Janes step-brother

By millieaddis

12.1K 439 2.5K

Mike Wheeler falling behind in biology and chemistry. He's forced to study so Jane his best friend decides to... More

twenty one
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine


444 12 103
By millieaddis

When I turned back to the stairs I see this tall figure walking into the kitchen. His chest and back was bare as a pair of dark gray joggers was hanging off his hips.

The man walked straight to the fridge not giving us a glance as he grabbed onto the handle pulling it open. The light hitting him giving me a better view of his back.

His skin was pale, his back was covered in small moles and light scars into his skin. Marks overlapped each others as some grew darker than others.

Letting my eyes stroll down as his joggers bagged at his ass, his ass was still very much noticeable or it may be the underwear he could be wearing. My eyes fixed onto the waist band of his briefs what reads 'Calvin Klein' I couldn't help but feed my eyes with the man's Beauty.

As my eyes stroll down again, scanning the soft fabric around his hips letting it hang and stop around his ankles. His feet was covered in white Nike socks- no doubt that his joggers was Nike too.

My eyes were back on his back taking in the details of his light scars and marks what was soon disappeared from my view and was replaced with ripping abs and a tight chest with perked nipples.

Swallowing hard as I kept telling myself 'don't look down' over and over in my head. Of course I had no control over my eyes as they fell. Seeing a slight bump in his joggers. Either this man was secretly hard on or he was just- just bigger than me.

Looking up meeting the most beautiful hazel eyes. Most beautiful- better than Janes that's for sure as they sparkle in the direction sunlight. It was late afternoon sun means it had a golden tone was whipped him perfectly on the face.

His hair was messy and fluffed around as a smirk is tugged in his lips looking back at me.

His lips are a pale pink with a beauty mark sitting above them. Unlike Joyce his cheek bones were low getting lost in the flesh on his face. He was incredibly handsome.

I looked over at Jane who's just glaring at the man. I felt a sting in my chest seeing the look on her face. Like she didn't trust him.

Turning back to the man who was holding a carton of orange juice and much, much closer to the breakfast bar as he poured some into a tall glass. He looked back at me, now he was closer I could make out that his eyebrows was a darker shade of chestnut than his hair as there was a light scar just above his left eyebrow.

My chest was tight but the same tight feeling was in my jeans.

His eye lashes were short but looked like it had multiple layers the way they stand out. There was also a small yellowish dot under his eye. I had one too and I knew if I let my finger swipe it, it was have a slight sting of pain but just for a second.

Soon his gaze ripped off of me and went to Jane.

"Didn't know you had a boyfriend, Jane." He closed the cap of the juice leaning his shoulders up. They were sharp and broad.

"Oh fuck off William." She spat.


Looking back at him and his arms dangle at his sides while he spoke to Jane in a teasing manner.

William, yeah that suits him.

Hot and scruffy.

"Don't you dare tell me to fuck off. Hopper doesn't like that fucking language coming out of your dirty mouth." His hand was raised pointing his index finger at Jane. The height hitting at her nose with a couple of inches away.

"Like he gives a shit if I swear at you. He never and never will see you as a son. All what you are is an angry problem, what no-one especially your mom can clean up." Jane fight back as she stands on the lowest bar on the stall.

I couldn't believe my ears. Ain't no way that just came out of her mouth.

Looking at the man. Who just breathed deeply grabbing the carton of orange juice and walking back to the fridge.

"What nothing to say back because you know it's true. we all know you're the disappointment because you like dicks-"

A slam lapped over her voice making me flinch. The man slammed the juice on the shelf in the fridge before slamming the door shut.

"How many times do I have to tell you, if I like sucking dick or not it ain't any of your business and for sure it ain't any of his either." He pointed at me making me let my hands clamp together in my lap.

The pair looking at me as I give a sly and awkward smile. The man flashed one back but just for a second but that made a singular butterfly flap around in my stomach just for a second.

"Leave him alone Will. I'm sorry Mike." Jane turned to me with a soft smile making me nod.

Soon enough Will grabbed his tall glass of orange juice and stormed back upstairs.

Okay 50/50... or 70/30 kinda thing.


A/N: I lobe this chapter because William is just so ugh adorable anyway hope you enjoyed just like Mike did!

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