Nocturne Valley Library

By RavenMoonspark

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In Nightvale City, the Nocturne Valley Library is known as the most magical place in the entire city. The boo... More

2: Portals
3: Demons in the House
4: Total Chaos
5: Chasing Nightmares
6: Loss
7: Grief
8: The Veiled Chamber
9: Unwavering Exhaustion of the Heart
10: An Idea
11: A Book of Dreams
12: Rituals and Rites
13: Returning Home
14: Fear is a Killer

1: The Library

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By RavenMoonspark

My story begins not in the modern times, but 650 years ago in the worlds parallel to that of humanity's. The world was to be changed. Changed by a dark entity, but that entity was bound to a library, a place where only certain people may reside, to protect everyone else. To ensure that nothing escaped.

My ancestors came forth, and fused countless beings to the books within the library. And now, I am one of them, one of the Guardians of the Nocturne library. The Nocturne library was not all I was given, in my inheritance.

I have friends and allies that help me with this endeavor. I have Lucy, my lovely best friend who was once an imaginary friend when I was young. I have Nermov, the cat who is much more than a cat. I have Fade and Farley, the twins. And I have Aerik, my loyal and brave love.

Here at the Nocturne, we have hundreds of books for all sorts, but none of them is able to leave the Library. And because of that, those who come here are bound to not remove any books, but they can read them here. I am the Librarian, but my name is Charli.

I sit at the desk in the middle of the library, my laptop resting before me, but my gaze is locked on a book. The book is one called Of Dark Queens and Warped Deeds.

The scuff of footsteps on the tile floor makes me look up. Lucy sits down across from me, her dark blue eyes shining in the candlelight. Lucy is tall, curvy, with dark skin and corkscrew curls dark as midnight. She wears a blue dress with white dots, and a pair of cute sandals. She props her elbows on the desk before me, and smiles.

"Working hard, again, Charli?"

I nod. "Yes, of course. I have no choice, Lucy."

She scoffs. "Like you are all alone here. You've got me. Aerik. Fade and Farley, and don't forget Nermov."

Hearing her name, the small, gray cat looks up from her bed and yawns. I smile at her, and turn back to Lucy. She is studying her nails, which she'd painted bright blue. She looks up at me, and her easy smile reappears.

"So, whats on the schedule for today?"

I tap my chin and look up at the ceiling. Then back to Lucy, and she smirks as I say, "Probably nothing."

But then, the door to the library is thrown open, and we both look up as the King of the Underworld walks in. His tattered suit is flowing on a phantom wind, and his black hair and salt-and-pepper beard remain still, as if the wind is only affecting his suit. The Underworld King tall, with cold, black eyes. He walks up to us, his face stern, but not young, nor old.

Lucy bows her head as he approaches us. Nermov looks up, and yawns. She mews and pads over to me, hopping up in my lap. The Underworld King, whose name is unknown to us all, is an ancient being. And he is not the only ancient being that comes to Nocturne.

"Hello, my King," I say, bowing my head.

He stops walking about four feet from Lucy. He looks at her, then me.

"Greetings, young Charli."

"What can I do for you today, Underworld King?" I ask, my tone complacent.

"My daughter, Lydia, is seeking a job. She wishes to aid you in your ... endeavors here."

"Oh! How wonderful," I say. "I don't think I've met Lydia. Would she mind coming here to meet us?"

He shrugs. "Perhaps. Lydia is my eldest child, and she is on her way right now to meet you. But I am hoping for something else, not just a job for her."

"Oh? And what is that, Underworld King?"

He waves a hand dismissively.   "Call me Valentine."

"Alright, King Valentine. What do you seek tonight?"

"Just call me Valentine. Not King in here." He sighs and steps forward once more.  "I seek a special kind of book. A book called The Dark Nights — it is an old spell book."

"Ah," I say, nodding.  "Lucy, can you watch Nermov for me? I will take Valentine here back to look at the books."

Lucy nods mutely. I pass Nermov over to her, and the cat immediately purrs as soon as she's in Lucy's lap. I stand up and beckon for the King to follow me.

Now, Nocturne Valley is what we call the more dangerous parts of the city of Nightvale. Nightvale is a massive city, and here in the valley, there's several buildings, and a few houses here and there. The Nocturne Valley Library, of course, is my home. Then there's the Ebony Unseelie Club, which is a club run by the fae.

Next, there's Diamond Dust Depot, which is a pawn shop kinda place. But everyone knows that they sell drugs from the basement of the 3D. There's a bar, called Nightshade, run by a succubus and her lovely crew of eight other females. Another bar, off on the edge of the district, called In-Between, where ghosts and their ilk go.

Finally, there's Emerald Grove, an antiques shop. The shop is a scary place, if I'm being honest. No one really knows what happens to those who cross the owner, a badass sorceress.

Valentine and I walk into the Vault, where we keep the more dangerous books. The spell tomes, the Grimoires.

He and I stop before the crystal case containing the book he's searching for. Valentine peers at it, his black eyes glittering. He nods once.

"I assume I may not leave the Vault with this book," he says. It's not quite a question, but I nod. "Very well. Then is there a place I could sit and read?"

"Yes, over there," I say, pointing to the seats on the other side of the Vault, and he sits down, as I take the book out of the crystal case.

The whispers from the spell book can be heard, and I ignore them. As I sit the book before him on the table, he opens it and begins to read. Then he looks up at me, his curious gaze locking on me.

"May I take notes on my notebook?"

I shrug. "Sure, why not."

I sense someone walk into the library, and I turn to him. "I must go help this person, okay? Will you be fine here?"

The Underworld King laughs, the sound like dead leaves scraping stone. "Yes, Charli."

I smile and nod, walking off to the front of the library.

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