𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄 • Roronoa Zoro

By everyonezgirlfriend

72.2K 2.8K 501

Being a pirate without a crew and the highest bounty on the East Blue hanging about your head wasn't very pra... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
new book!

chapter twenty-two

1.1K 55 15
By everyonezgirlfriend

Nami bolted past the pair, and their heads shot up. "What's she running from?" Zoro asked.

"Or running towards," Miura said, "Let's go."

The two stood up and ran after Nami, their legs still being tired from the amount of running they'd done earlier. By the time they caught up with her, she was sat on her knees, Luffy's hat on, and Luffy standing above her. They noticed she had blood pouring from her arm.

"She's fine," Miura said, "Luffy will make her fine."

Zoro was about to say something in agreement, but they heard gunshots, followed by screaming.

"What's that?" Usopp asked, looking over, "They're attacking the village."

Miura began running through the tangerine grove, but everyone followed her, catching up quickly as Zoro turned her around by her shoulders.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"What are you doing? We have to help them!"

"Miura, we're outnumbered, overpowered and underprepared. We at least need a plan before running into a fire filled with fishmen. You'd die instantly."

"People in there are gonna die!"

"They're not," Nami's voice sounded from the end of the grove, "They won't kill anyone. They're not kind enough to put them out of their misery. They'll just destroy their homes, what they've built, but they won't kill anyone. Not tonight, anyway."

"So what do we do now?"

"We go back inside. I don't think Nojiko would mind us staying. There's not enough beds at all, but she has floor space and pillows."

"We're gonna sleep through this?"

"It won't go on for much longer." Miura didn't seem convinced. Nami walked out and placed a hand on her shoulder. "We'll go over there first thing in the morning and make a plan to get their land back for them. Trust me when I say that, Miura, because it's all I've wanted to do since I laid eyes on Arlong."

Miura nodded solemnly, and they all walked back to the house, Miura and Zoro trailing behind in silence.

"You need to stop putting yourself in danger," Zoro finally spoke up.

Miura scoffed. "Says the pirate hunter."

"My job's never put me in danger. Not too much, anyway. That would get you killed."

"I wouldn't mind."


"I mean, I don't wanna die, but this place just reminds me so much of Solitude Island. I hate it, watching villages be taken over by scum like Arlong. I wouldn't mind dying if it meant I got a place like my home closer to freedom, even if it was just a little bit."

"Well I'd mind you dying. I didn't die on you after my fight with Mihawk, I'd never in a million years let you die to Arlong. Or anyone."

They finally made it to the house, but Miura didn't go inside, instead climbing up to the roof. Zoro shouted down from below.

"You coming to sleep?" He asked.

"I won't be able to," Miura said, "I'll just stay up here so I know when it's morning."

Zoro nodded, before climbing up the ladder and sitting next to her. "Then I'll stay with you."

"You don't need to, Zoro, you're gonna be tired."

"Eh, I'll probably fall asleep, but I can still keep you company."

The two sat down next to each other.

"Zoro?" Miura asked.


"Are you mad at Mihawk?"

"Why would I be?"

"He tried to kill you."

"If he was trying to kill me, I'd be dead. I challenged him to a a duel and he gave me one. If anything, it made me like him more."

"Do you think I should be mad at him."

"I can't control your emotions, Miura, but no, I don't. Like I said, he just did what I wanted, and you and I both know he wasn't trying to kill me. He loves you."

"I don't think I believe that."

"I heard what he said, Miura. Like a father loves a daughter. He even had the same nickname for you as the kids back home. He sees you as his own, you can't hate someone like that."

"I think you're right. I don't hate him. Still, I'm a little mad. He could've just said no."

"Right, but both of us fought with honour, that's what matters."

"What matters is that you're alive."

"That too."

Miura looked up at the stars. The attack seemed to be dying down now, and Miura prayed in her head that Nami was right about them probably not killing anyone. She still couldn't stand the thought of the destruction, though, and, based on the size of the fire, she knew everything would probably be gone.

"Talk to me," she heard Zoro say. But she didn't wanna talk about the village. It'd only get her more upset, more riled up, so she decided to talk about something else that had been plaguing her mind since they got here.

"On the boat, you were about to say something to me before Luffy came down and told us we were here."

"I was?"

"I know you remember."

Zoro sighed. He didn't know if he was worthy of loving Miura. He hadn't had contact with her for years. He couldn't protect her from the pirates that attacked her village. He didn't even know Blade was her until she took the mask off.

"I don't know if I can say it."

"You don't need to say the words. Just tell me you feel it. That you weren't just saying things."

"I feel it, Miura. I don't know if I deserve to say it yet."

"You do-"

"But I promise one day I will. For now..."

Zoro leaned into Miura, his hand on the back of her neck as his fingers slightly intertwined with her hair. Miura leaned in, too, and the two's lips were soon connected, something the pair of them at been waiting to happen for as long as they could remember.

Their lips moved together as Zoro slipped his tongue into Miura's mouth. She didn't fight it, instead moving over slightly to straddle him on him lap. His hands landed on her waist and hers on his jawline. The finally pulled apart, breathless.

"Fuck," Zoro whispered.

"Never thought my first kiss would be on a roof."

"Wait- First?"

"I mean, I've been a pirate since I was fourteen, wasn't exactly gonna take the mask off for a smooch. Is it a bad thing?"

"No, no! You just feel experienced."

Miura laughed. "Maybe I'm just a natural."

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