IZUKU In Telltales TWDG SEASO...

By Horseshoes2078

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after the event of the season one izuku now takes responsibility for Clementine & Duck alongside him are Carl... More

All that Remains
ALL That Remainspt2
A HOUSE Divided PT2

A House Divided PT1

212 6 6
By Horseshoes2078

(Duck pov)

Duck and Nick find themselves trapped by walkers in a small shed after escaping the riverbed. Walkers we're banging on the door the duo trying to keep the door shut but more kept coming one almost got through but they pushed the doors back with all their strength Duck looks at Nick

Duck: what's the plan Nick?

He didn't say anything but walked off leaving Duck holding the door

Duck: what are you doing?!

The door began to slightly open but duck kept the door slightly closed. Almost loosing his grip he sees Nick drop a box on the ground and pushes it in front of the door. Preventing the walkers coming in duck sighs of relief Nick sits down

Duke: don't worry the others will find us

Nick sigh: yeah, they will hell I'm sure you're pal izuku tearing through these lukers right about now .

Duck chuckles: yeah he would . do you think Pete and Clementine are okay

Nick: don't worry Pete won't let anything happen to her she's in good hands.

He sighs looking down shaking he's head

Nick: that could have gone a lot worse Pete might of died but Clem saved him.

Duck: yeah she did. What we do now?

Nick: I don't know?

Duck: I'll look around maybe there might be something useful that can help us get out.

Nick: knock yourself out.

Duck: there's some food hear but it's rotten

Nick: damn, keep looking there's gotta be something else around here.

Duck then walk around spot plywood on counter shelves he slid it to the right revealing cans of liquid Nick looks with raise brow

Nick: what is that stuff? Let me see.

Duck grabs the can of liquid and Walks up to Nick and gives it to him, he grabs it and opens it up and sniff it he then took a drink making him flinch hit the table

Nick: ah.. whiskey

He continue drinking Duck looking at him

Duck: now what?

Nick: Honestly don't fucking know we just wait I guess?

Duck frown he doesn't like waiting but he knows their no choice so he sits down behind the box blocking the door putting Clementine back pack next to him

Nick chuckle: nice back pack

Duck: shut up !

Nick laugh as duck shook he's head an hope Clementine doing better then he is

(Clementine pov)

Trapped by walkers in the back of an abandoned truck, Pete locked the door to the back while the walker kept bagging on the door Clementine was worried he turns to the girl

Pete: well, they shouldn't be able to get through that. On the downside, we can't get through them.

He leans on the wall helping him sit down slowly as clemw look at him worried she kneel down next to him

Clementine: how are you feeling

Pete: I'm fine darling just.. worried about Nick is all

Clementine: don't worry he's got duck looking out for him

Pete chuckles: is that so

Clementine: yep he's been trained by the best.

Pete: well aren't we happy to stumble upon you three

Clementine: yeah.

Pete: if you hadn't spot that walker in time I think it would of got the chunk on my leg.

Clementine nods she looks around the truck only to see a hacksaw she grabs it Pete shakes he's head

Pete: what are you going to do with that?

Clementine: izuku said anything can be a weapon.

Pete: really?

Clementine: yeah I saw izuku kill two walkers with a pencil

Pete: wait what a pencil your gotta be joking

Clementine chuckles: nope

Pete: well shit remind me not get on his bad side

The duo stay quiet for a minute Pete sigh

Clementine: try to get some rest there's a lot of stuff in here. I'll try to find something more useful

Pete: okay just try to stay quiet don't want anymore attention to ourselves.

She nods and started looking around she finds a half empty water bottle Pete looks at it

Pete: anything in that?

Clementine: not much here

Pete grabs it : thanks.

And drinks it Clementine kept looking around the truck she the. Finds a box Red & Gold original flavor,hoping something good in there Pete looks at her

Pete: what's in their? anything we can use ?

She looks into it seeing nothing but cigarettes Pete looks at it

Pete: give me one of those, probably tastes like pine tar by now. But I'd smoke a dead coon's tail if you had one .

She gives him the cigarette he grabs it and looks at her

Pete: you got a light?

She grabs her butterfly lighter as Pete put the cigarette on his mouth Clementine lights it up and he started taking puffs

Pete: cough... Well, taste about as bad as it smells.

Clementine: now what?

Pete taking another puff: we wait.

She sits down next to pet crossing her arms and legs and drifted off the sleep while Pete stayed up

Izuku: you have to let me go with you

Luke: izuku your in no condition to come

Izuku: I'm fi- ugh!!

He holds he's side he started griting he's teeth angry at himself for getting injured he felt a hand on his shoulder he looks up at the person named Alvin .

Alvin : hey don't worry we're going find them but you need to be here will track them down and bring them back i promise.

Izuku sighs: okay, okay be careful out there

Luke: we will let's get moving it's getting dark soon don't want to lose anymore daylight.

The group search for Nick, duck,Clem and Pete head out izuku was sitting down worried he started writing in his journal trying to keep calm but knew it was impossible.
( Duckpov)

Duck was sound asleep having a nice dream until he started hearing glass breaking spooking him he's eyes shot up and see Nick throwing the whiskey glass bottles to the wall getting walkers attention also sees its night time,he walks up to him seeing Nick upset.

Duck: Nick stop

He didn't listen and breaks another one he grabs one more but hesitates and lower the whiskey shaking he's head

Nick : I had to kill my mom

Duck eyes widen he didn't have to but he always felt it was his fault he's mom got bit if he wasn't so useless maybe he could of done something different but he can't worry about the past

Nick: hu.. it sounds weird when I say it out loud,hu. Luke always use to push me  I'd never wanted to go into business with him

He looks at the whiskey duck listing to the man story

Nick: I remember when he sold me on  his big plan some fucking plan case of beer and he just said Nick we're burning daylight and that was that.

Duck kneel down Nick began opening the whiskey bottle

Nick : after six months we were flat broke I didn't care we were having fun

He takes a sip Duck couldn't help but be reminded of his dad how he always had a plan how he broke down chugging on alcohol , but izuku told him how he saved Christa he will always be his hero not Batman he's dad. As Nick finished he spoke again.

Nick : I wish I was like him I wish I could just keep moving all the time. I'm just not built like that, everyone I grew up with it all happened to them

He takes another sip

Nick: now it's gonna happen to us . We are all so fucked this hole world is fucked

Duck: hey will make it

Nick: bullshit

It goes quiet for a minute he started shaking he's head

Nick: I mean what's the point we'll just march to some new place and somebody else will die, it's never gonna stop eventually it'll be our turn

He takes another chug of whiskey duck didn't like seeing him like this they didn't get along at first but he understands him how he feels everything that's been happening but they can't just give up no way.

Nick: can't believe we've been here a day,a day it's been a day right? Hey kid have a drink with me

He offered the whiskey to him duck remember he's parents telling him to never drink but he took Nick offer as Nick began saying hes mother name

Nick: to Mari starla Randall the nicest best mom in the world.

He said and clang duck glass he had a little smile and took a sip of whiskey but cough

Duck: ugh!!

Nick: haha

Duck gives the whiskey back coughing as Nick smiles at him Nick began to get serious

Nick: listen they're not Coming for us you should go run for it

Duck: what are you going to do?

Nick : Stay here,I'm tired. Go find Luke and the rest they'll take care of you their good people better than me.

Duck: I knew a person like you They were always screwing up

Nick: screwing up hey i didn't ask for this
Duck: nobody does but so what

Nick looks away shaking he's head duck didn't want to leave him like this he sighs

Duck: come with me

Nick laugh: seriously and leave all this

Duck: listen you can't just sit here and die

Nick: why not , what does it matter

Duck: my mom her name was katjaa she was a vet and she got bit because of me

Nick looked up at the kid

Duck: Everytime I keep remembering that day wondering what I could do different wish I was better but I can't and I can't just sit around and wallow that's not what my mom or dad would of wanted and I'm Sure that's not what your mom would want either.

Nick was silent staring at the boy

Duck: Pete Luke all of them you still have them their family and we don't leave family

Nick looks down

Duck: Nick I can't do this alone I need your help please.

Nick to a second to think and looked at the boy

Nick: you're right, ( takes another sip and gets up)  yeah now look if we get separated cabins only half a mile from here you can't miss it.

He smiles at the man as he took another sip of whiskey

Nick: you ready?

Duck: let's do this

He walks up the door and moves the box blocking it Nick looks at it

Nick: fuck it right

Duck: yeah

The open the door quietly and sneakily Walk out but one saw them and was walking up towards them Nick hit the walker with the glass Bottle

Nick : Fuck to! Mother fucker!

Gaining the walkers attention

Nick: oh shit

They were srounded but Nick decided to distract them

Nick : hey over here! Come on you fucks! Look at me . Get the fuck out of here !

Duck goes for Nick but he pushes Him to the side and hits a walker more started coming and Duck runs for it leaving Nick behind dodging walkers left and right as Nick ran back into the shed


Duck was running for a long time to point the sun was up meaning it was morning he then bump into something thinking it was a walker he backed away quickly but then

Pete: easy son it's us !

Clementine: duck!

He sees it's Pete and Clementine

Pete : where's Nick ?

Duck: I'll tell you once we reach the cabin come on!

The two follow him and they've finally made it to the cabin they opened the door to see izuku, carols and Rebecca sitting at the kitchen table

Carlos: Pete are you okay?

Izuku: Clementine, Duck!

He hugs them as Pete goes up to Carlos

Carlos: Luke not with you?

Rebecca: where's Alvin?!

Carlos: what happened it's Been an hours. Where are they?!

Pete: hey take it easy doc we didn't see them me and Clementine were trapped got ambush by walkers and separated duck was with Nick speaking of what happened duck?

Duck looked away: I was with him but we got separated.. he saved me

Izuku would have to thank Nick hope he's still alive Rebecca began to get inpatient

Rebecca:  where you  were you exactly

Duck: down by the stream

Rebecca: we gotta go

Carlos: just hold on a minute

Rebecca: my husband still out their get the guns

Pete: you Heard her Carols we need to go now

He hesitate for second but run into the living room  Rebecca looks at the kids

Rebecca: Luke and Alvin went out looking for you I told him not to go  damn it Luke

Pete: don't worry I'm sure there fine

Carlos comes back with the guns and hands it to pete

Pete: will be back soon you three stay put and keep an eye on the place

Rebecca: let's go

She said taking pistol and walking out with Pete following behind her Carol looks at the trio

Carlos: Clementine, izuku, duck can you please watch Sarah  she's upstairs just distract her and don't tell her anything she gets nervous

Izuku: will take care of her you can trust us

Clementine: yeah

Carlos: thank you just don't open the doors for anything we'll be back soon and thank you.

He leaves closing the door behind them izuku sit on chair looking at the two

Izuku: are you okay?

Clementine: I'm fine what about you duck?

Duck: I'm fine just worried about Nick Is all

Izuku: I hope he's okay too. Wait isn't that Clementine back pack

Clementine eyes widen: yeah we're you find it ?

Duck looks down: When we were at the river stream I came across a body of woman she had your back pack... It was Christa.

The two didn't believe it but duck experience it was true izuku shook he's head

Izuku: did.. did any of you see omid or Carley

Clementine: no

Duck: no it was random people

Izuku sighs: maybe they got separated. Crap poor omid.

Clementine: we ... We should check on Sarah.

Izuku: yeah, yeah you two go up I'll be right behind you

The kids nod the Walk out of the kitchen izuku leaning he's forward to he's palm hand shaking

Izuku: (Vanessa now Christa ... Stay hopefully the others are out their will find them .)

He gets up and walks into the living room and upstairs to Sarah room he then hears

Sarah: say cheese!

She takes the picture Duck and Clementine flinch at the flash Sarah takes the picture out of the camera

Sarah: I found this under the house there's all kinds of old stuff

She then gives them the picture izuku walks in from behind and smiles at the picture of the kids

Sarah: it's so cool, take one of me

Duck: sure

Clementine rolls her eyes smiling at duck Sarah handing him the camera

Sarah: get me in a good pose okay.

He points the camera at her he sees her smiling he couldn't help but blush at her smile izuku chuckle a little and he clicks the button the photo comes out and he shows it to Sarah she smiles at the boy but sees Clementine frowing

Sarah: what's wrong, Um where's my dad ?

Izuku: there just fishing Sarah

Sarah: I know that's not true

Izuku rub the back of he's head maybe could of thought something better he then sees Sarah turn around breathing heavily he walks up to her knowing what she's going through puts a hand on her shoulder she looks up at him

Izuku: hey it's okay just breath in and out gonna follow me

He breath in our Sarah following along starting to relax more izuku gives a small smile

Izuku: their you go feel little better

Sarah: yeah thanks sorry about that

Izuku: it's okay but don't worry your father is okay.

He smiles she feels a bit better then remember something and looks at the kids

Sarah: you guys wanna see what I found.

They nod she goes under her desk and picks up a gun showing it to the trio

Sarah: will you show me how to use it?  I couldn't find any bullet, if something wrong I should know what if I have to use one.

Duck: of course will teach you right guys?

He said smiling Clementine was unsure she looks up at izuku he looks at her and back at Sarah he didn't want any trouble with Carlos but thinking about what Sarah said he knew she needed to know how to survive he sighs

Izuku: yeah will teach you Sarah

Clementine: as long as you don't tell your dad.

Sarah: I won't I promise.

Izuku: first remember its not a toy the only reason you'll need to pull it out unless you or someone is in danger

Sarah: okay, I thought it would be heavier  what do I do next?

Clementine: the most important thing is always aim for the head.

Sarah: okay

Clementine: unless it's a person trying to hurt you

Sarah: then what I do

Izuku: you keep shooting I know it'll be tuff but remember your protecting your self and the people you care about

Sarah: okay, okay.

She started moving around turns to Clem

Sarah: what should I shoot. She said lifting the gun in front of her

Duck: don't do that!

Sarah: s-s-sorry  sorry

Izuku: hey it's okay lucky there's no bullets now but just remember not to be waving it around.

Sarah nods : maybe I could do  this outside there's that tree.

She looks out the window as the trio were behind her she began to say

Sarah: hey Luke's back.

She said walking away from the trio as they look out the window but only saw a Shadow of figure they follow Sarah downstairs izuku in front saw a Shadow move from the window he was starting to worry duck looks out the window then back at the others shaking he's head they Walk slowly seeing the shadow izuku can tell it was a man they walked up to Sarah he's heart dropped when she said

Sarah: that's not Luke

They look down the hallway the man was by the door Sarah started getting more sacred

Sarah: Clem, I think I know him

Duck: what

They hear knocking at the front door

Sarah: he can't see me izuku you have to make him go away

Clementine: who is he?

Sarah: I..I don't remember

"Hello" the man Said again

Izuku sees Sarah panicking duck grabs her shoulder for comfort

Duck: breath ok in and out start counting in her head from ten okay.

She does so and started to feel a little relax izuku smiles at the boy

Izuku: duck and Clementine stay with Sarah

Clementine: I'm going with you

Izuku: Clem-

Clementine: no you need someone watch your back you're injured remember.

Izuku sighs he knows she's right and nods at her he looks at duck and he nods at him the duo began walking towards the door izuku wishing he brought a weapon with him he got closer to the door Clementine was about to lock it until he opened the door the man look at them with small telling them hello izuku didn't want to start a fight not knowing what this guy has on him

Izuku: who are you?

???: well actually I'm your neighbor

Clem furrow her brow: neighbor

Izuku: ( totally a lie the cabin group would of said something about that )

???: that's right my family and I are set up a ways down the river run kind of surprised we haven't run into each other yet what's your names

Izuku: I'm Deku this is my sister Carley

??? Chuckles: Carley and Deku  what does Deku mean?

Izuku:  it's for Short for Dekrui meaning you can do it .

???: hmm I like it sounds like a strong name  you don't mind if I come in Deku,Carly

Before izuku can answer no he let himself in the duo backing away as duck & Sarah sneak away to her room the man began to speak

???: I've been out all morning and this heat has got me cooked

Izuku: maybe shouldn't be wearing a coat then

He chuckles: yeah probably right

He began looking to left and right and spots a fish on the wall he looks at Clementine

???: this is a nice place is there anyone else around you don't usually see cabins this big out here sure could pack a lot of folks in there

Clementine: we're Alone

Izuku: yeah it's just been us

The man raise a brow at the two: really

Izuku: yeah we take care of ourselves

Man: well I'm impressed

The duo glare at the man he puts he's hands on his hips

Man: well I'll cut to the Chase I'm out looking for my people seven of them to be exact they've been gone a long time and I'm worried they might have gotten lost.maybe you've seen them a couple of farm boys and an old man, Spanish guy and his daughter girl bit taller than you big black guy this big and a pretty little pregnant lady.

Izuku didn't like how he described Rebecca he needed to come up with something convincing for this guy

Izuku: we were hiking in the woods searching for some rabbits and we saw a group they looked like your description they probably heading towards north to place called Willington we didn't go with them because sounded bullshit

Man : hmm you're definitely smart on that one, I've heard about it too definitely shit but what you gonna do.

He looked around the living room then Headed in the kitchen Clementine and izuku follow him

He looks at the table and head towards the sink and sees the many piles of dishes

Man: a lot of plates for two people looks like a tornado ran through here

Clementine: well someone over here doesn't do the dishes

Shes Said looking at izuku he played along

Izuku: oh come on it's your turn and you know it.

Man : hey believe me I don't either

Izuku sees Clementine looking at the knife on the counter for a second the man spoke gaining the duo attention looking at him

Man: just passing through or you've been here a while,  you definitely smart for not going north looking for shanhri-la I'm not sure why'd you go anywhere after finding this hell I just got here and i already don't want to leave

Clementine: we've been here for a year

Man : is that right?

Izuku: yeah it is

Man : it's dangerous to stay put that long surprise you've lasted your sister must be pretty tough

Clementine: we've been lucky

Man : I doubt that

Izuku moves a little heading towards the knife on the counter trying not to be suspicious but the man got to it in time grabbing it making izuku go I front of Clementine he looks at them holding it up

Man: where does this go?

Izuku: over there

He points and the man puts it in the cabinet closes it and walks away into the living room again, Clementine and izuku following behind  as he looks at the pictures on the wall duck and Sarah we're behind the couch and walked towards the other couch that was near the stairs the man then said

Man : it's a real nice place kid of cosy

He then looked at  the couch and sees  flannel shirt izuku looks at it to

Man : I knew a guy that always wore shirts like this . Doctor real smug son of bitch but a smart man

Clementine: what's he's name?

Man : Carlos

Sarah looked at duck he put finger up to he's lips shushing her, the man sees the chess board

Man : well well White's in trouble

Duck and Sarah walked up the stairs slowly trying not to make any noise

The man looks at the duo: three moves away from checkmate

They hear Creek from upstairs the man staring at them

Man: what was that?

Izuku: that's are brother Ken he's just in his room.

He walks near the stairs looking up seeing someone go inside Sarah room he looks at them

Man: I thought you said you were alone

Izuku: what you except you're strange can't trust anyone anymore

He says glaring at the man but he saw them man smirking seems like respect he then looks up the stairs and pulls up the revolver  izuku and Clementine were now worried about Sarah and Duck. The man walks up to Sarah room and opens it waving the recovery around duck on the bed pretending to read a book looks at him

Duck: woah who is this guy Deku?

Izuku: don't wave that gun around my brothers room.

Clementine sees Sarah hiding under the bed

Man : sorry about that son can't be to careful now Days

Clementine: well nobody your looking for is here.

She says crossing her arms looking at the man

Man : seems that way. Didn't mean to be rude couldn't just leave you three here with good conscience if someone was poking around right?

Izuku/Clem: "sure..."

The man walks up until he steps on something and looks down grabs something izuku eyes widen

Izuku: (shit...)

Man : who's this

He said showing the photo of Sarah one they took earlier

Clementine: must be someone who lived here?

Izuku: yeah

Man : must be .

He looks into izuku and Clementine eyes then back at duck  he turns and looks at the duo as they glare at him  he's brow furrow.

Man: you have no idea who these people are do you?

Izuku: we don't know what you're talking about.

Man : let me ask you this when you met them how much did they trust you

Clementine: what's your point?

Man : if people don't trust you how can you trust them

He looks around the room again izuku then says

Izuku: I think you over stayed your welcome sir.

Man : I suppose so Deku I've trouble you three for long enough I can let myself out.

As the man walks down the stairs izuku staring at the man having an uneasy feeling he then shouts

Izuku: you ever come back here I'll put an arrow right between your eyes.

Man chuckles: you have a real good day Deku all of you.

He says out of view and leaving through the front door Sarah crawls out Duck helping her up they go into her room and look out the window

Sarah: where is he

Clementine: he's gone

Sarah: what if he comes back?

Izuku: then will be ready for him

He said he grabs the camera they took pictures and started walking out of the room he looks at the kids and stares at Sarah.

Izuku:( screw Carlos) Sarah bring that gun we're practicing in the living room

She nods pick it up and they headed down stairs training Sarah wilth gun , izuku finds he's back pack puts up the camera and journal grabs he's crossbow duck and Clementine were telling her the basics can't really do much with no bullets but it's something

It felt like an hour has gone by Duck and Sarah we're reading a book while izuku was starting out the window and Clementine was worried for the others

Clementine : we need to find the others

Sarah : we can't go outside

Izuku: it's gonna be okay Sarah will protect you I promise.

He says giving the girl a smile she feels little better and they head towards the door into the kitchen as Clementine goes through she sees Luke, Pete, Alvin, Carlos and Rebecca coming in

Luke : Clementine, Duck

The kids smile so does izuku glad their safe

Carlos: Sarah

He said as his daughter runs and hugs him

Luke : duck you we're with Nick right we got to go find him

Duck: yeah I'll help

Sarah: a man was here

Carlos: what?!

Rebecca: what did she say?

Sarah: someone came to the cabin. Clementine and izuku talked to him

Rebecca: and you two just opened the door for him

Izuku: we didn't he let himself in I couldn't risk the kids lives

Pete: you need to calm down Rebecca They tried okay.

Carlos: did he say he's name did he say what he's name was ?

Rebecca: maybe it wasn't him?

Alvin: you know damn well who it was

Izuku: he didn't say he's name

Rebecca: you didn't ask?!

Clementine: he had a gun

Carlos: look just tell us what he looked like what was he wearing did he sound different how old was he?

Duck: his voice was gravelly

Pete : like how

Duck: I don't know kinda deep and scratchy

Clementine: he wore a brown coat

Izuku: he looked like in his mind 40th

Sarah : he talked about you dad . You're not gonna hurt anyone are you?

Luke: of course he won't Sarah, all right your dad's the nicest man I know which is why he's not gonna do anything crazy or not nice. right?

Carlos: you know these are bad people sweetie they will do or say anything to hurt us

Pete : alright what you think did it seem like he'd be coming back

Sarah: he saw a picture of me

Carlos eyes widen turn to angry: a picture what were you doing taking pictures

Izuku: it was my fault I should of let them play with the camera if you're gonna yell at someone do it to me

Sarah: no I asked duck to it's my fault

Carlos: Sarah.

She looked down sad as her father looked at the others

Carlos: he was scouting we got lucky he wasn't expecting to find us . Izuku, Clementine and Duck must of surprised them if they hadn't been their

Pete: good job kids

Carlos: well he was too smart to stick around but he'll be back with the rest we don't have much time

Luke : he's right

Pete: everyone pack up we're moving out

Rebecca: Alvin Wait

She says chasing after her husband Carlos talking to Sarah izuku needed answers now about this guy

Izuku: what does he want with you?

Carlos: to bring us back, izuku kids I don't know what he told you but William Carver is a dangerous man he's the leader of a camp not far from here and he's very smart we were lucky to escape.look I'm sorry to involve you three but now he's seen you you'll be safer with us we have to leave.

Pete: I'm going to get my stuff and we go after Nick.

He said following Carlos out of the kitchen Luke looks at duck

Luke : look we gotta find Nick on our way out of here you know where he was right?

Duck: yeah

Luke: all right everybody grab your stuff let's hit the road!


Duck was next to Luke taking the lead on finding Nick,Clementine was next to Pete behind them izuku was behind Alvin and Rebecca holding he's crossbow

Luke : you said it was just up here

Duck: yeah just a little ways

Rebecca walks up next to Clementine

Rebecca: hey Clem,duck sorry for giving you some shit back there I'm just a little on edge it's just a tough time right now with the pregnancy and all  you and Alvin can probably relate

Clementine: why is Carver after you?

Rebecca: after me... Oh you mean us  it's a long story he has a hard time letting go, I know you and izuku did your best back there. You know none of us would make it on are own sometimes it's hard knowing just how dependent I am on everyone, I'm not used to that I'm not comfortable with that I'm supposed to be a mom soon guess I need to work on my patience, Alvin and I still don't know what to call her or him if that man gets wished go help me .

Clementine follows duck away from Rebecca

Rebecca:  any ideas Clem

Izuku walks up behind her : don't worry she'll warm up to you thanks for apologizing appreciate it

Rebecca: yeah sorry again

Izuku: no worries come on let find Nick

They spot the shed Nick and duck we're hiding in

Duck: there that's where we were .

Luke pulls out he's machete izuku grabs hes spike wrench he still had from the train, luke takes care of the security walker while izuku kills the one by the doors and shove it away luke and izuku look at each other Pete Walk up behind them with rifle in hand

Pete: Nick

They then heard growling Duck looks at the men worried

Pete: get the door

Izuku Opens it but flinches when seeing Nick body Pete walks in and shocked he runs up to him  duck was right next to izuku as Luke went in

Duck: no nick.

They stare at the body

Luke : Jesus

Nick : oh hey man got any aspirin

Pete: thank Christ

Luke chuckles : Nick you asshole

Pete pick up Nick with the help of Luke

Pete: you need to handle your liquor more son.

He looks at them and hugs them both

Nick: sorry for being an asshole

Pete: it's okay I'm just glad your okay

Nick: same uncle Pete

Luke : we gotta get moving Carver's gand showed up can you make it ?

Nick : yeah, yeah

Luke : good let's go

The group get together and started heading off far away from the cabin as possible duck was next to Luke on he's left while Clementine was on his right Carlos is taking the lead next to him Sarah alive and Rebecca we're behind Nick and Pete izuku walks up behind Nick

Izuku: hey Nick

Nick turns he's head: yeah

Izuku: thanks for protecting duck your good guy

Nick smiles: thanks izuku,

Nick looks at the boy: hey duck I just wanted to say thanks for not giving up on me

Duck: that's what friends are for right?

Nick: yeah I won't forget it

He talks to Pete izuku was looking left and right hoping nothing jumps them they could use a break he walks behind Luke and the kids,

Luke : hey izuku, Clementine, duck

Clementine: yeah ?

Luke : do you think you can keep an eye on Nick for me that would mean a lot

Duck: yeah of course

Izuku: since he's cool I'll do it

Clementine: okay

Luke smiles: thanks guys appreciate it . You sure you still want to come with us  look I know we got off to rough start and I can't make any promises it won't get rougher but we all know you now we may not be perfect but we look out for each other

Izuku: kids ?

Duck: yeah I like this group

Clementine: yeah I'm with you guys

Izuku: if their in I'm in

Luke : and we are glad to have you three

Luke grabs map: I figure we got about four or five days to reach those mountains now if they're tracking us we should be able to loose them up there

Rebecca: five days

Alvin: it's gonna be okay beck

Carlos: we have to keep moving now it's are only choice

It was night time the group set up camp izuku was digging through he's back pack he saw Rebecca was hungry since she was eating for two he found jerky bag he walks up to her

Izuku: it's not much but here

Rebecca: oh thank you Hun but are you sure what about your kids I'm sure their hungry

Izuku: don't worry I fed them apple slices their good for tonight

She hesitates for a moment

Izuku: it's okay take them

She grabs the jerky bag from him a started eating the jerky Alvin Walk up with water he smiles at the boy

Alvin: thanks izuku we appreciate it

Izuku: no problem hopefully Pete and Nick find something in the morning.

He sits down next to Clementine and duck Lean on him Clementine lays her head on his lap while Duck puts he's head on his shoulder then Luke asked something

Luke: so izuku what's with the green hair

Izuku: what?

Nick: why did you dye it green

Izuku: it's natural

Alvin: no way

Rebecca laugh:  I'm calling bull

Izuku chuckles: I'm glad I kept this

He reaches into he's back  pocket and grabs he's wallet throwing it to Nick he opens it up seeing him and he's mom

Nick: no way

Luke : oh come on

He those it to Luke he's eyes widen he shows the picture to everyone and their also shocked

Pete: now I'll be a monkey uncle

Sarah: that crazy can't believe it's actually natural.

Carlos: definitely shock

Rebecca: your mother she's beautiful

Izuku smiles: yeah she was , always took care of me made my favorite katsudon when I was sad the one thing I loved about her how she was always proud of me no matter what.

He said giving a small smile at the group they also smiled back at the boy Alvin gives izuku wallet back and they started to sleep with Pete and Luke taking first watch.

( Day two )

Izuku was walking in the woods looking for anything edible holding he's crossbow he started feeling better he's wound didn't hurt as much he was by himself despite the group not liking it he told them he'll be careful and he knows how to track them down if he gets lost, he hears a snap of branch he crouches down and sees a deer he aim hes Crossbow at its head he takes a breath pulls the trigger and fires hitting the deer he gets up and walks towards it as it goes down he was inches away when walkers pop up

Izuku: hey that's my deer! You poxin bastards

He grabs another arrow puts it on he's crossbow but more started coming he runs but more corner him he runs away fast he then spots a cabin

Izuku: ( am I lucky or what)

He goes in slams  the door behind him he breaths in and out he looked around

Izuku: this is nice

He started searching maybe their was food he found a chest and opened it he smiles seeing their we're a lot of can green beans oatmeal and beans, he was happy until he heard the door open he turns around quick aming he's crossbow at whoever it was , the person was startled holding fish from a hook

Man : who the hell are you?!

Izuku: I'm sorry for breaking in your cabin sir but I was being chased by walkers

Man : I don't give a shit get out of my cabin

Izuku: hey let's calm down okay, my names izuku what's you're name?

Man : it's Justin

Izuku looks at the man now know as Justin he has black hair and dark greenish eyes

Izuku: look Justin I have a group we don't have that much food if you give me half I promise I'll leave and you'll never see me again

Justin: oh hell no I know how this goes yeah run off with my food then you bring your group of thugs back here and steal all my shit I don't think so !

Izuku: I'm not lying,

Justin drops the fish and was about the reach something from behind he's back izuku didn't want to fight this guy

Izuku: okay, okay I'll leave

Justin: oh no you're not going anywhere

Izuku: you pull that gun out I fire trust me I don't miss.

Just then they hear growling walkers we're coming do to the yelling Justin slam the door shut but they started breaking through the windows and banging on the door he turns looking at izuku with angrier

Justin: you bastard your brought them here!

Izuku: I'm sorry I didn't know

The door wasn't going to hold much longer izuku acted shoving a counter in front of it

Izuku: grab all your stuff we need to go

Justin: hell no I'm not going with you!

Izuku: it's either that or you get eaten what's it going be !

Justin: fuck alright!

He runs in he's room and grabs he's back pack he goes to the chest and puts all the can food in it izuku pick up the fish and puts it in his bag

Justin: I got it lets go out the back

They ran out of the cabin as the walkers broke through, they ran for quite awhile until their was no sight of walkers

Izuku: okay I thi-


Izuku doges the bullet he looks at Justin

Justin: fuck

Izuku ran up and tackle the man down dropping the revolver

Izuku: stop we can work together

Justin: screw that you just destroyed my home.

He kick izuku side making him grit he's teeth and he pushes him away Justin gets up and runs to he's revolver but it's shot in the leg by an arrow he holds it screaming in pain as izuku run up and grabs it pointing at the man

Izuku: you stupid son of bitch we could of worked together it didn't have to end this way!

Justin: screw you man , you can't just be the good guy anymore that's not how you survive in this Fuck up world

Izuku: I'm not Gonna let this world change me

Justin: kid look at you , it already has

Izuku: no we gotta a doctor he can take a look at you.

They then hear growling coming towards them they see walkers approaching them Justin leans on tree

Justin: you sure we're going be able to out run them izuku?

Izuku: I.. we can try

Justin: can't go back izuku... Fuck I'm tired if you can do me a favor and  just shoot me

Izuku: no I'm not going do that

Justin: there's no time to argue since you put me in this situation just do this one thing shoot me in the fucking head living me here to get eaten is way worse so HURRY UP AND FUCKING DO IT


izuku was shaking he killed another man it was all he's fault if he didn't show up maybe he could of still be alive he did this, he sees the walker coming in close he pulls the arrow out and grabs the man back pack and runs away as the walkers devour Justin corpse

Duck was looking through the binoculars and pointed: hey izuku back I see him

He walks up to the ground

Pete: we got some squirrels and rabbit what about you?

Izuku: I found an abandoned cabin but I checked and whoever lived their left some can food

Rebecca: oh thank god what kinda food?

Izuku: green beans, beans and oatmeal also found a stream caught three fish

Luke : good job izuku

Nick: yeah man this is Golden

Alvin: we appreciate it

As they we're praising him he couldn't help but think about the man why couldn't he have just trust him was it the right choice to shoot him could they have gotten out of their together he sighs. Clementine walks next to him holding he's hand looking up

Clementine: you okay?

Izuku: yeah I'm fine Clem don't worry why don't you go with Duck and Sarah I'll be right behind you.

She nods and leaves Pete walks up to him and looks at the boy

Pete: so was it really abandon

Izuku: that bullshit meter of yours is good

Pete: I know so tell me what happened?

Izuku told Pete everything as the group was Walking about Justin how he had to put him down

Izuku: did...did I make the right call

Pete: izuku you gave that man a chance anyone could just shoot point blank with no hesitation that's a monster... Your the kidna guy that sees good in anyone and I respect that and if I'm being honest it was either you or him I know it's terrible but it's how it is .. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

Izuku sighs: yeah just still not used to this hole world... Listen we need to train Sarah

Pete: I know I was thinking the same thing carols can't protect her forever and if we're going to be traveling with walkers and people popping up she needs to be ready.

Izuku: you and me should go talk to him I'm sure he'll listen to you

Pete: alright sounds like a plan

( Day three)

It took a lot of convincing but Carlos thought about it and decided to train Sarah but he'll do it himself and that was fine with izuku as long as Sarah knows how to protect herself he's happy

Duck: woah look at this view

Sarah: it's so pretty

Duck: just like you

He mumble

Sarah: what?

Duck blush: what?

Izuku chuckles shaking he's head: hey you want me to get picture of you guys

Clementine: you kept the camera

Izuku: yeah thought it be fun to have it for awhile you guys want in

The group look at each other and smiled the group stand together izuku put the camera on time he ran up to them kennel down between his kids and the camera flash printing out picture he runs and grabs it and shows it to everyone

Izuku: ( a perfect family picture)

They trio was now attach to the cabin group no matter what they'll do their best to be protect them no matter what.

Izuku: ( if that guy shows he's face im gonna put an arrow right between he's eyes)

He thought to himself as the group continue towards the mountains.



Hope you enjoy and definitely proud of it and let me know what you're thoughts of it and how surprised you were to see Justin from 400 days dlc have a great day!!!!

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