Wound Healing (girlxgirl)

By neerfB

48.6K 2.1K 301

Becky is a Operating Theatre Nurse who loves her new job working in one of London's busiest hospitals after h... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 Epilogue

Chapter 1

3.9K 90 4
By neerfB

"Becky to the Nurse's station, Becky to the Nurse's station" echoed through the theatre speakers.

"I'll be right with you ma'am" the chestnut hair girl smiled at her patient as she removed her gloves and made her way to the nurses station at the end of the corridor.

"What's up Irin" she asked leaning her body against the counter of the station, her manager glanced up almost surprised she had came so quickly to her call.

"There you are Becky, I just wanted to see if you wanted a couple of extra shifts next week. Margaret is still on sick leave for at least another couple of weeks and I need a check in nurse to cover" the petite matured woman asked her nurse.

"Are you asking me or just informing me I have extra hours to do" Becky questioned knowing her boss far too well.

"Well  I can't force you but you must remember all those mornings I got cover for you when you were siiiiiicck" Irin teased knowing full well how a 26 year old single nurse behaved. Irin herself was once that age and didn't blame the brunette for being late at times.

Becky rolled her eyes, she knew Irin was probably the best boss she had ever had, letting her away with things a nursing manager probably shouldn't. How could Becky say no?

"Ok ok fine but as soon as that hag Maggie is back, I want dibs on the best surgeries going for a week" she demanded as she began walking away and back towards her patient hearing Irin singing her praises as she walked away  only made her smile.

Becky was a theatre nurse at one of London's busiest hospitals.. her average day considered of getting up at 6 to be in work for just after 7, she spent most of her working hours scrubbing in to surgeries, assisting the Surgeon. She truly loved her job despite it's long hours and being exposed to bodily fluids on more than one occasion, she just loved her job.

Of course there was a demand for scrubbing into surgery and when she had to share she was either a floating nurse in the theatre which assisted the scrub nurse getting gauze or equipment whatever was needed she done it.. and if Irin really had it in for Becky, the brunette was forced to work in recovery or like today at the front desk checking patients in. It bored her to death doing the same thing over and over for 12 hours, checking patient ID's and allergies. She felt most comfortable staring down at the insides of some poor old fellas guts. Vascular was her favorite, she had spent 2 years living in Thailand where she had trained in theatre and found out she had loved it.

Becky had been mostly assisting with amputations or surgeries on the arteries around the body, it was one of a few things she fell in love with while over in Thailand. Now back in London for the past 8 months it was strange, very strange settling back into a new job, new lifestyle and a new life in general but she was beginning to enjoy life again finding her happiness in her job.

It was after 9 by the time Becky got back to her flat that evening, walking in she placed her keys on the kitchen counter allowing the fresh smell of spices hit her nose she snuck up snaking her arms around a slender body causing the short blonde to jump in her touch.

"Honey I'm home" she whispered into the blonde locks as she gave the girl a tight squeeze.

 "You stink.. go have a shower, dinner will be ready in 10" the blonde said moving out of Becky's touch as she busied herself draining the pasta in the sink. Becky gave a salute as she made her way towards the bathroom.

"Oh Engfa is coming over so put on a bra.. I don't want my girlfriend drooling over you" the blonde warned causing Becky to turn and laugh.

"I can't  help how sexy these bad boys are Charlotte" Becky replied grabbing her breasts between her fingers giving them a jiggle as she giggled her way towards shower. Charlotte was Becky's wacky roommate. She was literally whacky. She was one of those echo friendly whack jobs who believed in Woman's rights and an extreme animal lover, she had long blonde tied back. They had only known each other since Becky had moved in but Becky knew she had made a friend for life with the blonde.. they were like sisters and she adored her long term girlfriend Engfa too.


Becky slammed her palm against the loud alarm clock that read 6:15am the next morning. This should be illegal she thought to herself as it was her 5th 12 hour shift in a row. Her head a little fuzzy from numerous glasses of wine she had at dinner last night with Charlotte and Engfa, she quickly got dressed and made her way to work.

Flattening her oversized scrub top, she tied her scrub hat tightly over her chestnut hair making her way into the morning staff report. The report was held every morning outlining what was scheduled for the day. Becky sat with Sarah another nurse she had became somewhat close to the past couple of months.

"Morning ladies" Irin declared as she walked into the room getting every ones full attention as the chatting subsided. 

"And Barry of course" Irin added dryly given the only male a quick nod. Barry was probably more feminine than all the nurses combined but Becky loved his bitchy gay self.

"We have a full schedule in Orthopedics today so I need two nurses the afternoon for Mr. Timmons two slots" she said as Becky began to zone out. Same old, same old she thought knowing she was stuck at the front desk checking people in for 12 hours she had wished she slept it in this morning.

"Also we have a new Surgeon on Mr. Hunts vascular team" Irin added as she disappeared out the door causing people to whisper and mutter with confusion she returned a few seconds later.

"This is Ms. Sarocha" Irin perked as the young Surgeon stepped into the room. Becky felt sick to her stomach. She felt the blood drain from her face as she sat quietly hoping not to be seen. The brunette covered her face partially as Irin welcomed the Surgeon and informing how all the staff are pleased to have her join the team. The dyed brown head didn't seem to notice Becky in the corner of the room.

The staff began to exit the room as Irin dismissed everyone as she escorted Ms. Sarocha out. Great Becky thought I'm just going to slip out of here and never ever step foot in this hospital again. The panic raced through her. What the hell was she doing in London. Becky thought to herself. Becky needed to leave now, to get home and get her head around who had just walked into the room.. struggling to her feet she took a couple of deep breaths as she walked over to the window looking out to the busy street below.

Relax Becky it's ok you can do this she told herself as she made a plan of heading straight to the dressing room she would just ring Irin later, dealing with the consequences next week right now she didn't even know if she could stay working here.

Becky sighed as she turned for the door, those black eyes burning into her causing her to stop in her tracks. Her throat dry and a horrible knot formed in her stomach as emotions came running back. Becky had managed to somehow live again and now this.. why was she being punished again.

"Hey BB" she spoke as Becky's heart sank.. she couldn't do this.. not now or ever. Becky managed to get her feet to move as she headed for the door, not being stopped by the dark haired girl she breathed out heavily as she could as she made her way towards the locker room bursting through the door she struggled with her breathing.

This was the first time she had seen Freen Sarocha since she left Thailand. The last time she had seen Freen, Becky swore to herself it would be the last. Becky paced the locker room as she panicked, now what. What was she going to do, just expected to walk back out there and pretended it was another boring day at the front desk or leave and most likely get the sack from Irin on Monday morning. The door crept opened as Freen stepped through closing the door behind her as she folded her arms awkwardly stepping in to the cluttered room.

"Becky" she said softly, no hatred or anger visible in her soft voice Becky used to hearing.

"What are you doing here" Becky asked still in disbelief. What the hell was going on she thought.

"I got a job" Freen replied allowing a small smile appear on her face. A smile one time would have made Becky's heart melt but now all Becky felt was confused and disoriented, was this some sort of sick joke.

"Why here Freen, why now" Becky snapped feeling frustrated.

"I wanted a change, there were too many memories in Thailand" Freen replied her facial expression slightly more serious as her eyes poured into Becky's 

"And what about Becky, I never want to see you again" Becky shot back she was trying to be calm but hurt and slight anger came over her.

"Things change Rebecca" Freen said as she stepped forward causing the brunette to step back as she began to panic again.

"I can't do this" Becky breathed out as she removed her surgical hat. 

"Becky" Freen whispered afraid to take another step towards the brunettes. She could sense Becky was having a meltdown right now but there was no easy way of walking back into her life.

"I need to go" Becky said as she brushed passed the dark haired surgeon.

"You need to leave Freen" she added as she marched towards the door.

"Walk away Becky but I'm not leaving" Freen replied as she turned watching Becky halt at the door.

"Why Freen, there are thousands of hospitals out there, you don't need to work in this one.. just leave please" Becky begged as she felt tears prickle her eyes, she turned around again opening the door.

"I'm not leaving, you're my wife BB whether you like it or not" Freen replied as the brunettes head snapped around, her brown eyes glared at the young surgeon...

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