Academic Seduction (profxgirl...

By FruitInkWords

1.1M 15.8K 16.3K

Ivy Williams had always aspired to complete her university journey without any interruptions or complications... More

Characters & Info
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen (1)
Chapter Sixteen (2)
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two [ARRC]
Chapter Thirty Three [ARRC]
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Twenty Five

14.6K 300 245
By FruitInkWords

As morning's light filtered through the curtains, a tantalizing aroma wafted through the air, stirring me from the depths of slumber. With a groggy stretch, I rose from the warmth of my bed, the call of nature urging me to hasten my steps to the bathroom before my bladder reached its breaking point.

Emerging from the confines of the bathroom, I descended the staircase with eager anticipation, drawn by the promise of breakfast awaiting me in the kitchen. However, the harmonious tranquility I had envisioned was shattered by the familiar sound of bickering voices that greeted my arrival.

In the heart of the kitchen, my mother and grandmother engaged in their daily ritual of banter, their words laced with a mixture of exasperation and affection. My grandmother's voice, tinged with the weight of age and experience, carried a hint of frustration as she lamented her advancing years.

"Samantha, I'm old, how do you expect me to do all of these things?" Her words hung heavy in the air, a testament to the burdens of age that weighed upon her weary shoulders.

My mother, ever the voice of reason, rolled her eyes in response, her patience tested by the relentless demands of her aging mother. "Mother, you act like you're going to drop dead any second," she retorted, her tone tinged with a hint of exasperation.

Yet, my grandmother remained steadfast in her convictions, her voice trembling with the weight of mortality as she spoke. "But I am!" she insisted, her words tinged with a morbid sense of resignation. "Do you not remember the way your father looked? I'm telling you right now, if I ever start to look as old as he did, you kill me. I don't care how, just don't make me live my life looking like that."

As I stood in the doorway, observing the familiar scene unfolding in the kitchen, I couldn't help but marvel at my grandmother's flair for the dramatic. It was as if she had honed her acting skills over a lifetime of theatrical performances, each day bringing a new role to play.

"Tell your mother I'm old," she declared, her voice dripping with melodrama as she beckoned me into the fray. I couldn't suppress a laugh at her theatrical antics, her penchant for grandiosity never failing to amuse me.

"Meemaw, didn't you say something about 'death is afraid of me' just yesterday?" I retorted, unable to resist the opportunity to tease her. Her response was swift and indignant, her eyes narrowing in mock offense as she denied any knowledge of such a claim.

With a playful roll of my eyes, I helped myself to a slice of toast from the nearby plate, savoring the familiar comfort of its warm, crispy exterior. "What are we doing today?" I inquired between bites, eager to divert the conversation to more practical matters.

My mother, busy preparing her morning coffee, offered a suggestion that elicited mixed feelings within me. "Your grandmother and I are going shopping, you're more than welcome to join," she announced, her tone laced with anticipation. Despite my aversion to the crowded confines of retail therapy, I couldn't deny the allure of the prospect of finding the perfect gift for Victoria amidst the bustling aisles of the mall.

My grandmother's sudden burst of energy caught me off guard as she hastily abandoned her tea and raced past me, her determination palpable in the air. "Move!" she exclaimed, her urgency spurring me to follow her into the living room.

Bewildered by her sudden rush, I watched in fascination as she scoured the room in search of her purse, her movements bordering on frantic. "Meemaw, what're you doing?" I inquired, unable to suppress my curiosity.

Ignoring my question, she seized her purse with a triumphant flourish and bolted out of the house with a speed that surprised us all. "What the hell has gotten into her?" my mother pondered aloud, echoing my own thoughts. Unable to offer an explanation, I simply shrugged and trailed after my grandmother.

Stepping outside, I scanned the surroundings until my gaze landed on her, standing beside an ice cream truck with a look of pure delight on her face. It all made sense now. "Ivy, come get your ice cream!" she called out, her enthusiasm contagious even from a distance.

I stood beside her, the scent of freshly churned ice cream wafting tantalizingly through the air as she thrust a vanilla cone into my hands. "Meemaw, I haven't even had breakfast yet," I protested, but she dismissed my concern with a nonchalant roll of her eyes. "I don't care, eat," she instructed firmly.

Amused by her insistence, I chuckled softly and expressed my gratitude before taking a tentative lick of the sweet treat. As the creamy flavor danced on my tongue, my phone buzzed in my pocket, drawing my attention away from the ice cream. With a grin spreading across my face, I retrieved it to find a message from Victoria waiting for me: 'How'd you sleep?'

With practiced ease, I tapped out a reply, my heart fluttering at the thought of her. 'Good, but it would've been better if I cuddled with you.' Glancing up, I caught my grandmother's curious gaze fixed upon me. Rather than offering an explanation, I simply shrugged and retreated back into the comfort of the house, eager to savor the sweetness of both the ice cream and Victoria's words in private.

After a few minutes, my grandmother sauntered in and settled onto the couch beside me. Just as she made herself comfortable, my mother swept into the room, her eyes widening in alarm at the sight of the ice cream in our hands. "Mother!" she exclaimed, her tone a mixture of dismay and concern, "You're lactose intolerant!"

My grandmother's response was characteristically nonchalant. With a dismissive shrug, she waved off my mother's worry. "I don't care, Samantha," she retorted, her voice tinged with stubborn determination, "this is worth it."

I couldn't help but chuckle at their exchange, though my mirth was tinged with a hint of apprehension. Note to self: ensure I use the bathroom before my grandmother does—I definitely don't want any unexpected lactose-induced emergencies ruining our day.

Turning my attention back to my phone, I eagerly checked for a response from Victoria. My heart fluttered with anticipation as I read her message: 'Cute. Any plans for the day?'

With a swift reply, I updated her on my agenda: 'Going shopping with my mom and grandmother.' Finishing off the last of my ice cream, I rose from the couch and made my way upstairs to prepare for our trip to the mall.

After three grueling hours of trudging around the mall, my feet throbbed with a vengeance. It seemed my grandmother's leisurely pace was determined to test my endurance. Frustration gnawed at me as I realized I still hadn't found the perfect gift for Victoria.

"I'm going to wander off for a bit," I announced abruptly, pivoting on my heel before anyone could protest. Surely, I could hunt down something more efficiently on my own.

Stepping into a nearby store, I scanned the shelves, hoping for inspiration. Necklaces? Too predictable. Bracelets? Too mundane. I racked my brain, desperate for an idea that would truly capture Victoria's essence.

Exhaling heavily, I abandoned the shop and ventured into the next one. As I perused the aisles, my gaze snagged on something intriguing. With a surge of excitement, I reached out and lifted the object, scrutinizing it intently. Yes, this was it—something unique and special, just like Victoria. Whether she'd adore it or not was irrelevant; all that mattered was the gesture itself.

Clutching my find tightly, a surge of determination coursed through me. Thirteen more days until I could bask in the warmth of her smile again. I could endure anything for her sake.

°•. ✿ .•°

As my parents enveloped me in their tight embrace, tears mingled with bittersweet farewells at the airport departure gate. These two weeks with them had flown by in a blur of cherished moments, and now the time had come to bid them adieu. Though my heart ached at the thought of leaving, a flicker of anticipation kindled within me—I would soon reunite with Victoria, just a few short hours away.

"I love you both," I murmured, extricating myself from their embrace with reluctance. My mother pressed a tender kiss to my cheek, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Now, you take care, sweetheart," she whispered.

My father enveloped me in another hug, his grip firm yet gentle. "Safe flight, my dear," he murmured, releasing me with a reluctant sigh. With a final wave, I turned away, heart heavy with emotion yet buoyed by the prospect of the reunion awaiting me. As I navigated through the bustling terminal toward the departure gates, anticipation coursed through my veins, propelling me forward toward the promise of a new beginning.

Settling into my seat, I sent a quick message to Victoria, my heart dancing with anticipation, 'On the plane, I'll see you soon.'

Her response came swiftly, a warm wave of reassurance washing over me, 'I'll be waiting for you x.' With a smile, I switched my phone to Airplane Mode, disconnecting from the world outside as the cabin filled with the murmur of fellow passengers finding their seats.

As the engines roared to life, my pulse quickened with the thrill of departure. I fastened my seatbelt, stealing a moment to appreciate the thoughtful gesture of downloading movies on Netflix—Victoria's reminder echoing in my mind. Her attention to detail never failed to touch me, a testament to the depth of her care. With a grateful sigh, I settled back in my seat, ready to lose myself in cinematic adventures until we reached our destination.

After enduring what felt like an eternity trapped in the metal bird soaring through the sky, the plane finally initiated its descent, signaling the imminent end to my journey. As we taxied along the runway, I braced myself for the inevitable chaos that would ensue once the doors swung open. People jostled and shoved, eager to reclaim their freedom, but I remained seated, observing the frantic scene with a sense of detachment.

Only when the cabin crew granted us permission to disembark did I reluctantly rise from my seat, navigating through the sea of impatient travelers with practiced indifference. Clutching my bag tightly, I stepped onto the familiar ground of the airport, a wave of weariness washing over me.

My anticipation heightened as I scanned the bustling terminal for a familiar face. Despite my eagerness to reunite with Victoria, a pang of disappointment struck me when she failed to materialize amidst the throng of strangers. Frowning, I retrieved my phone from my pocket, flicking off airplane mode to reveal her awaited message: 'I'm parked at the exact spot where I dropped you off.'

With renewed determination, I embarked on the trek to the underground parking lot, my footsteps echoing in the cavernous space. Arriving at the designated spot, I spotted Victoria leaning casually against her car, engrossed in her phone screen. A mischievous grin tugged at my lips as I stealthily approached, relishing the opportunity to startle her.

"Boo!" I exclaimed, reveling in the startled yelp that escaped her lips as she nearly fumbled her phone in shock. She whirled around, eyes ablaze with a mixture of irritation and amusement, before softening into a smile upon recognizing me.

"I missed you, darling," she confessed, enveloping me in a warm embrace that dispelled the lingering fatigue from my travels. Nestling into the familiar curve of her chest, I found solace in her embrace, grateful to be reunited once more.

As Victoria helped me stow away my bags in the trunk, I settled into the plush comfort of the passenger seat, anticipation coursing through me like a live wire. Her glance, as we exchanged a silent acknowledgment, held a world of unspoken affection, igniting a flutter of excitement within me. With a grin tugging at the corners of my lips, I reached for my carry bag, fingers fumbling in eager anticipation.

"I've got something for you," I announced with a playful glint in my eyes, unzipping the bag to reveal a humble paper package nestled within its depths.

Her lips curved into a bemused smile as she accepted the offering. "You shouldn't have," she teased gently, her voice a melodic symphony that never failed to stir something deep within me.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Just open it!" I urged, barely containing my excitement as I awaited her reaction.

With a delicate touch, she retrieved the object from its wrapping, her fingers tracing the smooth contours with a hint of curiosity. "A mug?" she remarked with a chuckle, her eyes crinkling at the corners.

"Read what it says!" I urged, my impatience barely contained as I awaited her discovery.

Victoria's brow furrowed slightly as she inspected the inscription, her smile faltering momentarily. "World's greatest ass...?" she murmured, confusion coloring her tone as she glanced up at me. "Ivy, I don't think this is funny."

I let out an exasperated groan, frustration tinged with amusement as I reached to turn the mug around in her hands. Her gaze followed, and as the full message came into view, her expression shifted from puzzlement to uproarious laughter. " to the teaching industry," she managed between fits of giggles, her laughter echoing through the car like music to my ears.

I watched, captivated, as her laughter subsided, leaving behind a radiant glow that illuminated her features. "This is the best gift I've ever gotten," she confessed, her voice filled with genuine warmth as she wiped a tear of mirth from her eye.

Unable to resist the magnetic pull between us, I leaned in, capturing her lips in a tender kiss that spoke volumes of the love and gratitude I harbored for her. "Thank you, darling," she murmured against my lips, the words a sweet refrain that echoed in the depths of my soul.

As the engine hummed to life, Victoria guided us out of the parking lot, the familiar sound of tires rolling over pavement signaling the beginning of our journey. With a deft hand, I connected my phone to the car's radio, filling the space with the melodic strains of music that swirled around us like a comforting embrace.

I caught Victoria's glance and returned her small smile, her eyes holding a warmth that resonated deep within me. "Did you enjoy your vacation?" she inquired, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between us.

Stowing my phone away, I nodded in response, the memories of my time with my parents still fresh in my mind. "Yes, it was good to see my parents again," I replied, a hint of longing tingeing my words. "I wished I could've been there for my birthday though."

As the car came to a stop at a red light, Victoria's words pulled me from my reverie. "Oh yeah, that's next week," she remarked casually, her tone betraying a hint of guilt.

My brows furrowed in surprise. "How do you know?" I questioned, a mixture of amusement and curiosity coloring my tone.

A sheepish cringe flickered across Victoria's features as she confessed, "I may have looked at your personal record a while ago."

Chuckling softly, I shook my head in mock exasperation. "Oh my goodness, I'm basically dating a stalker," I teased, the revelation only serving to deepen the affection I felt for her.

Victoria groaned playfully and gave me a gentle shove. "Shut up, I'm embarrassed enough already," she retorted, her cheeks flushing with a rosy hue.

As the traffic light shifted to green, she resumed her focus on the road ahead, the tension easing from her shoulders as she accelerated smoothly. "I got you an early birthday present," she revealed, her voice laced with a hint of excitement.

My curiosity piqued, I tilted my head slightly, a playful grin tugging at the corners of my lips. "The surprise you won't tell me about?" I guessed, anticipation building within me like a coiled spring.

Victoria nodded, stealing a fleeting glance in my direction before returning her gaze to the road ahead. "Yeah, I got it this morning," she confirmed, her words tinged with a sense of mystery that only served to heighten my anticipation.

Settling back into the seat, I watched the world blur past us in a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes, each passing moment bringing us closer to our destination. With each mile that stretched out before us, my anticipation grew, a bubbling excitement coursing through me like a gentle current. For I knew that whatever surprise awaited me at Victoria's home, it was sure to be worth the wait.

As we pulled into her driveway, a sense of anticipation tingled in the air, the excitement of the unknown swirling around us like a gentle breeze. Stepping out of the car, Victoria moved with purpose, retrieving my bags from the trunk with a determined grace that belied the weight of what was to come. With each step towards the front door, my heart quickened its pace, a mix of nervous energy and eager anticipation building within me like a rising tide.

Before she turned the key in the lock, Victoria paused, her gaze locking with mine in a silent exchange of understanding and reassurance. "Please don't cry," she pleaded softly, her words carrying a weight of significance that left me momentarily speechless.

Confusion flickered across my features as I searched her eyes for answers. "You know how you said I should get a Golden Retriever?" she began, her voice soft yet filled with a quiet resolve. And then it hit me, like a bolt from the blue, a realization so profound it stole the breath from my lungs.

My mouth fell open in disbelief, my mind struggling to comprehend the enormity of what she was saying. She got a dog? She got a fucking Golden Retriever!? In that moment, as the weight of her words settled over me like a warm blanket, I knew without a doubt that I should marry her right then and there.

"I got an old dog because I wanted to make the last years of his life the best he has ever had. He's been at the shelter for six years, and I think he chose me before I chose him," she explained, her words echoing in the stillness of the moment like a promise whispered on the wind.

My lip quivered, tears threatening to spill over as emotions swirled within me like a tempest unleashed. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, I chanted silently to myself, willing the tears to stay at bay as Victoria opened the door and led me inside.

In the dim light of the living room, a figure lay sprawled beside the couch, a gentle presence that exuded warmth and tranquility. My breath caught in my throat as I beheld the sight before me, the sight of the most beautiful Golden Retriever I had ever seen.

"I named him Chai," Victoria whispered, her voice soft with affection as she watched my reaction with bated breath.

Without hesitation, I pulled her into a tight embrace, the floodgates of emotion finally breaking free as tears streamed down my cheeks. "I don't even know what to say, this is the most perfect gift anyone could ever give me," I choked out between sobs, my heart overflowing with gratitude and love.

Victoria kissed me gently on the forehead, her touch a soothing balm against the tumult of emotions raging within me. "Happy early birthday, my darling," she murmured, her words a tender caress that wrapped around me like a warm embrace. "I love you."

She told me she loved me. After all this time, she finally said it. And in that moment, surrounded by the warmth of her embrace and the gentle presence of Chai at our feet, I knew that I could die happy now.

"I love you too," I whispered, a smile breaking through the tears that still lingered in my eyes. "Go say hi to Chai, I know you want to," Victoria encouraged, her voice filled with laughter and love as she gently nudged me towards the beloved companion who had captured my heart in an instant.

As I knelt beside Chai, a wave of warmth washed over me, enveloping me in a cocoon of unconditional love and companionship. His gentle eyes met mine, a silent understanding passing between us as he rolled onto his back, tail wagging eagerly in anticipation of the belly rubs he knew were to come. Chuckling softly, I obliged, my fingers dancing across his fur in gentle strokes that elicited contented sighs and joyful wiggles.

Beside me, Victoria knelt down, her presence a comforting anchor in the whirlwind of emotions that swirled within me. Her smile mirrored my own, a reflection of the shared joy and love that filled the room like a tangible presence.

And then, like a sudden storm on a clear day, a voice shattered the tranquility, slicing through the air with unexpected force. "Why the fuck does it smell like canine in here?" The voice demanded, its tone sharp with disbelief.

Startled, Victoria and I swiveled around to face the source of the intrusion, our eyes meeting the figure of Natalie standing in the doorway, her expression a mixture of confusion and surprise. "Holy shit, you got a dog?" she exclaimed, her incredulity giving way to understanding as realization dawned. "I thought you didn't want a pet? Wait, you got it for Ivy? Holy shit, you must be head over heels for her."

Victoria rolled her eyes, her patience wearing thin as she rose to her feet. "Nat, what're you doing here?" she questioned, her tone tinged with irritation at the unexpected interruption.

Natalie raised her hands in a gesture of innocence, her expression unapologetic. "Sheesh, can't your sister visit you?" she retorted, her words laced with a hint of playful sarcasm.

Victoria's gaze narrowed as she glanced at her phone, her frustration evident as she scrolled through her notifications. "You didn't even send me a text," she pointed out, a note of reproach in her voice.

With a casual shrug, Natalie brushed off the accusation. "Surprise visit?" she offered nonchalantly, her demeanor unapologetic. "Anyway, mother invited us to dinner."

A look of disdain crossed Victoria's features at the mention of their mother, her disdain palpable even from across the room. "Tell mother she can shove that invitation up her ass and shit it out," she retorted, her words sharp with resentment.

Natalie chuckled, unfazed by her sister's brusque dismissal. "That's what I said, just without the shit it out part," she quipped, her amusement evident.

Turning her attention to me, Natalie's expression softened, a genuine curiosity shining in her eyes. "Ivy, how're you doing?" she inquired, her tone warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the tension that still lingered in the air.

Rising to my feet, I turned towards Natalie, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips as I greeted her. "Always good, how about yourself?" I replied, the warmth of her presence easing the lingering tension that had settled over the room.

Natalie's smile widened at my response, her eyes alight with genuine affection. "So much better now that you're here," she declared, "Victoria here was in a bad mood the whole time you were gone."

Before Victoria could protest, Natalie received a swift smack to the back of her head, prompting a yelp of surprise. "Stop lying," Victoria admonished, her tone playful yet tinged with a hint of exasperation.

Rubbing the back of her head, Natalie protested, "I'm not! You were like a child when a mother says no to candy."

Victoria made a move to deliver another playful slap, but Natalie deftly sidestepped her, her laughter ringing out like a melody in the air. Her gaze fell upon the paper bag on the table, curiosity sparking within her like a flame.

"Please tell me this is food," Natalie pleaded as she reached inside the bag, her fingers closing around the object nestled within. With a flourish, she pulled out the mug I had gotten for Victoria, the words emblazoned upon it eliciting an immediate burst of laughter.

"World's greatest ass.." she began, her laughter infectious as it filled the room like a joyful symphony. "Holy shit, this is funny! Ivy, did you get this for Vict?"

I nodded in affirmation, a smirk playing at the corners of my lips. "Yeah, I thought it was funny."

Natalie's laughter quieted as she read the second part of the message, her expression shifting from amusement to mild disappointment. " to the teaching industry," she murmured, shaking her head as she replaced the mug back into the bag. "Boring"

Rolling her eyes, Victoria stepped forward, ushering Natalie towards the door with a playful shooing motion. "Good riddance," she declared with mock severity, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she closed the door behind her sister.

As Victoria turned back to me, a soft smile played upon her lips, her eyes shimmering with warmth and affection. "Do you want to go shopping for stuff Chai can use?" she asked, her voice filled with excitement and anticipation.

My heart leaped with excitement at the prospect, nodding eagerly in response. The thought of going on a shopping trip with Victoria for Chai filled me with a sense of exhilaration. There was so much to consider and acquire – a cozy bed for him to rest in, nutritious food to nourish him, toys to keep him entertained, blankets to keep him warm on chilly nights, and so much more.

As we prepared to go on our shopping excursion, I couldn't help but marvel at the incredible gesture Victoria had made in getting me a dog for my birthday. The depth of her kindness and thoughtfulness left me in awe, and I couldn't shake the feeling that this was truly one of the sweetest gifts she could have ever given me.

With each step we took towards the door, anticipation bubbled within me like a pot on the verge of boiling over. I knew that this journey – both the shopping trip and the adventures that awaited with Chai by our side – would be an unforgettable chapter in our shared story.

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