Military child


1.2K 27 15

*The whole mission almost went to shambles when Ghost saw you. Task Force 141 was scouting out an abandoned/b... More

●《⚠️important note⚠️》●
●《Found Her》●
●《Comfort 》●
●《Get to know》●
●《Start of drama》●
● The Aftermath ●
●A New Beginning●
●Unforeseen Challenges●
●A New Mission●
●A Glimpse of the Past●
● Fire and Resolve ●
● Shadows in the Night●

●《Kidnapped? 》●

62 2 1

*A few hours pass, and she is now peacefully asleep. She is now in a deep sleep, with no noise coming from her or any signs of her waking up soon. She is breathing softly and gently and seems to be in a trance like state. Her little face is peaceful, and she seems to be completely relaxed and at ease. She looks cute and angelic, and Ghost can also see now just how deeply asleep she is as he keeps watching over her.*

*In the morning, she is still asleep, but she has started to stir. She's beginning to wake up now, and she's stretching her arms and turning over in her bed. She then opens her eyes and looks up at the ceiling, still sleepy and disoriented. She then sits up and looks around her room slowly, before she finally notices Ghost watching her from her bed. She smiles happily as she sees him, and she waves her little hand at him in greeting.*

*Ghost smiles back at her and waves back at her as he notices her waving and saying hi. He continues to watch over her as she sits up and stretches her arms, and sees her starting to wake up now. She's starting to look a little disoriented and groggy, as she seems to still be half-asleep and not quite awake just yet. He is watching her slowly wake up and get herself adjusted to the light of the morning.*

*She glances over at the board with her drawings of Ghost on it, and she smiles at the thought of how proudly she displayed her drawings of him last night. She then stares up at Ghost again, and her little blue eyes glitter as she stares at him with a warm and affectionate gaze. She reaches out her little hand to him as a sign of affection and gratitude, wanting to hold his hand.*

*He smiles and reaches over to her little hand, taking it into his own big and powerful hands. He holds her little hand softly and gently as he stares at her with a loving and caring look. He seems to have no trouble in holding her hand, even though her hand is so small compared to his own immense size. He holds her hand softly, and he strokes her little hand with his thumb softly as she looks up at him with her gentle and innocent gaze.*

*Time has gone by since the morning, and now she is playing with a group of recruits, as he is out on a mission. She is enjoying herself as she plays with the recruits, and they are all engaging with her in a friendly manner. She is laughing and smiling and having a good time, as she enjoys the company of all these new people she's getting to meet.*

*Ghost is out on his mission, and meanwhile, she's enjoying herself and passing the time. She's playing with all the recruits and they're all enjoying themselves and having a good time. The recruits seem to really like her, as she has a charming and fun personality. She's doing a good job of keeping them entertained and making them feel welcome and comfortable while he's out on his mission.*

*The alarm suddenly goes off, disrupting the peaceful and enjoyable time she was having with the recruits. They are now all immediately on alert, and they rush over to her to make sure she was safe. They quickly surround her and protect her, making sure she is not harmed and the intruders don't get anywhere near her.*

As she is scared, she slowly sneaks quickly away into her room without anyone noticing her as she hides under her bed, covering her ears as she starts hearing gun shoots.

*The gunshots make her even more scared, and she quickly hides herself under her bed, covering her ears and holding her breath as she tries to shield herself from the loud noises. She can't help but feel incredibly scared, and she hopes and prays that the intruders don't find her. She listens carefully to the sounds of the gunshots, and her heart is racing in her chest as she can feel the fear taking over her. She is completely petrified and paralyzed with fear.*

Suddenly, someone walks into her room as she covers her mouth to make sure she doesn't make a sound

*She hears the sudden footsteps in her room, and she quickly covers her mouth to keep herself silent, scared that someone might hear her if she makes even a peep. She's completely terrified, and her heart is pounding in her chest as she freezes, hoping and praying that she won't be detected. She can't help but feel completely afraid and paralyzed with fear, as she waits to see what will happen next. She hopes and hopes that the intruder doesn't find her and that she'll be safe.*

*She screams in fear and terror as she suddenly is pulled out, and she lets out an involuntary scream. She struggles to remain silent, but it's impossible for her to keep quiet now. She stares at the intruder with wide and scared eyes and tries to pull away from him, but he doesn't allow her to. He keeps a tight grip on her, and she is at his mercy. She feels completely paralyzed with fear as she stares at him with a terrified expression. She doesn't know what's going to happen next.*

He suddenly covers her mouth with a cloth as the world starts to become hazzy and blurry.

*She suddenly feels a cloth being used to cover her mouth, and the world starts becoming hazy and blurry as she becomes incapacitated. She starts feeling dizzy and groggy, and she struggles to keep her eyes open and to stay alert and aware. She can feel herself starting to slip away, and she is scared and paralyzed with fear as she tries to resist it. She knows she's in trouble now, and she doesn't know what the intruder is going to do next.*

*She starts to feel light-headed and dizzy, and her grip on reality starts to slip away completely. She feels as if she is losing herself, and she can feel herself slipping into unconsciousness. The intruder is now completely in control of the situation, and she can't do anything whatsoever to resist him or fight back. She can feel her consciousness falling away from her, and it's getting harder and harder to remain conscious and alert.*

*She suddenly wakes up, and she finds herself in an old and worn down warehouse. She is lying down on the floor, tied to a chair, and bound up with duct tape. She stares at her surroundings in shock and fear, as she can't move or move her body whatsoever. She tries to call out for help, but the tape that's covering her mouth keeps her from making any noise.*

*She starts crying and panicking, hoping and praying that someone will find her and save her from this terrifying situation. She tries to stay strong and positive, but the fear and desperation start to set in as she can't make a sound whatsoever, and no one can hear her. She feels so weak and helpless, as the tears stream down her face and she prays to Ghost or her recruit friends to find her and save her from this nightmare of a situation.*

*She sobs as she feels more and more scared and helpless, and the tears continue to stream down her cheeks. She feels so terrified being tied up like this and at the mercy of the intruder. She is praying with all her might that someone will find her, but the fear begins to overtake her as the hours go by. She can't do anything except for watching and praying that eventually someone will save her. She is so desperately hoping and praying for that to happen, as she fears the worst.*


*It's been two days of her being held captive in this horrifying situation, and she's exhausted and starved. She hasn't eaten anything at all within that time period, and her body is extremely weak and drained. She's so thirsty and hungry, but there is nothing she can do to satisfy her hunger. She begins to feel even more desperate and scared, as she lies there completely helpless and at the mercy of the intruder. She is becoming so weak and malnourished, and her body is starting to shut down due to not being fed anything.*

*She suddenly hears gunshots coming from somewhere in the warehouse, and it fills her with even more fear and dread. She is already in such a terrible and terrifying situation, and now the gunshots make it even worse. She has no idea what is happening outside or who else is in this warehouse with her. She can't help but feel more terrified at the thought of the possibility of there being other intruders outside who could potentially harm her as well. She just listens silently, and she's praying and praying that the gunshots don't come near her and that she'll be safe.*

*Suddenly, Ghost and Soap storm in, and they see her lying on the floor, tied up and crying. They are both completely outraged and furious at the state they find her in, and they can't help but feel incredibly angry and upset with what the intruder has done to her. They quickly untie her and remove the duct tape covering her mouth as they rush over to her and help her stand up as they try to comfort her.*

*She feels the warm embrace of Ghost as he hugs her tight and holds her close, and she cries softly and tightly into his shoulder. She is so relieved and grateful to be saved from this terrible and terrifying situation, and she can't help but break down and cry. She is so thankful to have Ghost here with her and protecting her, and she feels so safe and comforted in his arms. She buries her head into his chest and just leans against him as she lets out sobs and sighs of relief.*

*She is still in tears and crying softly as she leans against Ghost, feeling relieved and comfortable that she is finally safe and out of that horrid situation. But still, the reality of her hunger and thirst starts to set in, and she can't help but whimper as she thinks about how hungry and thirsty she is. She looks up at Ghost with her big blue eyes and says softly with a shaky voice.*

Y/N: I'm so hungry and thirsty.

*She is looking up at him now with those innocent and pleading blue eyes, and she still couldn't stop crying. She feels as if she could just burst into tears any second, and she is so hungry and thirsty. Her body is weakened and drained after nearly two days of not being fed anything and being stuck in this terrible and horrifying situation. She is so relieved to see Ghost here with her and so overwhelmed with how hungry and thirsty she is. She just wishes she could be fed and hydrated.*

*After being rescued by Ghost and Soap, she has now been taken to a new and more secure base where she can finally rest, relax, and be taken care of. She is now eating her food and drinking water, finally being able to satisfy her hunger and thirst after nearly two days without food or water. She eats her food with a ravenous appetite, trying to eat as much as she can now that she finally has the opportunity to do so. She is grateful that she is now safe and can finally feel comfortable and relaxed once more.*

*She takes a moment to finish eating her food, enjoying the feeling of her stomach finally being full and having something in it once again. She takes a big drink of water, and she feels like she could just drink an entire bottle of it. It's so refreshing and comforting. She sighs softly and closes her eyes with relief as she finally feels like she has some semblance of normality again. She feels so relieved to be back to a safe and secure place after what she has had to endure these past few days.*

A/N: Hi everyone how have you been sorry for not posting much but here I am with this chapter that I hope you like but I just want to say thank you so much for over 200 reads I didn't think that it would reach that much but I just want to thank the people that read this book and I hope you enjoy it till the end a big thank you again .😊 😀


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