The Gangster and The Jester (...

By Dragonsw

6.1K 232 128

In Gotham City, violence is just the natural environment, if you weren't dressed like a bat you better hope... More

A Story and A Roomate
Bad Deal
Chaotic Success
Heating Up

Uninvited Guest

1.3K 44 28
By Dragonsw

Gotham City.

This city,  this hell hole ,  isn't for the weak.

Gotham City was Grand, from an outsiders perspective the city looked wonderful, a big bustling place filled with people like metropolis, outsiders were also idiots because when you step inside of this city , you better hope it doesn't chew you up and spit you back out.

The Rich Rule Gotham, there is no order, No law enforcement, Not truly,  half if not most of the police force have their pockets filled to look the other way and the government officials may as well be figure heads, promising change but never actually doing anything.

The Rich Rule, and the rest have to fend for themselves, doing what they can to keep their head above water and hope they just weren't another casualty on the streets.

I was one of the un-lucky ones

Until you weren't!

Let me get there querida..

Oh, sorry

My Mother was Puerto Rican, her name was Angela Gonzales, she was a hard worker, everything she ever did was to take care of me, she made sure I was fed clothed and always encouraged me to do my best in school,  you couldn't ask for a better mother.

My Father, he wasn't in the picture, or so I believed for a bit, there was never any photos but there was always a man, always present in his own way.

Y/n. 5 Years old

  y/n was currently  drawing on the table.

There was a knock on the door,  Angela stopped reading and went up to the door.

When she opened a door a man in a suit showed up with flowers.

"Suprise"  the man said presenting her the flowers.

Angela wasn't to impressed but accepted the flowers. " you've been gone longer then usual..."

" work keeps me busy you know that" the man said caressing the woman's face.

"Hm..."  Angela sounded, he always said that.

The man then looked over to y/n. " how's he doing ?"

"He's fine,  has everything he needs."  Angela said then looked at the man. " please speak to him."

The man didn't look too enthusiastic. " what would I even say Angela?"

"Anything." Angela pleaded. " I know he can't be with you but...he's yours..let him know your voice."  She begged.

The man looked at the boy ,  the little boy was concentrated on that little drawing , working up the nerve  he walked over to him.

" hey there bud." The man greeted the boy,

Y/n looked up at him curiously,  having never  seen the man before. " hello" he said politely.

The man gave him a smile then sat down next to him. " what you got there ?"

"  it's a helicopter."  Y/n said showing him the drawing . "  i saw one yesterday, I wanted to draw it"

The man chuckled as he analyzed the drawing, in his honest opinion this was pretty good for a five year old, he could actually tell this was a helicopter.

" well ain't you the little artist." The man said handing him back the drawing . "  keep that up and you'll be the next da Vinci ." 

" the one who painted the preety lady?" Y/n asked curiously as the name sounded familiar

" haha!" The kid was a sharp one " yup that's the one"

Angela looked at the sight and was able to smile .

That was the day I met my father....The Infamous Crime Lord, Carmine Falcone

The Big Bad Italian Man!

Heh, indeed querida.

There was several Crime lords in gotham, Carmine however was at the top of the food chain, nobody dared make a move that would effect Carmines business, lest to wish to find themselves with a bullet in their brain along with their families.

Carmine wasn't what i would consider a great father, im not oblivious to the fact he has alot of blood on his hands, but im living in gotham, i could do alot worse.

I wasn't exactly playing catch with my old man but he was always at my corner.

Y/n. 13 years old.

Y/n can be seen walking out Of his middle school, he looked to see a black vehicle, nice enough to blend in with other parked vehicles, but not nice to enough to make someone think the owner is rich, that's his ride.

"Whoa leaving so soon y/n?!" Alex, the school bully yelled from behind him, a couple of his friends with him.

Y/n didn't pay him any mind and just kept walking.

"Heh i guess it's good, gotta stop mom from choking on a dick!" Alex yelled, laughing with his friends.

Y/n slowed to a halt , insults he could handle, but no one insulted his mother, no one.

Y/n dropped his backpack, then turned around and began walking with a purpose.

"Awwww, did i touch a ner- Y/n nailed alex directly in the nose, sending him tumbling to the ground.

One of the bullys landed a hit on his face but he quickly recovered and gut punched him back.

The third kid tried to put him in a headlock, and was achieving some success until y/n clawed at his eyes forcing him to loosen up, then proceed him to kick him inn the family jewels, forcing him to cry out in pain, y/n then gave him an uppercut, which sent him to the floor.

Y/n held his hand in pain, he didn't think punching somebody would ever hurt, he avoided the stairs from other classmates and went on his way.

When y/n got in the back seat of the car, putting on his seatbelt, he was greeted by his father in the passenger seat and a bodyguard driving.

" Why you knock those kids heads in?" Carmine asked his son curiously.

Y/n looked at his bruised hand "they made fun of mom.."

He expected to get a lecture, thats what he got from the teachers but instead, Carmine opened up the glove compartment and pulled out a icepack, and offered it to Y/n.

"Lay that on your hand." Carmina advised, y/n did so and the pain in his hand began to die down. " Defending your family, you did the right thing, don't ever let anyone in this town think you're weak, they will make you pay for it."

Y/n nodded heeding his words." yes sir"

"And hey thats a nice arm you got on ya, how do you feel about boxing?" Carmine suggested.

"Boxing is preety cool." Y/n said interested.

"Hehe, thats what i like to hear." Carmine said with a smile as they drove off.

Despite the fact he didn't live with me i gotta give the man credit he certainly made time for me, he thought me how to survive in gotham, how to drive, hell i even picked up italian from him, didn't that put a smile on his face.

I knew him and my mother weren't on the best of terms, he clearly loved her but my mom had trouble giving that love back because despite what he was doing to fund my education and keep a roof over out heads, we were still here and he was out there, living lavishly with the best money had to offer at all times, it wasn't a good feeling.

Y/N, 14 Years old.

"Mama, how did you and dad meet?" Y/n asked curiously as he did his homework.

"Hm..." Angela said giving it some thought. " i was a server at a coffee shop, he went to it alot, and the waitress were too afraid to survive, pobrecitas thought they were going to get killed, but i wasn't."

"Why not?" Y/n asked curiously.

" i figured If that was how i was going to die, then so be it." Angela said with a shrug. "So i served him coffee, he would start talking , interested in where i was from and all of that, and it snowballed from there." Angela said as she looked for a word on her crossword puzzle.

"Do you regret it?" Y/n asked, wondering how she felt about him.

"Sigh.... I will not deny he is good to me, he has never struck me, he shot anyone  who got too handsy with me at the Café, i just wish..." Angela trailed off sadly. " i wish he didn't treat us like a secret....i wish i had known he was married when i met him..." angela said bitterly.

Y/n gave his mother a sad look, he agreed with her, it wasn't a nice feeling knowing that your father didn't want to reveal you to save his own skin, Angela gave him a smile and gently grabbed his hand.

"But i have you.....and he is good too you, that is enough for me." Angela said giving her son a sweet smile.

Y/n smiled back as he gently held her hand.

" I hope i have better luck when i find a woman, but people are so crummy here i don't think it's worth it." Y/n said unenthusiastically.

"No digas eso," Angela said seriously. " We have to take a chance on people, give them a chance to show you who they are." Angela gave him a confident smile. " when you do that i promise you'll be surprised."

Y/n could only smile at his mother's optimism. " if you say so."

"I know  o." Angela countered, she then pointed at his homework. " Now keep doing your homework, do you think Thomas Wayne Slacked off to get where he is?"

"Im working, im working." Y/n said sheepishly, as he got back to what he was doing.

Mom Was the best, truly a bright light in the bleak city.

I just don't.....i don't understand why i had to lose her...

I dont like this part.....

I know...

Y/n, 17 Years Old.

Mom was sick, stomach cancer, had it for a while, it was easy to ignore at first with dad pouring money into her medical expenses and getting her into the best hospital in Gotham, but ....i guess it was just delaying the inevitable.

Y/n was seen seated , tapping his foot impatiently while father paced around the room with goons standing guard, his mom had collapsed and she was rushed to the hospital, he had been waiting a long time for some kind of response

The Doctor eventually walked out,

"How is she please tell me?!" Y/n said quickly standing up.

The doctor had a grim expression. "Your mother....has passed away.....there was nothing we could do."

It felt like the world came crashing down, y/n couldn't believe what he just heard, he refused to, it just couldn't be.

"No...No....NO!" Y/n yelled as he roughly pressed the Doctor against the wall. " DON'T LIE TO ME!"

Carmine had to wrap his arms around y/n and pull him off.

"Let him go!" Carmine yelled at him.

"SHE CAN'T BE DEAD!" Y/n yelled as he tried to fight him off.

Y/ns anger transitioned into pain, as he lost his balance and began to cry.

"She can't be dead....mama..." y/n said painfully as he broke down.

" I know..i know.." carmine said, his voice filled with sorrow, as he held his son.

That was the worst day of Y/ns Life.

A.few months later. Gotham Cemetery

Y/n was currently standing in-front of his mothers grave, he came here as frequently as he could, simply greeting her, telling her about his day and venting as he usually would, he knows he wouldn't get a response back but, he felt like if she was listening from up there, he felt like even though she was gone, she could still guide him.

"You know we come her alot, i wonder if she gets tired of all the flowers."

Y/n looked over to his father walking up with a small bouquet of roses.

"I think she would be mad if we didn't bring them."
Y/n lightly joked, as carmine put the flowers gently on the ground.

"Hehe." Carmine chuckled and gently rubbed the headstone before standing up. "How you doing kid?" Carmine asked.

Y/n shrugged. " doing the best i can i guess."

" i noticed your not in college as frequently." Carmine commented, y/n was enrolled in an art school, him and angela saw his talent for drawing and painting and encouraged it, but y/n had been neglecting his assignments, y/n would have gotten kicked out a while ago if he hadn't given the higher ups a gentle warning.

"Sigh...kinda hard to worry about college when the woman wanted me to go there is gone." Y/n said looked at his mothers stone.

"Well, what did you plan on doing otherwise?" Carmine asked curiously, wanting to gauge where his sons head was at.

Y/n looked at his father. " let me work for you."

Carmine sighed. "Y/n, we've talked about this."

Y/n scoffed. " yeah when i was like 14, cmon i don't have to be at your big meetings it can be close to the ground, you know I'm good with a gun." Y/n argued.

Carmine couldn't deny that, y/n had an uncanny talent with a gun, when carmine had picked him up from his MMA gym, a rival syndicate tried to catch them in a drive by, color him impressed when y/n grabbed a goon from one of his goons and popped the tires sending the guys crashing into the wall, his best guys didn't have that kind of talent.

Carmine patted his sons back. "Walk with me." Y/n followed.

"Kid this isn't as simple as me wanting you to work for me or not, theres rules to this life, the unfortunate reality is your a bastard, and i got snakes disguising themselves as allies who would love nothing more then to whack you if they found out about you, and it dont help that you ain't what they would call pure." Carmine explained.

Y/n nodded, getting his looks from his mother he had gotten a fair amount of slurs in his life time, he'd argue he was more Italian than them, he knew the language.

"But thats only the half of it, i swore to your mother i wouldn't make you part of this life, she wanted you to be good, to go to college and have your self a good life, do you really think she would be happy if you chose that life?" Carmine asked seriously.

Y/n the more he thought about, the more he began to understand, he could handle himself but he could just see the look of disappointment on his mother if he did this. "No"

Carmine nodded. " Glad you understand Mio figlio( my son)."

Carmine then placed his arm around his son.
"I Appreciate the eagerness though, i wish my other kids had your sense, now i want you to get back to working hard, i ain't paying your tuition just for you to slack off."

Y/n chuckled. " Yes Sir."

"Oh and before i forget i got you something, call it an early birthday present." Carmine said handing him a small box.

Y/n opened it up, it was a rather expensive looking watch.

" I mean thanks but, you know I'm not big on watches." Y/n said with a smirk, he wasn't big on jewelry.

"I know that, the gift is what the watch means." Carmine said as he rolled up his sleeve and showed the same watch. "There only two of these watch in got the other one, that right there is gonna be a reminder of who you are to me, make idiots think twice and look the other way."

Y/n nodded, as he put on the watch. " huh...and if they don't?"

"Well you always packing your heat aren't ya?" Carmine asked with a smirk.

Y/n smirked, he already knew the answer to that.

And so it was, I wasn't gonna gonna become a part of my fathers empire, so i focused on college and stayed out of trouble as much as i could, and smartly using the funds he provided for me, things were going good.

Until they weren't!

Heh, thats right querida, until they weren't.

Y/n. 25 Years Old.

Y/n had already graduated by this point, he decided to remain in his mother's apartment, he preferred to not bring attention to himself and he didn't need a big fancy house, he had everything he needed.

Y/n was currently doing some pushups in his living room, when sudden he heard some knocking on the door.

Y/n got up and put on a white tank top, he kept his gun on him because not many knock on his door and theres always one thats bold enough to try something.

"Y/n looked through the peephole, ah it was frank, dads, chauffeur, he was one of the few people close to his dad that knew they were related.

"Hey frank, what you doing here so early?" Y/n said opening the door completely.

"Got some bad news kid." Frank said in concerning. " your pops he uh....he got arrested."

Y/n eyes widened. "What the fuck?...but how...doesn't he have the police department in his pocket?" Y/n said in shock, he knew in the back of his mind his pops might someday get arrested or Killed, he just didn't think something like this would happen so soon.

"He does but unfortunately it wasn't that simple this sure you've heard about the batman am i right?" Frank asked.

Y/n nodded, the batman or the dark knight as he heard some people call him was Gotham's superhero you could say, though since he didn't live that deep in the city he wasn't that privy to his presence.

"Well, let it be known that pointy eared freak must have a detective working with him, he found some damning evidence, there was no way around it carmine had to plead guilty, hes serving 25 to life." Frank informed him.

Y/n just shook his head as he heard everything. " what? Is that it? Is pops done?" He asked wondering if this was the end of his father's reign.

"Hah! Have little more faith than that kid,  put on a hoodie and get in the car." Frank said motioning him to follow.

Y/n raised an eyebrow. " where we going?"

"To Gotham Prison of course, Your dad wants to have dinner." Frank said as he got in the car.

Y/n just looked at frank in sheer confusion. " dinner?!....In Prison?!"


Y/n had soon arrived at  the prison,  he had his hood up and avoided looking directly into the eyes of any inmates as he and some guards walked past them.

Y/n soon arrived, to a large cell, if you could even call it that.

Im font of him was a large room that houses a plasma tv, a king size bed,  a fridge and bathroom, and still plenty of space to have a large table set up for dimmer , his father at the head of it.

"Hey look who's here , come in." Carmine said with a smile as he motioned for a guard to open the gate. " how you doing?

"  I should be asking you that." Y/n said as he entered and looked around the room. " are you sure you're serving 25 to life?" Y/n asked confused.

"Ahh" carmine said waving his hand. "This is just what a bit of money in the right pockets gets you, so you hungry?"

Y/n nodded as he took a seat. " yeah I could eat."

Soon they had started eating  Michelin caliber meals and started discussing the current state of affairs.

" so I don't get it,  the Batman took you down, so what happens now?"  Y/n asked confused

"Going about buisness as usual, don't let the sentence fool you, your old man still is still running shit." Carmine said with a cocky smirk. " and  once my lawyers find some loopholes I can be out of here in no time, then again I'm in no rush." Carmine said gesturing to his "cell"

Y/n nodded. " but you gotta admit , people might take advantage of this , anybody I should be aware of?"  Y/n asked.

Carmine gave it some thought. " the heads of the family won't think to do something foolish, your other brother is keeping my seat warm."

Ah Mario , he's met the man once or twice, neither of them have anything good to say to each other, and from the looks of it dad and him seem to always be at odds but it's never devolved into anything to serious.

" though there is one guy that I want you to steer clear from if you can."  Carmine. " this fucking maniac...the joker."

Y/n  knows that name, he's  heard it on the news a few time, really messy stuff, apparently  his whole Schtick is being a clown .

"The names rings a bell but what's so dangerous about a clown?" Y/n asked.

" Mob families are predictable,  we know what we are gonna get doing business and altercations,  but that man? Pure insanity, you never know what he's gonna pull next, thankfully he seems to do things for his amusement and is not bothered with us, but if he's in the neighborhood and decides to change his tune don't be stupid, can't be too careful with a guy like that."  Carmine warned seriously.

Y/n was suprised he was taking a clown this seriously but he knew better than to ignore his warnings. " alright."

"But that's not who I'm really concerned about." Carmine said pushing that aside. " there's a new guy gaining power fast, they call him Richard Sionis, some rumors say he's called black mask,  the way he's making moves , I can only guess what he's trying to pull right now." Carmine said.

Before they could continue talking Carmine  noticed the guards leave their post, and entered  their cell.

" what's goin on?" Carmine asked confused.

Suddenly a guard put  y/n in a head lock and dragged him out of the chair, then the second gaurd yanked Carmine of off his chair.

"DAD-ARGH!"  Y/n cried out as he felt himself get shanked in his side.

"Quite down, it will all be over soon." The gaurd said as he shanked him repeatedly.

Y/n saw his father struggling  to hold back the gaurd.

Y/n then bit harshely into the guards arm.

"AGGHGHH!" The gaurd cried out as broke the headlock  and punched y/n , right at the corner of his eye.

Y/n was disoriented but remained standing , the gaurd the took several swipes , y/n caught his wrist and disarmed  him  then elbowed his throat, breaking his Adam's apple, he then grabbed  the man by his collar and threw him face first against the corner of the table , caving his face in.

Y/n then quickly grabbed the shiv and went over to the second gaurd, he yanked him back and dragged the knife Harshly through his neck and threw him to the floor.

"Dad!" Y/n said as his father was on the ground l he had a few stab wounds. "  talk to me"

" ngh, I'm fine ." Carmine grunted holding his side."

Soon frank and another guard came in, shocked by what they saw.

"What the hell happened?!" Frank yelled as he went over to the too.

" nearly got whacked that's what happened, who the fuck are they?" Carmine said as he sat up.

franks  gaurd looked over the 2 now dead attackers. " these aren't one of ours..."

Y/n walked over to the nearest one and checked his pockets , he had a phone on him, y/n used his face to unlock the phone.

Y/n saw a Text thread, this was a planned hit, by Pino Moroni.

" it was a fucking hit, Pino Moroni, motherfucker!" Y/n said as he slammed a hand on the table.

" think Mario decided to backstab us?" Frank asked as he placed a towel to carmines side.

" No, Pinos the problem , he left the family remember, trying to build something of his own, this must have been his big plan, ngh..."  Carmine grunted in pain.

"We can't let him get away with this." The gaurd said angry this happened.

" if I send our guys at his door step as miniscule as he is they're gonna know I had a hand in ordering it." Carmine said, the plan was to make move's quietly , he can't order a gun fight on a small operation, he risked looking his grip on his syndicate and all his resources at the prison.

" you won't have too." Y/n said. " send me"

"Y/n No" carmone denied

"Dad please just hear me out, they gonna be expecting you to retaliate, but they don't know me,  Just give me a mask and let me roll up on those fuckers and put Pino in the dirt." Y/n said  as he walked up to his father.

" what if one of them sees you and escapes?" Frank asked

"Let them, this is bigger than privacy now" y/n then looked at his father. " This is personal dad...let me do this." Y/n, his words fueled with rage, he damn near lost his father, he couldn't let that slide.

Carmine gave what he told him some thought, but ultimately nodded. " alright." He then looked at the gaurd. " take him to the armory then drop him off."

"Yes sjr." The guard nodded.

"This is gonna put on your back but something tells me you never really cared about that, Something goes wrong you call, understand?" Carmine said in a no nonsense tone.

Y/n nodded. "got it" as he and the Guard walked out.

"We should probably stop at the infirmary." The gaurd advised to y/n.

"Fuck that, there's not a moment to lose." Y/n said as they headed to the armory.

"Do you really think you can pull this off on your own?" The guard said concerned.

"Yeah..." Y/n said as they finally got to the armory. "I do."


Y/n was soon dropped off near the location Pino ran a drug business in a small building, there was about twenty guys currently working for him, he liked those odds.

Y/n was currently walking up to the entrance with two goons guarding it.

" i wanna buy some angel dust." Y/n said.

"You like you need hospital first." The goon joked as y/n had a bloodshot eye from the punched he received and was still covered in blood.

"Yeah, looks like he went through a cheese grater" the second goon joked as well.

Y/n then pulled out a generous stack of money. "I can pay for it." He said handing it to them

The two goons looked at each other and shrugged They took the money and motioned for y/n to follow.

Idiots, they didn't even check him for weapons.

Y/n walked in and as expected a small operation, looking like they were prepared for an assault.

Y/n was soon face to face with several goons, slacking off and smoking , with pino maroni seated on a sofa smoking and counting money.

"The hell are you two doing, who is this busted moolinyan?" Pino said looking at y/n.

Y/n said nothing, he was just keeping track of how many were in the room.

"Said he's here to by some product, got the money too." The goon said tossing the wad of cash to pino.

Pino caught it and began counting the money. " Damn idiot, have you taken a look in the mirror, its a god given miracle you aint dead." Pino said with a smirk.

Y/n glared at pino. " I ain't the only one.." he growled.

Pino looked at him with a raised eyebrow. " the hell are you talking about?"

"You fucked up pino.." y/n rolled up his sleeve revealing his watch. "Carmine falcone is still alive.."

The room was dead silent, you could hear a pin drop, everyone in the room was stunned.

Pino looked at y/n, then looked at his desert eagle on the table in front of him,

Y/n locked eyes with Pino daring him to grab the gun.


Pino went for it

Big mistake.

In the blink of an eye, Y/n had pulled out two uzis from his waste and aired them our.

Pino was left a mess on the couch, now all that was left were the goons.

One by one the henhmen fell, y/n proving to be to much for them to handle.

it was a bloodbath, bodies were littered across the floor, Pino Moroni and his little drug operation was done.

Y/n dropped his empty Uzis and pulled out his phone, calling up his father.

"Y/n, you okay kid?" Carmine said clearly worried.

"Yeah, it's done, a couple a goons might've escaped but pino is dead and this place isn't gonna recover." Y/n said looking around the place.

"Thats what i like to fucking hear!" Carmine said proudly over the phone. " but no time to sit around, get the hell out of there before the cops show up, they can't look the other way if they catch you in the middle of it." Carmine warned.

As if on cure y/n could hear sirens. " Say no more." Y/n then hung up and ran out the back door, he found frank waiting for him, the back seat of the car open.

"GET IN!" Frank yelled.

Y/n ran and dove into the car. "Hit The Gas!" Y/n yelled as he quickly shut the door.

Soon they were off.

After that , the rumors about me being Carmines son grew, i became a man to steer clear of after what i did to pino, Sal Maroni wanted to retaliate but didn't knowing my father would end his entire operation at the snap of his fingers.

Baby thats great but when are you going to get to my favorite part?!

I will querida i will, in fact your favorite part is next.


From here on out, no more flashbacks, you could say this is where the story truly begins.

A Month Later.

Y/ was currently known his couch watching TV, It was the middle of the night raining, and he was watching a reporter talking about a chemical plant that blew up in gotham a few days ago.

"I should be heading to bed soon." Y/n said with a light yawn.


Y/n looked to his door confused. "What the fuck?" He said to him self, grabbing a Tec-9 of off the small table in front of him, nobody knocked at his door at this time of night.

"Hellooo!" A feminine voice cried out behind the door before knocking harshly again.

Y/n quickly walked up to the door and looked through the peep hole, it was a woman ...very pale and soaked and...dressed like a jester? Oh only in gotham.

Y/n opened the door but kept the chain lock connected. " what the fuck do you want?" Y/n growled keeping his gun hidden at his side.

The Woman looked relieved. "Oh my god thank goodness!" The woman said , her strong accent letting him know she was a gotham resident. " Ive got some really mean people after me, i need a place to hide please." The woman begged.

Y/n raised his eyebrow, oh she could not be serious. " Not my problem." Y/n said a he shut the door close.

"WAIT PLEASE I DON'T KNOW WHERE ELSE TO GO PLEASE!" The woman begged banging on the door once again.

Y/n looked through the peep hole again, the woman began to cry as she begged for entry.

Y/n would not be swayed by tears and just walked away and began to ignore her.

"But what if.." he asked himself in the back of his mind as he stopped.

What if she really needs help? What if she dies if he turns his back on her now.

Oh cmon, he can't seriously be showing sympathy for this clown chick, this is recipe for disaster,

"But what if.." his mind asked once again.

He wracked his head wondering what to do, then his mother's words echoed through his head.

" We have to take a chance on people, give them a chance to show you who they are. When you do that i promise you'll be surprised."

Y/n sighed and looked at the door. "Fuck.." y/n groaned before walking to the door and unlocking it, finding the woman seated on the ground. " Get in here"

The woman got the brightest and hopeful smile on her face, it tugged at his heart a bit. "Ya really mean it?!"

Y/n just gestured her in. "Don't make me regret it now cmon!" Y/n said motioning her in.

The woman bounced to her feet. "YAY!" She celebrated as she skipped.

Y/n just looked at her with a perplexed expression, she was just sobbing a moment ago he shook his head.
" Your Soaked, go in the bathroom, there's towels." Y/n said as he closed the door.

The woman saluted to him. "You got it mistah." And skipped to the bathroom.

Y/n just shook his head.


Y/n rolled his eyes, of course more are knocking. "What?" y/n groaned harshly as he kept the door open with the chain lock again and his gun hidden.

Now stood before him two men, in suits, part of a crime family if those nice suits were anything to go by.

"Hey kid, sorry to bother you this time of night but have you seen a clown chick run through here?" The lead guy asked with a smile.

Y/n just shook his head. "No, can't say i have."

The man didn't look convinced. "Really? Well this is a dead end ally and we saw her take a turn here, you sure?" The look on his face silently telling Y/n to reconsider his answer.

The woman was peaking her head out of the bathroom, a worried look as she thought y/n was gonna give her up.

Y/n just shook his head again. "No fucking clown woman here man."

The woman began to grow a smile, he was protecting her.

The man looked like he was loosing his patience now. "Well its important we find that broad so you don't mind if take a look around right?" The man said with that ugly smile

"I do mind, get lost." Y/n said unamused.

"Hehe, this kids funny." The man told his partner, he then pulled out a pistol and cocked it. " That wasn't a fucking request."


The two man looked to see Y/n with an uzi at his hip aimed at both men. " Wanna run that by me again?"
Y/n growled out.

The man now looked furious , looking mere seconds away from trying to shoot y/n, his partner however noticed something on y/ns wrist and his serious expression changed to shock.

"We have to leave now" the man told his angry partner.

"No fucking way! I aint about to let this mooly-

"Look at his fucking wrist you idiot." The man whispered into his ear.

The angry one looked, and his whole demeanor changed, as though he couldn't believe it.

"It's carmines bastard, you heard what he did to Pino, never mind what he can do, what do you think carmines gonna do if he finds out we attacked him?" The man whispered harshly.

The Angry One glared at y/n, genuinely wanting to say fuck it and try his luck, but he ultimately put his gun away and walked away in angry huff.

"Arrivederci (goodbye)" the calm man said to y/n.

"Non tornare mai più (don't ever come back)" y/n warned harshly before slamming the door.

Y/n leaned on his door and looked to see, the woman standing in front of him with an eternally grateful smile, she was about to speak but y/n held up a finger and honed his hearing.

He heard a car starting up and driving off, good, he gave the woman the go ahead to speak.

" I owe you my life mistah!" The woman spoke happily. " you won't regret this i promise."

Y/n just continued to look at the woman, getting a good look now she was dressed like a jester at a carnival, which clung to her figure nicely, she was pale, unnaturally so, but what stood out to him were those eyese, they were beautiful blue and those dark red lips, honestly looking over the woman now he was surprised, she was honestly attractive but he couldn't think about that now.

"Who are you?" Y/n asked seriously.

The woman just laughed. " Oh Cmon You Know Who i am?" The woman said with a smile, thinking he was joking.

"I really don't." Y/n said with his arms crossed, though he would admit she seemed familiar.

The woman gained a shock expression seeing that he was serious. "Im Harley quinn dum-dum!, can't you tell?" Harley said as he twirled and struck a pose.

Y/n tested the name on his lips. "Harley..Harley.."

Y/ns eyes then widened, he remembered now, harley quinn, a woman thats been linked with the joker, said to be very dangerous in her own right.

He looked over Harley who now had a pleased smile.

"There we go! You remember now right?" Harley asked with a full red smile.

Y/n could only shake his head and rub his face, the woman who may have been lover to one of the most dangerous people in gotham was inside his apartment. " what did i get my self into..?" He groaned to himself.

" Oh you would get into me alright..."


"What?! It's true!"



With the backstory out of the way, expect to see some fun and crazyness!

Let me know your thoughts!

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