About Her// Emily Prentiss x...

By lesbianforprentiss

1.2K 42 7

When Y/n gets an unexpected visitor in her CIA office one day she is thrown into helping the BAU uncover a te... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

125 6 0
By lesbianforprentiss

"Where the absolute hell have you been?" She screamed in my face before I even had the chance to react to her presence.

"How did you find my apartment?" I asked in a much calmer voice.

"That doesn't matter right now, where have you been?! The team was worried sick!" She exclaimed with only a slightly raised voice now.

"I needed to get away for a bit, so I came back here to get some rest. I'm sorry I didn't tell the team. Now how in god's name did you find my house?!"

"Don't lie Y/n I know that you didn't come right back the same way I know that you live here. I had Penelope track you once we noticed you hadn't come back to the BAU. So I will ask you again where did you go?" She sneered through her teeth and I knew there was no way I could lie about where I was, but I could lie about the reason I was there.

"I went to a cafe to get something to drink before I came home, sue me." I said hoping and praying she would just believe me and leave me alone now.

"That's better. I still don't fully believe the story, but at least I know your whereabouts make sense. I also came because I will not ignore the fact that we desperately need to talk anymore. We have to clear everything up and talk about what happened." She sighed and waited for my answer.

"I guess we can't keep doing this if we have to keep working together, come in." I said as she smiled slightly and walked over to my sofa and sat down waiting for me to follow.

"Where should we start?" I asked not knowing exactly what the direction of the conversation was going in.

"Uh, how about you tell me about how you felt about me in university."

"Ok, I guess my feelings of hatred started after I met you at dinner the first night."

"I don't know Tara, I barely know anyone and you know how introverted I am! Maybe I should just stay back." I said to get out of meeting her friends at dinner.

"Come on Y/n, if you don't get out you won't have any friends but me and I'm not going to stay in our dorm all day you know! Let's go, you'll like them I promise!" She said, pushing me out the door and escorting me to the dining hall.

We got to the dining hall and I was freaked out already by how many people were there. We went to get food and then started to walk towards the table with all her friends I didn't know.

"I don't think I can do this! There are so many people!" I said freaking out before we got to the table.

"Don't worry I will be there and I'll talk to you and it will all be alright!" She tried to encourage me but I was still wary about being there.

We got to the table and she introduced me to all her friends but one stood out to me, her name was Emily Prentiss. She was beautiful with straight, black hair that shined in the light and looks that could kill. She didn't smile at me though and I was a little disappointed, but more intimidated. I sat down and tried to keep with the conversation but all I could feel were her glares in my direction. I didn't know what her problem with me was but I didn't feel comfortable at all.

"I think I'm going to go back to my dorm, it was so nice to meet all of you! Hope we can hang out again soon!" I said with a smile while getting up to leave.

"I am too." Emily said as she locked in a heavy stare with me.

I turned to walk away as fast as possible to get away from her. She followed close behind me trying to close the distance. I felt her right behind me as I got closer to my dorm. I buzzed to get into my building and she followed me. I got into the elevator and clicked the button for the 4th floor and she got in as well. Great, did she live on the same floor as me? I was too busy thinking about this and listening to my music that I didn't notice her step closer and back me into the corner of the elevator. When I felt my back hit the wall of the elevator I looked up to see her towering over me.

"What's your deal? What are you doing hanging around Tara? This doesn't seem like your crowd. Shouldn't you be off joining a sorority and hooking up with all the frat boys?" She asked with a mischievous smirk on her face. She moved incredibly close.

"Or are you a nobody that clings onto whoever and whatever she can to feel like she belongs somewhere. You are pathetic aren't you." She was right up in my face at this point and I was in shock trying not to let her see that her words were getting to me.

The elevator dinged, signaling that we were on the 4th floor and I tried to escape her, but she grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"I'm watching you, Y/l/n." She said maliciously and I sped back to my room trying to get there as fast as possible.

I got back to my room and curled up into a ball on my bed and cried for hours until Tara came back and consoled me.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry. I don't know why I was like that honestly. I think that I was just confused about my feelings and how to deal with everything. I don't know how to explain." She said with a sigh and a sorrowful look on her face.

"What do you mean you don't know why you acted like that?! It's pretty obvious that you hated me from the moment we met! This conversation was a bad idea, I think you should go." I said as I got up to open the door, but she grabbed my wrist and stood up too.

"Hey, what the hell!" I shouted as she pulled me back to her.

"Listen, I didn't hate you back then and I don't hate you now. In fact it's the complete opposite... I really like you, Y/n." She said looking in my eyes as they went wide with realization. She liked me?!

"I don't believe you! How could you have done that to me if you truly liked me that much?! I was so hurt, Emily. I thought you hated me for years, I had to go to therapy because of you! And what, now you tell me that you actually liked me and all that was fake! What is wrong with you?!" I screamed at her.

"Get out." I said now in a much more serious voice.

"What?" She said as she looked at me with her huge brown eyes and I almost changed my mind, but I was so hurt that I didn't let myself get distracted.

"You heard me, get out."

She walked to the door and gave me one last glance before leaving. I shut the door and thought to myself for a while. How could she have liked me? She made my life a living hell for years. I shook my head and instead got all my stuff ready to leave and made a plan to find Mitch. This time I wasn't coming back until I knew he was dead. I gathered a go bag with clothes and another with every gun and knife that I owned. I put on my bullet proof vest, my gun holsters, and dressed in all black. I left my apartment with everything I needed to find Mitch and end him. I was ready to get this over with and end this chapter of my life. I only had to do one last job.

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