Questionable Morals and Breac...


416 40 2

At 27, Millie Grayson finds herself in a rut, living with her parents, stuck in a poorly compensated job, and... More

Chapter 1: Millie
Chapter 2: Daniel
Chapter 3: Millie
Chapter 4: Daniel
Chapter 5: Millie
Chapter 6: Daniel
Chapter 7: Millie
Chapter 8: Daniel
Chapter 9: Millie
Chapter 10: Daniel
Chapter 11: Millie
Chapter 12: Daniel
Chapter 13: Millie
Chapter 14: Daniel
Chapter 15: Millie
Chapter 16: Daniel
Chapter 17: Millie
Chapter 18: Daniel
Chapter 19: Millie
Chapter 20: Daniel
Chapter 21: Millie
Chapter 22: Daniel
Chapter 23: Millie
Chapter 24: Daniel
Chapter 25: Millie
Chapter 26: Daniel
Chapter 27: Millie
Chapter 28 Daniel:
Chapter 29: Millie
Chapter 30 Daniel:
Chapter 31: Millie
Chapter 32: Daniel
Chapter 34: Daniel
Chapter 35: Millie
Chapter 36: Daniel
Chapter 37: Millie

Chapter 33: Millie

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"Thank you for picking me up. I don't even... How did you even know where I was?" I inquire, casting a glance at Rhys, who's casually sipping his coffee as he navigates his Tesla through the city streets. He turns to meet my gaze, his left hand finding its place on my thigh, the gentle pressure of his thumb tracing soothing circles. "I went to the office to surprise you and happened upon Jane, who informed me about the family emergency and your location. I rushed over as soon as I could. Glad that everyone is okay," he explains, a soft smile gracing his lips before his focus returns to the road ahead.
As I prepare to respond, Rhys beats me to it. "How did you end up going there anyway if it was Daniel's step-mum or something?" he asks, his eyes fixed firmly on the road. "He came into the office looking completely broken and pale. He barely said two words to anyone. When he eventually told us about what happened, we arranged for a cab to take him to the hospital. I felt bad leaving him alone. No one should have to face such worrying circumstances by themselves," I share sympathetically, hoping Rhys can understand my perspective.
Deciding to withhold certain details from Rhys, I keep the finer points of the day to myself. There's no need for him to know about the charade of pretending to be his wife or the misunderstanding with Daniel's family, who mistakenly believed I was his girlfriend—a misconception neither of us bothered to correct for hours.

Rhys indicates left and smoothly veers onto a quiet side street, parking the Tesla along the pavement. As he turns off the engine, he turns to face me, his expression softening. "You're too kind. You must be starving? Have you eaten at all today?" he asks, his right hand delicately tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "When Daniel was with Louise, I asked Becs to drop off some bits  and my laptop so I could work. I wasn't sure how long he would be and didn't want him to be alone," I explain, a smile playing on my lips as I lightly tap the bag resting on my lap. "Ever the hard worker, aren't you, Miss Grayson," Rhys remarks, his smile eliciting a blush from me. Clearing his throat, Rhys shifts his gaze to mine, a hint of bashfulness in his demeanour. "I hope this isn't too forward of me, but I... thought about you quite a bit while I was away," he admits, his hand nervously ruffling through his hair. Gathering his composure, he continues, "I had a lovely... really lovely time in Paris with you. But I want to make sure we are on the same page... about everything," he says, his eyes meeting mine as he places both hands on my knee.

Allowing Rhys to initiate the conversation, I nod in agreement as he begins. "I don't want work involved in... any of this," he says, his hands gesturing towards us and our surroundings.
"You work for John, and I don't think this needs to be... a well-known situation... unless things... things change? Become more serious than they currently are? Does this make sense? I like.. Spending time with you.. Sorry if I am coming across as a bit of a cock," he adds, his chuckle tinged with embarrassment, prompting me to place a reassuring hand on top of his.
"I couldn't agree more. I don't want anything to change with how we are at work. I don't want any 'special treatment,'" I affirm with a smile, my gaze meeting his.
"And I also had a really lovely time in Paris," I add, tilting my head as I find myself once again captivated by Rhys's sex god beauty. "Good. Good. Okay. Thank you. Pheww, good," Rhys responds, a faint blush colouring his cheeks as my confidence grows. Leaning forward, I bite my lip slightly, prompting Rhys's right hand to slide up my neck, pulling my face towards his. Our lips touch, as we dive into each other as his left hand finds it's way into my hair.

As we're lost in each other's touch, a sudden knock on the window startles both of us. "Bloody hell..." Rhys grumbles, his hands dropping from my neck and hair as he turns towards his window, pressing the button to crack it open slightly.
"Sorry, Sir. Wanted to check if everything was okay," a voice whispers through the crack. Rhys lets out a laugh, his shoulders relaxing as he places his left hand back on my thigh. "All good, Brian. Just having a... catch-up with Millie," he says, his hand squeezing my thigh as I stifle a snigger. "Apologies, Sir. Ready whenever you are," the voice whispers again before the window glass slides back up. "Sorry about that, Millie... Comes with the job," Rhys chuckles, turning to me and placing a single kiss on my lips. "I better get you home anyway. We have a meeting at 10:30 tomorrow, John is back in the office, and we want to start the first build on Friday."


Deciding to arrive at the office a bit earlier than usual, was a good decision last night.. But not one I am overly happy with this morning. Although I did manage to do some work last night at the hospital, it wasn't as much as I had hoped. By the time Rhys dropped me back home, it was already past 10 pm, and I was eager to rid myself of the hospital scent clinging to my skin. I then fell straight asleep and didn't even manage to open my laptop.
As the elevator doors open, I find the entire office shrouded in darkness, indicating that I'm the first person here. The motion sensor lights gradually flicker on as I make my way through the office floor. Upon unlocking my office door, I glance at the time and realise it's 7:23 am, giving me a nice amount of time to myself.
Casually tossing my bag and jacket onto the sofa, I make my way to the kitchen, selecting the largest mug from the cupboard and placing it under the coffee machine. As the machine beeps to life, preparing my oat milk cappuccino, I take a moment to check my calendar on my phone. I notice that the 10:30 meeting with Rhys, John, and Daniel has been rescheduled to 13:30 at Daniel's request, sent out at the ungodly hour of 2am this morning.
Returning to my office with my freshly brewed coffee, I shut the door behind me and retrieve my over-ear headphones. With a quick tap on my phone, I cue up my "Concentration Playlist". I have an hour and 3 minutes until everyone else arrives.


"I HAVE ARRIVEDDDD!!!" penetrates through my headphones, jolting me from my screen. Startled, I lift my gaze to find Becs standing across from me, a huge grin covering her face as she presents two Starbucks cups. I remove my headphones, pausing my music. I was in the middle of a Club Tropicana. "Oooo, you're an angel. Thank youuuu. What time is it?" I ask, taking a sip of the Chocolate Pretzel Frappuccino.

"It's 8:33 am. The sun is shining, and it's shaping up to be a B-E-A-U-TIFUL Thursday. Let's aim for a drama-free day, shall we?" she chirps, skipping back to her own workspace.

As Becs settles into her desk, engrossed in watering her numerous plants, I seize the opportunity to discreetly roll my chair towards the adjoining door, careful not to disturb the silence. With bated breath, I turn the handle, peering through the slender gap. Daniel's office remains covered in darkness, untouched and empty. I attempt to shut the door, only to be interrupted by Becs's  voice slicing through the air.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" she calls out, her head tilted in confusion.

Panicked, I swiftly wheel back to my desk, leaving the door slightly ajar and begin shuffling the paperwork in front of me. "Noo...Nothing. Just checking if he's seen the paperwork on his desk," I stammer, fabricating an old excuse for my nosiness. Becs rolls her eyes with exaggerated flair, taking a sip from her Starbucks cup.

With the meeting now pushed back a few hours, I find myself with some unexpected time to catch up on everything before the impending discussions. The prospect of commencing the first build tomorrow or Monday fills me with excitement; it's fantastic news for all of us. If we can pull it off, we'll be leaps and bounds ahead of schedule.
"Becs, I've got a ton of stuff to tackle before that 1:30 meeting. I'm going to pop my headphones back on. If you need me... just throw a toy at my head!" I chuckle, gesturing toward the array of toys covering her desk, ranging from a dinosaur to a baby octopus.
With a mischievous grin, Becs picks up a plush dinosaur and waggles it in the air. "You got it! I'll make sure to aim carefully," she replies.

An hour and seventeen minutes later, I'm startled by the soft impact of a baby pink octopus hitting my head, followed by a burst of laughter. Turning to face Becs, I'm met with her sneeky smirk, "Sorry to bother M&M.... But someone is here to see you," she teases, her head tilted playfully. "Oh... Me? Who? Gosh, okay. Give me a second," I reply, sliding off my headphones and reaching for my Elvis compact mirror to quickly check my appearance. With a wave of my hands, I signal Becs to give me a moment as she steps out of our office, her smile beaming suspiciously.

As I ponder who might be waiting for me, the office door swings open, revealing a staggering bouquet of red roses. My jaw drops in shock at the sight of over 200 roses, as they lower, Rhys's radiant smile emerges from behind them. "Morning, you... Thought I'd brighten up your office. Sleep okay?" he greets, planting a tender kiss on my cheek.
"Rhys... These are beautiful. I've never seen so many roses in my life, thank you so much! You didn't need to at all. But wow aren't they amazing!" I stammer, blushing as I accept the flowers and carefully place them on the office table. Glancing over Rhys's shoulder, I catch Becs peeking through the window, giggling and signalling that she'll be downstairs with the girls. Before departing from the window, Becs mouths the words 'TEAM RHYS', followed by a blown kiss. 

As she disappears from view, I turn my attention back to Rhys, "Would you like a coffee? We have a great machine..." I offer awkwardly. Rhys takes hold of my wrist, guiding me to sit beside him. "Millie, stop being awkward. I want you to be normal with me," he insists, his gaze sweeping around the room before he adds, "No one else is in here... How's your morning been? You can relax, you idiot!" he nudges my shoulders playfully, causing me to giggle as I lean into him.

"Sorry... I don't mean to be. I just... We've never been in a formal work setting yet. It's always been via email or at fancy dinners," I admit, feeling a flush of embarrassment. Lifting my head from his shoulder, I meet his gaze as confidence takes hold. One hand rises to caress his cheek, drawing his lips towards mine. Breaking the kiss, we share a laugh as Rhys plants a gentle kiss on my forehead. "How's your morning been? I saw you logged on very early this morning," he inquires, his hand resting on my knee. "Yes, I wanted to be more organized... I did some at the hospital, but not a lot.. The internet was awful.. Plus I was quite occupied last night and didn't get home until late" I smirk, meeting Rhys's star-studded smile with my own. His hands move to cup my face as he leans in for another kiss. "Yeahhh... Guess I am partly to blame for that one," he murmurs against my lips. Our kisses are interrupted by Rhys pushing my shoulders back, laughing breathlessly. "Fucking hell... Let's get that coffee or I am never going to get any work done today!" he declares, pressing a quick kiss to my lips before rising from the sofa and running his hand through his hair.

I follow closely behind as Rhys leads the way toward the kitchen, our footsteps echoing softly throughout the office. As we pass by, I can feel the glances of other staff members', their curious gazes silently observing our candid conversation. We pass by the boardroom, and my attention is drawn to the sight of five individuals from Rhys's entourage setting up for the afternoon meeting. "Do you ever get used to it?" I ask, observing the men and women bustling about, arranging the screens and organising documents.

"Get used to what?" Rhys replies, turning to glance at the boardroom before continuing, "Oh, that." A chuckle escapes his lips as he strides toward the glass windows overlooking his team. "Took a while... Especially trying to find people I trusted. As you can imagine, people aren't the most honest when there is money at play. But yes, as normal as having five people follow me every day as it can be... The security is the fucking weirdest one.. As you know from last night," he remarks, tapping lightly on the glass. 
The sudden noise catches the attention of the individuals inside, causing them to jump and stand at attention. One of the women, hurries towards the door, her demeanour slightly flustered. "Is there anything you need, Mr. Braun?" she inquires, smoothing down her skirt.

"Relax, Flo," Rhys reassures her with a warm smile, his laughter filling the air. "I'm just going to get a coffee with Millie. Can you divert all calls to James, please? For the next few hours?" he requests. "I'll grab you the coffee, Mr. Braun," Flo offers, already starting to move toward the kitchen. Rhys places a hand on the glass, halting her progress. "Thank you, Flo, but you don't need to. Keep an eye on the rest of them for me and make sure James's notes are clearer than the last time. It took me ages to read them with his shit handwriting," he jests, his smile never faltering. Lowering his hand from the window, Rhys rests it on Flo's shoulder, leaning in slightly to speak softly. "Please, call me Rhys. Mr. Braun is too formal and reminds me of my dad," he whispers. Flo's cheeks flush at his touch, a shy smile gracing her lips as she nods repeatedly. "Yes, sorry, sir... I mean Rhys. I'll put the divert on now. If you do need anything, please let us know," she replies, casting a friendly glance in my direction before retreating back into the boardroom.

"I would never get used to that," I chuckle, shaking my head as we make our way towards the kitchen. Once we arrive at the coffee machine, we spot Dean patiently waiting for it to reset. Catching sight of Rhys and I, Dean quickly steps aside. "Please, go in front of me... I... Errr... Not sure what I want... Pleasure to meet you by the way, Mr. Braun... I am a huge fan," Dean stammers, extending his arm past me to shake Rhys's hand.
"Pleasure to meet you," Rhys replies warmly, reciprocating the handshake as Dean's smile beams from ear to ear. "Take your time mate. We'll wait till you're done," Rhys adds, flashing a reassuring smile. As Dean turns to face me, I raise my hands in protest. "Happy to wait, Dean. I would suggest the Caramel Macchiato and then add a bit of cinnamon on top. It's loooooovely," I offer with a smile. Following my suggestion, Dean selects the buttons for the drink, and the machine begins its process of whirring and beeping.

Meanwhile, other staff members start to notice Rhys's presence in the kitchen and gradually make their way over to introduce themselves and engage in conversation. Rhys effortlessly leads the conversation, engaging with the dozen team members who have gathered around him. Amidst the discussions about perseverance and determination being key attributes to success, Rhys steals a moment to glance over the shoulder of one of the staff members, flashing me a smirk and a wink before seamlessly returning to the conversation at hand.

As Dean takes his coffee from the machine and scurries back to his desk, offering me a thankful smile. Turning my attention to the coffee machine, I begin typing in my order, ready to indulge in a much-needed caffeine boost. Before I can ask Rhys what he'd like, I catch sight of him signing copies of his book, surrounded by my eager team members desperate for his attention.
I can't help but laugh and roll my eyes. It's no surprise that Rhys attracts such attention – with his constant presence in the media, whether it's dating rumours, new business deals, or socialising with the world's most famous celebrities, ranging from Ronaldo to the Obamas.
It's a stark difference to the usual office environment, but then again, Rhys has always been larger than life in every aspect. To say that the team, including myself, are a tad star-struck by him would be a massive understatement.

As Rhys finishes signing the final book, he waves off each of the staff members, their faces still lit up with excitement as they rush back to their desks. "Sorry about that... Can I please have whatever you told Dean? Sounded fucking delicious," he says with a smile, his eyes wandering over the assortment of snacks laid out on the side. "Of course, coming right up," I reply, punching in his order on the coffee machine.
"How many books do you think you've signed?" I ask, genuinely curious about the extent of his book signing endeavours and the endless hand cramps.

"Fuck... Thousands," he replies, his expression reflecting a mix of pride and exhaustion. "Before it was publicly released, they made me sign a bucket load to 'boost sales.' I don't mind it though. I'm quite proud of the book." He smiles, "Saying that, I haven't signed yours? Does yours live in your desk drawer too? Similar to all your colleagues?" he teases, his laughter filling the kitchen as he rummages through the packets of biscuits on the counter.
I chuckle, shaking my head in amusement. "No. It's actually on my bedside table," I admit, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "But if you're willing to sign it and include a personal message, I'll make sure it gets a special place on my desk from now on."

As we make our way back to my office, coffees in hand, colleagues wave at Rhys and greet us warmly as we walk past. "Seems I might be dating the office celebrity," Rhys whispers in my ear as he grabs the door handle of my office and gestures for me to walk in first. Chuckling softly at his comment. Taking a seat on the sofa positioned near my coffee table, I settle in comfortably as Rhys moves to sit next to me. However, he suddenly retreats and opts for the chair opposite me. "So we don't lose track of time," he explains with a playful wink. We both take a sip of our coffees, and Rhys closes his eyes in satisfaction. "Fuck, that is good. Brilliant choice, Millie," he remarks.

I chuckle as I notice a dollop of cream on the tip of his nose. Unable to resist, I lean forward and wipe it off with my thumb. As I start to move back to my seat, Rhys's hand suddenly grips my wrist, stopping me. My heart skips a beat, as his tongue glides against my skin and licks the cream off my thumb, his eyes locked onto mine with a glare that sends shivers down my spine. 
His hand then moves from my wrist to my neck, pulling me closer as he leans in to place a kiss on my lips. Time seems to stand still. My heart racing with excitement. When we finally pull back, a smile tugs at the corners of our lips. Flustered and blushing, I fall back into my seat biting my lip with nerves. "Want to show me the plans for the first build then?" Rhys flirts, winking playfully as he takes another sip of his coffee. His charm never fails to bring a smile to my face, and I can't help but smile as I shake my head in amusement.

"Of course," I reply, rising from the sofa and making my way to my desk. I gather my laptop and the relevant paperwork, eager to share the progress we've made on the project.
As I settle back onto the sofa, Rhys leans forward, his hand casually finding its place on my paperwork as I reach for his. "I am looking forward to spending more time with you, Miss Grayson," Rhys says with a charming smile, his eyes shining with warmth. His smile is infectious, and I can feel my heart racing at his words. "I am too, Mr. Braun," I reply with a cheeky grin, unable to resist the playful banter that seems to come so naturally between us.

Before we can share another moment, the door bursts open with a loud greeting, interrupting us.  As Daniel enters the office, Rhys and I drop our eye contact and both glance towards him. Daniel clears his throat, breaking the silence. "Oh, Rhys... Morning, mate. When did you get back in?" he asks. I snap my hand away from Rhys', feeling a pang of awkwardness, as he does the same, jumping from the sofa and striding towards Daniel. "Daniel, my main man. I got back in last night. Wanted to get a head start on everything... Bring it in," Rhys replies, extending his arm for a handshake. Daniel reciprocates the gesture, their handshake becoming tense as both men grip each other's hands tightly. I can't help but notice the subtle power play between them, their competitive nature shining through even in a simple greeting.

Rhys, being the more mature of the two, drops his grip first. "Millie and I were just going through the plans of the first build. I believe we can start tomorrow? Is that correct, Millie?" Rhys turns to face me with a playful wink. I smile in agreement, but the smile fades when I glance up at Daniel, whose jaw is clenched in frustration. Rising from the sofa, I gather the paperwork, "Yes, everything is in place. Just need these two contracts to be signed for delivery tomorrow morning, and Site 1R is ready," I confirm, walking over to join them.
Daniel's glare doesn't loosen as I approach, and he snatches the documents from my hand. "Okay. I'll get these signed. 1:30 still good for everyone? Or are we otherwise occupied?" he asks, his tone curt as he glances at me up and down.

"1:30 is great, mate. My team has already set up the boardroom, and as you moved it to lunch, I took it upon myself to organize food. Masa Takayama is going to cater for us. He owes me a favor," Rhys interjects, trying to lighten the mood. Daniel offers a fake smile before marching back into his office, closing the door firmly behind him. Rhys turns to face me, and we share a moment of silent laughter. Stepping closer, Rhys tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. "Nearly got caught there... Though, it was quite exciting wasn't it?," he whispers in my ear, his breath warm against my skin. He places a gentle kiss on my cheek before his phone begins to buzz in his pocket.

"Rhys speaking," he answers, but his gaze remains fixated on my lips as he nods along to the call. Rolling his eyes at every sentence spoken in his ear, "I have to take this one. See you in the meeting," he whispers, planting a quick kiss on my lips before heading towards the door.
He swiftly swaps the call to Bluetooth as he strides towards the door. Opening it with a gesture, he ushers someone inside. It's Becs, wearing a smile that lights up her face, as she whispers a quick "thank you" as she enters. Before Rhys leaves the room, he glances at me once more, giving me a wink that sends a flutter through my chest. With a final charming smile, he begins speaking in Spanish, as he shuts the door behind him.

Becs's excitement is obvious as she silently screams, jumping up and down and quietly clapping, her whispers of "Team Rhys" quiet enough for Daniel not to hear, but for me perfectly.
I shake my head at her silly reactions, as I settle back at my desk. With some time to spare before the meeting, I decide to take a quick glance at my phone, scrolling through my messages. I notice the group WhatsApp chat with the girls downstairs has blown up with over 53 messages discussing Becs' reaction to seeing Rhys and me together in our office.
With a discreet sigh, I respond to the messages, assuring the girls that Rhys and I are JUST working together. Becs, puzzled by my sudden flurry of messages in the chat, rolls herself over to me, "Ehh? Confused?" she questions, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"We can't tell anyone. Meaning YOU can't tell anyone. As far as anyone is aware, Rhys is just a client, and we work for him... Pleaseeee don't tell anyone," I plead, fluttering my eyelashes at Becs. Becs grunts in response, rolling her eyes at my request. "FINE... It's just so exciting... My best friend is 'CASUALLY DATING A BILLIONAIRE,'" she whispers, unable to contain her glee as she silently claps once again.


"YES?" Daniel's voice echoes through the door as I gently open it, peering my head around the corner to catch his attention. Stepping into his office through our adjoining door, I find him immersed in his work, his eyes glued to the screen in front of him.
"Just wanted to see if you were ready for the meeting? Want to walk down together?" I ask, trying to engage him in conversation despite his lack of eye contact.
Daniel's response is laced with sarcasm as he scoffs, "Ah yes. The meeting. With Rhys's fucking fancy chef. How could I have possibly forgotten?" His tone drips with disdain, and I can't help but roll my eyes at his remarks. Ignoring his negativity, I lean casually against the door frame, holding my laptop and bottle of water. "Oh, stop being a shitbag. We're finally starting the first build tomorrow. This is exciting, Daniel!" I snap back gleefully.
As he rises from his desk, I can't help but notice the casual look of Daniel's appearance. His white shirt is missing a tie, with three buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up, revealing the tattoo sleeves covering his arms. With a lazy stretch above his head, his tucked shirt rides up, exposing his tanned and toned torso, and I feel my heart rate quicken at the sight.

"Want a picture, Mils?" he sarcastically quips, walking closer to me with his tie in hand, his playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. I exhale, my eyes rolling once more at Daniel's  banter. He joins me in the door frame, his hand casually resting on the wall behind my head. "What? You were the one staring... We're at work, Mils... Be professional for fuck's sake," he teases, a smirk playing on his lips as I nudge his tight chest.
"Put a fucking tie on. You look like a slob," I retort with a snigger, making a move to step away from the door frame. However, Daniel leans closer to me, his proximity causing my breath to catch in my throat.

"Do my tie for me, will ya? I don't have a mirror," he requests, handing me the navy tie as he begins to button up his shirt. I comply, bending down to place my laptop and water bottle on the floor. "Jesus, Millie. We're at work, you fucking tease... Get up," he laughs, teasing me once more. "Do you want me to do this fucking tie or not?" I snap back, feeling a mixture of frustration and flirtation at his antics. Daniel raises his hands in surrender, his laughter filling the air. "Oh, lighten up, Mils. We're just having fun," he reassures me, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

I wrap the tie around his neck, standing on my tiptoes as I start to sort it out. However, I keep dropping from my tiptoes due to his height. "Let me crouch, you fucking small human," Daniel suggests with a chuckle, sliding his back against the door frame to lower himself to my level.
As I straighten his tie, our eyes lock, and I can't help but feel a flutter of excitement in my chest. His gaze is intense, watching my every movement with a focus that sends shivers down my spine. "Beautiful. Now tuck your shirt in," I instruct.

Our faces are inches apart, and the scent of Daniel's aftershave drowns me, sending my senses reeling. I find myself lost in his gaze as he stands up, his tall frame towering over me. His eyes remain locked on mine as he adjusts his shirt, and I can feel my heart racing at the intensity of the moment. As I drop to the floor to retrieve my laptop and water, my eyes inadvertently flicker to Daniel's trousers, where I catch a glimpse of his unmistakable rock hard cock. My cheeks flush crimson at the sight, and I quickly avert my gaze, "Can't blame him, Mils. You know we are fans," Daniel remarks teasingly, his tone laced with playful flirtation as he meets my eyes with a mischievous smile.

I shoot up from the floor, flustered and at a loss for words. "Daniel... What the fuck... You... Err..." I stammer, my mind racing as I struggle to form a response. I nudge his ribs in frustration, but a reluctant smile tugs at the corners of my lips. "I'll meet you in there... For fuck's sake, Daniel," I mutter, as I shut the adjoining door behind me as Daniel's laughter echoes. 

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