Blind To Tears | jenlisa (ON...

بواسطة dltfsayldt

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JENLISA JENTOP STORY - The 26-year-old Lalisa is not just a hearty baker with many delicious recipes. She is... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

353 48 6
بواسطة dltfsayldt


Busan February 2015

"Do you think she'll like this gift?" I stare at Yuta uncertainly. He shrugs his shoulders cluelessly.

"It's Jennie who's happy if you give her a kiss on Valentine's Day." Daniel agrees with a nod.

"I also know where you should kiss her." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. I give him an annoyed look. That's no help!

"You're such an idiot!" Yuta giggles happily and stands next to me.

"Why cinnamon rolls?" He dips his finger into the creamy sauce and I slap his hand away.

"Don't touch them! Jennie loves cinnamon rolls." I answer his question and then Daniel gives me a strange look.

"Even I didn't know that." He murmurs thoughtfully. Yuta rolls his eyes.

"You don't think with your head, but your dick." Daniel shrugs his shoulders with a grin and I shake my head in disgust.

Sometimes it unsettles me that Daniel and Jennie are such good friends with each other. Daniel is constantly hitting on girls and that's what he does when he is alone with Jennie too. I have no concerns about Jennie, but I still just feel uncomfortable with it. But these are perfidious thoughts that I can worry about later.

"When are you meeting?" Yuta asks with his mouth full. A look at my phone tells me that Jennie hasn't written to me yet. A bad premonition creeps into my head. I look at the clock. Alarmingly, my gaze snaps to Daniel.

"Have you spoken to Jennie today?" He shakes his head.

"No, why?" Yuta slaps him on the back of the head. Tears gather in my eyes. All for nothing?

"Ouch!" The big boy grumbles.

"Why are you hitting me?" He asks him loudly and Yuta rolls his eyes.

"Because you're an idiot." Daniel rolls his eyes and I sit down thoughtfully.

"I was just answering her question!" Yuta gives him an annoyed look. Dejected, I put my head in my hands.

"You waste your time on so many women, yet you have no idea how one's mind works." Daniel sits down next to me stubbornly.

"What's going on?" Yuta asks me worriedly.

"We haven't planned anything." Daniel's confused look slides from Yuta to me.

"What are you talking about?" He blinks at me questioningly.

"We have nothing planned. She doesn't have anything planned for Valentine's Day! It's already midday and she hasn't written to me once!" Yuta blinks at me in anticipation.

"Maybe she wants to surprise you?" Yuta suggests enthusiastically. I shake my head in disbelief and subtly point to Daniel. He nods in understanding.

"What?" Daniel asks, frowning.

"Nothing." Yuta answers tartly.

"And that means what?" Daniel asks confused and Yuta gives him a dirty look.

"That means your best friend forgot Valentine's Day."


I bite my trembling lower lip.

"I can't believe it!" Yuta crosses his arms angrily. "How can you forget Valentine's Day?" He asks, stunned. Daniel puts his arm over my shoulder encouragingly.

Jennie actually doesn't like it when Daniel touches me. But I don't care at all at the moment.

"Maybe she hasn't forgotten it at all. She probably got stressed out during the preparation." I look at him in disbelief.

"She still would've written to me like always." I lean against his shoulder, sniffling. He gently pats my head.

"I actually wanted to spend Valentine's Day with this bastard, but you're the better choice either way." A snort escapes my throat and Yuta looks at him bitterly.

"I'd rather die in a car accident than ever let you take me out." I look at Yuta warningly.

"Don't say anything like that." I murmur and he shrugs.

"It's just the truth." He adds cheekily. Daniel gives him a snide look.

"Instead of comforting your friend, which is what a best friend usually does, you're here making some suicide plans? Shame on you." Yuta glares at him.

"Don't act like it's a burden for you." I sigh dramatically.

"Can you stop arguing?" I ask annoyed.

"Sorry." They both mumble at the same time.

"She definitely hasn't forgotten and even if she did, how many times have I recommended you break up with her." Yuta reaches for a bottle of water. That's correct. Yuta can't stand Jennie. He doesn't like her and lets her feel it too. Jennie doesn't care much about this fact.

I can't believe she forgot Valentine's Day! I look at my screen again. Not a single message. She also ignored my good morning. I angrily reach for a cinnamon roll. If she doesn't appreciate me, then she'll never appreciate my cinnamon rolls. A tear leaves my eye.

"Now she's crying, well done!" Daniel complains to Yuta and he rolls his eyes.

"She's not crying because of me." He replies irritably.

All week Jennie asked me to bake something for her. She knows how much I love baking and she knows how insecure I am at my job.

I have perfectionist characteristics and until my pastries are perfect, they won't be served. Jennie thinks my views are idiotic.

"Everything your hands can conjure up, must taste good."

She claimed that other people's opinions help me improve and become more confident in my talent. I baked cinnamon rolls for her all week, but none were good enough. She shouldn't think that her girlfriend is a such slouch in the kitchen.

Yet I put in so much effort and for what? For nothing. Everything should've been perfect today. Perfect cinnamon roll, perfect outfit, perfect make-up look and perfect Valentine's Day date.

Yuta put delicate waves in my hair with a curling iron, especially for today and then styled it in a half-up style. My front strands hang elegantly in front of my face. I put on my make-up relatively discreetly, except for black eyeliner and highlighter - a dark cherry red lipstick. Yuta claims that my red lips are an instant eye-catcher. I'm wearing a red ankle-length, figure-hugging knitted dress with spaghetti straps to match. Since the cold would freeze my arms, I wore a cropped red cardigan with thick black buttons. It goes up to my chest and keeps me nice and warm. I wipe away my tears and reach for my phone.

"What are you doing?" Yuta asks alarmingly and I ignore him.


I stare excitedly at my screen. Jennie usually answers me straight away. I watch as the gray hooks turn blue. Daniel leans down to me.

"And?" Daniel stares at my screen. Where it just said online, it now says offline. I bite the inside of my cheek angrily.

"You can't get upset now." He says reassuringly and I look at him bitterly. He immediately falls silent.

"Is she ignoring you?" He asks in disbelief and I nod. I'm going to kill her.

After I've been raving about our first Valentine's Day together for months, picturing things, why does something like this happen? I don't understand and she knows how much that means to me, and yet she behaves so strangely. I clench my hands into fists. I stand up angrily and reach for the plate of cinnamon rolls.

"What's going to happen?" Yuta asks, perplexed. I walk ignorantly towards the trash can. My heart is pounding against my chest.

"No, right?" A grin forms on Yuta's lips. I feel warm, warm with anger.

"Don't do that!" Daniel calls after me. My thoughts are rushing. I have a foggy view of my actions. A pure need to act.

"No answer, no gift." His look contains pride. Am I exaggerating? Most likely. I can't think clearly. Tears form in my eyes.

"I'm serious, Lisa. You'll regret it." Daniel follows me in haste.

"She started it." Yuta supports me. My hands are shaking with anger. I put so much time and work into it. Should I really throw it away? Daniel looks at Yuta disparagingly.

"Keep your jealousy within yourself. Just because you're alone on Valentine's Day doesn't mean you have to destroy Lalisa's." Daniel snaps and Yuta's eyes widen. Irritatingly, I open the lid.

"Really hypocritical coming from you. Besides, I'm not jealous of anyone. I don't need such cheesiness in my life. Lalisa neither."

"Can't you just keep your mouth shut?" I shout irritably. Instantly both parties fall silent.

"You have no idea what's best for me. If I want to throw this pastry away, then I'll do it. It doesn't matter if it's right or not is wrong. And if I decide against it, then it's none of your business. You talk about me like I'm your child and that annoys me!" His lips part in surprise.

"Lisa...?" I lick my lips. I have to come down.

The last time I had such an outburst was after my aunt came to visit and laughed at my mother. I take a deep breath. I put the plate with the cinnamon rolls aside and lean against the table.

"Sorry." They both murmur at the same time. The corner of my mouth twitches. I wave my hand at them and smile. I get a notification and immediately look at my screen. Jennie?

My eyes widen as I note Jay's name. He never texts me, unless something serious is going on. This must definitely be something serious.

'Get to this address as quickly as you can. Emergency, it's about Jennie.'

I'm sitting in the car with Daniel's mother and Daniel himself, since neither of us is old enough to have a driver's license.

"I'm sure everything is fine." Daniel's mother assures me with a smile. I bite down on my bottom lip nervously. An incredibly bad conscience is spreading within me. I wanted to be

Throwing a gift in the bin and doing so purely impulsively. I immediately assumed something negative about Jennie.

"Mom is right. In the end it's probably not that bad." I smile weakly at Daniel. I hope so...

A few tears fall down my cheeks. I feel like I'm a bad girlfriend. I thought she stood me up and I wanted to punish her in a way, but as expected she was in a serious situation. The cinnamon rolls are safely stored on my lap. I hold on to them tightly. They are for her. Feelings of guilt spread through my heart. This day is actually not that important. I don't understand why I always have to overreact so much. As long as we're both okay, it's alright. I pray that she's okay and I rub my face in stress. Yuta didn't seem to feel the need to accompany us. Besides his mother also called him home but I still feel uneasy. I was talking about fear and uncertainty, but he was so sure that she had forgotten it. Did I let myself be persuaded of something? I shake my head imperceptibly. I'm probably making it up in my head again.

"We'll be there soon." Daniel's mother assures me and I sigh a little more calmly.

When I arrive I get out alone. I assure Daniel and his lovely mother that they don't have to go through the trouble. I'm a little surprised that Daniel gives in immediately. They are best friends after all. I wave to them as the car starts and turn slowly and there is hardly a soul in sight.

Where am I? I take a few steps forward and notice a large sign.

Baking And Cooking Course; Valentine's Special: 'Bake Your Partner A Dessert.'

I furrow my brow in confusion. I look around. There are a few other shops nearby and few people are dozens of meters away from me. Where is Jennie? Where is Jay? I turn my gaze to my phone. No message. No call. No sign of life. I twist my mouth, annoyed and worried at the same time. I dial Jennie's number. I lick my lips, a little fidgety. The voicemail sounds and I abruptly hang up. Tears gather in my eyes again. What's going on here? Where are they both? Did something bad happen? I look at my phone again and freeze when suddenly a single white petunia appears in front of my nose.

"Happy Valentine's Day, mi amore."

My shocked look instantly turns into an angry one. I snatch the flower out of her hand and give her a few slaps to her chest.

"You little-" I'll give her more slaps. "Take your ass flower out of my sight. I was so worried." Jennie starts laughing and gently grabs my shoulders.

"I wanted to surprise you." I give her another slap.

"You didn't succeed." I whine, a tear rolling down my cheek. She pulls my chin up towards her.

"Stop crying. Today is a beautiful day." She carefully wipes my tears away. I snort disapprovingly.

"I so was worried about you. I thought something bad had happened to you." I whimper quietly. Jennie sighs thoughtfully and pushes a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Darling." She whispers and my heart melts at that moment. Her fingertips caress my cheek and she slowly leans down towards me. My breathing becomes heavier and my pulse races. I feel her lips brush my earlobe. I take a sharp breath.

"You look beautiful." My cheeks immediately turn an embarrassed blush. Warmth spreads through my body.

"Thank you." I whisper and take a small step back. I need air.

"Kiss me."

So bossy. Butterflies flutter in my stomach. I slowly shake my head. I don't dare speak at all because I suspect I would lose my voice.

"Kiss me." Her smoky voice sounds again. My lips part and I take a step back.

"No." I whisper teasingly and she takes a step forward.

"Kiss me." My knees go weak and my abdomen tightens.

"You don't deserve it." I whisper again, gasping. Something flickers in her eyes.

"Is that so?" She asks unusually calmly. I suck in my breath sharply. Her closeness drives me crazy. Her scent drives me crazy. She drives me crazy. She calmly licks her lips, her eyes not once leaving mine.

"What do I have to do, so you can give me a kiss." I shrug, trying to escape the seductive fog.

"Convince me." A smile spreads across her lips and she slowly takes a few steps back.

"What is that?" She asks and continues to point to my basket with a smile.

"Your gift." I answer briefly and she nods.

"Do I have to earn this too?" She asks provocatively and I twist my mouth.

"If you're cheeky." I reply nonchalantly. Our eyes find each other. There is a lot of arrogance in her look. It's promising. Yep, I'm going to regret this.

The thought ignites a fire within me. I wet my bottom lip with my tongue and look away, overwhelmed. From the perspective I notice the way she looks at me. She hums softly and goosebumps rise across my body.

"Red." She comments and my mouth goes dry. I remember that she thinks I look beautiful. My cheeks get hot.

"A little tight." She says slowly and I roll my eyes. She can never stop giving me compliments.

"It's perfect." I reply annoyed.

"On you, yes." She confirms and a war of love breaks out in my stomach. My heart is pounding in my chest and a big smile is on my lips.

"Really?" I ask her with sparkling eyes and she points with her finger for me to turn, which I do shakily.


I giggle softly as she pulls me into the building.

"What do you have planned?" Jennie bites her lower lip in amusement.

"What?" I ask curiously.

"Nothing." She opens a door and my eyes widen.

I see a lot of small kitchen counters. Each kitchen counter contains a large work surface including a stove and an oven. Next to them are small kitchen cabinets where a couple is taking out a bowl. Everyone is wearing a white apron with red hearts on it.

"Welcome To The Couple's Baking Course." I read from a large poster.

"A baking course?" I ask, completely astonished and she nods with a smile, whereupon my jaw drops.

"I can bake." I hiss, slightly taken aback. She gives me one of her irresistible smiles.

"I know." I give her an irritated sideways glance.

"Then why are we here, in a baking course?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Imagine you are prevented. You're in bed with the flu or you're heavily pregnant and exhausted and suddenly you feel the need for a sweet." I furrow my eyebrows.

"That's a funny example." Jennie shakes her head grinning.

"Come on." I follow her to our own counter and take a quick look at the recipe. My eyes widen.

Lemon tartlet. My favorite pastry.

"I want the solution to your example." I breathe. I feel pressure forming on the back of my neck. Did she choose this sweet?

I quickly blink away a few tears. Jennie looks at me briefly and licks her lips. She pulls me slightly towards her so that her lips touch my earlobe. I hiss out. Goosebumps appear on my arms. She continues to lean down towards me and I close my eyes in pleasure. Her closeness has the characteristics of paradise. She smiles in return in my neck and I'm melting.

"I'm taking this course so that I can satisfy my wife in every way, I'm also learning to bake for her." I smile at that.

"What difference does it actually make whether I use cold or warm butter?" Jennie asks confused. She looks so cute in this apron!

While she was concentrating, I secretly took photos of her and the two of us.

"That's not so important, just do what the recipe says." I reply and wipe some flour away from her cheeks.

"It's important." She replies, measuring the sugar. She takes this matter relatively seriously. I frown, confused.

"Why?" I ask.

A small smile creeps onto my lips. It's important to her because it's important to me. I know that, but I still want to hear it from her mouth.

"You know why." She hums and I press a kiss on her cheek with a grin, which elicits a tiny smile from her. I grab a knife and cut the cold butter in cubes.

"I wanted to bake for you." Jennie objects and I shake my head.

"Shh, I want to explain it to you." I stand next to her and put the cold butter in the bowl.

"We're working with a shortcrust pastry here." I explain slowly and she nods.

"Mhm." I smile.

"This will later be filled with a lemon filling. Since this should later fall apart in your mouth, you need plenty of gluten." She watches me nodding.

"Gluten provides stability and cohesion, plus elasticity. The cold butter promotes the formation of gluten, which is necessary for this dough. The more gluten, the less you have to knead the dough." Her eyes sparkle.

"I didn't know I had such a talented and intelligent girlfriend." I shrug nonchalantly.

"There's so much you don't know." She pinches my cheek and I laugh.


"Do you think ours is the best?" I ask her quietly, watching the other couples giggle and caress each other. Jennie clicks her tongue.

"Of course, I have the best baker next to me." My cheeks turn red.

"You're so disgustingly sweet and clingy. What's gotten into you?" I mumble embarrassedly while rubbing a lemon. I avoid her gaze.

"Your eyes shine when you blush. They almost shimmer. It's irritating but somehow... Are you eating a lemon right now?" She asks me shocked and I nod. I love the sour taste on my tongue.

"Do you want a kiss now?" I joke and come closer to her. She shakes her head in disgust and stops me.

"An air kiss is enough for me." I shrug and wave her off with a smile.

"Then I'll kiss someone else who loves lemons." She rolls her eyes, unimpressed.

"Try it." I lick my lips.

"What else should I do?" I ask challengingly, her eyes instantly finding mine.

"Since when have you been so cheeky?" I grin flirtatiously.

"Since when are you such a slob?" Jennie pulls my hair and I squeal, laughing. I hit her with the rolling pin and she abruptly pulled me towards her. I slam into her chest and gasp. She tries to grab the rolling pin out of my hand.

"You, just wait! You're done!" She laughs in disbelief and her hand touches my back, a little above my bottom.

"For your loud mouth, you should be bent over the knees." She replies harshly. My cheeks flare with a deep blush.

"Jennie!" I stare at her in disbelief.

"Children!" The older lady, who leads the course, shouts. At the same time we turn our head to the side. At that moment Jennie grabs the rolling pin and puts it on the table.

"You should bake with the utensils and not hit each other with them!" She grumbles with an annoyed expression on her face.

"Love and no hate!" Where is the difference?

"Sorry!" We say at the same time. I suppress a laugh and a look at Jennie confirms that she does too.

"Try it." Jennie puts the lemon tartlet in my mouth. Awkwardly, I start to chew. A sweet yet sour tenderness slides over my taste buds. It tastes really good.

"And?" I take another bite without giving her an answer. I love lemon tartlets. I swallow the delicious treat and then lick my lips.

"It tastes delicious." I reply. Suspiciously, Jennie also takes a large bite. We're silent for a brief moment and I see surprise in her eyes.

"You're not lying." I roll my eyes.

"Of course I'm not lying!"

"What can I improve?" I blink at her in surprise.

"What?" I ask awkwardly and Jennie rolls her eyes.

"What would you improve if you were me?" I raise my eyebrows questioningly.

"It tastes good, Jennie." I start.

"Good isn't perfect." Cat is getting impatient.

"Didn't you tell me perfection is unattainable?" She clicks her tongue.

"Tell me." I sigh dramatically.

"Jennie." I start slowly and she ignores me .

"Tell me." She demands and I sigh again.

"The filling is really tasty, but I personally like it more when it is more sour than sweet. The shortcrust pastry was tender, but almost fell apart before I took a big bite." She nods and writes something down on the recipe.

"So next time knead less and use less sugar?" I nod, confused.

"What are you doing ?" I ask, laughing.

"I have to learn to get better." She replies nonchalantly. I shake my head subtly.

"Wait, what? You haven't signed up for a regular course, right, or have you?" She nods in confirmation. I blink at her with wide eyes.

"Jennie! That's not necessary." She shakes her head firmly.

"You love it. So I have to understand it and if you're in a situation where you can't bake, then I have to do it and bring it to you." My heart opens.

"Thank you." I murmur, close to tears.

"Listen, stop crying and eat those lemon things." I laugh through my tears. It's like I'm falling in love with her all over again.


"This day was just perfect." My head lies on Jennie's lap while we watch my favorite movie together.

We are alone in her living room. A certain calm floats in the air and bliss kisses our hearts. Jennie's fingers run through my hair. She scratches my head and I close my eyes in pleasure.

"Really?" She asks a little too nonchalantly. A light lip touches my lips. I open my eyes and look at her.

If I didn't know Jennie, I would think that she doesn't really care whether I enjoyed the day or not. But I know that this is not the case. She has a hard shell and a soft core. How I was able to penetrate this shell is still a mystery to me to this day.

"Yes." I whisper and briefly close my eyes at the pleasant feeling of her caress. I see a small smile on her lips, but it quickly disappears.

I love her. I will always love her. My heart will be with hers for an eternity. I want to marry her someday. I want my child to have the colors of her eyes. I want to see the spirit of my lover in the smiles of my children. An uneasy feeling spreads in my chest.

"Jennie?" I ask quietly.

"Yes?" She asks, looking down at me from the television. I swallow loudly.

"Were you serious about it?" I whisper. She raises her eyebrows questioningly and I rub my face in embarrassment.

"Speak." I sigh.

"You have me, so you probably-" I murmur, overwhelmed.

"What?" She asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"You called me your wife." Jennie tenses. Suddenly she stops scratching my head. Did I do something wrong? I sit up questioningly and she leans back restlessly. She avoids my gaze.

"Jennie?" I ask confused.

"Does that bother you?" She suddenly asks, louder and more agitated.

"I-" I start, perplexed. I'm messing up right now!

"No?" My voice sounds shrill and Jennie's facial expression seems surprised. We look at each other with wide eyes.

"But wait-" Jennie interrupts me.

"But what?" She snaps. Oh no, she's mad.

"Jennie-" I start calmly and she narrows her eyebrows.

"If I had known that it would make you feel like this... I wouldn't have-" Her chest rises and falls quickly. A shiver runs down my spine.

"Jennie..." I whisper sadly.

"Do you regret it now?" I ask, close to tears. Jennie clicks her tongue. She wants to get up, but I hold her arm.

"Let me go." She says harshly and I cringe internally. I don't like it when Jennie is like that.

"You misunderstood, please listen to me." She snorts.

"How can you misunderstand that?" I blink pleadingly at her and she tears her arm away from my grip.

"Please, don't go." She closes her eyes.

"I'm not going. I just need a moment to myself." She reaches for a pack of cigarettes. I know it bothers her terribly. I don't want us to argue. Jennie just takes a step forward when I stop her.

"I love you." I whisper with tears in my eyes. She pauses and slowly turns to me. Her gaze is completely closed.

"It doesn't bother me... I like it when you call me that. I feel special." I squeeze out, ashamed. "I just wanted to know if you were serious." I add plaintively.

"It was such a beautiful day, please!" I murmur pleadingly.

"Say that again." I blink at her, confused.

"I like it-" Jennie clucks disapprovingly.

"The other one, say it again." She breathes at the end. Suddenly a light brightens. A big grin spreads across my face.

"Hmm, no!" Jennie hurriedly comes towards me.

"Don't play with me and say that again." She grabs my hips and I squeal.

"Jennie!" I scream as she lifts me up from the couch.

"Let me go!" She shakes his head. Her beautiful and strong hands wrap around my waist and squeeze. I wince briefly.

"Say it again, say it for me." I shake my head cheekily.

"Please." I blink at her in surprise. Jennie pleading? My grin grows and she pushes again.

"No." Her grip tightens decisively, causing the temperature in my body to rise.

"You don't deserve it." I say and suddenly I feel a tickle under my armpit.

"Jennie!" I shriek shrilly and watch as she smiles. Giggling, I lean against her chest while she tickles my whole body.

"Stop!" I squeeze out through happy tears and she shakes her head.

"You don't deserve it any other way, naughty girl."

"Your naughty girl." I grin against her lips.

"Mhm, my naughty girl."


"Can you finally try it now?" I ask impatiently. Her mother is still visiting her friend and a look at the clock tells me that I have to go home soon. "Now!" I add frantically. She takes her arm down from my shoulder and grabs my hand and pulls me into the kitchen, where my basket of cinnamon rolls is waiting.

"Unfortunately, they're no longer warm." I mumble, suddenly slightly nervous, and she smiles in return as she pulls me closer to her. Her eyes land on my lips and I immediately moisten them with my tongue.

"May I?" She asks without taking her eyes off my lips. She's still waiting for her promised kiss. I'm getting so damn warm again. I nod and slowly hand her a cinnamon roll.

"Be honest." She's so... pretty in everything she does.

"So?" I ask nervously. She licks the crumbs from her lips and looks at me monotonously.

"It tastes-" My eyes widen. She hates it! I'm sure of it. "Perfect." I laugh and she smiles gently. Feelings of happiness spread through my body.

"Actually, it tastes horrible." My mouth falls open in disbelief. My eyes widen and my hands ball into fists. The corners of her mouth twitch happily.

"I'm joking." I don't like her kind of joke. I give her a dirty look and she winks back at me.

"I love it." I nod slowly.

"And you're not just saying that to make me feel bad?" I ask uncertainly. She shakes her head.

"Never, baby!"

"I have something else for you." I knit my eyebrows sternly.

"That's far too much! Apart from the single flower, there was also a bouquet of flowers with white petunias. You don't need to give me so much. Your closeness is one gift enough." I smile softly and she snorts slightly.

"You deserve much more than that." My eyes widen and she slowly pulls out a small box from her purse.

"Jennie, we're too young!" I ramble in a panic and she raises her eyebrow. I can't get married now!

"Open it." She whispers and I recognize a slight mischief in her eyes.

"I'm serious!" I start nervously and she pushes the box closer to me. I take a deep breath.

"C'mon, open it." I slowly exhale loudly. I gently touch the box and gently open it. My heart stops.

I spot a shiny silver chain with a light blue diamond. It's decorated with silver decorations and the shape of the diamond corresponds to that of a single teardrop.

"It's nothing special." She mumbles and scratches her neck.

"That's way too expensive." I murmur, close to tears. She waves away.

"Feasible." I look at the beautiful chain.

"A tear?" I breathe and she shrugs her shoulders. My heart beats fast and my lower lip starts to tremble.

"You always cry so much." My gaze softens. She runs her hand over her hair. Is she nervous?

"Can you put it on for me?" I whisper softly and she nods. I slowly turn around. Her fingertips gently brush my hair to the side. Goosebumps form on the spot.

She slowly leans down towards me. I close my eyes, overwhelmed. I feel her hot breath on my neck and my stomach clenches voluptuously. She strokes my skin with her thumb, so that it gently tickles. I gasp as the cold chain touches my chest. Her hands leave my neck after the chain hangs securely around my neck. I look down at it. Beautiful.

Suddenly I feel a gentle kiss on my neck. I gasp. Electricity courses through my veins. I turn around, breathless. We are close, very close. The tip of her nose touches mine and her breath merges into hot desire. My heart is beating fast and my mind is screaming. I take a small step forward.

"Jennie?" She gently puts the cinnamon roll down and turns her head to me.

"Huh, what?"

I need it, I need her.

"Kiss me."

And her lips are on mine.


A/N: Happy Valentine's Day, you guys!

This is my last update for now and I don't know when I'll update next, or whether if I finish this story or not. Thank you for understanding.

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JENLISA JENTOP STORY - She wasn't what they all thought. She wasn't a monster. She was just a woman of power and will. A woman who loved a woman even...
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X 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕, 𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒚 𝒏𝒂 THIS IS AN ORIGINAL STORY FROM MY WANDERING MIND. Please respect and do not ad...