The Fragile Embers: Necklace...

By Yuko338

178 29 76

In Every Isekai story the main character gets a harem of lovely females and unstoppable god-like Abilities, h... More

Chapter 1:Rebirth
Chapter 3:A lesson on simple Magic Tricks
Chapter 4: The Blue Eyed Mist
Character Sheets 1

Chapter 2: Walking Punching bag

36 7 20
By Yuko338

15 Years later

No Matter how Long Ajani(or should we say Axel) have been in this new world it still drives him crazy. He barely tries to think about the fact he's technically 31 in the body of a 15 year old. He won't be able to date girls without feeling like some creep. It was weird being a baby again. But it was even weirder growing up. Learning how to walk and talk all over again. Attending Preschool with kids who stick their fingers up their noses. It was practically hell. But there were major things he learned about this new world he lived in (thanks to Gloria and the local library.) The Town was Called Sword's Point Because it was Made on the flat top of a giant Mountain that was cut in half by a sword so it was called Swords Point. 

They're a part of a Queendom called Ravolin. But Ajani has never left the village; he's eager to see an actual queen. And Although this world is technologically behind they make up for it by having FUCKING MAGIC! (maybe his harry potter fantasy could come true!) If this is a lot like those Isekai Manga and shows he used to watch he should be getting a Harem and Overpowered magic any day now. Ajani has been going to talk to Gloria ever since they met. She's the only one who knows he's an "Otherworlder" and has been a good friend. She doesn't know if he should tell his other mother Briar if he's an Otherworlder she probably wouldn't know how to react. It's Clear she loves Ajnai dearly but maybe they should wait until he's older. His Mother Briar was some kind of Soldier back in the day and it shows, She's built like an Amazon. But she loves Ajani like a golden retriever. 

As Ajani lays in his bed he contemplates if this is all some weird fever dream. But as always life throws him a curveball in the balls. Briar slams open his bedroom "AJ! Wake up!" her shout was louder than a megaphone that shook the room and Ajani out of his bed. He rubs his head that slammed on the ground with full force. "Jeez mom! Can't you shake me instead?! I think I got a concussion!" Briar has a happy giddy smile on her face "Happy birthday my Beautiful son!" she hands him a plate that was in her hands. It was pancakes, at least Ajani thinks it was pancakes. There were strips of bacon scattered around it. With syrup covered in random places. "I almost forgot it was my birthday, thanks mom....but what is this?" She plops down next to him on the floor. "It's a battlefield! That big strip of bacon is me and the other broken pieces of bacon are my enemies drowning in their own blood which is the syrup" 

you think living 15 years with this woman Ajani would be used to this type of thing by now. But you'd be wrong. "Wow mom, sounds super appetizing" Ajani joked sarcastically "i've always wanted to taste the tragedy of war" Briar smiled "it taste of pain and chocolate. I plan on cooking your favorites for your birthday today. I also have a special guest who will Be arriving today." she smiles and Ajani takes a bite of his pancake battlefield "wouldn't that be a bit hard because of the forest?" Ajani never really understood the forest situation. But apparently the forest surrounding Sword's Point had terrible monsters. (he could've at least been born in a safe location.) That was the reason why they didn't get many visitors. "Well" his mother explained "when the crisis first started they blessed the roads, So nothing truly dangerous could get onto the roads besides bandits.'' 

 What the hell could be worse than a bandit? Ajani didn't want to find out. Briar ruffles his hair and stands up "hurry up and eat breakfast. I heard Gloria had a gift for you. Ajani smiles and goes to eat his breakfast. No doubt this special guest is his father. His mother wanted to raise him on his own so she asked his father to be a sperm donor. Ajani wonders what his father's like. Thinking back on it, this is the first time in many years in this life and the last since he's had a birthday with both of his parents. In his old life as Axel (he'll never get used to not being Axel) he can remember only a handful of times when his parents could stop fighting so they could at least pretend to be a happy family. 

Let's hope this new dad isn't an alcoholic. After finishing breakfast Jason heads to the bathroom where he tidies himself up. The world he lived in was advanced enough to have toilets and running water. But it's hard to tell where all the pipes go. It's unclear whether this world has advanced technology such as phones or tablets but maybe that's a good thing. After brushing his teeth. And After washing his face he gets dressed. "I'm heading out mom!" Ajani smiles Briar smirks at him menacingly before picking him up and showering him with kisses "come on mom! Seriously!" but he ends up laughing and kissing her on the cheek. "I'll see you later mom" Ajani heads outside and walks to the village. The mountain the village is built on was surrounded by a big black forest. 

The view would be very beautiful if everything didn't look like it was the home of the boogeyman. People greeted Ajani as he walked by, but only people older than him. The teens he went to school with barely looked in his direction which he was fine with. They don't really like him on account of him being the village's "weakling" so far since he got to this world no matter how hard he trained or studied he ever really improved. In most of the anime and manga Ajani (or rather Axel) had watched the weakling be shunned by his family or betrayed by his friends and exiled. However Briar never called him a weakling or got angry at his lack of progress. She continued to encourage him and congratulate him whenever he did make progress. Unlike his old father. 

He wonder's how they're doing over there? "Good morning Ajani!" an elderly woman called out. Her name is May berry. She was the mother of the baker Peggy Berry. She's a nice lady who makes ajani cupcakes whenever he helps her with things. Ajani smiles "morning miss Berry! How are you on this fine day?" she smiles "you're such a sweet boy i'm doing fine myself, listen i know today's your birthday and all but i could really use your help. I'll make you a cake as thanks!" Ajani didn't mind helping miss berry, and a cake was just icing on the..well cake. "Of course miss berry don't worry about it, what do you need?" she smiles and pinches his cheeks. "Such a sweet boy, Lewis has run off into the tool shed again. Would you be a dear and fetch him?" Ajani's heart stops,not lewis anyone but lewis. Ajani clears his throat "oh...has he run off again? I..i'll go get him" Ajani walks behind her house to the toolshed. Lewis was the name of Miss Berry's cat. A tabby cat, make no mistake, Ajani loves animals. And would constantly ask his old parents for a dog or cat and even turtles. However Lewis was one of the first otherworldly animals Ajani has met. 

And even though it looks like a regular cat. It doesn't act like one! Lewis was the first and only cat ever to sucker punch Ajani in the face. The only cat he's ever met that drop kicked him. And the only cat to ever manage to pull anime cat attacks on him. That cat was the definition of violence.and it scared Ajani to his very core. But he was even more afraid of letting down Miss berry. So Ajani slapped himself in the face (however rather gently) to Psych himself up. "Come on Ajani it's a cat, you're a human from a different world, you have to have two lifetime experiences. You can handle a measly cat" with shaky hands. Ajani opens the toolshed and looks inside. The toolshed had hoe's and racks for farmer Daniel to use. Wooden Practice swords for when it's time to train. "Alright Lewis, come on man..don't make this difficult" a meow is heard and he spots his Amber eyes peering under a tools desk. Ajani's hands shook. "Come on out man, ms. Berry is waiting for you." Lewis meowed in an angry manner. 

And hissed at Ajani. Knocking over a can nearly covering Ajani's shoe's in white paint. "Alright that's it! I had enough of your shit lewis! get from under there or I'll drag you out!" The tabby cat crawls from under the Tools desk. As if it was a lion and ajani had disturbed its sleep "bring it you little shit!" Lewis leapt at Ajani with ferocious speed going to claw at his face. However Jason remembered this move and grabbed at Lewis's stomach keeping his arms stretched out. And out of claws reach. "Ha beat that!" Lewis hissed at Ajani and proceeded to break free from his grasp and headbutts Ajani in the face. "Ahh! You little!-"Jason tries to grab him but he's too fast running along his arm and slides down Ajani's back clawing deep into it. "Ahhh! You mother fucker!" Ajani tries to rub the bleeding claw marks on his back but it was right down the middle. The only area he can't reach. Lewis Dashes over to one of the Practice swords and proceeds to pick it up. 

Ajani's eyes widen "no fucking way" the cat jumps at Ajani again preparing to strike him with a downward swipe. Briar taught Ajani how to counter a downward swipe.Before the wooden blade connected to Ajani's face he stepped out of the way and grabbed the sword's hilt using the momentum against lewis sending him flying out of the toolshed. "Ha suck it top cat!" Lewis lands on his feet(of course) before he could run back and attack Ajani again. Ms. Berry scoops him up in her arms "there you are Lewis! You naughty kitty causing trouble again" in miss berry's arm lewis changed completely from a Skinwalker assassin to an actual cat. "That cat's gonna be the death of me" Ajani climbs out of the tool shed. 

He went in as a confident soldier and came out looking like a victim of war. "A bad way to start off my birthday, but it's a start nevertheless" Ajani looks over at lewis being affectionate to ms. berry and wonders if he's only like that to him. If so, that's a dick move Lewis, a real dick move. "There's no way that's an actual cat" Ajani mumbles to himself before approaching but at a distance not wanting to anger lewis again, "there you go ms. berry." ms berry notices how bruised Ajani is and gets worried. "Are you okay Ajani? Lewis didn't do that to you did he?"

 Lewis looked over at Ajani and his eyes told him "say anything and i'll snuff you in your sleep" Ajani clears his throat "no! I mean- no there was some Spilt paint in the shed and I sorta slipped on it. That's all. Don't worry about it ms.Berry I'll have Gloria heal me up." ms. Berry smiles "i'm so sorry for the trouble he caused, he's never usually this upset. Maybe he's fussy" Ajani knew it. "Well I gotta go now ms. berry i hope to see you around" ms. Berry smiled at him warmly "goodbye and have a good day Ajani! i'll make sure to Stop by and bring that cake for you. Say goodbye Lewis" Lewis meows in a"get out of my face" kind of way Ajani smirks. "See ya around lewis" Ajani walked away until he was out of sight from ms. berry and begin to groan in pain "that damn cat" he mutters. 

The claw marks straight down his back ached and itched and he couldn't even reach it. Of course, thinking about it, the main characters in the manga and anime had cool villains, usually demons and Corrupt Nobles. Of course Ajani's Lame enough where his first villain is some mangy cat. And he's having TROUBLE with said mangy cat. 

However he sighs of relief when he finally reaches Gloria's Hut. Gloria was a vital part of his life as well as Briar. She was like the aunt he never had in his old life. She helped guide him on how to move on and live in the now. Ajani knocks on the door. "Come in!" she calls from inside.

 Inside her hut was always a Neat mess, everything was disorganized but at the same time everything was where it should be. Gloria smiled at Ajani moving her Red hair from her face. "Hey kiddo, happy birthday" she notices how beat up Ajani is "damn, did Briar kick your ass in training already?" Ajani smirks "screw you, could you heal me up real quick?" he shows the claw marks on his back "i would do it myself but i can't reach" Gloria laughs "let me guess, lewis?" Ajani nods "i swear to gods that cat is after me. Seriously no one else has to deal with it "Gloria smiles and places her hand on Ajani's back "HEAL" she casts a Healing spell as green light sprouts from her hand engulfing his back. Ajani remembers the first time he saw magic. He watched briar cast a fireball to light the fireplace and he was amazed. Of course Ajani can do spells too. But only low leveled ones. 

Ajani's eyes closed as he felt the calming energy of the Healing spell. He also felt his skin moving, mending and healing itself. Soon the calming energy fades. "There you go, can't heal your shirt though but i have a good replacement." when Ajani turned around his eyes widened at what's in her hand. In her hand was a piece of brown clothing. But not just any brown clothing, it was a hoodie with two long sleeves with blue and orange patches. "Oh my did did you do this?" Gloria smiles "I remember you telling me about it When you told me about your old life. You said you had a hoodie that your grandma gave you that always made you feel safe.and i know this one isn't an exact replica but i wanted you to know this place is just as much your home as your last one.and your safe here...well as safe as it gets." Ajani's eyes grew misty. Gloria and Briar were the closest thing he's ever had to a true family. 

No they WERE his true family. Ajani tries on the hoodie and it was as if he was getting a big hug. "'s perfect! I feel so badass!" Ajani practically tackles Gloria into a hug "i will dance my ass off at your wedding believe that" Gloria laughs a little misty eyed herself "oh please i'm much too old to get married" Ajani laughs. He knows a beautiful woman when he sees one. In his past life he would see plenty of beautiful women but in this life in this new life he might actually talk to a few. 

"I'm serious Gloria, you'd make a wonderful wife to someone if we could actually get out of this village. You know back in my world redheads were in high demand." Gloria smirks "oh really? You wouldn't be suggesting something would you?" Ajani laughs "if i were you would know, not like i can date any of the other girls around here without feeling like a creep. Even though I don't feel like it, I'm technically 31. That won't sit right with me" gloria smiles 'well i'm flattered but i'd rather not date a man who's diapers i had to change. And besides in this world you can get married at 17 so most people don't find it strange." Ajani cringes "gross" gloria smiles "enough about me, i worked hard on this hoodie. It's made from giant spider thread so it's much harder to tear through. And I enchanted it so in the end it's heat resistant" ajani smiles". Thanks Gloria I mean it, and not just for this but for Everything else. Accepting me, counseling me and my feelings. You're a great person and I truly mean that" Gloria was an amazing woman, however she never really left the village despite the roads. 

Whenever Ajani asks his mom about Gloria's Past she would say "a broken heart tends to break an adventurous spirit" but ajani knows better than to cross personal boundaries. When she's ready to talk about her past he'll be there to listen. Gloria had a smart smirk on her face "that's not your only Present, you're a smart boy. But maybe it's time I showed you how to wield magic more..Creatively. Let's step outside. Time for a magic lesson"

Next Time: Chapter 3: A Lessons on Simple Magic tricks

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