By ialsolikepasta

434 3 0

"I'm going to fall-" "Hey,no. Here."He pulled me on his body. His arms were wrapped around my waist as he was... More



10 0 0
By ialsolikepasta

"I'm so hungry man,"I see Johnny taking a seat on the bench. "Diet week is the worst."he leaned back.

"That's why you've been eating secretly at night?"I look at him.

"How do you know?"

"Your wife saw you eating your daughters leftover after you all went to bed bro..."I laugh at his face. "I saw her at Starbucks today.

"Starbucks?"he raised his eyebrows.

"Dude, coffee is included in the diet."

"I'm just a goalie, why do I need to follow your diet man? You're the ones running."he shakes his head before standing up.
Even our coach follows the diet which is insane to me.

"Brown!"I hear, seeing Matt walking towards me. He sat down right next to me and untied his skates.
The game starts in an hour and most of the guys headed to the back to change into their jerseys.

"Hey"I give him a nod before I start untying my skates too. "What's up?"

"Can we talk?"

"Sure. About?"

"May."he ran his fingers through his messy hair.
I wonder why he wants to talk about her. Especially after whatever he did that made May cry.

"I don't think it's time to talk about May?"I look away.

"I just wanted to ask for the bracelet. I need it back."He leaned his back on the cold wall.

"What bracelet?" What the hell he wants the bracelet?

"The bracelet May gave you that night."

"Why do you want something that's not yours?"I now get up.

"It's actually mine. That's why I said I want it back." Matt copied me.

"Yours?" I scoffed. Since when Matt owns bracelets with butterflies on them? What a joke he is...this man,really.

"She told me to keep it so it's mine."

"When did she tell you to keep it? And why didn't you ask for it back then?"

"She told me to keep it that night and I threw it away..."

"You threw it away?"

"Yeah, and she found it when she was about to leave. I saw it."

"I don't understand. Why would May give you the bracelet? You don't know each other well enough to gift things. And since she gave it to you, why did you throw it away? Why do you want it back? What the hell is actually going on? I'm trying to understand why all these things happen but I get no answers and it drives me crazy-"

"Why? Do you like May? Why do you want to know?"

"She's my friend."

"She's your friend? You didn't even know each other on your first game here."Matt tried to keep his voice low but failed in the end. He got some people's attention.

"Yeah? Who do you think she came to watch playing then? You?" I ask and see him coming closer. He grabbed my jersey and pushed me on the wall. He wanted to hit me but since people were around he let go of me.

"Just give me the bracelet. Please. It's important..."

"You wouldn't throw it away if it really was."I push him back and start walking down the corridor. He was following me. "Tell me one thing."I stop and look at him before I open the door to our locker room. May was crying when she told me to throw the bracelet away. She was also crying at Isaiah's game and I now understand that he was the reason she cried both times.

"I ain't telling you nothing."he pushed the door open, walking in. "Will you give me the bracelet? Yes or no?"

"No."I say turning around. I would have given it to him if he was not being a jerk.

"Fuck you Alex-"I hear before he pushes me.
I took a deep breath and clenched my fists. I don't want to fight with him. I'd break his nose anytime but today is not the day. We have a game to play.
"Don't fucking touch me." I look at him and he just smirks.

"Come on Al,don't be a pussy."he watches me as I walk to my bag. His smirk soon turns into a straight line when I take out the silver bracelet.

"I should've listened to May..."I shake my head, walking across the room.

"The hell are you doing?"he just watches. Everyone was, I just hadn't noticed.

"May told me to throw it away because it's broken."I say coldly.

"But it's not-"he stopped talking when I broke the chain. I threw the now broken bracelet in the trash and after four or five seconds of silence I saw Matt approaching me.

I did not move away.
He punched me in the face, I punched him back.

"Hey"I hear but I don't move my eyes away from the big screen that is in front of me.

"Where were you?"I ask my sister,focused on the series.

"Drive May home."she mumbled, turning off the tv.

"What are you doing? I'm watching."

"I want to talk."Kelly placed the tv remote behind her. I'm so not in the mood. I know what she wants to talk about.

"Not now, please..."

"Did you really fight with Matt?" Here we go... "Alex, I want to know."

"Why? It's over now."

"So, you did fight."I see her getting up, placing her hands on her hips. Thank god my parents are not home or else I'd get scolded from the three of them.

"Why are you giving me this look? You wanted me to just take punches?"

"Why did you fight, Al?"

"We fought over a butterfly bracelet."I roll my eyes, getting up. "The bracelet I was planning to give May, he asked for it."

"You didn't give it to May yet?"

"No, and I won't."

"Why not?"

"I broke it and threw it away."

"What?"Kelly gasped. "Wait. You broke Mays favorite bracelet-"

"She told me to throw it away because it was broken."I shrug.

"And then you said it's not broken and that you'd give it back- why did Matt ask for the bracelet?"

"May left it in Italy. He found it and she told him he could keep it. He threw it away and May got sad so she lied about it being broken. Matt likes her probably, asked for it, I broke it, he almost broke my they're friends."

"Why did he throw it away? What do you mean friends?"

"Don't ask me. Ask your friend. I'm done with this shit-"

"Now why are you mad?"

"I'm not!"

"You're yelling at me and your face is freaking red Al! Keep the attitude and you'll have me thinking you like May."she smirks.

"I don't like her."I mumble. "I like her. Not in the way you think tho."I look away.
Why does she think I like May more than a friend? I don't know if I like her. Can I like her? I don't like Matt and the fact that he's around her the whole time but who am I to complain?

"Okay, good. I don't want things to be awkward."Kelly nodded her head before she fake punches my stomach. "Wanna go for a beer?"

"I have to watch my team playing."

"Ah right, you got benched. Let's watch them play together."

"Make some snacks. We have an hour-"

"Are we going there or staying here?"

"I don't wanna see Matt."

"Right. Go watch your series. I'll make something quick and then we can watch."

"May should've stayed"

"Sure..."Kelly smiles before walking away.

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