The Unexpected

By 911videoedits

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USE TO BE: You should hear it from me. "I'm sorry I can't do that." "This will be the last time we'll be able... More



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By 911videoedits


My heart drops as I stand up and order the others to get up throwing a 100 dollar bill down and running to my car. "Ok give me 30 minutes to set up child care and get my team ready tell PD that this is my case and they can run theirs but we will find him."

I hang up the phone clicking Bailey into the car. "Eddie son was abducted get dressed in work clothes I am gonna drop the baby off at my sister's and We meet at the station in 20 minutes for recon."

"Someone took his boy?" Death asks making me nod. "And that person better not have hurt the kids else they ain't making it to a cell."



I get to the call center and over to Maddie as I have my jacket on. "So sorry please watch her for a few hours explain later got to find Chris. She ate an hour ago change ten minutes ago love ya and I owe you Mads." I give her a kiss on the cheek and hand her the diaper bag buttoning up my jacket as I do my belt again after tucking my shirt and putting my dog tags on.

I get back in my car and rush to the station breaking a few laws along the way getting clearance from my supervisor as I pull into the station. "Eddie!" I yell as he has tears streaming down his face latching onto me. "H-He the school lost him Evan!" He sobs out as I hug him. "I swear to god me and my team will find him ok baby I don't care if it's the last thing I do." I growl out rubbing his back. "Hey cap may I borrow Allena for the day yes day because me and my squad won't rest."

"Of course whatever you need Buck...Allena Buck needs you!"

"Ok cap...wait where Li?" She asks and I sigh looking at her as I console Eddie. "I feel bad for it as I hadn't told her bout her yet but I dropped her off with Maddie at her work." The others look at me and her confused. "My goddaughter mother signed her rights away Benny's wife and now I have a child but she's safe right now she's not who I'm worried about Lena you up for some old fashion man hunting bosses already said do what needs to be done."

"Got piece for me Ghost?" I hand her my back up nodding my head as she puts the piece in her belt area. "One more ride Snippet." I say with my face straight and she nods grabbing onto Eddie. "We will find your little boy Eddie we are waiting for the team they should be here in 15 mikes bringing some things."

"By things she means vest amo and AR's...cause if that bastard hurt any of those children he ain't making it back to the PD we don't do well with PEDO's there a different protocol with them." Death says handing me a pad as I nod and fist bump her. "Techno back at base doing his thing?" I ask and she nods her head handing me my vest and Allena hers. "His thing?"

"Hacking cameras and phones so if your phone acts weird ignore it, for caution and to go through bases." I say simply they all look horrified Eddie laying his head in my shoulder. "Promise you'll find him Buck?"

"I will never stop babe ok I will find our boy even if it kills me." I say sternly and softly as possible Eddie hums when the others catch onto my words. "Babe?"

"Recent day after I took in Li. Once again that doesn't fucking matter at this point no offense." I growl Allena puts her hand on my shoulder calming me down. "Stand down Ghost breath." I take a deep breath and soften my self a bit nodding. "Sorry." I mutter when the squad comes in hot a police car following them.

"Their for me Athena back off." I growl Athena looks shocked when she notices the navy uniform and she sighs. "Buck you have to let PD do their job." She says softly and I cross my arms and scoff at that statement. "Go ahead but stay out of our way we have federal clearance to do what needs to be done to get Chris home so take it up with the Navy...Spitfire, Death you go to the school interview every teacher and staff member and kid in those children class room. Fireball, Echo you two visit the PEDO's and anyone convicted of kidnaping and if they don't have an air tight alibi bring their ass to base."

"Me and Allena are searching all warehouses and empty buildings call when you have update lets roll out." I order they all roll out Athena grabs my arm.

"Buck think before you act PD is on it you have to trust us."

"What find him on the state low resources fuck that I have anything I need for this you can run yours but since me and Eddie are dating they didn't just take a child they took some one who is high value and if they are aware things could go sideways I over power you Athena so get out of my way you coming or not Snippet!"

"High value?" Athena scoffs.

"Best times and not to mention 400,000k salary who's squad has earned this country 8.5 millions in recovered lost and gained assets in the 4 years that we were together so yeah I'd say high value." They all gasp as I walk out Allena close behind me getting in my car not wasting anytime to get going.




Buck was different it's hard to believe that the same Buck, he has a kid when the hell did he get a kid. Eddie and Buck dating holy shit Buck making that much a year now holy fucking shit. "He seemed different." Hen said rubbing the back of her neck shuddering at the way they were talking what did Death as Buck calls her mean by we deal with them a different way and Buck just nodded his head. "That wasn't Buck." Eddie said dryly knowing what he means by that but we don't. "What?" "That was his code name Ghost the other side of him we don't know and probably never will same with the change in Allena they weren't civilians right there they were full blown SEALS. Dangerous and reckless they will do whatever it takes legal or not to bring Chris and the other children home and probably very not legal some of the stuff so yes he probably would have shoved Athena out of the way."

"Eddie they can't go full on military in LA that's dangerous." I say softly and he scoffs shaking his head pulling out his phone. "I'm gonna go pick up the Bailey." Eddie says Athena stopping him confused as hell. "Who?" She asks and Eddie sighs shaking his head tears in his eyes. "Buck goddaughter he doesn't know what to call her yet in that front." He says softly and Athena gives another confused look. "Buck is a godfather for one, for two why would he have his goddaughter?"

"It's Benny's baby mother told Buck she didn't want to be a mother and it was his choice weather she went up for adoption or if he decides to keep her since him and Benny were so close and he's the godfather." He say we look sadly remembering how hurt he was after the funeral that brought him back to us. "So a baby fell into his lap." Chimney asks when Maddie walks in her pregnant belly looking stressed. "Is my brother here and did anyone know that he had a child?"

Eddie grabs the baby instantly taking her out of the car seat holding her Maddie even more confused than before. "Uh yeah it's his goddaughter long story short Benny's widow left her with Buck saying she couldn't be a mother." Hen says wait she knew the whole time what the hell is with this crazy week. "Ok so what the hell is going on he was half way in his military jacket telling me to watch the baby I don't even know her name and ran out."

"Chirs was kidnaped from school Buck and his team are going rouge but apparently with permission from his bosses." Chimney says Maddie face drops as she looks at Eddie who is holding the baby who can't be more than 7 or 8 days old in his arms close to his chest tears in his eyes. "Wait why isn't he letting the police handle it?" She asks and Hen bites her lip trying to figure out how to word it. "He said they can run theirs but he has federal clearance to do what needs to be done and that if find out that Eddie and Buck are dating that makes Chris a high value target due to his salary and how much him and his team has brought the country." Hen says softly as Maddie looks like she gonna have an stroke. "Dating a newborn what the hell Buck! He said he'd never date after something went down with an old boyfriend don't know what all I know is Buck hates the dude now."

What an old boyfriend what the hell my head is gonna explode what the hell happened. "What?" "All I know it was a very bad situation and could have gotten him thrown in prison for it." I hiss fuck we really don't know Buck at all. "Yikes that had to suck."




5 hours later

We get into this one abandoned building and we hear whimpering me and Buck look at each other and give the singles I take delta and he takes bravo side of the building guns drawn walking in when Buck yells out. "I got one of the missing children, he has a broken femur and a head lac!" He yells I check the rest of the delta side and bravo side running to him and calling 911. "This is Lieutenant Commander Allena Bayley we have located one of the missing children he is in need of medical assistant not critical." I say Buck holding onto the kid stroking his hair you can tell he's panicking internally that it's not Chris. "I want my mommy!" The kid whines out sadly and Buck sooths him god he's a natural. "I know soon, I promise you real soon your safe now ok, we will get you to your mommy very soon."

He says softly taking his helmet off his sweaty hair from the LA heat falls in front of his face as he forces a smile waiting for a medic. "Your not police how do I know your telling truth?" The little boy asks Buck lets out a small laugh. "Oh were so much cooler than police, were the Navy SEALS so were military so your safe ok." He says it amazes me that someone who's been through so much and who has a million things on his plate can push that aside to sooth someone else.

About five minutes later the building fills with cops and the paramedics ironically the 118 runs in Buck carefully picks him up putting him on the bed. "My friends are gonna take you to see your mommy ok bud so be brave and badass."

"EVAN!" I yell shoving him in the arm earning a laugh from the little when Buck gets a phone call from Techno and he answers. "I got an ID on the guy who personally took Chris it took awhile to get a good image from the cameras but it's a Greg Valerene sending the information to your email." Buck tells me to roll out leaving the 118 confused they left Eddie at the station thank god along with Maddie so good.

"Get me a no knock warrant ready within the next ten minutes Techno text me once approved." He orders sternly damn I raised this SEAL nicely he's a badass motherfucker. "Got that Lieutenant it is approved I did that before I called you go get them I already told the others to get there and wait as well." The phone is on speaker Buck smirks nodding his head as he takes off to the house. "That's what I love bout you Techno thanks." The phone calls end were easily going 70 miles an hour in the middle of LA when the others arrive at the same time.

Buck kicks the door in and I call out the others behind us. "U.S Navy!" My voice loud and stern Buck yelling out, "2, 2." I tap his back as we search the house one minute Buck is next to me the next he's flying at the suspect. "Where are they! Huh you like hurting children!" Tackling taking the zip ties and restraining him slamming him against the wall. "Where is he!" The suspect takes a Knee to the abdomen with a hand on the throat. "WHO!" I wince at that response when he earns a pistol whip the others searches the house. "The boy, my son where are the children I will beat you till you speak bitch where are the fucking children we have proof!" Buck grip gets tighter around the throat and I just stand there staying out of this when he knees the nuts making me groan. "The bunker...ok their in the Bunker under the sandbox I wasn't gonna hurt them!" Buck throws him to the ground slamming his face against it knocking him out running out to the back me and the others help him push the sandbox out of the way relevelling a door.

"Christopher!" He screams out not bothering with the stairs jumping down fastly me and the others follow behind wincing knowing his joints have to hurt from how far he jumped. "Buck?" I hear a little boy voice yelling out making me sigh when I turn a flashlight on. Buck runs dropping to his knees the little boy running into his arms. "You came, y-you came Bucky...I told you my Bucky would find us." The little boy says making my heart melt Buck has tears in his eyes holding the kid close to him. "Ghost to coms we found the last three children...I repeat target and kids secured roll medics to our location. I yes I came Chris I will always come to your rescue when I am stateside are you all ok?" He asks checking the kids over their all fine unlike the first one.

We make our way out of the bunker Buck holding Chris you can tell he's on the verge of crying when we get out holding the boy who has the biggest smile on his face. "I knew you would come Buck I knew it." Buck nods his head not daring to loosen his grip when ambos roll up he kicks the target who's still passed out in the face. "You choose the wrong kid asshole." He growls waking out Eddie and Bailey are standing there he runs over to Buck grabbing Chris. "Bucky save me daddy!"

"I know bud he found you, thank you babe god thank you."




"No don't Chris is worth everything just like Li." Eddie places a kiss on my lips holding onto an 9 year old Chris making me let out a breath of air once the ambulance leaves and Eddie out of sight I let out a light sob Bobby grabbing onto me before anyone else had the chance. "What's wrong you found him."

"What if we didn't or he was took over five hours what if he hurt them like the first one!" I cry Bobby hugging me and rubbing my back to sooth me but it frustrates me. "But it didn't Buck your stubborn ass did it you found him and 5 and a half hours to find a group of missing kids is good time you got them you and your squad and that what matters."

"I just god what if it went FUBAR?" The squad lets out a laugh at Bobby's and the others faces at that term. "Fucked up beyond all recognition or repair." Allena clears that up for them as she smacks me in the back of the head. "Breath dude what the saying we don't don't on the if's cause there are so many we focus on what happens and we move on so stop with the if's." I sigh nodding my head everyone laughing when I look at my baby girl. "Hey Li how you doing baby girl you have fun with aunt Maddie?" I ask taking her out of the seat and giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Please don't become a SEAL like me and your daddy, god he would love you to pieces." I am gonna make sure she knows who her daddy was because she deserves to know who he is.




A week later

"So you leave in four days Buck?" I ask frowning seeing him feed the baby when he nods and sighs. "Yeah and the thing about UC ops you never know how long they will last." I drop my head nodding hating this hating he has to leave. "Yeah that sucks. Am I allowed to ask where your doing the op?" He thinks biting his lip and smirks. "Russia which is in my opinion one of the prettiest places I've done ops before, but also the coldest." He responds making my eyes widen impressed at that. "But in two days I am cutting contact to get myself prepared." I frown at that sadly knowing it smart but hating that gonna only have two days.

"You gonna teach Bailey how to speak any languages?"

"Yes Russian, Morse, and Spanish if she wants to learn more than she can once she turns a year and a half I'll start speaking Spanish third of the time English a third and Russian the last third. That was Benny's plan expect the two languages half and half and her mother would be English." I nod my head understanding him sighing as he lays his head on my shoulder my hand going to his back rubbing circles. "Gonna miss you Eddie." His voice soft as I kiss the top of his head holding him the Buck I know very well is this right now. "I will to Buck just follow the rule you have come home." My voice is soft but firm his head in the crook of my neck making me fucking melt. "I'll do my best, UC are the FUBAR type of things one wrong word or move things go into fucking shithole."

"Wow thanks for reassuring me Buck." I snark rolling my eyes when I notice that he's passed out making me giggle at that pulling him into me laying his body into mine he is so tired. I hold him close to me baby must be keeping him up at night.

An hour later Buck is still sound asleep holding him in my arms laughing when the baby starts to cry Buck shoots up not realizing my arms were wrapped tightly around him. "I got her why don't you go lay down stay here tonight." I say softly giving him a kiss as he bites his lip. "I got her Eddie and plus you will not get any sleep if I stay here and you have work." He says his eyes heavy as I grab the baby out of the portable crib. "No I don't, Bobby gave me the day off so I can be with you so go sleep I got her." I say Buck going to protest but I glare at him and he says fine.

Eddie: Hey Buck gonna stay here he's passed out he was exhausted.

Allena: Ok, good luck the baby is just like her damn dad a freaking night owl




I wake up at 6 in the morning to Eddie not in the bed freaking out when I realize I slept through the night. I fly out of bed to see Eddie passes out on the couch with the Bailey in his arms making me grab my phone taking a picture of the two of them sending it to everyone a huge smile spreads across my face seeing this right now. "Hey babe, go lay down I got her." I say gently going to take the baby to have Eddie glare at me. "NO, I got her s-she finally fell asleep for me!" I let out a soft laugh sitting next to him placing a kiss on the top of my head. "I love you so much Eddie your so freaking cute." I say wrapping an arm around him leaning him into me and placing another kiss on the top of his head.

"I love you to Evan...your really warm and soft." He mumbles making me let out a huff shaking my head a hand petting through his hair. I end up falling back asleep Eddie snugged tightly in my arms Bailey in his arms we get woken up to people barging into the house making me reach for my gun to realize it just the 118 I let out a long sigh laying back down rolling my eyes. "Awe five freaking years and they are finally together." I take a pillow and throw it at Chimney for the comment Eddie eyes flutter open and he turns a bright red seeing everyone in his living room.

"Oh hey uh-crap sorry forgot bout the send off party we kind of fell asleep." Eddie says sitting up adjusting the baby in his arms I grab her with a big smile putting her in the baby bouncer to sleep she is gonna be spoiled as hell with how much she's held. "It's fine Eddie you guys needed the sleep." Eddie just rubs the back of his neck with a smile the others set the food down on the table.

"So Buckaroo you leave in three days?" Athena asks giving me a hug and I wrap my arms around her as well with a smile. "Yeah but I head to the base tomorrow to isolate myself so I can get use to only speaking Russian and into the identity I was given that I can not disclose. So only people I'll be around is Death, and Fireball." I explain and she frowns sadly I really hurt them when I left and it makes me feel horrible. "Hey this isn't gonna be like last time...ok well I guess it kind of is to be honest, but it won't be almost year hopefully I will be back in three to four months." I say rubbing her arms when god damn Spitfire doesn't help. "Well that just an estimate Under Cover is the most chaotic and unpredictable...that's why we freaking love it!"

"Shut up your not helping Stella trying to ease them bitch!" I say shoving her and she just lets out a sharp laugh grabbing my head making me scoff. "What it the truth you love UC work remember when you had to shave your head!" I glare at her telling her to shut the hell up as that was never meant to leave the squad. "Not another word Ensign Beckett!" I bark out embarrassed everyone looks amused at what is going on with this conversation. "What do you mean Stella?" Hen asks making me groan shaking my head not licking this not one bit not at all. "Beckett don't you dare!" I growl crossing my arms and she smirks making me put her in a head lock. "You blab that story that was very embarrassing you get knocked out I have the upper hand!"

"Hey babe, let her tell us I want to know more about ghost." I look at him releasing her she barks out a heavy laugh making me huff. "Really, you are a pushover when it comes to him, god you broke Ghost Eddie you broke him."

"Yeah don't even go there Stella. He was a one time thing and if he was anything like him I'd report right away." I growl glaring at him getting weird looks from everyone and she rolls her eyes. "I never said he was Ev."




Who is the guy that she was talking about it kind of made but just shut down she told the story and he sat in the corner with Bailey biting his lip and looking at his phone I walk over to him and give him a deep kiss. "Hey baby you good?" He jumps flinching I grab his wrists just incase knowing vets can get violent when startled out of a Zoning episode as they are most likely in their own heads. Or having flashbacks and takes several of seconds to minutes to get them to realize their not in danger and their safe. 

His eyes are cold and distant no emotion to his face when I squeeze his arms tighter to try and stop him he tries to knee me but I step back trying not to draw attention when I somehow mange to only alert Allena and Stella. 

Allena grabs his wrist in one hand and with the other she takes a bottle cap and gently and roughly draws an LCAB into his chest and all of a sudden his eyes flutter and he gasps furrowing his brows confused. "You good now Ghost or do I need to do the other thing." Allena voice in her military tone Buck mutters out. "I'm good." His brows remain furrowed when he bites his lips again. "Buck what's wrong." His eyes are soft and worried his eyes start to fill with tears and he shakes his head picking Bailey up and walks towards the kitchen.

"Eddie stay back I think I know what is wrong." Stella says handing me her beer and walking out of the living room to the kitchen where Buck is.




"Hey kid your not good, were you having flashbacks to the night Benny died?" I ask putting a hand on him it's only been three months the wounds are still fresh for all of us. I love his little girl but it has to be hard to have a constant reminder of Benny depending on you for survival. "I'm good Fireball." His voice his deep he's still not back fully I sigh closing the doors to the kitchen. " to me kid cause it's the last day me and you can have our chats for who knows how long." My voice soft I can see him hiding his emotions but he's never good at hiding them from us we know how to read each other. "Benny said something before he was shot...I can't quite remember or hear what he said." He says softly making me sigh I take Bailey and hand her off to Eddie and walk back to Ghost.

"Hey it's not your fault ok, I know he was your bestfriend Ev but it isn't healthy to worry about it ok." I say and he bites his cheek not listening to what I have to say I take a breath and clinch my fist. "So sorry for this kid." I punch him across the face than pin him to the floor as he grunts Allena and Eddie run in confused as I spin him to his back. "You back now or do we need to duck your head in ice water!" I growl this is why we normally don't have him live alone because of his spirals and sometimes we have to knock him out. 

"Eddie tell everyone it's time to go home, and can you see if someone can take your son and Bailey till we get him home." Allena says Eddie nods worried and he walks out Buck starts to have a panic attack. "God this is his first episode in 5 years." I say when Death comes rushing in she grabs Buck and whispers something in his ear hoping it stops in. "Who usually got him out of the episodes?" Allena asks us and me and Blakley frown sadly a tear passing through our eyes making me wipe it. "Benny," we both say softly and Allena groans smacking her head frustrated. 

"Evan look at me babe, look at me listen if you can hear me can you nod?" Eddie asks stepping in after an hour and he nods his head gasping for air Eddie nods and hums giving Ghost an extra second. "Hey babe remember when we remember when we first met each other and how you hated me. I thought great some punk kid is my partner and when did you start liking me." Buck blinks a few time and we all look at each other confused because Benny always kicked us out for this and it seems to be working. After another two minutes Eddie asking again Buck finally answers. "You almost got us blown up." We all raise a brow Eddie lets out a chuckle rolling his eyes hugging Buck who lets out a gasp for air we all smile knowing he's back. "Ok we had been out for like three minutes Buck, so I did not almost get us blown up!" He snarks Buck lets out a small chuckle tears starting to flow down his cheeks. "I miss Benny." He lets out a choked sob making me have to suck in a deep breath. "I bet you do Buck, I know how it is but hey what do you say me you, Chris and Bailey after you get back go and sit at the grave that helped me and Chris when Shannon died."

Allena biting her lip Death rubbing his back as Eddie holds him in his arms as Buck sobs. "I'd like that, he broke the one rule that was set the day we joined a team. And I think he did it to kill himself." He says making me, Death and Allena pause looking at him Eddie shoots a glance of not knowing what to say. "What makes you think that?" He asks softly Buck is still in his lap and doesn't respond right away. "Y-You know how when a soilder dies w-we hang the rifle they were using up and put it in a case?" Me and the two girls hum Eddie raises a brow not understanding it but he nods. "They had me detail it, we were out of amo! Or he said he was and I was but he had 20 bullets left in his mag. How does it make sense I tried to bring it up with higher ups they just shrugged it doesn't make sense. He should be alive he was a good shooter he was a damn sniper 20 would have taken them out it..." Eddie sooths him looking at me and the others as all of our eyes are wide open Buck cries himself to sleep Eddie and Allena stick him in the bed and walk back down.

"What...he Benny what?" I spit out rubbing my forehead and Allena and Death sigh biting their lips. "Is what Buck saying a-" Allena and Blakely cut me off at the same time as I am just as shocked. "Possibility, yes."

"Him and Buck had a duo op when they were under my care...I really didn't want them to go because it was dangerous and basically a suicide mission and they had only been out of academy for 4 weeks before it." Allena takes a deep sliding a beer over to us and biting her lip and dropping her head. "It's how Ghost got his name Ghost." Blakley says softly and rubs the back of her neck.

"It went full FUBAR, there was no way to get them out either they were left to fend for themselves for two weeks their cover was blown we had a mole who blew two rookies cover." Allena face goes hard and she shakes her head knuckles tight as she grips the counters jaw clinching. Eddie looks like he's gonna be sick to his stomach and I don't know how to react. "We weren't allowed to go Buck took him and Benny and Ghosted the op he kept them hidden in different places every four hours we'd get a glimpse of him on cameras moving him and Benny to hide. He was unfindable even when we finally got the go ahead to go in we couldn't find them...we only did once they were moving each other again they both lost a lot of weight." Allena shutters as I feel sick to my stomach as well Ghost had always had bad PTSD since I met him he never talked about how he got his nickname he never wanted to.

"They had lost thirty pounds two months no food or water and that's how they both got their first Navy cross it was not good they both got bad PTSD and depression from it they were paranoid for a very and I mean very long time after that. They were sent in told there is no weapons there, they weren't dangerous and their covers weren't just blown they were sent into the wrong op. That how Buck was named Ghost was he could disappear like no other and easily and you won't find him unless he wants found." Allena finishes me and Eddie are beyond pissed at what we were just told. 

"Wait so they got a cross not even a year on the job! That also explains why he doesn't explain why he got the nickname." They both nod making me shudder in my skin Eddie is grinding his teeth. "God I hate the offense I hate it and I was in it."

"Agree with ya there Eddie." Allena says shaking her head and tapping the beer to his I am shocked. "But Benny had bad depression starting at that he was suicidal and attempted before so it is a very high chance so has you know that's why we don't really let him live alone."

"So what was Benny's nickname?" I ask they let out a soft chuckle.

"Slinky cause he could contort his body in and out of anywhere he didn't get a nickname that stuck till almost a year of being on the team." I bark out a laugh shaking my head.




So twist and explanation on how Ghost a.k.a Buck got his nickname very dark way to get it and it will go more into the past in future chapter.

Twist knowing that there a chance that Benny killed himself and Buck might end up figuring out that what maybe does happen or not.

Next chapter Buck starting to get ready so from now on until I say so in notes any conversations that involve Buck will be spoken in Russian but I will just write it in English.

There will also be more Techno who is Asher Baylor.

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