Sneakin Around | sxs |

By murda4ri

19.2K 843 609

Adapted From: Girls Get It Wetter. Micah is in a secret relationship with her sister's girlfriend... how long... More

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1.4K 72 55
By murda4ri

[ Times up ]

Micah • 19

                      11:00 am | lecture hall |

Micah's pov:

Days have passed since me and Kai's phone sex session. We kept in touch FaceTiming regularly whenever I felt my sister was asleep. I know I was wrong for all of this but being in her presence even if it wasn't in person was something I couldn't let go of.

My professor pulled me aside one day and told me my grades had profoundly dropped. They've been dropping ever since my fling began with Kai, I knew everything I was going through with her as in keeping secrets, continuously lying, and the risk of it all would overwhelm me and now it was affecting my grades.

I just hope this upcoming exam won't have the same outcome, but I was so nervous. "Don't worry you got this in the bag." Brittany quickly whispered to me before turning to her paper so the professor wouldn't think we're cheating.

I love Brittany for all the confidence she gives me especially during times like this. If I didn't have her during my break up with Liyah? I'd seriously be in a whole different head space right now.

Speaking of Liyah she had this class too. Thankfully she sat all the way across the room. I could see her sitting next to some nerdy kid, I examined closer and saw her hand rub his leg.

Yup, she's most likely fucking him for the answers because Liyah definitely isn't the smartest. What did I see in her again?

My legs shook from under the table. I stared at my test taking a deep breath before beginning.


Luckily the bus stop was right outside my school. So students could get on and go wherever they need to go but because of the traffic the bus was running late like always.

If Britney wasn't running late for work too, I would have caught a ride with her.

I stood at the bus stop with a couple dozen students when that same blue charger pulled up on me, this time I knew it was Kai. I didn't tell her to come get me but it was like she always knew when I needed her to.

I walked up to her car and she rolled down the window. "Need a ride?" She grinned. "Oh yes, my knight in shining armor or should I say my knight in jordan's?" I laughed at my own joke.

Jealous students from behind me looked, I heard one of them say. "That was corny." Me and Kai both flicked them off.

"C'mon get in."

I listened getting inside her car. It still smelt as good as when I first got into it. "Seriously why'd you pull up on me? I thought you was supposed to be distancing yourself?" I asked buckling my seatbelt.

What I learned from being in her car the first time? It goes fast. I was clutching my seat when she drove to Jack in the Box.

"I said I was keeping my distance from your sister not you? I came because I remembered that you had that exam today and I wanted to treat you to some food for all your hard work." Kai stated. The second I heard food my face lit up.

How thoughtful of her.

I know I should be keeping my distance from Kai regardless but the more interactions we have, I can't help to think maybe I like her. I get that feeling in my stomach being in her presence. The way she treats me? The way she fucks me? I couldn't let my sister have that, she doesn't deserve it. No matter the amount of times I tell myself the first time we did it was mistake? A mistake doesn't happen three times.

"So do you want to go-"

"Yes the fuck? Start driving!"


We ended up going somewhere local, the whole car ride we talked about her day. She seem so joyful when bringing up her career, it made me smile hearing what makes her happy.

"If seeing the person you with happy gives you happiness? That's how you know you in love." I thought back to what my mom would say to my sister and I, not that it related to my situation, love is a big word. I wonder what my mom would think of all this? If she found out I was sneaking around with Maya's girl.

She'd surely be disappointed.

"What you standin' around for? C'mon baby." Kai grabbed my hand as the waitress led us to our table. I pulled my arm away. "Don't be calling me that in public? People know Maya around here, what if they-"

"What? You still scared to be seen in public with me?" She asked sitting down. "What kind of question is that? Hell yea, our whole relationship is a secret." I snapped back slowly regretting using the word relationship when I saw the confused look on her face.

Kai rolled her eyes picking up the menu that was displayed on the table before we sat down. "What you want on here?" She asked changing the subject. I wasn't ready to let it go.

"No Kai, I can't let this conversation slide. We should of had this a long time ago." I started off, "I've been catching feelings for you and whether you feel the same way it don't matter. We should just stop seeing each other, keeping everything a secret is starting to become overwhelming." I finished, Kai had a smile plastered on her face when she heard me say "feelings" it quickly faded away after she heard we should stop talking.

My heart pounded waiting for a response, Kai just sat there staring off to the side. "Tell me how you feel Jakaiah." I said anxiously and impatient. She let out a big sigh. "I don't want things to end and I do feel the same way about you, if it wasn't obvious." Her eyes turned towards me.

I wanted to smile just as she did a few moments ago but she wasn't finished. "I plan on breaking it off with your sister soon, I just couldn't find the time do it before and I also didn't know if what you and I had was serious." Kai grabbed my hands holding them in hers across the table.

She looked into my eyes before speaking. "You're too amazing to keep a secret, just hold out for me a little longer." She said, I don't know how she figures because regardless if she breaks up with my sister, I'd still be in the wrong for dating her ex.

I brushed the thought off not wanting to ruin this moment, she just told me that she got feelings for me. This is what I've been wanting to hear so why does it feel so wrong?

"Hello, how may I serve you toda- Micah what you doing here?" The waitress walked up to us and it was Brittany. I didn't realize we were at her job til now.

"Uhh trying to eat obviously." I laughed, she rolled her eyes at my sarcasm. "What can I get you and- is this the stud you been telling me about?" Brittany said pointing to Kai who just sat there observing our interaction.

My face flustered with embarrassment. "I heard you be laying it down on my friend over here." Brit said making my face heat up.

When I said Brittany was one of the realest people I know? I meant that. Even though that's typically a good thing it comes with it's flaws, like the fact she's not scared to say what's on her mind to anyone anywhere.

I got up pulling my friend aside dragging her away from the seating area. "Brit!" I semi yelled.

"Hm?" She answered innocently.

"You cannot be telling my business like that." I stated, she nodded her head making a "o" shape with her mouth, I swear sometimes realization hits her a few seconds after the average person.


I ran out of the house party nearly in tears. Liyah really cheated on me in front of everyone. I cupped my face and started crying I just want to go home.

"Hey? what happened in there?" Brittany asked coming from behind me. I looked at her with tears running down my cheeks. "Oh my god babes what's wrong?" She pulled me into a hug.

Is this Brittany's doppelganger can't be the same girl that just watched my girlfriend walk downstairs with some guy then hear me get called a dyke. "Did you not see what happened in there?" I looked at her like she was stupid.

"With Liyah and the gu- oh hell no." She cut herself off realizing everything. "I'm gonna beat her ass." Brittany pulled away from our hug and made her way to the door biting off her nails in the process.

I ran over blocking the doorway before she could enter.

"Micah c'mon, she been deserved this ass whooping. I let the way she talks to you slide because it isn't my business but cheating? That's where I draw the line." She protested trying to push me out the way.

I shook my head. "Please I just want to go home." I pleaded with tears staining my cheeks from my previous crying. She looked at me taking in my current state, a deep breath left her mouth.

"Fine but first we stopping at Wendy's, you look like you need a biggie bag."

After Brittney served us our food Kai decided to speak up about what happened earlier. "You want us to be a secret but you out here telling your friends." She shook her head poking her food with a fork.

I didn't know how to respond so I sat there and ate my food in silence. I didn't tell Brittany everything I just told her I was messing with a stud... still I felt some type of guilt.

"I ain't mad at you, just don't make it seem like I'm the only one fucking up here." Kai spoke again, this time I just nodded my head.


This "date" didn't go as planned, not to say I'm glad it was over because I definitely wasn't. I wanted to spend more time with Kai but she is driving me home now.

"If my sister ask where I been what do I tell her?" I asked Kai who haven't said a word to me this whole ride. I can tell something was upsetting her.

"Tell her you were with Danni." She responded, she hit the brakes stopping a block away from my apartment.

"Uh I don't live right here-"

"I know, I'm still avoiding your sister remember? I don't need her seeing my car pull up." She answered, I nodded my head getting out of her car.

"Wait- no kiss?" Kai looked at me with her lips formed into a pout.

I rolled my eyes at her cuteness leaning back into the car and giving her a kiss.

The 🔚

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