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The next day 

"Be safe once you leave sailor." Eddie says tears in his eyes giving me a hug as I embrace him tightly. "I'll be good Ed's you know me I am a stubborn asshole." Eddie lets out a long sigh to that making me chuckle. "That what worries me Evan. What if they find out your a rat and want you to talk."

"Die before you talk Eddie it the way you do it I won't talk it's happened before I know you found out how I got the name Ghost. And if shit goes FUBAR I already told that you duck out if you have to since they are dangerous which is why we need to bust them. I duck and run if things end up Fucked Up Beyond All Reignition." I tell him with a laugh making him huff grabbing my face kissing me. "That's not funny Buck, please try to be smart."

"Eddie I have my SEAL attitude which is a must while active, were smart but also very incredibly stupid when it comes to safety." I get smacked in the back of the head and shoved from the front at the same time Hen and Eddie are abusive. "God you two are abusive!" I joke hearing a scoff from the both of them a mount of laughter erupts through the room. "God kid you are a handful, I can wait to see you home." I hug bobby and Allena tightly two of my three parents with a big grin. "That why I'm a good fit for this nothing kills me." Everyone laughs rolling their eyes. "To be honest he isn't lying...I mean a whole building falls on him." Death says making me let out a sheepish smile. "Damn kid gave the team a heart attack, we were all screaming out his name as we starting throwing thousand pounds pieces of concrete off of him for him to barley had a pulse."

"WHAT!" The 118 yell making me duck my head and let out a soft chuckle. "It was just a scratch!" I try to protest when Allena scoffs pulling up the case file photo of me making me wince. The picture shows me unconscious with a huge gash across my rib and another one across the back of my head. My left arm completely crushed along with third degree burns across most of my body. My left femur sticking out of my leg and than a rib bone sticking out. "That is not 'just a scratch,' Buck!" 

"Nope it wasn't Thena, six weeks in a medically induced coma took him another seven to wake up and a year and half leave and a second Navy cross." They all looked shocked at that statment eyes wide open. "3 year on the job I will never forget that moment seeing the youngest hurt god Benny would have spent years taking those bricks off he would have done it with tiny hands to get to Buck, they tried to fucking tell us to forget about Benny knocked out the higher ups for that comment." Death says making me frown knowing how much it hurt them when it happened they almost changed my nickname to BLSA (Buck luck strikes again.) That was my third near death experience two in one year.

"I'll miss ya guys, I'll be good I'm Ghost trust me he's a bad ass he's not the soft weak ass little Buck." I say getting glares only the SEAL team understanding what I mean by that.

(From here on out Evan "Buck" "Ghost" Buckley will be speaking Russian but it is going to be wrote in English as I am to lazy to deal with Google Translate. Secondly Buck will also be addressed once he gets to Russia as Ivan Sokolov as his fake identity.) 

(And anyone talking to Buck will also be speaking Russian.)

I walk into the dorm I'm staying in Sawyer and Blakely following as they always do to annoy the shit out of me. "So Techno is working on hacking into their cameras so we can have visual and audio of them Ghost." Death says making me smile as she says it obviously in Russian as I read my identity god I am gonna have to act like a complete jackass. "Yeah I have no doubts he won't be able to he's Techno the tech wizard." I say shrugging hating the attitude I am trying to bring out towards now they laugh making me roll my eyes throwing them file.

"Well to be fair his dad is part of a task force for the last 25 years when he was ten his dad started teaching him how to hack so he could help him at work." Death says making me raise one of my brows huh. 

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