift. 

Zeb: So we're supposed to hold our escape route here?

Kanan: The Turbolift is our escape route

We all huddle inside the turbolift and it's been quiet but after a few seconds Sabine spoke up. 

Sabine: *Sigh* I swear his plans get worse and worse every time

Zeb: Let's just hope he doesn't change it again 

Kanan: Uh...i'm standing right here

Ezra: We know

Hera: *Yawning*

Hera meanwhile was currently sitting inside the Phantom which was attached to the side of the guard post. She was currently playing a game on her datapad that involved cards when she glanced at the radar. 


Hera: Uh oh, company

Hera then got the ship ready and looked around but didn't see any TIE's. 

*Muffled wings fluttering*

Hera looked around ready to fly away but she didn't see anything....until she looked right. 

Hera: AHHHH!!

Flying outside staring Hera in the face was some sort of creature. 

Hera: You're no TIE Fighter 

The creature then flew behind the Phantom and bumped into it. 


Hera: Hey watch it!

*Muffled screeching*

Suddenly two more creatures appeared and started bumping into the ship. 

Hera: Hey!

Hera then looked at Sabine's jammer and saw it was sending out a single of some sort of signal. 

Hera: Damm, Sabine's jammer is sending out a

*Muffled thudding*

*Muffled groaning*

Hera then blushed heavily before turning on the ship. 

Hera: Nope. Nope. Not happening. Sorry guys, hopefully i'm not needed anytime soon

Hera then flew off as the creatures flew after her. 

Two Stormtroopers were standing guard outside the door to the turbolift. 


The door opened up and multiple hands reached out and grabbed the two Troopers before pulling them into the turbolift. The doors closed and all that was heard by muffled grunting and punches.

The doors opened up and Kanan stepped over the knocked out body of a Stormtrooper and walked into the hallway. 

Kanan: Maintain comm silence, and whatever you do hold this lift

 Sabine: Right

Kanan, Ezra and i ran around the corner only for two Scout Troopers to round the corner. 

Scout: Hey stop right there

Kanan and i used the force and he clothslined his Trooper while i did the same except with the handle of my staff. I then pushed him down to the ground and gave it a twirl slicing his throat. 

Ezra: Wow, you guys aren't messing around

Y/N: There's alot more at stake here then you realize

Kanan: Let's move

We continued down the hallways avoiding any Troopers along the way until we reached the cell. 

Y/N: Wait

I moved to the edge of the door and activated my focus and saw that it was only guarded by two Stormtroopers which confused me. 

Kanan: What is it?

Y/N: There's only two Troopers guarding the door

Trooper: Any idea what this Jedi master looks like?

Trooper: No clue, don't have the clearance

Trooper: ...Think she's hot?

The other Trooper looked at him. 

Trooper: What?

Trooper: Think she's hot? I mean from what i know being a Jedi requires you to be in top physical condition which mean's alot of the females are it peak physical condition, meaning they're pretty hot and have abs

Trooper: Dude, what is it about you and chicks with abs?

Before he could get an answer a crossbow bolt pierce through his helmet knocking him to the ground. The other Trooper turned to the side with his blaster raised only to get bashed in the face. He fell to the ground as Y/N stepped over him. 

I used the force to open up the door and we entered the cell and there she was. Luminara was currently sitting on the floor huddled in the corner with a metal collar that went around her neck. The metal collar was attached to a chain that ran into the wall. 

Kanan: Master?

Luminara: Hmmm...what trickery is this Inquisitor? What game do you play with me now?

Luminara says in a low voice while not looking at us. I then walked over and kneeled infront of her. 

Y/N Master Luminara? It's me

She then slowly looked up and her ocean blues eye's met my yellow eyes. 

Luminara: Y-Y/N?

She then slowly reached her hand out and caressed the side of my face. I then place my hand on her and ran my thumb over her knuckles letting her feel my warmth. 

Luminara: Y-you're real, and i see you've grown

Luminara says smiling slightly. 

Y/N: I have

Luminara: Why have you come here?

Y/N: We came here to rescue you, come on let's get that collar off you, Kanan

Kanan walked over and pulled out his Lightsaber and slashed the chain holding Luminara to the wall. I then helped her up and we made our way to the door. 

Luminara: I'm grateful to you all, but you shouldn't have come

Ezra: Why is that?

???: It's quite simply really

We look towards the voice and saw it came from a Pau'an male. He had pale white skin with red facial markings. He was wearing a grey outfit with black armor which had the Imperial logo on his shoulder pads.  

???: Greetings, i'm the Grand Inquisitor

He then holds out his lightsaber and ignites it to reveal a crimson red blade. Kanan quickly ignited his lightsaber while i grabbed my staff. 

Inquisitor: I see you've managed to free master Luminara an impressive feat but no matter, you won't leave this facility, alive

Ezra then got on the comms and tried to contact the other's. However she only got static in return. 

Inquisitor: I'm sorry but there'll be no reinforcements, for you at least

The Grand Inquisitor said as a bunch of Storm/Scout Troopers ran up and stood at the Inquisitor's side as the doors shut closing us in.

Inquisitor: Kill them

Commander: Open fire!

The Troopers open fired while the Scouts ran at us. Kanan rushed into battle with the Grand Inquisitor which left the rest to the three of us. 

The camera panned out as they ran at each other. Y/N ran at some troopers and leaped in the air before landing on a trooper, he pushed him to the ground and sliced his throat before standing up and holding his staff out blocking two attacks. He then backed up and twirled his staff before directing a troopers baton to the ground before spinning around and blocking another troopers strike. 




Ezra rolled to the side before two tapping a trooper in the head. She then backed up as a Trooper fired at her, Luminara rushed over and jump kicked the trooper away. She flipped in the air as another tried to bash her with his baton. She landed behind him and sent a flurry of force reinforce punches into his back before force pushing him away. She sensed something behind her and she leaped into the air as a heavy trooper fired on her previous position. She face him and grabbed him using the force and turned him around and used the force to make him pull the trigger. The trooper mowed down most of his comrades before Luminara force pushed him into a group of troopers. 

Ezra: Whoa! That was so cool

Luminara: Perhaps when we escape this i can teach you



Inquisitor: Interesting, tell me. Were you trained by Depa Billaba?

Upon hearing the name of his old Master Kanan's eye's widened in shock. 

Kanan: H-How Who are you? 

Inquisitor: Yes the Temple records were quite informative, you see when in close quarters fighting Billaba's emphasis was always on form 3

The two then lock blades and the grand Inquisitor started pushing Kanan back. 

Inquisitor: Which you seem to favor to a most pathetic degree

He then used the force to pull Kanan towards him, once he was close he then spin kicked him in the face which sent him crashing into a wall. Kanan hit the wall with a hard thud and slide down it. He was about to strike him down so i bashed the trooper away before rushing him. As his saber was coming down he saw me coming in his peripheral and quickly turned his blade to block my staff. I pulled my staff back before bashing him in the chest with it. I then force pushed him back and he hit the wall, temporally i used the opportunity to leap at him while spinning my staff. He quickly dashed to the side causing my attack to miss. I quickly stood up and twirled my staff before swinging at him. As i did i hit the triggers firing multiple crossbow bolts at him, the bolts caught him off guard as he leaned to the side as a bolt flew past his face. However he was alittle too slow as the bolt scraped part of his face leaving a long cut that went across the side of his face. 

He backed up and touched the side of his face, he looked down at his gloved hands and saw some blood. The Grand Inquisitor then smirked and gave his saber a twirl before getting into a stance. 

Inquisitor: Impressive, most impressive

I rushed him with my staff out and utilizing form 5 sent a flurry of quick and precise strikes each one with a good amount of force behind it. Form 5 was always my most preferred form along with form 3. This caused the Grand Inquisitor to back up and slip into the defensive form 3. 


We entered a deadlock and we stared into each other's eye's. 

Inquisitor: Impressive, most impressive. It seems you're able to switch between lightsaber forms on a whim, and there's very few members who've mastered all seven lightsaber forms. But seeing the way you fight and how you carry your strikes with such purpose and elegance i'd say you were trained by Master Shaak Ti

Upon hearing her name my eye's widened. I then headbutted him staggering him before force pushing back. He hit a couple troopers but he quickly stood up. 

Inquisitor: I must admit, <points saber at Kanan> while you might be a poor student <points saber at me> you my boy show promise, real promise. Now the Jedi are all but dead but you see there's another path. The dark side

Y/N: Not interested

Inquisitor: Well now that's too bad, seeing as you're going to die here

Y/N: I beg to disagree. Ezra!

Ezra: Catch!

Ezra threw the detonators and they landed in a group of troopers while one landed near the Grand Inquisitor, the other landed near the door. The beeped before exploding and the door blew off it's mounts. 

I grabbed Kanan and ran towards the blown off door where the other two were. The group ran down the hallway as the Grand Inquisitor emerged from the smoke his crimson lightsaber illuminating the surrounding area. 


The Grand Inquisitor held his saber up and ignited a second blade. Kanan and i rushed him and attacked him but because he had two blades he was able to parry Kanan's attack before thrusting his bottom blade in my direction. Being able to take on multiple opponents is the reason why i preferred using a double bladed lightsaber blade. Kanan and i attacked at the same time and he held his saber up blocking both our attacks. 

Inquisitor: Are you watching, girl? The Jedi are dead but there's another path. The dark side

Y/N: Don't listen to him Ezra, he told me the same thing it's a scam 

Ezra: Funny, i was thinking the same thing

Ezra then held up her blaster pistol and fired on the Grand inquisitor who pushed us both back. He then force pushed her back and she hit the wall hard, Luminara was right there and helped her up. 

Inquisitor: Have you taught her nothing? Tell me do you really think you can save these two? For their sake surrender them over to me

Kanan: Like hell i would!

Inquisitor: Funny, i don't remember asking

He then force pushed us away and we landed across the hall. 

Inquisitor: You're master cannot save you, girl. And i doubt that ancient relic can teach you anything. And this one clearly cannot teach you anything, he's too unfocused, undisciplined and reckless

Ezra: Funny i think we're perfect for each other 

She then started blasting and the Inquisitor sighed and easily blocked her shots. He then spun his saber and rushed her and went for a chest slashed. However Ezra jumped onto the wall and kicked off of it and flew over the Grand Inquisitor. 

He then glanced behind him and held his Saber up blocking an overhead attack from Y/N. Y/N pushed the Grand Inquisitor back before suddenly moving back and leaping over the Grand inquisitor. 

Inquisitor: I do so admire your persistence. Ready to die? 

The Grand Inquisitor ran at us while spinning his saber. I raised my staff in a defensive stance. He then rushed me and started slashing at me, i swung my staff blocking his strikes while also parrying some of his attacks. I then parried his last attack and bashed him in the face, i then placed my staff behind his neck and pulled him down and kneed him hard in the chest. He lowered his head snaking his way out. He grits his teeth and anger as he glares at me. 

Inquisitor: Okay i'm done underestimating you boy, time to die!

He holds out his hand and i feel an invisible force wrap around my neck. I then feel myself lifting off the ground as the grip around my neck tightens. 

Kanan: NOOO!!

The Grand Inquisitor suddenly froze in place and i felt the invisible hand around my neck disappear as i dropped to the ground. Ezra helped me up and i force pushed him back hard. His body flung back before suddenly stopping again, Luminara then used the force to slam him against the ceiling. 

Luminara: Run you fools!

Y/N: Come on Ezra

I grab her hand and start running away from the Grand Inquisitor. The Grand Inquisitor landed and he held his saber out and both blades ignited, and to our complete surprise the outer layer of his lightsaber started spinning around rapidly creating a wall of plasma. 

Ezra: Does yours do that?

Y/N: Come on

I say dragging Ezra along.  After a few minutes of running along we ran into Sabine and Zeb. 

Kanan: So it was a trap

Zeb: Who would've thought

Sabine: You must be Luminara, an honor to meet you

Luminara: Greetings my dear, you as well

Y/N: So what's our new escape route?

Sabine: Landing platform

Kanan: I thought it was impossible 

Sabine: Let's hope the Empire think so too

The Grand Inquisitor rounded the corner with his Lightsaber out and still spinning. 

Inquisitor: Secure the facility. Full lockdown

A few seconds later the alarm started blaring and security doors started closing slowing us down. 

Y/N: That complicates things 

We then made it to the last security door and Zeb used his vast bulk to stop the door from closing. 

Zeb: Hurry up this is harder then it looks!

We ran through and Zeb hopped out causing the door to slam shut locking the Inquisitor out. 

Zeb: Well that was easy

Y/N: Don't be so sure


Zeb yelped and ducked as the red blade pierced through the door nearly killing Zeb in the process. We ran down the long hallway and arrived at a large room blocked by a hanger door. Zeb shot the door panel which caused it to slam shut. 

Zeb: We're safe

Y/N: We're trapped

Sabine: Not for long

Sabine tried hack the door open but it was futile. 

Sabine: Dam, they locked me out, Ezra?

Ezra pulled out some tools and tried to slice the door open only to get electrocuted. She fell back and i helped her up. 

Kanan: Ezra, Y/n together

Kanan walked us both so we were now standing infront of the hanger door. 

Ezra: You sure this is a good idea?

Kanan: Yes, now picture the locking mechanism in your mind

I close my eye's and picture the locking mechanism in my mind and hold my hand out. 



Zeb: Uh, hate to be a bother but can we train the kid later?

Luminara: Sshh, let them focus. They can do it

Aftr a few seconds the large hanger door began opening up. The downside was what was waiting on the other side. Multiple squads of Stormtroopers stood on the other side and began shooting at us. 

Zeb: Time for one last miracle

Zeb pulled out his thermal detonator and threw it at the troopers, after a few seconds it blew up taking out a couple troopers. Kanan ignited his Lightsaber and we ran out onto the platform. I twirled my staff and blocked a bunch of bolts. I heard the sound of whirring and saw a Sentry turret about to fire on me, red blaster bolts started flying at me but Luminara stood infront of me and used the force to create a protective barrier. 

Y/N: Thanks

I then used the force to rip the turret off it's mounts and threw it at a trooper. Sabine radioed for Hera who quickly responded. 

Hera: Copy that, i'm bringing in the fleet

Zeb: We've got a fleet

 Hera flew in with a bunch of creatures which the troopers quickly turned their fire on. We took that as our opportunity and ran for it. After Hera destroyed a couple TIE's she turned the Phantom around and lowered it onto the platform. Everyone ran inside but i felt something behind me. I turned around and quickly raised my staff blocking an attack from the Grand Inquisitor. 

Inquisitor: You should've taken my offer boy! You would've made a great Inquisitor

Y/N: Yeah i'm gonna have to pass

I then pushed him back and soon saw i was surrounded. 

Sabine: Y/N!

Sabine shouted as she saw Y/n was surrounded. 

Kanan: Y/N!

Y/N: Guys i got an idea...DIVE

They all gained a confused look but without even thinking Ezra ran over to the controls and pushed them down causing the Phantom to dive of the cliff. 

Y/N: 'Please work'

Before they could fire i leaped into the air and slammed by hand down using force repulse to send every trooper around be flying back. The Grand Inquisitor stabbed his lightsaber into the ground but still skidded back leaving a long scorch mark. I then took my chance and hauled ass to the cliff, i then turned around and jumped off but not without giving them all the double bird. Once i was clear i turned around and felt the wind hitting against my face. After a few seconds of falling i spotted the Phantom and brought my arms close together making myself more aerodynamic and faster. I rapidly approached the Phantom and saw Zeb handing out with his hand extended as Sabine and Kanan were holding onto him. Once i was close i held my hand out and grabbed Zeb's hand.

Zeb: Got 'em!

The Phantom then leveled out and my body dropped down but Zeb quickly pulled me in. Once i was in the door shut and Sabine was not happy. 

Sabine: What the fuck was that?! That was your idea?! You could've gotten yourself killed! 

Y/N: Wouldn't be the first time i've done something like that, guess you guys are rubbing off on me

Sabine: *Sigh* I can't even believe you're joking about this right now

Luminara: That was a very foolish move Y/N

Y/N: I was surrounded what was i supposed to do?

Ezra: Literally anything but that

They both then turned their backs to me. 

After an hour or so we were now back on Lothal. I made my way to common room but felt Sabine brush past my shoulder. I sighed and used the force to stop her and turn her around. 

Y/N: Okay Sabine i get it your mad but i can't understand why

Sabine: Oh maybe for starters jumping over a cliff, you're also idiotic, reckless, stubborn

Y/N: And that's why you like me so much right?~

Sabine: And what makes you think i like you?

Y/N: Well for starters~

Before she could say anything i placed my hands on the sides of her face and pulled her into a kiss. I heard everyone gasp at this and i didn't even know they were in the room. After a few seconds i pulled back and i could tell Sabine was shocked as her mouth was left completely agape. 

Sabine: Y-You just kissed me!

Sabine said with anger...or was she flustered either way her face was beat red. 

Y/N: And i made you blushed~

Sabine: I-I am not! Shut up

She then brushed past me and made her way to her room. I then looked and saw everyone else standing there. 

Y/N: What?

They all left without a word. 

After some time passed and talking with Kanan and Luminara we walked towards the ramp where Ezra was currently sitting. She of course thought that Kanan was gonna hand Ezra off to Luminara but it was actually quite the opposite. We all had a discussion and found that seeing as i never completed my training that together Kanan and Luminara would teach both me and Ezra about being a Jedi. And of course Kanan brought up the whole relationship thing again but i doubled down on what i said to him earlier and to my surprise Luminara actually agreed, saying it's time for the new generation of Jedi to rise up and not be shackled by the past. One things for sure though, the Empire's in trouble. 

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