Chapter 4

321 52 8


Busan December 2015

"Are you meeting her again? Why don't you ever have time for me?"

"That's not true! I spend more time with you than with her, Yuta." No Answer. "We were ice skating together yesterday!" I add. He grumbles displeasedly.

Yuta has always been pretty stubborn. But I liked that about him. There was something about his fiery streak enviable. I never had the courage to be as open as he was. But on the other hand, I was glad that we weren't completely the same. Wouldn't it be boring...?

"Still!" I roll my eyes. Something's wrong with him. I run my fingertips over my pillow and bite my lip thoughtfully.

"We can do something together one day." I say and Yuta sighs.

"Friday?" He asks me and I hiss. I scratch the back of my neck nervously.

"I have a visitor on Friday." I mumble. Yuta groans in annoyance.

"Let me guess. Her mother?" I bite my lip guiltily.

Jennie's mother and my mother are pretty good friends. They often go out together. But when Jennie's mother visits us, she only takes Jay with her. Jennie never comes with us. Several times it has disappointed me, but it's probably better that way. I couldn't hide my emotions. Nevertheless, I would like my parents to get to know her someday. My parents don't know anything about her and her mother doesn't know anything about me either.

"Whatever! I'm hanging up." He sighs dramatically.

"No really! We'll find a day together." I declare. He mumbles something incomprehensible. I furrow my eyebrows.

"What is this really about? You don't want to meet that often anyway." Yuta clicks his tongue.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He snaps and I sigh.

"It's not meant in a bad way, Yuta. What's on your mind?" I ask gently. No Answer.

"Hey?" I ask. There's a brief silence.

"Nothing." I narrow my eyes.

"Sure?" I ask repeatedly. He sighs.

"I just don't want you to forget me."

"Where does that come from? You are my best friend. Nobody in this world will ever change that."

"Promise?" He asks quietly. I'm about to answer him, but I'm interrupted.

"Lalisa!" My mother calls me and I hastily say goodbye to Yuta.

"Yes?" I ask loudly. No Answer. I sigh in annoyance and put my blanket aside. "Mommy?" I call again.

Silence again. Why are parents like that? With a loud thud I fall back onto my bed. I pull the blanket back towards me and am about to call Eunwoo again but then my mother calls again me. I groan in annoyance and curse under my breath. I rush down the stairs and look at my stressed mother.

"What are you doing?"

"Can you cut some tomatoes please?" I nod and wash my hands.

"Where is dad?" I ask curiously.

"At work." My mother answers blunt. She's in a bad mood. My eyes end up on the expensive napkins.

"Will we have visitors?" My mother huffs. That doesn't mean anything good.

"Your grandma misses you." She simply replies.

My mom hates her mother-in-law. She hates everyone in dad's family. I can't really blame her. Sometimes it seems like everyone has something against my mother. As a child, I didn't question my family's hateful looks towards my mother, but today there's no other way to interpret it. My mother suffers in silence. She has to, there is no other way. Nobody would take her suffering even remotely seriously. Especially dad. My father is one of them. Even I was one of them, but I had the privilege of growing out of it. Now my mother and I are suffering together. We are both quiet.

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