Constellations | Regulus Black

By amazinghumangenius

161 3 0

Regulus Black the reserved Slytherin heir, burdened with the weight of pureblood expectations. Melody Rowe... More

You're a literal mole rat
Aforementioned Apples
I levitate my professor
The boarding school in Scotland
Ickle Reggie's got a crush
That was intense dude
A Tingly Sensation
Bombs are fun

great, another muggleborn

23 1 0
By amazinghumangenius

With very large and heavy luggage, Melody walked through the train looking for a compartment to sit in. Most of them were already filled. It took her a while to find an empty carriage but she did find one. It was relatively empty, only two people were in there, a girl with flaming red hair and boy sat beside her with chin length, black hair that could probably use some dry shampoo but hey, Melody wasn't here to judge. 

She slid open the compartment door "Hey, sorry to bother do you mind if I sit?". The red head turned to her with a large smile "Of course come on in. The more the merrier" the boy sitting next to her wasn't as pleased to see her. He rolled his eyes at her as she walked through and sat down after stowing away her luggage. "I'm Lily, this is Severus" the red head gestured to herself and the boy "Melody" she shook Lily's outstretched hand. "Are you a first year?" Lily inquired, Melody chuckled at that "Yeah, what gave it away?" 

 "Just the large amounts of luggage" Melody glanced up at her very stuffed suitcases. She had to get Celina to sit on them when she was trying to zip it up. "I knew I overpacked but my mother was adamant that I bring my whole wardrobe. Who knows that the weather's like in Scotland" There was a lot of 'just in case' items in there. "She didn't know what you wizarding folk wear so we went on some very large shopping sprees. Not that I'm complaining, I love new stuff." Lily, giggled at her small ramble "Are your parents muggles then... non-magic people?" Melody nodded in response. 

The boy Severus, who had been awfully quiet, muttered "Great another muggle born." under his breath. Melody wasn't sure if she was meant to hear it, but she did. Lily whipped her head around "Severus! That's mean and I'm a muggle born" he glanced up at her "yes but you're different, you're not like the rest of them". Lily rolled her eyes and scoffed at that whilst Melody just sat there staring at the ground awkwaard  she thought to herself. "Well if you're going to be like that then I'm going to sit with my other friends" Severus grabbed her hand before she could walk out "Wait! I'm sorry please don't leave me alone".  She could see the pity in Lily's eyes as she sat back down and began asking Melody more questions about her life. 

According to Lily, they were a few minutes away and so Lily took her to a place to change into her school robes. Melody's were long and drowned her as she bought a few sizes up so that they would last her a while but as she exited the train and joined many other first years surrounding a giant man, she saw that most of the students were swimming in their robes. They all followed the very large man, who she now knew was Hagrid, towards some floating boats. 

Melody entered a boat and was joined by three other people Haley, Camila and her brother Hugo.  They were all very nice people, she found out that Camila and Hugo parents were both magical whereas Haley's mother was a muggle but her father was a wizard making her a 'half-blood'. She still wasn't completely sure why your blood status was so important to these people. 

The lake they sailed across was vast and mysterious, the water was so dark it almost seemed opaque. The starry night above was reflected on the water's surface and with the dim glow of the lanterns on the boat, it was quite enchanting. As she peered at the other end of the lake trying to see where it ended, she was met with startling grey eyes. They were intense, filled with secrets and belonged to a young boy. He had short, wavy hair and a young face. He turned away to face the lake again, breaking the few seconds of eye contact between them. Melody turned to face the castle, setting her intrigue about a boy she hasn't even met before to one side. 

৹৹ ◊◈⁕⁘⁕◈◊৹৹

The young herd of children followed professor McGonagall (the same one who showed up at her house) to The Great Hall. Every square inch of the castle was enthralling and she wished nothing more than to be able to take pictures of it all to send to her sister. However, it was made very clear to her by McGonagall that they were not allowed to bring any electronic devices as they simply wouldn't work. They walked down a staircase filled with paintings, when one of them called out to her "Hello little one". This made Melody scream in shock and jumped back, bumping into Camila, "Sorry 'bout that. The painting... spoke. Do they usually speak?" 

 "Yes, we do" another picture replied. Camila gently nudged her forwards as Melody was currently frozen in shock and confusion. 

The wooden doors to the Great Hall flung open, the children walked through being watched by the whole student body. It was nerve wracking to say the least, all they were doing was getting put into houses, why did they need a whole ceremony for it? Wizarding people prioritise the strangest of things, in primary school you were just given a house colour and that was that. No one really ever brought it up until sports day rolled around. McGonagall stood at the front of the hall and began reading a list of names. The first student walked up to the stool, shaking with fear as the hat was placed on his head. She was quite far back but she could've sworn the hat ha- "RAVENCLAW" what was that! why does it talk, why must everything talk?  The hat, which definitely had a face shouted out one of the houses, and the boy walked swiftly over to a table presumably filled with other Ravenclaw student. His robes which were previously plain black, were now adorned with a Ravenclaw crest and a blue and bronze tie as well as the inside of his robes being blue. Guess she missed that quick-change, probably too distracted by the talking hat. 

A little while after, the name "Black, Regulus" was called out. She saw the crowd move slightly as the lean boy made his way to the front. It was him! The same one that was she saw on the lake. The hat was placed on his head and there were a few clicks of silence as the hat pondered where to place him. The boy looked very tense and suddenly it announced "SLYTHERIN" to the student body. Polite applause filled the room, Melody noticed how he let out a small sigh of relief as he made his way to the table at the the far end of the hall. 

After many, many names Melody's feet were very sore and she really wanted to get this over with so she could sit down. Her surname began with 'R' so she was one of the last few students to be called. Its times like this she just wished her surname was Abbot or something similar. After aeons of standing, finally her name was called. She sat on the stool and looked out at the four tables before her. She spotted Lily in the crowd and gave her a smile, which Lily returned. The hat was placed softly on her head and it spoke in her mind. She did not like the feeling at all, it felt very intrusive. "Hmm... you have a great deal of kindness in you and loyalty to the people you care about. You seem to be very hardworking, desperate to prove yourself. Without a doubt it should be... HUFFLEPUFF" she rose from the stall and looked down at her robes noticing they were yellow and so she headed at the other end of the hall to Slytherin, with students wearing matching colours to her. She sat beside Camila, who was also in Hufflepuff, and acquainted herself with the people sitting near her. 

As soon as the sorting ended, an elderly man rose from the table at the front and walked over to a golden podium "Welcome students, to another eventful year at Hogwarts. As a reminder for students there is to be no duelling, or pranking in the corridors and as usual, all students are forbidden from entering the Forbidden Forest at any time. It is named as such for a reason, there are very dangerous creatures in there so unless you wish to be gravely injured or...  die I suggest you  do not enter. Enough of my droning, tuck in everybody." The tables were lined with foods of all kind, roasted chicken with vegetables on the side, mashed potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, jugs of gravy and more. Everyone seemed to immediately tuck in but Melody was still fixated on that very cheerful message were we just meant to eat after being told that we could die here? She followed suit and filled her plate with all kinds of food. After a very filling dinner, two students from each table rose and called out to the first years to follow them to the common rooms.  

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