Meeting the First Human + Lust Ring

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(y/n) pov

I wake up and put on all my gear. I open the door and see Lucifer standing outside waiting for me.

Lucifer: C'mon kid, we gotta get ready.

He teleports us to the castle. I see Charlie.

Me: Hey Charlie.

Charlie: Hi (y/n)! Hey dad can I talk to you about something.

Lucifer: Yeah, what is it?

Charlie: I was thinking, for the next meeting, I could go instead of you. The next one is a little after the extermination, so it would be a prime time to pitch it to them.

Lucifer: I'll... try to work something out, okay.

She smiled and hugged him.

Charlie: Thank you thank you thank you!

She hugged me too, and ran to the door, and waved us goodbye.

Charlie: Bye! And good luck!

Me: Thanks.

Lucifer: Alright, let's eat, and then leave.

We go to the kitchen and he makes waffles. He sets our plates down, and we start to eat.

Me: So... what is this meeting about?

Lucifer: It's a mandatory meeting, so it could be about anything. Do you have anything to discuss.

Me: I'll... have to think about it.

I take a bite and swallow.

Lucifer: How's Bee doing?

Me: Good, she seems more skittish recently.

Lucifer: I see.

We finish our meal, and walk out the door. I put my mask and hood on.

We walk down the street, and I see a few kids eating a corpse off the street.

Me: Jeez.

Lucifer: You'll get used to it eventually.

Demons stare at us as we stroll down the sidewalk.

Me: I don't like all this attention.

Lucifer: It's one of the quirks of having this job, so I guess, again, get used to it.

I felt a tug on my pants. I look down and see a little kid imp. I kneel down to her level.

Me: Hey, um, are you lost?

She shook her head, and pulled out a red flower.

Me: O-oh.

She gives it to me.

Mom demon: Stacy!

A woman demon I assume to be her mother or care taker picked her up.

Mom demon: I'm sorry, sir-

Me: It's alright, she uh... she gave me this flower.

Mom demon: Really? That's sweet of you, Stacy.

She kissed the girl on her forehead.

Mom demon: Have a good day, sir.

Me: You too.

She walked off.

Charlie: -So I could bring out the good in these people

Me: Hm.

Lucifer: C'mon kid!

He's standing near the entrance, I walk up the stairs to him, and we enter the building. I put the flower in my hoodies' pouch.

I walk through the halls of a huge building with Lucifer.

(+18) Royal Guard (Hazbin/Helluva x Male Human Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang