By TheListenComplex22

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A book of prayers written by God Allah The Almighty, Jesus Christ through Archangel Michael and A Servant and... More

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Prayers of The Holy Bible - The New Testament
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A Prayer Explaining The Discapline of GOD For His Children.
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A Prayer For My Brothers.
A Prayer For my Grandparents.
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A Prayer for my Children, my Beautiful Sons and Daughters my beloved Angels

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By TheListenComplex22

Dear my lord God Allah the Almighty and Gods Son my Holy Lord Jesus Christ,

You and my children are my little (and GREAT and Glorious!) beautiful, my loves, my darlings, my dears, my Angels are my children and my Gods are you both, I am in honour and worship of you both God and Jesus, and I am in awe of my most perfect blessings my children... They will always be my baby boys and girls, no matter what their age, and you will always be my Lords, and i will always love you all unconditionally and without judgement or persecution.

I Pray that my children are Holy and faithful, and grow up to Know, See and worship and love you both, my Lords God and Jesus. I pray that You are Always and forever with them, holding their hands, guiding them, loving them, hugging them, walking with them wherever they go. I pray that you stay with them every second of thier lives - holding them tightly while they sleep and standing infront of them, protecting them from all and any harm so that none may ever come to them, and i pray this is a command from You that they are always safe in your hands and in your care.

I pray that they come to understand you both and that you are thier saviors, that you both are GOOD, that you are thier light and that you wish their light to shine and make seen to the world what is unseen - thier very uniquness and specialness, thier perfect creation and innocence that they are, and i pray that they see you both as passionate, empathetic, loving, caring, gentle, sympathetic, patient, kind, glorious, majestic, miaculous, magnitising and enchanting, and every good, perfect and positive and Holy, spiritual, faithful word that IS, and that they are never fearful in your presence but that they know you both are always with them... That they never have any need to worry but Pray all the time. I pray that you reveal yourself to them and let them see you exactly as you are - Enthroned above the Heavens, and I pray that you both always smile down at them, cry in thier despair, hug them, comfort them and speak to them, i pray that you laugh at all thier greatest jokes and cheeky humour, and i pray that you hold constant conversation with them - that they can always hear you both and know exactly what you are saying, and that you never stop talking to them, in case of listening, and i pray that you pray with them and them with you.

I pray that they look to you in everything and have great hope in me who you have given them as a mother, to do the best job that she can because of doing your will and work, and obeying your every command, and i pray that they follow in mine and especially Jesus's footsteps,

I pray that they listen to all of jesus's teachings, words and parables, and learn the word of God and know that GOD IS and JESUS IS and that they are within the truths of God, and I pray that the holy spirit enters them one day, and that they are truly blessed, have all thier prayers answered and know the true glory and grace of God.

I pray that they see miracles in thier lives, and i pray that they know and believe with all thier hearts that they are angels of God. I want them to know and be told by you without a doubt in thier minds that you are both proud of them and love them, and that they are both entering The Kingdom of GOD.

I pray that you give them eternal life and take them to Heaven overnight, let them dream of thier happiest memories and dreams, and laugh in thier sleep, and wake up laughing and smiling, and thier sins forgiven already, can only ever be taken by GOD when thier work on this earth is completed, and in no other way can they be harmed or taken. I pray that this is a command from GOD Allah the Almighty.

I pray that they continue on to live prosperously, that they are happily married and find thier true loves, i pray that they experience love at first sight, that they are never poor but that they live successfully doing exactly what they wish and dream to do, what they aspire to do, and doing only what they love to do, thier very hobbies and strengths - let them shine! Let them never consider anything they do a burden, but let them know that is is work for GOD, and let them know that you have the greatest and most loving plan for them and that no matter what life is bringing them now, there will come a time very soon where they will experience pure exctasy and bliss, the ultimate joy, safety and love, and i pray that they are surrounded by people who love and care for them, and that you only bring them people who are there to help them and show them kindness,

I pray that they learn to love one another, that they do not hate or respent anybody for thier own mistakes, but forgive them and learn from them, and then teach them right from wrong and about God and Jesus, and then leave that relationship, and LET GOD do the rest, Gods will be done,

Hallelulja! Praise be to the lord God! Praise the Lord Jesus! Sing hosana in the highest! God is GOOD! GOD IS LOVE! God is perfect! God is Light! God is kind! God is loving! God is merciful! God is caring! God is comapssionate! God is understanding! God is gentle! God is giving! God is graceful! God is The Lord!

let all of these traits shine in the personalities of my children as they learn to be as much in your footstaps day by day, and tell them that thier mummy Angel loves them, and together, let us be thier saviors!


Mummy Angel Mary Clement and Jesus Christ, from GOD. 

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