Constellations | Regulus Black

By amazinghumangenius

171 3 0

Regulus Black the reserved Slytherin heir, burdened with the weight of pureblood expectations. Melody Rowe... More

You're a literal mole rat
great, another muggleborn
Aforementioned Apples
I levitate my professor
Ickle Reggie's got a crush
That was intense dude
A Tingly Sensation
Bombs are fun

The boarding school in Scotland

13 0 0
By amazinghumangenius

Melody's POV:

"Good morning incredible people!" Melody sang as she waltzed out of the bathroom. "mfffgaghhh" she giggled as she tried to wake Camila, who currently had her head face down in her pillow and could potentially be suffocating. Isabelle, who was sitting on the floor in front of their full length mirror doing her hair, also laughed at Camila now being quite literally dragged out of her bed by Melody.

"Come on Camila, we want to go to breakfast and you're not even dressed" Melody whined. "It's true her stomach sounds like a whale. I think it's actually trying to communicate with us" Melody gave her a really look from Camila's bed "okay that was slightly uncalled for but yes I am hungry so let's go" she clapped in her face to wake her up. After basically having to push Camila into the bathroom they were finally ready to head to breakfast.

She strolled into the great hall, very ready to devour the whole table of food. "Melody over here" she turned to see Lily waving her over to the Gryffindor table, she was sitting amongst three other people who she recognised as Marlene, Alice, Mary and Eleanor. Lily talked about them a bit during their time at the library. "Hey great to finally meet you guys I'm Melody, this is Camila and Isabelle"
"Hello, great to meet you"

Camila gave a nod and gave a slight wave, still not very pleased about how she was woken up this morning. Being awake at 7 am on a weekend had to be a criminal offence.
"Hello ladies, and how are we doing on this fine evening" a boy, with curly hair and round thin rimmed glasses, slid over to their side of the table. "Splendid, until you came along Potter" Lily scoffed without evening sparing him another glance. He grinned "oh hello Hufflepuffs, the name's Potter, James Potter" Melody shook his hand lightly "Melody, you a fan of Bond then?"
"Oh yeah! My dad managed to get his hands on the first one. It was absolutely spiffin'!" Melody grinned at his enthusiasm, he remined her of an excited puppy of sorts. Three other boys joined them shortly after "oh great now he's brought along the whole gang. yay" Lily said sarcastically, just loud enough for the people next to her to hear.

There were four of the rowdy boys: James (who she just met), a very timid looking boy with sandy blonde hair, opposite him sat another boy with shoulder length, black hair and grey eyes - which she definitely recognised- and lastly Remus Lupin... back up REMUS LUPIN "So this is the boarding school in Scotland!" all eyes turned to her, startled at her sudden outburst. Remus looked up from his plate too shocked to see Melody already looking straight at him, eyebrows furrowed with confusion. "Oh um.. yeah I guess so?"
"And you just failed to mention the fact that it was magic?" 

"Well yeah, I mean I can't just go round telling everyone I'm a wizard. It's like the one rule." Melody shrugged at turned back to her food, whilst everyone was still looking between the two of them being very confused but intrigued by their short interaction. Marlene was the first to speak out of all of them "I'm sorry but do you know each other?". They looked at the two, eagerly awaiting an answer

"Oh, well we're kind of neighbours" Remus said shyly, with Melody nodding in agreement. "Now you can stop avoiding me" she said grinning at the scarred-faced boy.  "I was never avoiding you. I just didn't want to accidentally tell you the truth"
"Sure" she said sarcastically, everyone laughed and continued on with their breakfast. 

৹৹ ◊◈⁕⁘⁕◈◊৹৹

Camila and Melody waltzed into Transfiguration, arm in arm, finally parting ways to sit in their assigned seats.  She was seated next to Haley, who she remembered well from the boat ride.  Despite being wonderful at flying, this girl was dreadfully horrible at transfiguration. Melody spent most of the term helping Haley rather than doing the work herself. 

The next few lesson sped by and before she knew it, Melody was making her way to the astronomy tower at 9pm. She was rather excited as her primary school life consisted of a very rigid 8 am to 3pm structure. This was the first time she had to stay up so late to attend a class, but then again she was experiencing a lot of 'firsts' in the past few months. 

"Welcome students to astronomy. I am Professor Sinistra, please find a telescope to work with" the teacher called out from the front of the room. There were a few telescopes positioned around the room, with two stools and a small desk next to them. She made her way to one of the nearest telescope as instructed by the professor. The view from the tower was astonishing, she could see the rolling hills and the black lake, shimmering from the reflection of the stars. She was enthralled by the sight but her focus was broken by the sound of Professor Sinistra's voice "Ah, Mr Black how lovely of you to finally join us" she said with a passive aggressive voice. "Apologies professor, I lost track of time" he replied with an nonchalant tone. The teacher looked unconvinced by his weak excuse "Well you can take the last seat over there next to Miss Rowe" she pointed in the direction of Melody. 

He swiftly made his way over and said nothing as he placed his belongings down. Melody opened her mouth to start a conversation but was interrupted by Professor Sinistra beginning the lesson. 

She skimmed through the list of stars in the astronomy text book and noticed that Regulus was listed as one of the stars they would study. She turned to him and showed him the book "You're named after a star?".  He looked down at the book to see where she was pointing then back at her. He didn't reply immediately so she turned back to her work,  her mood deflated at yet another failed attempt to conversate with him. 

He glanced at her saddened expression "Yes, I am. My whole family is named with things relating to astronomy."  Melody's eyes widened at his response. "That's the longest sentence you've ever said to me" she smiled widely at him. He chuckled at her response, which just made her smile even more.

Throughout the rest of the lesson, she tried to ask him more questions. To some he replied with short yes or no but most were left unanswered. 

A/N: Thank you so much to the few of you who are reading Constellations!! It's my first book but I am so grateful and very excited, I literally screamed when I saw people added it to their reading lists. Happy reading😁

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