Sacrifice || ENHYPEN FF

Autorstwa k-pop_freaks_0126

5.9K 422 203

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~๐”ธ๐•ฆ๐•ฅ๐•™๐• ๐•ฃ'๐•ค โ„•๐• ๐•ฅ๐•– ๐Ÿ™~ (โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•˜๐•–...)~
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๐•ฎ๐–๐–†๐–•๐–™๐–Š๐–— 17

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Autorstwa k-pop_freaks_0126

~our Ice Prince's smile can melt our heart~

-Start of Chapter 17-

"Y/N, your blood... it's the cure, isn't it?"


"Don't ever do that again!!" Jay scolds me, his brows furrowed in a mixture of concern and frustration. I wince as he wraps the bandage around my wounded hand, his hands moving with practiced precision.

I'm back in my room staring at Jay bandaging my hand

"Ugh! Slowly!" I exclaim, feeling the pressure on my freshly cut palm. Jay rolls his eyes but slows down, giving me a stern look.

"You're lucky I found you before you lost too much blood," Jay scolds again, finishing the bandaging. "What possessed you to slice your hand like that?!"

"I had to save Sunghoon," I reply, my eyes pleading with Jay to understand. "It's the only way to help him, Jay. I can't just stand by and watch him suffer."

Jay sighs, his frustration giving way to a more solemn expression. "I get it, Y/N. I do. But risking your life like this won't help Sunghoon. You cut your palm with an unclean piece of glass. Who knows what kinds of infections that it could cause. We need a more sustainable solution."

I nod, acknowledging the truth in his words. Deep down, I know Jay is right, but the urgency of the situation had clouded my judgment.

As Jay finishes bandaging, I can't help but ask, "How is Sunghoon now?"

Jay glances at me, a small smile breaking through the seriousness of his expression. "Much better. Your blood worked , at least temporarily. But we need a long-term solution."

A sense of relief washes over me, knowing that my sacrifice wasn't in vain. "Can't we use my blood until he fully recovers? It's better than doing nothing, right?"

Jay considers my suggestion, his thoughtful expression indicating he's weighing the options. "Giving him your blood directly is the most effective way. It might speed up his recovery, but it's risky. Sunghoon might lose control, especially considering his weakened state."

"I'm willing to take that risk if it means saving him," I assert, determined to do whatever it takes.

Jay sighs, recognizing the determination in my eyes. "Alright, but we have to be cautious. I'll supervise the process to ensure everything goes smoothly. This is uncharted territory, Y/N. We need to tread carefully."

I nod, grateful that Jay is willing to entertain the idea. "Thank you, Jay. We have to do everything we can to help Sunghoon."


The next encounter with Sunghoon is different. I step into the room, and his eyes, weakened but still filled with gratitude, meet mine. I approach cautiously, aware of the vulnerability that lingers in the air.

The room is dimly lit. Jay hovers nearby, his gaze on me the entire time. Sunghoon lies on the bed, weakened by illness, his eyes locking onto mine with a mix of gratitude and need.

I extend my wrist, offering it to Sunghoon. His fingers gently trace the path of my veins, his touch both delicate and deliberate. There's a moment of anticipation that hangs in the air, the unspoken acknowledgment that this act is a necessity for his recovery.

Sunghoon pushes my wrist away leans in, his breath grazing my skin before his fangs pierce the delicate flesh of my neck. It's a sharp, searing pain that courses through me, but I bear it with a determined resolve. Jay's eyes remain fixed on the scene, ensuring things don't spiral out of control.

The initial bite is met with a gasp, my hand gripping the bedsheet. Sunghoon drinks, and for a moment, the world narrows down to the connection between us. I feel the pull of his need, the exchange of life force that transcends the physical.

Jay's voice breaks through the intensity, "Sunghoon, enough."

The grip on my wrist tightens, the sensation bordering on discomfort, and I sense Jay's concern. Sunghoon, in his weakened state, struggles with control, but with Jay's intervention, the moment is reined in.

As Sunghoon withdraws, there's a lingering warmth in the bite mark, a curious mixture of pain and a strange connection. I catch Jay's eyes, his expression a blend of relief and caution.

"Steady yourself, Y/N," Jay advises, helping me sit back. I touch the fresh wound, feeling the slow throb beneath my fingertips.

Sunghoon's gaze fixes on me. "Thank you, my Lady" he murmurs, his voice hoarse but sincere.

"You're welcome," I reply, a small smile playing on my lips. "I'm just glad you're okay."

Days pass, and Jay supervises each session where Sunghoon needs to bite me to feed on my blood for his recovery. The first few times are nerve-wracking, with Jay standing by, ensuring things don't spiral out of control. Sunghoon, weakened by illness, seems to struggle with control as he takes in my blood. The sensation is intense, a mix of pain and a strange connection that transcends the physical.

"Easy, Sunghoon," Jay instructs, his tone firm but understanding. "You need her blood to heal, but don't go too far."

Sunghoon's grip tightens, and for a moment, it feels like he might lose control. My heart races, but then he stops, a look of self-restraint flashing in his eyes. Jay lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

As the days go by, the routine becomes a shared experience. Sunghoon's condition gradually improves, and the initial awkwardness fades into a strange intimacy. Jay, who initially supervised every session, begins to trust Sunghoon's restraint and doesn't supervise often.

In those moments, as Sunghoon takes my blood, our eyes lock, and it's as if a silent conversation unfolds.


One day, as Sunghoon withdraws, and looks at me with gratitude. "Thank you, Y/N. I don't know how to repay you for this."

I smile, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. "You don't have to. I want to help you get better."

As the days turn into nights, and my blood becomes a lifeline for Sunghoon, a bond forms between us—one that transcends the supernatural. We share stories, laughter, and even the quieter moments where words aren't necessary. Sunghoon's guarded exterior begins to crumble, revealing a vulnerability that draws me in. 

I find myself immersed in a routine of caring for Sunghoon. The palace becomes a sanctuary of shared moments and whispered conversations. I bring him nourishing meals, sit by his side during the quiet hours, and offer words of encouragement to lift his spirits.


One evening, after another session, Sunghoon looks at me with a softness in his eyes. "You're risking so much for me. Why?"

I meet his gaze, my heart echoing with a newfound connection. "Because you're worth it, Sunghoon."

His eyes hold a mix of gratitude and remorse. "I'm sorry, my Lady. For everything."

I reach for his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "No need to apologize. We all have our struggles, and I'm here to help you overcome yours."

"My Lady, I need to apologize for how I reacted when I saw you and Sunoo kissing. It was wrong of me, and I let my emotions get the best of me."

I pause, surprised by his admission. "Sunghoon, it's okay. I understand that things have been difficult for you."

He looks down, his grip on my hand tightening. "No, it's not just that. I've been so distant, especially from Sunoo. I couldn't stand seeing you two together, and it clouded my judgment."

A pang of realization hits me. Sunoo's absence, his distant demeanour. Since Sunghoon woke up, Sunoo has been avoiding me, visiting almost never. The connection we once shared seems strained, and I can't ignore the growing distance. My heart aches at his absence... I miss him...

"I didn't mean to come between you and Sunoo," I admit, my voice tinged with regret.

Sunghoon shakes his head. "It's not your fault. I've been dealing with my own issues, and I took it out on you. I owe both of you an apology."

I nod, understanding the weight of his words. "It's never too late to make amends, Sunghoon. We can work through this together."

He offers a small smile, appreciating the forgiveness. "Thank you, my Lady. And thank you for everything you've done for me. I can't express how grateful I am."

I try to lift the mood up "Sunghoon! It's time for your sleeping pills. You need some rest."

Sunghoon pouts, "Aishh. Those pills that knock me out!"

"They're sleeping pills Sunghoon."

"Well vampires don't sleep! So technically they do knock me out!" I laugh at his words.

In the quiet of the evening, Sunghoon drifts into a peaceful slumber, his breathing steady. I watch over him, grateful for the chance to make a difference in his life. The room is filled with a quiet serenity, a stark contrast to the turmoil that had gripped us not too long ago.


Sunoo's POV

I walk down the palace corridor, my steps echoing in the quiet hallway. As I pass by Sunghoon hyung's room, a flicker of movement catches my eye. Curiosity getting the better of me, I approach the slightly ajar door and peer inside.

What I see tugs at the strings of my heart, igniting a mix of emotions. Y/N is there, sleeping on the chair, her head resting on the edge of the bed. Sunghoon hyung lies on the bed, his face full of colour now. Their hands are intertwined, a silent connection that goes beyond words.

For a moment, I'm frozen in the doorway, watching the scene unfold. Jealousy grips my chest, tight and suffocating. It's an emotion I never thought I'd feel so intensely. The sight of Y/N, sacrificing her blood, her sleep, her well-being for Sunghoon hyung—it stirs a storm of conflicting emotions within me.

I can't help but feel a pang of guilt. Y/N is going to such lengths to help hyung, enduring the pain of her sacrifice, and here I am, standing on the side-lines, powerless. A bitter taste of regret lingers in my mouth. Why can't I do more? Why can't I be the one to save him?

I stare at my hands. They hold power but not enough to heal him. 

The room, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, becomes a silent witness to my internal struggle. Y/N stirs in her sleep, adjusting her position on the chair, and my gaze lingers on her. The vulnerability in her sleep, the selflessness in her actions—it's both beautiful and agonizing.

I tear my gaze away, retreating from the doorway. The reality of my own limitations weighs heavily on me. I can't use my powers to heal Sunghoon; I'm too weak. The realization tightens the knot of jealousy in my stomach. It's a bitter pill to swallow—the knowledge that I'm not enough, that I can't offer what Y/N is giving so willingly.

As I continue down the corridor, the echoes of their intertwined hands linger in my mind. The quiet hum of the palace becomes a haunting melody, a reminder of the distance between us, a chasm that seems to widen with every passing day.

I find myself grappling with conflicting emotions—jealousy, guilt, and a profound sense of helplessness. The path ahead seems uncertain, and the threads of connection that once bound us are unravelling, slipping through my grasp like grains of sand.

I'm sorry Y/N... I told you to trust me but I broke my promise... I'm sorry Y/N... It's all my fault...



It's another day, and I wake up from my sleep. The soft rays of sunlight filter through the curtains, casting a warm glow in the room. As I sit up, I notice Sunghoon standing at the doorway, a gentle smile playing on his lips.

"Good morning," he greets me. "I have something planned for today. Get ready and dress up nicely. We're going to my favourite place."

His words echo with a sense of excitement, and a spark of curiosity lights up within me. I nod, feeling a renewed sense of anticipation. As Sunghoon leaves the room, I push aside the lingering thoughts of the past and focus on the present.

Choosing an outfit, I can't help but recall the last time I dressed up like this—it was for Sunoo. The memories of that day, the laughter we shared, and the warmth of his presence flood back. However, the current distance between us feels like an insurmountable chasm.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I look for an outfit that feels right for the occasion—something comfortable yet stylish. 

(your dress)

(your hair... just imagine the bow is sky blue)

(your makeup)

As I stand before the mirror, adjusting a loose strand of hair, a pang of sadness lingers in my chest. The reflection staring back at me seems different, as if the recent events have left an indelible mark on my appearance. I see Sunghoon's bite marks... My cheeks suddenly flush with colour. Shaking my thoughts off I walk towards the door.

Sunghoon waits in the corridor, and a small smile forms when he sees me. "You look great my Lady" he compliments, offering his arm.

"Thank you," I respond, looping my arm through his. "So, where are we going?"

Sunghoon leads me through the palace corridors, and soon, we step outside into the refreshing air. The anticipation builds as we traverse a path I haven't explored before. As we arrive at a secluded field filled with vibrant orange flowers, a sense of wonder washes over me.

"This is my favourite place," Sunghoon shares, his eyes reflecting a nostalgic fondness. "I used to come here to clear my mind and escape the chaos of the palace."

The field is a mesmerizing sea of orange, the flowers swaying in the gentle breeze. The vibrant colours and the serene atmosphere create a picturesque setting that lifts my spirits. Sunghoon and I find a spot to sit amidst the blossoms, and as we talk and share stories, a genuine connection forms—a connection that goes beyond the trials we've faced.

As the day unfolds, the field of orange flowers becomes a backdrop to the blossoming connection between Sunghoon and me. Laughter and shared moments fill the air, creating a bond that eases the heaviness of the recent past. The warmth of the sun, the fragrance of the flowers, and Sunghoon's company create a fleeting sense of happiness.

Yet, beneath the surface, the distance between Sunoo and me seems to widen. The once-familiar connection now feels strained, like a delicate thread that threatens to unravel. Sunghoon and I become closer with each passing day, while the unspoken distance with Sunoo grows more palpable.

In the midst of the vibrant orange flowers, a bittersweet reality unfolds—a tale of connections forged and connections frayed, as the intricacies of the heart navigate the intricate dance of emotions.


I'm called into the palace, the serious atmosphere hanging in the air like an unspoken secret. The tension is palpable as I enter, and the room is filled with the weight of anticipation. Jungwon, with a grave expression, gestures for me to take a seat.

The air seems to thicken, and I exchange uneasy glances with the others. A heavy silence blankets the room as Jungwon prepares to address me. His eyes hold a mixture of concern and something else—something I can't quite decipher.

Jungwon sternly looks at me. 

"It's finally time to tell you why you are here."

--End of Chapter 17-

~author's note~

Hellaurr guyss! Peng hiaaaa!

Make sure to VOTE and its fine if u dont leave a COMMENT but pls try so that i know that i aint making stories for naur reason.

Anyways stay tuned for Chapter 18!

Okii baii !! Luv ya'll <3


Czytaj Dalej

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