Baki x Reader Collection (ong...

By Ozzgin

7.2K 88 6

A compilation of short stories and headcanons featuring the Baki characters! Originally posted on Tumblr, but... More

Yandere! Pickle x Reader
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Yandere! Yuujirou Hanma x Fighter! Reader Headcanons
Baki Hanma x Feminine! Male Reader Headcanons
Musashi Miyamoto x Reader Headcanons (Short)
Yandere! Baki Headcanons (I)
Yandere! Baki Headcanons (II)
Yandere! Baki Characters x Pregnant! Reader Headcanons
Baki Characters x Yandere! Reader Headcanons
Baki Characters x Tall Reader Headcanons
Baki Characters x Struggling! Reader Headcanons
Baki Characters x Sick! Reader
Baki Headcanons: Valentine's Day Special
Baki Characters x Prehistoric! Fem Reader

Yandere! Katsumi Orochi x Student! Reader Headcanons

333 3 0
By Ozzgin

It's not a given for everyone, but some people just seem to be gifted for a particular vocation, inclined towards a certain calling. While Katsumi is widely envied for his quick learning and masterful karate prowess, the one place where he shines most, where his skill is unequivocally unmatched, is in the dojo. Specifically before students. One can easily tell him apart, even among names of greater authority such as Doppo Orochi. Pupils naturally flock to him, you included.

Your case, however, is a little bit of an exception. Out of random circumstance you happen to be the only female student at the Shinshinkai Dojo. Truth be told, Katsumi had opposed your membership at first. He takes pride in his neutral approach and equal treatment when it comes to his pupils. So when the men started to whisper, snicker and whistle secretly behind your back, he could only grit his teeth in shame and frustration. He would've liked to scold them, tell them that this is a sacred place dedicated only to martial arts and other temptations are to be kept strictly out. But he, too, found you attractive. He would've been lying to everyone, including himself. Hereby the conflict: accepting you as a student would've been tainted by impure thoughts, but denying to train you would've stripped him of his dignity as a teacher. He promised to fix his inappropriate attitude instead; after all, discipline is part of the art.

All that being said, he doesn't regret his decision. You're awfully talented and often remind him of his own karate journey. You only need the slightest push in order to grasp most techniques and you've gone above and beyond his expectations in conquering the basics. The veiled, flirty glances from the other fighters have been replaced by somber, respectful nods as your reputation continues to increase with each rank. Katsumi would go as far as calling you a true prodigy. Admiration aside, only one small issue remains: not only has his initial crush remained with stubborn vehemence, but it appears to have turned into full blown, sickening infatuation. To put it mildly, he's obsessed.

Is he really to blame here? It's as if everything about you has been carefully chiseled to his liking. "Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman', for she was taken out of man.'" You are the Eve to his Adam, a genesis of love that was fated to return to him. There is no other explanation. Indeed, the more he tries to rationalize it, the clearer his purpose becomes. Out of all the places, the timelines, the people, the fact that against all millions of variables your encounter settled on him...His desire is not to be disciplined. Not anymore. One has to acknowledge the ridiculousness of battling destiny itself.

Then he shall no longer tamper with matters that are predestined. In fact, he might just lend fate a helping hand. His patience is reserved for teaching, not romantic affairs. He needs an opportunity to have you alone without interruptions, and conveniently enough you've asked him to stay behind today. You can barely conceal your cheeky smile as you slide the canvas door open. As promised, Katsumi is standing near the wall, hands folded behind his back. You can feel your heart pounding, but you muster up the courage to approach him. You've been training hard and he's had nothing but praise for you. A nervous blush tints your face as you bat your eyelashes, calculating your next words. Katsumi's eyes narrow in adoration. It's alright, he knows. "How may I help you, (Y/N)?" He nudges you expectantly. "I've been wondering about it...I was afraid of your response, but I need to let it out nonetheless. I think I'm ready for the next step." Oh God, here it comes. He can barely contain himself. Just say the words, and he'll take you right here and now. "I know it hasn't been that long, but I really think I'm ready for the upcoming competition. Is there truly no way for me to sign up, even with my current belt?"

Huh. His mouth hangs open for longer than he would've preferred. Is this why you've called him here? He looks around the room, as if expecting some cameramen to pop out and announce it was all a prank and (Y/N) actually meant to confess her unwavering attraction to him. Your smile slowly fades seeing his increasingly frantic expression. He grunts. "I'm sorry, if you think I'm not ready yet I can-" He lifts a hand to your face and firmly grabs your jaw. Shut up, please. He walks over to the door, pulling you after him, and hastily checks the hallway for people. It's empty. With the other free hand he slams the door shut. The dojo will remain closed until morning at least. Plenty of time to set you straight. It's fine, he's calm. Oh, you silly, sweet darling (Y/N). He loves this innocent obliviousness of yours. There are other important matters at hand. You try to remove his fingers from your face, but Katsumi's arm is tense and stiff, refusing to budge. You're suddenly very cold. His gaze is different and it scares you. You don't recognize the possessed, hollow eyes that pierce into you. But here's where you're mistaken, they're not hollow at all. On the contrary, they're overflowing with adoration and worship. You just haven't realized it yet.

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