me and you - isaac garcia

By baddbiddie420

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SLOW BURN, ENEMIES TO LOVERS - isaac garcia x oc when y/n and jackie howard are forced to move from new york... More

part one: prologue
part two: first impressions
part three: the first day
part four: not okay
part five: heartthrob and detention
part six: baths and nerf wars
part seven: painting fashion
part eight: huddle up
part nine: missing teapots
part ten: sisters
part eleven: camp walter
part twelve: getting somewhere
part thirteen: hopeful deliveries
part fourteen: thankfully baking
part fifteen: here for now
part sixteen: sun and moon
part seventeen: bonfire
part nineteen: bickering rumors
part twenty: unexpected events
part twenty one: make ups
part twenty two: mud-ball fight
part twenty three: getting artsy
part twenty four: playful ceremonies
part twenty five: hockey gardens
part twenty six: fighting orchards
part twenty seven: carnivals and concerts
part twenty eight: all smiles
part twenty nine: happier now
part thirty: summer at last

part eighteen: drama talking

2K 61 236
By baddbiddie420

"Y/n. Y/n, come on. Wake up."

I groaned, rolling around a bit on the bed. I peaked open one eye, letting me take in the bright light around my room.

I stretched, pulling down the blankets from over my head. I heard our bedroom door close, followed by the sound of glass clinking beside me.

I rubbed both of my eyes and when I opened them Jackie was beside me, setting down a tray of food.

"Good, you're up." she smiled softly, "I've been covering for you all morning. Katherine thinks you've been in here doing homework."

I lifted my head, taking in the mess of my room. On the floor, my clothes from last night were sprawled out and all my blankets were tossed around. Well, most of it was on my side of the room, on Jackie's it was still nice and clean.

"What time is it?" I yawned, wiping my cheek.

"Almost noon." Jackie replied, "You missed breakfast and Katherine was gonna come wake you up but I told her you were busy studying all morning for a test tomorrow."

I sat up and winced, my hand going to my head as a sharp pain hit me. Jackie sat down at the foot of my bed and she sighed.

"Yeah...obviously we know you're not really studying." she said, referring to my obvious hangover, "Don't worry, I brought you some food and some pills. You can take them after you eat."

I looked over at my nightstand, seeing a sandwich along with a glass of water and medicine on the side. I looked back at my sister and smiled.

"You're the best."

She smiled back at me, "I know."

I chuckled, sitting up fully and reaching over to grab my tray. I started eating, to which Jackie gave me a disapproving look for eating on the bed. We sat in silence for a moment, her looking down at the ground and me focused on my food.

After awhile, I swallowed my food and dusted off my hands, giving her a grin, "Some night, huh?"

She looked at me, not impressed at my humor, "Don't even get me started on it."

I giggled, taking a drink of my water, "What even happened, J?"

She sighed, pulling her knees to her chest, "I don't know. One minute Alex is walking away from me to get more drinks and the next minute Cole's just on the ground." she rubbed her forehead in distress.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Okay, but why did he hit him though? Was Alex drunk or something?"

"No, no, he wasn't drunk." she shook her head, "Him and Cole were just arguing about —" she stopped herself, discarding whatever it was she was going to say. Instead she said, "Stuff. Stuff that's stupid and they're both just idiots right now."

She sighed again, running a hand through her hair, "Can I have a bite?"

I looked down at my plate, seeing half of my sandwich still left. I nodded, passing it over to her. She took it, taking a large bite out of it.

"Jeez, J, you don't have to devour my sandwich to make yourself feel better." I pulled the plate away from her. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"I'm sorry. I'm just stress eating."

"Yeah I could tell. You ate that on the bed." I said, taking a bite of my sandwich again. "So you're mad at both of them?"

"For now, yes." she nodded, "They're both just being immature and Alex, especially, is just confusing right now. I'm just trying to avoid them honestly. At least for now."

I nodded, wiping my hands, "Right."

She laid down onto her back, closing her eyes. "Everything here is just so complicated."

Suddenly, I was pulled right back into last night's events as she said those words. Peter and I together all night. Isaac and I playing beer pong. Monica and Peter joining in. Monica and Isaac celebrating. Mine and Peter's walk to his truck. Our kiss.

"Tell me about it." I mumbled, taking a gulp of my water. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"So how was your night?"

"Good." I replied simply. She raised a brow.

"Really? I hoped so since I saw you with your date all night long." she grinned, watching as my face started to heat up.

I tried to cover a smile, "I don't know what you're talking about."

She laughed, "Oh come on, Y/n. Everyone saw you and Peter together last night. Did he finally pull a move on you?"

I scrunched my nose, "Jack in a Box, please don't say 'pull a move.' It sounds like he's an old man pulling a hip."

She rolled her eyes, reaching over to shake my leg annoyingly, "Come on. I wanna know. Pleaseeeeee."

She began to shake my leg harsher and harsher as her 'please' dragged on. I finally slapped her hand away.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you." I sighed, shaking my head at her. She quieted, allowing me to continue. I took a deep breath, a shy smile spreading across my face. "He kissed-"

"HE KISSED YOU!" Jackie squealed, sitting up in bed and a big smile spread across her face.

"Yes, but J-"

"How did it happen? Was it good?"


"Was it at the fire? Or during the game? Wait, were his lips chapped-"

"Jackie." I slapped a hand over her mouth to keep her from talking. She looked at me with wide eyes and I couldn't help but laugh. "Dude. You don't know how to be chill, do you?"

She scoffed, offended at my comment as I pulled my hand away. As I did, she stuck her tongue out at me, "I do too know how to be chill."

"Sure you do." I said sarcastically. I leaned back, running a hand through my hair. "The kiss was good. He was really sweet to me and just amazing. The whole night."

She nodded, then asked, "So you like him?"

I sat there for a moment. Did I like Peter? I mean, Peter was sweet and kind to me and treated me so good. Not mention, he was really cute. So why wouldn't I like him?

"Yeah," I nodded slowly, "I-I think so."

"You think?"

"Well— Well, I don't know!" I threw my hands up, "We only just met-"

"Months ago. And haven't you guys been talking? I'm surprised he hasn't tried to kiss you since earlier."

I momentarily froze, one from my sister's outburst and two because she had a point. "W-Well, we had agreed to take things slow and get to know each other."

"Exactly. Shouldn't you know if you like him for sure by now?"

She crossed her arms, waiting for me to answer. My face dropped into a glare.

"Look, it's none of your business, okay?" I pointed at her.

She rolled her eyes again, "Oh so you can ask me about my problems but I can't?"

I tilted my head, squinting one eye, "Yes. Because I'm older and I know all."

She laughed as I waved my hands around in the air mystically.

"You're so annoying."

"Just to you." I shrugged.

"And Isaac." she retorted, tapping her fingers along her chin, "I'm still shocked nothing happened between you guys."

"Between us as in...?"

"As in dating. Kissing. Hugging. Something romantic."

I grimaced, "Ew, J, we've been over this."

"Yes and I don't care." she said, "Y/n, I could tell that there's something there. Everyone can see it."

"Really? Everyone?"

"Well, mostly Skylar, Grace and I but that's besides the point." she waved her hand, "There's obviously some feelings there, you two are just too stupid to notice anything."

"Hey!" I shoved her shoulder, "Look, like I've told you a million times before, there's nothing between us. I like Peter and Isaac likes Monica. We fight all the time and honestly we'd probably be the least compatible people to roam this earth."

"Sure." she said sarcastically. I narrowed my eyes at her, growing annoyed.

"Fine then. If you're so sure about us, are you really sure about you and Alex?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I know whatever happened last night must have had something to deal with you and I could tell it's been bothering you." I explained, "Not to mention the fact that Cole's there."

She shook her head, "Cole has nothing to do with any of this. Trust me, whatever is going on in mine and Alex's relationship has nothing to do with him."

"Sure." I said, mimicking her from earlier. We both glared at each other, knowing that we had pissed each other off.

Before any of us could say anything though, a knock came from our door.

"Jackie, mom said she's waiting for you outside already." Benny's voice came in from the other side.

Jackie turned to look over her shoulder, "Okay, I'll be out right now. Thank you!"

She stood up, crossing the room to grab her jacket. I watched her with a confused look.

"Where are you going?"

"Out." she replied simply, turning to the door, "We can finish this later."

She gestured between the two of us before opening the door and disappearing into the hallway.

The door closed and I was met with silence.

"Dude, this is insane." Nicole gushed, scrolling through her laptop.

"Isn't it? And I'm still uploading more." Wendy spoke into the phone. I looked between the four of them on my laptop screen and smiled.

"No way there's still more stuff you're putting on there."

"I'm being so serious. People are still sending stuff in." Wendy replied, "My page is blowing up right now."

"This is so unfair. I regret not going now." Brooke sighed as she looked at her screen.

"Told you so." Ella said in a sing-song voice.

"No way Derek and Quinton kissed." Brooke said, her eyes skimming across the screen as she read the entry Wendy wrote. "I didn't even know Quinton was gay."

"He's bi. He came out last month after breaking up with Macy." Wendy explained, "Did you not read that entry?"

"Sorry that sometimes you update a million times a day and I miss one." Brooke grumbled.

"Dude, you even managed to get a video of Alex and Cole from last night." Ella said and I quickly sat up straighter.

"Wait what?" I said as I opened a new tab and began to type in Wendy's gossip page.

"Yeah. Someone sent it in this morning. They only got in the last bit of it though." Wendy explained. I scrolled through the page, passing by all of the hookup scandals and flirting mishaps. I finally found the video and clicked on it.

Cole and Alex were standing beside the huge bonfire, both with a drink in their hand.

"You know what, Cole?" Alex said, his voice rising. "Why don't you just run back to Erin or Paige or Olivia and leave me and Jackie out of it? Okay?"

"Olivia?" another voice came along, and the camera momentarily pointed to Erin looking at another girl across the fire. The same girl we had saw leaving Cole's room on the second day of school.

"Yeah, I don't think I will." Cole replied, taking one tiny step closer so that they were almost chest to chest. "Matter of fact, I don't think I have to do anything because if I just wait long enough, I think they'll all come to me anyway, right?"

I gasped as the words left his mouth, but even more so when Alex pulled back his fist and hit Cole straight in the face. Cole, obviously not expecting such a blow, fell straight to the ground and his face hit right into a pile of wood.

Jackie then came running over to which she scolded him and she talked to Cole. Then the video ended, followed by another one where Erin started to yell at Cole and Danny then went to help him up.

I looked down at the caption below the videos and read, "The Walter Boys: How Messy Are They?"

I looked back at the screen where each of my friends were still on the facetime call.

"Wendy, seriously? The caption?"

"What? I have to keep things juicy." she retorted and I sighed.

"Poor, Erin. This must suck for her." Nicole said, "Can't imagine what she must be thinking right now."

"Me neither." Ella sighed.

"Wait a minute. Who even is Olivia?" I asked.

"Olivia is Erin's best friend." Brooke explained, "I think they've been friends since, like, forever. That's why it sucks."

"Yeah, right." I nodded, "And the other girl, Paige? Who's she?"

At this, each of them looked down at the screen, giving each other awkward looks.

"Are Cole and Alex around you at all?" Ella asked. I shook my head. "Is your door closed?"

"Yeah." I gave them a weird look, "Is this really that serious?"

"Well, it's not serious anymore but you don't wanna get caught gossiping about the people you live with, do you?" Brooke pointed out and I nodded in agreement.

Wendy was the one to start off, "Last year, Cole had went to Colorado Springs to rehab his leg after his football injury, so he was gone all summer and came back the day of the end of summer party that they have every year. At the time, Alex and Paige had been dating and they even went to the party together."

"From what Wendy's sources reported," Nicole said, "Alex went off to play pool and when we came back he found Cole and Paige making out-"

"Literally in front of everybody! It was huge!" Ella gushed and each of us gave her a look.

"Anyway," Brooke continued, "after that they got into a fight and since then they've had this, like, unspoken beef between each other. I mean, even before the whole Paige thing they had something against each other."

"Yeah but that whole thing just made it worst." Nicole said.

"Wait, you said last summer? As in right before we got here?" I asked.

"Yeah, the party was held at the end of summer...I think early August, the last weekend before school started." Wendy said.

"Like, three weeks before you guys showed up." Ella added.

That last sentences had momentarily sent me into a spiral as I processed everything they had just told me. Cole hooked up with Alex's girlfriend. Alex had hit Cole and mentioned something about the girl at the bonfire. Did that mean that they were still arguing over her?

And what did Jackie have to do with this? And why hadn't she told me about this earlier? Was my little sister just apart of their little rivalry?

"Y/n, hello? Did you lose connection?" Ella waved her hand around the camera.

I looked up at the screen and they all stared back at me.

"Dude, are you okay?" Brooke asked me.

I put my hand to the top of laptop, "I'll call you guys back." and without waiting for them to reply, I closed the laptop completely. I stood up, pulling on my slippers and a jacket before heading downstairs.

I passed by the boys, each of them up to their own things. I passed by the living room, seeing Danny and Nathan.

"Have you guys seen Cole?"

"I think he's out in his shed." Nathan replied, not looking away from whatever movie they were watching.

"Okay, thanks." I said, turning to leave.

"Wait, wait, wait. Y/n!" Danny called me. I turned back, looking at him, "He might not be in the best mood. Just a fair warning, you know."

I mustered up a sarcastic smile, "Lucky for him, I'm not in the best mood either."

And with that I went out the room and to the side door. When I walked outside, I scanned around the land.

I could see Alex riding around on his horse in the distance, Lee walking out to his park, Benny and Parker riding a bike on the dirt road, and Isaac and Jordan out by the stables.

My gaze lingered a bit on the stables as Isaac combed through a horses mane. He had his stupid leather jacket on and he wiped his forehead with his bandana.

I forced my eyes to look away as I trudged across the yard to Cole's little shed. The wind was blowing softly, creating a cool breeze as I pulled my jacket around me tighter.

I banged harshly on the door, enough to pause whatever use of machinery he must have been using inside. There was silence from inside as I waited, before the door swung open and revealed a sweaty Cole.

He looked down at me, his brows slightly raised, "Are you lost or something? Isaac is back that way."

I ignored his little comment, "No, I'm not. We need to talk." I made way to push past him but he put his arm out to stop me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who said you could come in? This is my shed."

"Okay I won't come in and by all means, we can have this conversation in the middle of the yard. I'm sure everyone would love to hear what I have to say." I crossed my arms. He gave me a hard look, before opening the door wider and letting me walk in.

There wasn't much inside the small shed, as it was mostly filled by a large truck that sat in the very center and a work desk sat on the side. Tools littered around the desk and even some laid on the dirt ground.

"So, what brings you to my cave?" Cole asked me. I turned to look at him, seeing him grinning slightly as he wiped his hands with a rag. I went up to him and without warning, I pulled back my fist and hit him square in the arm while my leg went to hit him in his shin.

"Ow, Y/n!" he yelled, rubbing both parts of where I hit him. "What the hell was that for?"

"I saw the video, you asshole. Don't talk about my sister like that!" I said, giving him another punch. He grunted.

"What video?"

"The one of you and Alex." I said obviously, "If I just wait long enough they'll all come to me anyway? What the hell is that about?"

At this, he looked down at the ground guiltily, shaking his head. I stared at him for a moment before he said, "I'm sorry."

"You made my sister sound like a whore. You better be fucking sorry-"

"I am." he said sharply. We both went silent as he ran a hand through his hair. "Look, I was being stupid and I said some messed up stuff. I didn't mean to say anything about your sister. I was just..."

He trailed off, looking around. I wrinkled my eyebrows growing impatient. I finally decided to address the elephant in the room.

"Do you like my sister?"

"What?" he exclaimed.

"Oh don't start with me, Walter. I think anyone with two eyes can put together what going on here. Do you like my sister or not?"

He looked back at me and for the first time — oh my gosh, was Cole Walter getting flustered?

"I-I — I don't know what you're talking about." he stammered, turning away to the hood of the trunk. I scoffed, rounding around the car to see his face.

"Bullshit. I can see the way you look at her." I said, "I see the way you tease her. How you talk to her. How you've talked about her. It's so obvious, Cole."

He looked at me, giving me a hard look before he sighed, giving up. He dropped the wrench in his hand and turned around, leaning back into the truck.

I walked around, leaning my back on a post across from him.

"Okay. I do," he said softly, "I like your sister."

I grinned, despite just being pissed off a few seconds ago, "I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!"

I jumped around now, doing a little dance. Cole watched me with a slightly amused look.

"Why are you so happy?"

"Because, I was right. Again." I replied, looking at him. Then, seeing his face, I stopped, frowning, "Hey, why do you look so sad?"

"Are you forgetting the problem here, Howard? Your sister is dating my brother."

My mouth formed into an 'o' shape as I laughed awkwardly, "Oh...I forgot about that."

He nodded, putting his head down to stare at the ground. I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"So why aren't you guys the one's dating?"

He shrugged, "She has made it pretty clear that she does not feel the same way."

I tilted my head, "Are you sure about that?"

"I've been told and implied that she feels that way, yes." Cole nodded. I crossed my arms, knowing that he was not going to budge. Instead I decided to change the topic a bit.

"Fine, then tell me this: Did whatever that happened with you and Alex last night have anything to do with Jackie or was it about someone else?"

He wrinkled his brows, "What do you mean?"

I shrugged, "Oh, you know. Does it have anything to do with a Paige, by any chance?" At this, his eyes instantly darted to mine. "Oh, yeah. I know all about that now."

He stared at me as I continued, pacing the floor in front of him, "I was informed earlier today after the little showdown yesterday. I know the story but lucky for you, I'm very big on the benefit of the doubt. So spill, please. Cause I don't think you're that cruel of a person to do such a thing."

I stood in front of him now and he stared back at me. Cole had a way of making someone feel intimidated with his harsh look, but I never wavered. I had been here long enough to know Cole wasn't all he made out to be.

He scratched the back of his head and sighed, "Look, Y/n, you don't know anything, okay?"

"I'm pretty sure I do."

"No, you don't." he said, "You know the story but you don't know my side."

"Exactly. So tell me your side."

"Why? What are you gonna do with it?"

"Tell Jackie? Tell her that maybe you're not a piece of shit for hooking up with your brother's girlfriend. Tell her so that things can finally be settled in this house and there's no unspoken beef anymore." I threw my hands up.

At this, he looked at me, his eyes narrowing, "Oh so we're the ones with the unspoken beef? What about you and Isaac, huh?"

"What about me and Isaac?"

"You guys seem to be all buddy-buddy one day and enemies the next. Does that have something do with Peter, by any chance?" he said, his face slipping into an annoying grin, "Or Monica?"

I glared at him, "It has nothing to do with anyone. Isaac and I just don't like each other, since the day we met. He' ass."

"Whoa, that kind of language is unwelcome in the shed, Howard." Cole said, his grin widening, "But come on, why with the rivalry? You guys are at each other's throats every single day and I know last night made everything worse."

"How do you know that?"

"There's a picture up on the gossip page for the school." he replied simply, "It's under the new couples section from last night. I have to say, Peter must be stoked."

I quickly reached into my phone and pulled up the gossip page, scrolling until I saw a perfect picture of Peter and I by the bonfire, followed by a caption of how close we were.

I'm gonna kill Wendy.

"Pretty interesting, right? There's also one about Isaac and Monica." Cole said. I quickly shut off my phone, though, having enough of Wendy's page.

I looked at him and crossed my arms, "So? What does it matter if Peter and I are together?"

"Did he tell you that?" Cole leaned in closer, "Or did you just assume after your kiss?"

I could feel my face turning pink, "How did you know about that?"

"Because he texted me." he replied obviously, "You forget that I was a major wingman in this whole thing, since he is a friend of mine."

I suddenly started to grow antsy at the fact that Peter might have gossiped about me, "What did he say? Did he say it was good? Did I give him the ick?"

Cole's eyebrows raised at the speed of my voice but he shook his head, "He, uh — he said it was good."

"Really? That's it?"

"Yeah, for the most part." he replied. I could tell that there might have been more as he looked around awkwardly before he cleared his throat, "Look, Y/n, I think you should just be careful."

"Careful? Of Peter?" I scrunched my nose, "Why?"

"Peter's...interesting." he said, "He's kinda a wild card. I know you talk to him and everything but you don't even know him that well."

"I do too know him."

"Okay, sure. Then how exactly do you know that you guys are 'together?'"

"Because..." I stumbled on my words, "Because...okay maybe we aren't 'together' but I think we definitely have something. I mean, we definitely could've figured it out if you guys hadn't started fighting and we had to leave early."

He rolled his eyes at this and sighed, "Okay but has he even texted you?"

"Yes he did." I responded truthfully.

"And have you guys talked about anything from last night?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but quickly shut it. We hadn't talked about last night at all.

"Mhm." he hummed at my expression, "See, Howard, I don't like to be the one to say this, but I definitely told you so."

I looked at him and scowled, "Whatever. Why do you even care about this all of a sudden. And how did this conversation turn on me?"

"Well one, I've come to care about you a little bit, Howard. And I don't want to be blamed if things go south." he replied, "And two, I don't like to talk about myself for too long. I think it's conceited."

I stared at his annoying smile and my scowl deepened. I never knew that being annoying ran in the family like this until today.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, "Cole! Dinner's ready and mom said not to be late."

It was Parker's voice on the other side of the door.

Cole looked at the door, "We'll be there in five."

He looked back at me and his evil little smile was back on his face, "Come on, Howard. I wouldn't wanna miss this dinner."

This dinner was like any other Walter dinner: bound to be chaotic and just the right amount of drama.

When I walked in, most of the family was there except for Jordan and Isaac. I went to the table and served myself pasta and a roll. As I went to grab a drink from the refrigerator, the side door opened.

"Sorry we're late. Isaac spilled the horse food." Jordan announced, making his way to the dining table.

"It's not my fault that you knocked it out of my hands." Isaac's voice came after him. I looked up, seeing Isaac with dirt on his face and on his shirt.

"Yeah, because I was trying to show you my karate moves." Jordan snapped back at him.

"Boys, knock it off." George said, "And, Isaac, go clean up before you eat."

"Already on it, Uncle G." Isaac replied with a big smile. He glanced in my direction before completely taking off his shirt, revealing his body.

My eyes flickered to his chest and his torso and suddenly I felt my cheeks growing warm. His stupid abs.

He wrapped his shirt into a ball, wiping his cheeks of any dirt. He went over to the kitchen then, his eyes going to mine.

When our eyes met, his had this look in them, something between mischievous and...something else. I didn't know.

He went over to me, "Excuse me, Converse." he said, his hand on the small of my back as he went behind me.

I moved as he went to the sink and began to wash his hands. I tore my eyes away from his little, satisfied smile.

"Y/n, you want cheese?" Parker asked me, holding up the parmesan.

I snapped myself out of my daze, "Yeah, yeah. Please."

She passed me the cheese and I went to sit down in front of Cole and Danny. Since Jackie was still out with friends, I knew this would be a long dinner.

"Isaac, you watching the game with us right now? Broncos are playing the Packers at 5:30." Cole asked his cousin.

Isaac turned from the sink, wiping his hands with a paper towel.

"Oh shoot, I forgot about that. I can't." Isaac replied, "I need to study for this test in History."

"Study?" Lee piped up, "Since when do you study?"

"Since we had this major project due this week." he replied, "Also, is it okay if I eat up in my room tonight?"

Katherine nodded, "Yeah, for what?"

"Well it's cause I promised Monica I'd call her so we can talk about the project."

At this, I almost choked on my food.

"Oh, okay. Tell her I said hi." Katherine replied cheerfully.

"Oh, I will." Isaac said just as cheerfully. He looked at me and he gave me a satisfied smile. I glared back at him, watching as he loaded up his plate.

When he turned to the door, he stopped, turning back, "Oh, and she wanted me to tell you she said hi, Converse."

And then he went out the room, leaving me absolutely stumped.

I'm gonna kick his ass.

Dinner ended and everyone cleaned up. Most of the boys went to the living room to watch their football game and I stayed in the kitchen, helping Katherine dry the dishes.

"Y/n, I haven't checked in on you recently." Katharine said, holding out a plate for me, "How have you been?"

I took the plate from her, "Good. Everything here has been great."

"That's good." she smiled, "You made friends, okay?"

"Yeah. I have my group at school, if that's what you're asking."

"Yeah, I heard that from Lee." she nodded.

"Lee?" I scrunched my nose, "He talks about me?"

"Well, about a particular girl that has something to do with you." she gave me a look and I couldn't help but smile, "Believe it or not, these boys will spill some of their darkest secrets with just a cookie bribe."

I chuckled, shaking my head, "I'm surprised they would even admit to having secrets."

She laughed too, "I think he was just trying to get on my good side."

"Well either way, the girl he likes is really nice. I think they'd be a good match."

"I have no doubt that Lee would ever choose a bad girl, same for our other boys." she said. At this, she shut off the water and grabbed her own rag, beginning to help dry the plates too. She looked at me, and I could tell there was more she wanted to say.

"Yes, Katherine?"

"Y/n," she started, "I need you to be honest with me. Is there anymore drama going on in our house that we don't know about?"


"Yeah. I mean," she lowered her voice, "we just found out about the whole thing with Alex and Cole and your sister and we don't want anymore problems. We just want everyone to be happy here."

She gave me a genuine smile and I plastered on a fake one. I couldn't possibly tell her about whatever tension was going on with Isaac and I.

Then, as if to read my mind, she said, "I mean, besides the whole Isaac thing, right? Because I know that's just how you guys are, am I right?"

I nodded slowly, "Uh, yes. Yes...that's just how we get along. And I can guarantee there's no more drama."

She nodded, her shoulders relaxing. "Good. I'm glad."

"Yeah." I said awkwardly, "Me too."

As I turned in for the night, I headed upstairs I checked through my phone. The girls had still been texting about the drama from yesterday and I had yet to tell them about my kiss with Peter.

I don't know why I didn't wanna tell them. I had planned to tell them on our facetime call earlier but had gotten distracted about the whole Paige thing. But now, with Cole's little warning, I didn't know what to think.

I was scrolling through my messages when I suddenly walked right into someone at the top of the stairs.

"Whoa." I gasped, grabbing onto the stair rail to keep myself balanced. I looked up, seeing Isaac, still shirtless, standing right in front of me.

"Whoa, you better watch where you're going, Converse." he told me. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You're the one standing in my way."

"I was just waiting for the bathroom." he pointed over his shoulder. He looked down at my phone in my hand and smirked, "You waiting for a text or something?"

"No." I answered quickly. He raised his brows and I cleared my throat, "No, I'm not waiting for anything."

"Really? Not even from Peter?" he said, his stupid annoying smile on his face. I glared at him, my jaw clenching and I crossed my arms.

"I'll have you know that Peter's texting me right now." I said, "And shouldn't you be calling Monica?"

"I actually am calling her but I took a break to go pee." he crossed his arms too, "We were actually just talking about trucks. I'm sure you know all about trucks, don't you?"

An image of Peter and I from last night flashed in my head, "You know, Peter and I were actually talking about taking a baking class. I'm sure you know all about baking cookies don't you?"

We both glared so harshly at each other. I didn't like Isaac. I couldn't stand him. He's the one that challenged me last night. He's the one that started this whole thing with Peter and Monica.

This is his fault. He was the worst.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened, revealing Nathan.

"Whoa, are you guys okay?"

We both looked at him and he looked between the two of us. Isaac plastered on a fake smile.

"All good. Just waiting for my turn."

And then he pushed by Nathan and closed the door.

hi everyone! i hope you enjoyed this chapter! i'm so sorry that this is a day late, i'm a terrible person i know. i kinda hated this one but oh well. this was more of a filler chapter so i'm sorry that nothing much really happened, but we got to see sassy y/n and isaac which i loveeee.

i'm excited for next chapter, i think you guys will definitely like it. let me know what you guys thought in the comments and don't forget to vote!


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