(+18) Royal Guard (Hazbin/Hel...

By ndeunzjbwxjb

10.5K 241 91

(y/n) is a human that was chosen by Lucifer to be his, and all of the royal demon's, personal body guard. More

Bio + Clarifications
First Mission
You're Alive! Wait-
The Queen Bee of Gluttony
Trip to the Upstairs
The Extermination
The Hazbin Hotel
Meeting the Overlords at the Overlord Meeting
A/N: A Little Update
Quality Time With the Seraphim

Meeting the First Human + Lust Ring

842 19 9
By ndeunzjbwxjb

(y/n) pov

I wake up and put on all my gear. I open the door and see Lucifer standing outside waiting for me.

Lucifer: C'mon kid, we gotta get ready.

He teleports us to the castle. I see Charlie.

Me: Hey Charlie.

Charlie: Hi (y/n)! Hey dad can I talk to you about something.

Lucifer: Yeah, what is it?

Charlie: I was thinking, for the next meeting, I could go instead of you. The next one is a little after the extermination, so it would be a prime time to pitch it to them.

Lucifer: I'll... try to work something out, okay.

She smiled and hugged him.

Charlie: Thank you thank you thank you!

She hugged me too, and ran to the door, and waved us goodbye.

Charlie: Bye! And good luck!

Me: Thanks.

Lucifer: Alright, let's eat, and then leave.

We go to the kitchen and he makes waffles. He sets our plates down, and we start to eat.

Me: So... what is this meeting about?

Lucifer: It's a mandatory meeting, so it could be about anything. Do you have anything to discuss.

Me: I'll... have to think about it.

I take a bite and swallow.

Lucifer: How's Bee doing?

Me: Good, she seems more skittish recently.

Lucifer: I see.

We finish our meal, and walk out the door. I put my mask and hood on.

We walk down the street, and I see a few kids eating a corpse off the street.

Me: Jeez.

Lucifer: You'll get used to it eventually.

Demons stare at us as we stroll down the sidewalk.

Me: I don't like all this attention.

Lucifer: It's one of the quirks of having this job, so I guess, again, get used to it.

I felt a tug on my pants. I look down and see a little kid imp. I kneel down to her level.

Me: Hey, um, are you lost?

She shook her head, and pulled out a red flower.

Me: O-oh.

She gives it to me.

Mom demon: Stacy!

A woman demon I assume to be her mother or care taker picked her up.

Mom demon: I'm sorry, sir-

Me: It's alright, she uh... she gave me this flower.

Mom demon: Really? That's sweet of you, Stacy.

She kissed the girl on her forehead.

Mom demon: Have a good day, sir.

Me: You too.

She walked off.

Charlie: -So I could bring out the good in these people

Me: Hm.

Lucifer: C'mon kid!

He's standing near the entrance, I walk up the stairs to him, and we enter the building. I put the flower in my hoodies' pouch.

I walk through the halls of a huge building with Lucifer.

Lucifer: Also, just to warn you, Adam is a massive douche bag. He'll try to get under your skin, don't let it happen.

Me: Yes sir... wait did you say "Adam"-

He opens a door, and I see a white, gold, and grey Angel sitting down eating ribs.

Adam: Took you long enough.

Me: Oh, yeah, I see it now.

Adam: C'mon man, you're wasting my time!

Lucifer: Adam, Lute.

Lute: Lucifer Morningstar.

We sit down, and Adam continues to eat his ribs.

Adam: Oh yeah, this is the good shit.

Me: Uh... are we gonna-

Adam: Wait wait wait, who the fuck is this?

Lucifer: This is my right hand, (y/n).

Lute: That mask...

Me: Hm?

Lute: Nothing.

Adam: "The Great Lucifer" needs a right hand. How the mighty do fall, and you would know a lot about that, huh?

Lucifer balls his fist. I breath in deeply and out through my mouth, and prepare myself for what I'm about to do.

Me: Adam, this is a meeting, stop going off course.

Adam: Who the fuck said YOU could talk to me that way?

He got onto the table and bent down to look at me.

Me: Do you want me to answer honestly, or do you want me to stroke your ego.

Lucifer stifled a laugh, as Adam frowned and walked back to his seat.

Adam: Okay you prick, tell me, why are we here at this meeting?

Lucifer: He doesn't-

Me: You have been killing hell born, that wasn't in the deal that Lucifer and the High Seraphim made. You need to keep your army in check, or else something bad could happen.

They all stare at me.

Lucifer:... Shit kid you did your research. I didn't even know that was happening.

Me: Yeah, Tex, and Kiki have been talking to me about it. Some of there imp friends were almost killed by exterminators.

Adam: So what, a couple imps die, who cares.

Me: The people who made the contract, dumbass.

Adam: Ohohoho, you did not just say that!

Me: I did, what are you going to do about?

Adam: What am I going to do about it?

He smiles sadistically.

Adam: We could start going after royals, the other rings, everyone in hell. What are you going to do then? Huh?

Lucifer: Adam!

Adam: Kidding kidding.

He glares at me.

Me: 'He isn't' Well on topic of other rings. One of your girls was spotted in the Lust ring.

Lucifer's eyes widen.

Adam: And how can you prove that!?

I reach into my bag and take out a folder, handing it to Lucifer.

Me: Take a look, sir.

Lucifer skims through the images.

Lucifer: What the fuck?

I toss one of the images to him.

Me: I learn from the best, and I was taught to be on top of everything, have eyes everywhere. Keep your girls in line, or I'm taking this to the Head Seraphim.

Adam slammed his fist into the table.

Adam: You are a fucking snake, y'know that.

Me: I try my best.

Lute: Adam, let's go.

Adam:... Fine.

He looked back to me.

Adam: And (y/n)...

Me: Yeah?

Adam: Fuck you.

Me: Ditto.

They disappear.

Lucifer:... Holy shit, kid.

Me: About a month before my first mission, Kiki came over to Bee and I's house and gave me the folder. Just told me to use it for something useful.

Lucifer: I'm... jeez kid, all I can really say is... I'm proud. That was... fucking awesome! The look on his stupid face!

He picked up one of the images.

Lucifer: I didn't know... they were doing this. You found out before me!

He smiled.

Lucifer: You didn't just exceed my expectations, you fucking demolished them!

Me: I've been planning this since you asked me. Tex and Kiki helped me work on it.

He stood up and put a hand on my shoulder.

Lucifer: I'm proud of you, kid. Now c'mon, we still have some things to discuss.


At his castle, we sit in the living room.

Me: What'd you want to talk about?

Lucifer: Well, after today, I think I have more work for you than just being a bodyguard.

Me: Really?

Lucifer: It's mostly just showing up for different meetings, there's a particular one I was thinking of. The overlords of hell have a meeting every once and a while hosted by Carmilla Carmine. She was actually the one who helped make your weapon.

He takes a sip of his drink.

Lucifer: I was wondering if you'd be willing to go to them? I'll make sure Carmilla looks after you.

Me: I-... yeah, that'd be nice.

Lucifer: There was also something else, and it gave me an idea.

Me: Hm?

Lucifer: You mentioned the Head Seraphim, and how if Adam tried anything, you'd take the evidence to her.

Me: Yeah?

Lucifer: Would you... like to be an ambassador of hell? Go up to Heaven every once in a while? Y'know just check up and stuff?

Me: Yeah! Of course! That sounds great!

Lucifer: Glad you're enthusiastic about it, cause I already booked a call to Sera to discuss her opinion on it.

Me: Alright then! Uh, thank you, for giving me this opportunity, sir.

Lucifer: Don't worry about it, kid. I've been meaning to do this for a while.

I hear a knock at the door. I walk over and open it.

Me: Tex, Kiki?

Tex: Hey little man, we were wondering if you'd like to go down to the Lust ring and hang out?

Me: Uh, yeah, sure! Let me just tell Bee really quick. Oh right, uh, I guess you can come in. I'm not really sure what Lucifer's policies are with guests.

They walk in, and I text Bee that I'm going to be staying out late with some friends.

Tex: Damn this castle is huge.

I hear high heals clicking.

Verosika: Hey (y/n)~

Me: Verosika?

Tex: She tagged along.

Verosika: Don't say it like that!

We walk into the living room.

Me: Hey, sir, Kiki, Tex, and Verosika are here. They were wondering if I could hang out with them in the Lust ring.

Verosika whispers to me.

Verosika: Why are you asking him? He's not your dad.

Me: I'm a human... in hell... *gestures to self*

Verosika: Point taken.

Lucifer: Yeah, kid, go have fun! I don't want you trapped in this castle for the rest of your time here.

Me: Okay, uh, see you later, bye!

I put my mask back on, and sheath my bat. We exit the castle, and get into Verosika's car.

Verosika: You want some Beezle juice to start off?

Tex: Verosika, what did I say about him, his body wouldn't react well to it.

Verosika: Ugh!

I sit in the back next to Kiki. And we start driving.

Me: Oh yeah, Kiki, I finally found a use for those photos you gave me.

Kiki: Really? What did you use them for?

Me: To threaten Adam.

Verosika stops the car, and they all slowly look at me.

Me: What?

Tex: Do you fear death?

Me: I mean... I'm probably already going here, so not really.

Verosika: You're insane.

She starts driving again. We make it to a big gold building. We walk in, and I see wait times. Lust in 5 minutes.

Tex: C'mon little man, don't want to miss the elevator.

Intercom: Elevator 666 departing for Lust in five minutes.

We walk into the elevator. I play Tetris on my phone while we wait to depart.

The door closes after a bit. I switch to PVZ. Sit down and lean on the wall.

Kiki: Whatcha play?

I look over to Kiki who was sitting next to me.

Me: Oh u-um, plants vs zombies.

Kiki: Oh yeah, I remember that game, I think I saw some guy playing it when I went to the human realm a bit ago.

After about 10 minutes the doors open. We stand up, and walk out the building. Everything was purple, blue, and green.

Me: Woah.

Tex: Cool right?

Me: Yeah.

We walk down the street seeing people fucking in alleys and such.

Me: So, what do we do now?

Verosika: Go to big Ozzie's of course.

Me: Wait, like right now?

Kiki: Yeah, c'mon!

They walk across the street to a carnival/club looking place.

Bouncer: You gotta wait in line like everyone else- Verosika!?

Verosika: Hey Jesse, you mind let us through? We got a special guest.

He looks at me.

Jesse: And who are you.

Me: Lucifer's right hand.

Jesse: Really?

Verosika: I thought it was bullshit when I first found out, but no, it's true. So, can we pass~

Jesse: U-uh, yeah, you can.

He gestured for us to enter.

Me: This place is huge.

We walk around then find a table.

???: Well well well, look what we have here~

Verosika: Ozzie!

Ozzie: Verosika! How you been?

Verosika: Good good, shows have been selling well, single is almost ready. You?

Ozzie: Oh you know me, just work over at the factory, and running this place. Who is this little guy.

Me: I'm (y/n), pleasure to meet you, sir.

Ozzie: Aw, well aren't you adorable.

Verosika: Yeah, he's Lucifer's little trainee I told you about.

Ozzie: Oooh! That's you? You look a little...

He waves his hand around.

Me: Small?

Ozzie: Yeah...

Verosika and Ozzie talk more, I look around, and see an imp loading a angelic metal laced gun.

Me: Ozzie!

Ozzie: Hm?

I wrap Ozzie in chains and move him out of the way, the bullet hits the wall.

I get on the table and pull out my cricket bat.

Me: I swear to god if it's Striker again-

I dodge a bullet coming from behind me.

Striker: Hello, again, (y/n).

Me: Striker, can you fuck off for like one day!

Striker: I was just trying to get two birds with one stone.

I wrap him in chains, and pull him to the floor, slamming him. The imp from before ran up with a knife, and jumped at me, I dodge and use the chains to rip its head off.

Striker aims a pistol at me, I use the flat side to deflect the bullet into his shin, then hit him across the face with it. I punch him in the chest, then kick him in the nuts. I then kick him in the face, sending him sliding on his back a little.

He gets up, and throws a knife into my thigh, I take it out and throw it back at him, and it lodges itself into his shoulder.

I chain up a chair, and throw it at him. He braces for it, and it breaks across his body.

Ozzie: Aaah noo, those are expensive!

Me: I'm trying to live over here!

I dodge a punch, then he tries to axe kick me, but I block it, and knee his crotch.

Kiki: Yeah! Fuck him up!

I avoid his attacks, and look to them

Me: Could I get any sort of help!?

Verosika: Nah you got this.

He aims his pistol at me, point blank. I grab it's barrel and aim it up before he shoots. I hit his elbow, and grab the gun, then pistol whip him with it.

I throw it across the floor, he tries to slide and grab it, but I stomp on his hand.

Me: Okay, I'm tired, I've had a long day, and this was supposed to be my break-

He grabs the knife out of his shoulder and slices my ankle. I step off his hand. He grabs the gun, and jump to a window.

Striker: Until we meet again.

Me: Yeah, sure, whatever.

He hopped out the building. I fall onto my ass, and sit for a second.

Me: Does anyone have any water?

Tex brings me a bottle, and looks at my wounds. I pull the mask that covers my mouth down, and drink a bit of it.

Tex: We'll bring you back to Lucifer, he can patch you up there.

Me: Thanks.

I text him, asking him to make a portal. And so he does.

Lucifer: Kid, you okay?

Me: Yeah, just a little scuffle, nothing too bad.

Ozzie: Lucifer, how are you? good? How's Charlie doing?

Lucifer: She's doing fine.

Ozzie: Still working on the Hotel?

Lucifer: Yep!

I stand up and walk over to Ozzie.

Me: It was nice meeting you.

Ozzie: It was nice meeting you too, and thank you for saving my ass back there.

Me: It's nothing.

Ozzie: You prevented me from getting shot in the head, that's pretty big.

Me: Well when you put it that way, yeah.

Lucifer: Alright kid, lets go before you lose anymore blood.

Me: Okay.

We walk through the portal, I wave goodbye to the others. The portal closes, and Lucifer brings me to his workshop.

Lucifer: How many times am I going to have to do this.

Me:... Probably a lot.

Lucifer: Heh... you did good kid.

Me: Thanks.

He pours the alcohol on my wound.

Lucifer: Don't worry, I got this from the human realm.

Me: Alright.

He stitches the wound and wipes it off just like last time. I put my pants back on, and walk through a portal he made that lead to Bee and I's house.

Me: Bye.

Lucifer: See you tomorrow, kid.

End of Chapter

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