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The last bell before lunch just went off. In my class so happened to have Jane in who was silently packing her stuff away into her small hand bag. Feeling eyes boring into her side she turns her head to me, the sweetest smile spread across her lips.

"Hey Mike." She waved at me lightly.

I smiled back silently mouthing the word "hi". Yeah no. I can't do this. Getting up from my chair shoving my books and pens into my very used backpack. The white started to look yellow and the green was turning more of a... different shade of green? The small black pocket at the back slightly ripped at the bottom so I don't dare to place anything in their but me phone. The brown bottom slightly torn from where I've been kicking in on the ground some times and just very worn out. While Jane waited for me at the door holding her iPhone eight plus in her hand as she typed on the keys.

Once I got up to her she turned off her phone letting it be placed in a small side pocket in her bag. She grabbed my hand lightly as she threaded her fingers with mine.

People looking in our direction, it's already bad enough a good percentage of the school thinks we're dating. It's like a boy and girl who are friends can't even hold hands.

I felt my hand getting sweaty connected with hers- I didn't mind holding hands with her outside because then she couldn't feel how sweaty my hand gotten because of the December season.

Walking down the hall to the lunch hall wasn't as bad like most times. Jane was not normally this quite but I'll take it. What I've learned if you ever hang out with her when she's not studying it's no stop nonsense coming out her mouth- oh that reminds me, Jane and I are planning on studying just some English and math.

Chemistry and biology is harder so there is no way I'm not studying them around her. I don't wanna look... dumber? I'm not dumb it's just my brain doesn't like focusing on some topics.

We made it to our lunch table with all of our friends. I let go of her hand and I took my bag off my shoulder and hang it off at the back of my chair.

"Jane?" I spoke making the brunette haired girl look lover at me with a smile across her lips.

"Hm." She responded with her full attentions

"Can you help me with math and English? Like not help me with it but like make an agenda so I could know the day and time to study them, please?" I asked. She let out a soft laugh and nodded her head slightly. "Thank you." I let out almost soundless.

"Awww you guys are so cute." I heard Max say making me shoot my head up at her. "Just look, Lucas, Dustin." She motioned her fingers at me and Jane then placed them together.

Lucas and Dustin was like stupid little kids- I think I heard one of them squeal like a little fucking girl 'cause I know ow for a fact that was definitely not Max. It seemed like it even scared her a little.

"Come one Mike just ask her out already." Lucas whispered yelled to me making me sink in my chair.

The three of them was giggle to each other 'jokes' actually I don't think they was jokes but they was clearly talking about me and Jane being together like some shit they alway pull at lunch time.

I turned my gaze to Jane who was blushing a crimson red. She was looking down at her lap fiddling with her hands. Her hair slowly falling, strand by strand covering her face until I couldn't see it anymore.

Facing back to the other three and that's when they decided it was a great idea for a-

"SHIP-NAME!!" Now that was Max squealing. I didn't know she be such a... female.

"Omg yes what's their ship-name." Dustin joined in so did Lucas.

I rubbed my hands over my face.

Once I looked back up at them with a tight lipped smile as I leaned forward just wanting to go back figuring out this stupid agenda.

Deep down to the bottom of my toes I felt bad, I didn't feel anything not any electricity or chemistry sparks between me and Jane. She's just a friend, who's sweet and cute- a little bitter when she's loud and talks too much but she's an amazing friend.

Nothing more.


A/N: ughhhh I really hope my dyslexia thing doesn't intrude this story.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed the 2nd chapter!!! Also I forgot to say that this story will also have a spin off!

Janes step-brotherWhere stories live. Discover now