Proposal || GeminiFourth

By mingefhan

17.7K 726 618

After an extensive delegation in Japan, Gemini Norawit Titicharoenrak, the CEO of "Fashionable," wearily retu... More

In tandem
Two paths converge
Truth unveiled
Gems of humanity
Savoring affection
Initiation of intimacy
Runway revelry
Finding home
Everlasting union

Forever begins

1K 54 52
By mingefhan

The long-awaited dinner between the designer's parents and the businessman's grandfather unfolded with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation for the couple. They harbored concerns about how the evening would unfold, fearing potential awkwardness or tension. However, to their delight, the atmosphere quickly transformed into one of warmth, laughter, and genuine connection. Observers might have mistaken the gathering for a family reunion rather than a meeting between strangers.

The relief that washed over both men was palpable, an overwhelming sense of ease replacing their initial apprehension. In this unexpected camaraderie, a glimmer of hope for a brighter future sparked within them. They found solace in the support of their loved ones, recognizing it as a vital ingredient for the success of their relationship.

Midweek typically heralded a deluge of work at the company, as it was the peak time for orders. Despite the recent release of this year's collections, the frenzy of premieres persisted, promising months of sustained activity ahead. In anticipation of the upcoming seasons, Nattawat had already begun delving into new projects, exploring ideas that could potentially shape the company's future offerings. With no predetermined theme to constrain his creativity, he enjoyed the freedom to craft designs with unrestrained imagination.

Buoyed by a sense of contentment and purpose, he found himself in high spirits as everything fell into place according to his meticulous plans. The exhilaration of productivity and the prospect of shaping the company's future fueled his enthusiasm. If this was the euphoria of being in love, he realized, then he never wanted to experience solitude again. With each stroke of his pen and every stroke of inspiration, he embraced the joy of creation, reveling in the knowledge that his efforts would contribute to something greater than himself.

As Arun burst into the office, slightly out of breath, he found Jirochtikul deeply engrossed in sketching a suit adorned with artificial flowers. Holding the phone stiffly in his hand, Ford's expression betrayed a sense of urgency, interrupting the tranquil atmosphere of creative fervor.

- Hey, man, just take a breath. - Fourth chuckled, glancing up from his sketchbook.

- Have you laid eyes on it yet? - His friend gasped, prompting the younger one to raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

- Slow down, what exactly are you talking about?

- Norawit has been caught up in a scandal! A romance scandal! - Arun exclaimed, handing the designer his phone, which displayed an online article detailing the alleged love life of their acquaintance.

- 'Fashionable CEO seen on a romantic date with popular actress Rachanun Mahawan.' What is this supposed to be? Don't they know that Gemini is gay? - He muttered to himself as he read the next sentences on the page. It seemed absurd to him; after all, he had known this man long enough to recognize that this was nonsense. - What kind of romantic date involves coffee and documents anyway? The press will do anything for views. - He added irritably.

- Go talk this out with your partner. Communication is key, remember? - Ford smiled gently and nudged the younger man out of the room.

When Fourth knocked on the CEO's office door, he didn't expect to find the woman from the press photo inside. He felt a peculiar sensation as he heard her sweet laughter, a sound he was familiar with from previous incidents of random people flirting with his lover. The couple had discussed jealousy many times, so they didn't argue about it, but so far, no scandal had appeared in the press. Journalists had always been in sight, so why had such rumors emerged only now?

- Oh, you're finally Fourth. I sent Mark for you a moment ago. Maybe you passed him. - Gemini said, rising from his chair. He walked over to the younger man and planted a tender kiss on his forehead, smiling gently. This gesture reassured the designer.

- Am I needed here? Good morning, Mrs. Film. - Nattawat replied politely, greeting the guest. The woman's demeanor shifted, her laughter fading as she put on a professional smile. 

- Good morning, Mr. Jirochtikul. - She replied, folding her hands. - Norawit, I didn't know you were so close to your employees. Is this your younger brother? - Rachunun laughed in a sugary tone, and the designer rolled his eyes imperceptibly. This woman actually thought she had any chance here.

- Mrs. Mahawan, this is my fiancé, Fourth. Darling, this lady has placed an order for a personalized diamond jacket of your design. However, she's made a few modifications she'd like to include to make the outfit stand out more at the awards ceremony.

- I see. Please show me the list of changes you would like, and we'll discuss it right away. - The designer said, smiling artificially as he took a seat next to the not very happy actress.

After a draining meeting with the celebrity, the younger man felt mentally exhausted. The woman had been constantly nitpicking on the smallest details, questioning the designer's skills. Despite their awareness that this order was extremely valuable for the company, as the actress had chosen one of the more expensive garments, the men remained silent about her arrogant behavior.

- What a cheeky woman. - Nattawat remarked after the woman left, plopping down on the office couch.

- After she pays for the clothes, we won't see her again, so don't worry about her. Although I wanted to ask her to leave when she was talking about those crooked diamonds. - The businessman snorted as he sat down next to his boyfriend.

- It would be nicer if you confirmed that I am your brother. Is she living under a rock or what?

- What do you mean?

- She's been hitting on you like crazy, not even taking into account my status in your life. Pathetic woman. - The younger one grumbled, throwing his hands in the air. Gemini could only laugh and steal a short kiss to reassure his partner.

- My love, I am utterly and completely yours, devoted to you in every sense.

- Could this shoddy internet article be her handiwork? - Inquired the designer, presenting the scandal involving the elder.

- This is the first time I've come across it. It was undeniably a business meeting. - Affirmed Norawit firmly, his stance unwavering. - If she's indeed the one behind these baseless rumors, I'm prepared to take action. - With determination, he summoned his secretary. - Mark, could you come over here? I've just received an article maligning my reputation. Kindly forward it to my lawyer and instruct him to draft a fitting response.

- I was just considering whether action should be taken, as Ford rushed to me in a panic because of it. I'll need to get him an inhaler. - Sighed Pakin, departing the room to attend to his friend's urgent needs.

- This inhaler will be a lifesaver for Arun. When he came to my office, I thought I might have to administer artificial respiration. His fitness level is definitely subpar. - Chuckled Nattawat. - As for the lawsuit, is it necessary?

- My love, the world is well aware of our relationship, and no one has the right to spread baseless rumors about some nonexistent romance. - The businessman responded tenderly, enveloping his partner in a comforting embrace. - You are my one and only, and I will defend this relationship with all that I have.

- You know that I love you?

-I know, I love you too, sweetheart.

Gemini and Fourth were not the type of couple who felt compelled to celebrate every occasion extravagantly. They found joy in simple pleasures, like spending the elder's thirty-first birthday together, indulging in movies and plenty of snacks—precisely their idea of a perfect evening. However, as their anniversary loomed closer—December twentieth—there was a subtle shift in the air.

Although December twentieth wasn't the official start date of their relationship, they shared a mutual understanding that it marked the moment when they began seeing each other in a new light. With this significance in mind, Nattawat proposed a brief getaway—perhaps three days—to a secluded destination, allowing them to cherish this special time alone. Ever the organizer, Norawit took charge of arrangements well in advance, rescheduling all meetings to the prior week.

The designer also made a concerted effort to fully immerse himself in work, striving to present some of his latest projects and his vision for advertising his unique clothing upon his return. Consequently, the couple found themselves devoid of any personal time in the week leading up to their planned getaway. Yet, this frenetic pace was nothing new to them. From the outset, work held paramount importance in their lives, driven by their shared belief that one lives for their passion. Love emerged organically along the journey, nurtured by their joint fervor and dedication.

They cherished their shared interests, finding solace in the ease of conversation and mutual understanding they shared. This alignment of interests was incredibly convenient, fostering a deep bond founded on common ground and shared emotions. Despite this, they maintained a sense of professionalism in public settings, refraining from overt displays of affection that might contrast with the seriousness of their work. Nevertheless, they skillfully navigated the delicate balance between their professional and personal lives, allowing each facet to complement the other harmoniously.

The day before their anticipated vacation, Fourth received a message from Satang, requesting a meeting. It had been a while since the two had seen each other, but he understood that this had become the norm. He recognized that their interactions primarily occurred at his instigation, as he often followed Kittiphop's lead like a loyal dog follows its owner. With the fading of their initial fervor, his efforts waned, leading to the cessation of their frequent conversations and outings.

Upon hearing about the text message from his partner's old friend, Gemini felt a twinge of concern. He sensed that this meeting wouldn't be an ordinary catch-up after a year of not seeing each other. However, he trusted Nattawat more than his own, so he tenderly kissed his lover's forehead and asked him to convey his warm regards.

Jirochtikul settled into a seat at the elder's now-deserted restaurant, anticipation prickling at his senses as he awaited his companion. In less than two minutes, Satang appeared by the designer's side, bearing a bouquet of roses and a faint smile.

- Hi Fourth. It's for you. - He began, a hint of embarrassment coloring his tone as he presented the bouquet. The younger accepted it, feeling a bit perplexed by the gesture. He had never received such a gift from Kittiphop before, so it struck him as unusual. However, he chose to overlook it for the time being.

- We haven't seen each other in quite a while

- Apologies for the absence. Work has been relentless. - The older man chuckled nervously, a sheepish smile forming as he absentmindedly scratched the back of his neck. - And how about you? How's life been treating you?

- Things are going splendidly, almost remarkably so. My job is fulfilling, my friends are wonderful, and my relationship with my boyfriend couldn't be better. It's safe to say I've never felt happier. - He laughed lightly. - But let's cut to the chase. I know this isn't just a casual chat about my life's highs. What's on your mind?

- You seem to have a good read on me. - Satang remarked, his eyes momentarily dropping before meeting the younger man's gaze once more. - Winny and I... well, we've parted ways.

- Oh shit. I'm sorry to hear that, man. As they say, there are plenty of other opportunities out there. You'll find your way.

- You don't have to be sorry, seriously. It didn't make sense the first time, and after we got back together, nothing had changed, so we were only together out of habit.

- I understand. You'll come across someone new. - The designer responded with a gentle smile, feeling somewhat at a loss for words. He couldn't quite fathom how his own relationship with Gemini had started, leaving him uncertain how to advise his once close friend.

- Do you think that if I hadn't gone back to him, we would be together now? You and me.

- Excuse me?

- I realized something was missing in my life since we stopped talking, and after thinking about it, I knew it was you. No one can wake up my heart like you did with just one smile.

- I believe there might have been a misunderstanding, Tang. I'm committed to my boyfriend, and it's important for you to understand that such remarks are not appropriate. - The younger one was slightly outraged. Why was he telling him all this now when he had had enough time since childhood to reflect on his feelings?

- I apologize for bringing this up now, knowing your commitment. But...

- There's no need for 'but.' Let's just end this conversation. I think it's best if I leave. I have to help out at the restaurant today anyway. - Fourth didn't usually have to rise so early, but a storm of emotions stirred within him after the elder's confession. He didn't want any more discussions about feelings, confessions, or assurances, especially after a year of no contact. He was finally happy and in love, and he wanted to preserve that.

- I'm leaving for Singapore for a year. I'll be training with local chefs, and then perhaps I'll return to Thailand. I just wanted to let you know. - He said as he rose from his chair, gripping the designer's forearm. - Do you think we could be friends again?

- Tang, don't you think this will take some time?

- I see. See you then, buddy. - Kittiphop extended his fist, signaling Nattawat to give him a fist bump, which he did after a brief pause.

- See you. Buddy.

The next day, on the plane to Japan, Fourth recounted the encounter with his old friend to Norawit, sharing all the details. Gemini couldn't quite comprehend Satang's actions, but he felt relieved that the younger handled the situation appropriately. Knowing that the designer had once harbored deeper feelings for the cook, the businessman felt proud of the way things unfolded.

Tokyo held a special place in the Titicharoenrak's heart. The city's constant buzz of activity, its vibrant energy that never seemed to fade, filled him with an unparalleled sense of joy. To him, Tokyo was the epitome of sweetness, elegance, and beauty—the perfect embodiment of everything he admired. Nattawat believed that this description aptly captured the essence of the city. He anticipated three days filled with endless sightseeing and captivating attractions, eager to immerse himself in the city's charm and discover all it had to offer.

As evening approached, the two lovers embarked on a journey to the destination chosen by Norawit. Keeping the details shrouded in secrecy only fueled Fourth's curiosity and impatience. Normally one to prefer being in control, he found himself feeling more excited than impatient this time around. However, he made a conscious decision to trust his partner. After all, their previous dates had been nothing short of successful, so there was no reason to doubt their plans now.

After a brief taxi ride, the men disembarked at a designated stop and continued on foot. It wasn't until then that Fourth recognized their location. The Rainbow Bridge in Tokyo Bay stretched before them, its vibrant hues illuminating the dark Japanese night. The sight instantly captivated the couple as they made their way toward the center of the bridge. Despite the heavy traffic on the road, it didn't seem to bother them at all. The sheer beauty of the place more than compensated for any inconvenience.

At one point, as they both leaned on the railing in the middle of the bridge, admiring the starry sky, Gemini fell silent for an extended moment. Sensing the shift, Nattawat turned to his beloved to inquire if everything was alright. Before he could utter a word, he froze, his gaze fixated on the businessman who was now kneeling before him, holding a small box with a ring nestled inside. The shiny silver packaging gleamed in the light of the Tokyo bridge, and a sizable diamond sparkled, reflecting the love and anticipation in the eyes of the lovers.

- Fourth, my love. - Norawit began, his voice filled with emotion. - I know you didn't want a grand engagement in front of your family, which is why I chose a place that's meaningful to you. Please forgive me for peeking at your list of future destinations. - They shared a tender laugh before he continued. - Will you do me the honor of marrying me?

Unable to bear the tension any longer, Jirochtikul's tears flowed freely as he threw himself into Gemini's embrace, kissing him deeply and passionately, his heart overflowing with love and joy.

- A million times yes! - He exclaimed between kisses, feeling elder's smile against his lips. Overwhelmed with euphoria, Titicharoenrak rose to his feet, gently lifting the designer into his embrace before twirling him around. In the background, there was loud whistling and applause, but to the couple, the sounds faded into white noise. Their attention was solely on each other, and in that moment, the entire world ceased to exist.

Standing in the midst of the bustling sidewalk, the men experienced a profound mix of emotions. It was a feeling unlike any other, a deep connection that bound them together. It transcended mere puppy love; it was a sensation that ran deeper, defying easy description.

Their gazes met, overflowing with a blend of gratitude, respect, and profound love and adoration. It was a sentiment that surpassed the confines of conventional engagements, enveloping them in a moment that would forever linger in their memories. In that suspended moment, the entire world seemed to stand still, allowing them to be together fully and unconditionally, without any distractions or reservations.


Engagement! Did anyone expect it? Rhetorical question - everyone expected it :) 

Only the last chapter remains before us, which will be released traditionally in two days :)

 Stay tuned, my dears <3 K. <3

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