Forgotten world

By BabsBoot

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(Originally posted on booknet 12.02.2022) This is the first time I have tried sci-fi. I hope you all like it... More

Reestablishing contact
Titans assistance
Abandoned ship
Haunted ship
Titan of storms returns
Old Library
Confronting Titan of Life
Shadow Moon
Jīnyú home world
The Relic's final mission Part 1
The Relic's final mission Part 2

The flood

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By BabsBoot

    "Come in. I will go and check," answers Sun as he trots off in to the next room.

Rose brings the translator a towel to dry his face.

They hear Sun cry, "Damn! It is also not working. How can we get Storm's attention?"

The next minute an alarm begins to sound.

"Oh on that means the river is about to break its banks," informs Night storm.

Sun returns and orders, "All right, we need to get the people to higher ground."

The translator nods and all three of them make their way through the heavy rain to the village. The alarm has brought people out of their homes and Night storm gets them to follow him up the hill.

Rose notices they are mainly ones with children and babies the others seem to be heading down to the lakeside. A man approaches her and points to the hill.

"Un jin na!"

Rose does not need a translation she knows he is telling her to get to safety, she gives him a nod and runs off up the hill along with her boyfriend.

A group of men use their abilities to try and divert the river away from the village. It soon becomes clear they are not going to be able to stop it in time and quickly make their way to the hill. All the people can do is watch the raging water consume the small village and continue down to the costal house. Suddenly there is a wall of dust from a massive trench being dug in the ground and the water pours into it. The people on the hill soon notice they are no longer being rained on. They look up to see a large canopy has been placed over the area and the ropes from it are being tied to the nearby trees.

The water in the village begins to go down and seems to be flowing backwards.

The once thick grey clouds start to part letting shafts of sunlight that shine down to reveal the devastation the impact of the raging water has had on the buildings. The people watch in amassment all of them appear to be mending themselves. It was almost like time was running backwards and it is not long before it looks like the village had just moments ago been flooded.

"I am so sorry," says Storm as his handsome face comes looming down to the people. "I should have kept a closer eye on it and disperse it sooner. That is why I am reversing the damage, for it is my fault alone. I hope everyone is all right?"

All the villagers nod and Night storm informs him:

"Everyone seems accounted for. You are not to blame when that river was already quite full and the shallow banks do not help."

"Even so, I should have done my job sooner, especially when this village has a lot of newborns. I hope they are all right?"

"Yes, just not happy about being wet and cold," informs Night storm as the infants begin to cry.

Sun places his hand to his chest and offers, "Please everyone who has children are welcome to come to my house to get warmed."

Night storm quickly translates and Storm goes on to give the young couple a pile of wood along with a lit torch.

The small coastal house is soon packed with people all working together to get their children dry, warm and happy.

Rose even hands out sheets to blankets, then she notice the parent from the market with his baby upon his knee.

"Here," she says handing him a warm blanket.

The father removes the baby's wet robe before he wraps him in the blanket and hands him to her.

"He is just wanting you to hold him for a minute whilst he removes the top part of his wet robe," informs Night storm holding out a cup of tea towards the parent.

Rose nods and starts to gently rock the sobbing baby. It seems to sooth him and he starts to suck on his little fist.

The dad is very impressed he strokes his son's head the translator tell her, "He said you will make a good parent."

"Oh thank you. I hope to have children one day," replies Rose handing the baby back.

The parent holds son close to his bare skin and gives her a pat on the arm. This is another way of saying you're welcome.

The young lady performs a shallow bow then continues to hand out blankets.

It does not seem long before Storm is telling them it is now safe to return to their homes. The villagers are shock to see every single house and market stall are now covered in flowing vies. There is even a pleasant smell in the air and fruit has been left on one of the tables in the market.

They all take a moment to thank the Titan with a bow before they each take one of the offings on their way home.

Night storm stays to help the couple to clean up from having so may people in one place with muddy shoes.

Sun is gathering up all of the cups when he notices on the floor by the window is small toy of what looks like squid.

"Oh dear, which child left this behind? Any ideas, Night storm, Rose?"

They both shake their heads. The lad knows what he must do and heads down to the village to see a man with a small child is on their way up.

"Is this your?" Sun asks holding up the toy.

The parent picks up his child and whispers, "Ke te."

"Ta sa," says the child holding out his hand.

"Oh ki ye mo ta ye," says the father with a slight shake of his head.

The child quickly speaks, "Nu, nu de na yin sa."

This makes the father laugh a little and gives his son a kiss on the forehead.

Sun smiles and hands the toy to the child who gives him a happy smile back.

"Nu, nu um ma ye."

The translator comes trotting over to tall the lad, "He said thank you for finding it."

"You're welcome, I am so pleased I was able to reunite it with its owner."

Night storm translates and the parent gently pats the top of Sun's head before he walks away.

"Well that was easy," says Sun and together they return to the house.

Once everywhere is neat and tidy the couple make sure Night storm has a cup of tea before he goes home, then they settle down for the night.

The next morning Sun is up and heading out the door to fetch breakfast when he notices a basket of fruit has been left on the walkway way.

He picks it up and notices on the piece of paper is the drawing of a squid like creature.

"Bless them, they did not need to do that," says Sun taking it to the kitchen.

Even Rose is taken back by how kind and generous the people are. She hopes they are able to shape their own people to be like this. They kiss and the young man leaves her to it. He is making his way down to the market when he notices there is a bit of a small crowd gathered around one of the homes.

"Night storm," he calls when he sees him. "Has something happened?"

"The one with the newborn baby has taken ill. Now do not panic, this is just something that can happen sometimes a few days after giving birth. It is just a mild infection. He is responding well to treatment and his baby is being fed by a neighbour as the infection can be passed on through the parent's milk. It is mainly done as a precaution."

"Yes, of course as the last thing we need is the baby becoming ill. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Ah, this is a perfect opportunity to teach you how treat someone with natural mediations that will help, let's say, a mother to recover from giving birth."

Sun reaches inside his jacket pocket to pull out a small table. "Yes, please as it could help the women of my planet."

The translator is pleased to see his enthusiasm to learn and leads him over to the market. Night storm goes on to teach the young man from what rice to use to make a creamy porridge. To it they can add some healing herbs that are all for healing the pouch and making sure the milk is not effected.

Sun discovers all of them only need to be small amounts, like a pinch or good pinch of the ground herbs that will help to boost mother's energy and recovery. He also finds the translator himself has had six children and is a proud great grandfather. The one thing he enjoys the most is helping his people and is a renowned herbalist and botanist.

Once they have everything they need they make their way back to the ill man's house to make him the recovery breakfast and find Whisper has arrived.

"Morning, lad," he says to Sun as the newborn is handed to him. "I'm pleased this little one is well. What have you got there?"

Sun goes on to explain what he and Night storm are going to do.

"That is a wonderful idea and it will certainly help he father. I have also been informed of what you did. It was very kind of you and Rose to invite all the parents and children to your home."

"Well, we did not want any of them to catch cold. Especially this little man," answers Sun gently stroking the baby's head.

The baby emits a small burp.

"Ooh gin, gin na, excuse you. That has made him happier," says Whisper and goes on to instruct the neighbour. "This is also a tip for you, lad, when you are winding a baby with wings, you need to place your hand in the gap between his wings and back and do a small circler motion. Be warned he might bring up a little bit of milk, it's normal. Ooh that was a stretch. That is one happy baby."

Sun nods and replies, "He sure is and thanks for the tip."

Whisper lies the baby down in the cot and smiles. "You're welcome, lad."

The young man goes on to make the special porridge whilst Whisper carries on checking the people around the village. By time he returns the father of the newly born baby is happily eating the breakfast Sun and Night storm has done for him. He also informs the young master of how proud he is of the lad and girl from the forgotten world.

"He along with his young lady are very calm very in a crises," expresses the father. "I can see them making very good leaders on their home world."

"Everyone has been telling the same thing and saying they worked well together last night. I do not think I need to test them any more, they really have impressed me. All you need to do is rest, Spring, there are plenty of people to take care of Frost."

The father nods and agrees, "I know I have nothing to worry about. I really do hope the couple take our way of living home with them."

"I'm sure they will," answers Whisper patting him on the shoulder. "Sun, might I have a word?"

The young man nods and follows him outside in to the back garden.

"I just want to say, how proud I am of you and Rose. You both did an amazing job of looking after everyone. None of the children have caught cold. Everyone in this village are buzzing about what you both did, opening up your home to them. I should inform you, it was a natural storm. That is why Titan of storms was apologising for not keeping an eye on it. I said to him the main thing is the warning system worked and everyone was able to get to safety in time. I was also pleased to hear my people were making sure you and Rose were with them on the hill. I have to ask, are you both ready to put what you leaned here in to action on your home world?"

There are tears in Sun's eyes and it takes him a moment to answer, "Yes, we are ready. I am going to miss you."

Whisper gives him a hug and tells him, "Lad, this is not good bye. I will be with you both for a week to make sure you both can cope. Even when I leave I am going to stay in touch, and pop over to see you both."

Sun takes a moment to compose himself. "I am so glad I made contact with a wonderful spices who is helping my people to remain on their planet. All I hope is that it remains this way even when I am gone."

"With you and Rose's good influences and superb intuition I'm sure the planet will remain peaceful."

The young man nods and gives him another hug.

Whisper takes hold of the young man's shoulders. "Why don't I give you and Rose the morning to make sure you are absolutely one hundred percent sure about this. Also it will give you both time to pack and say good bye to the village."

All Sun can do is nod and eventually whispers, "I hope to come back here."

"You are welcome anytime," answers Whisper pulling him close for a moment.

He goes on to help him get breakfast and walks with him back to the house.

Rose is also not wanting to go back as she too is going to miss this wonderful planet and its people. The young lady hopes she can impairment just a little of it on her own world. Rose also gives Whisper a few hugs before he leaves them to it.

Before he leaves the young lady gives him a wrapped item.

"It is customary on our would to give a gift to a friend or family member who is about to have a child. I your father accepts this."

"In that case, you should be the one to give it to him," insists Whisper handing it back to her.

Rose nods and goes with him back to town to present her gift to Moonlight.

The Leader listens to his son why the young lady is giving him a present. He takes it and Whisper translates:

"He says, it is a lovely costume. Do I open it now or when the baby comes?"

"The parent usually unwraps it straight away. That way they can thank the person whilst they are there," explains Rose.

Moonlight's eyebrows rise as he listens to the translation. He nods and carefully removes the shinny rainbow coloured paper.

"Ooh jin sin ga ne un ta na min, tin, tin ha," says Moonlight holding up the blanket.

"He said, what a lovely blanket, it's so soft. Did you make it?"

When the young lady nods the leader uses his abilities to make a little wooden box on the table rise and float over to him. He opens the lid and uses his fingers to search for something.

"Chi na mu ta na ga'ne han sa bin," announces Moonlight holding up a pin.

Rose sees it a pretty 3D flower as orange as a setting sun and she notices it has a stone dangling off it.

Whisper goes on to say softly say, "I suggest you take the offering. I'll explain on the way back."

The young lady nods and holds out her hand. "Thank it is very beautiful."

The leader places it upon her palm and gently closes her fingers over it.

"Ku'ma in shi te fun na ye ha ta na min sa kin sin ra."

"He said, you are welcome. It is my gift to you for being such a wonderful person."

Moonlight then hands another pin to his soon and tells him, "That one is for Sun."

"Yes, Father."

The leader places his hands over his mouth to hide his yawn. This makes Rose rise and bow to him.

"I had better let you rest. I am so pleased you like the blanket."

Whisper translates and goes on to say, "It is very beautiful he cannot wait to place it around his son. He says, do not be a stranger, you and Sun are welcome here anytime."

Tears begin to form is Roses eyes and replies all choked, "Thank you."

Moonlight gives her a nod as the young lady walks out of the room with his son. Just as the doors begin to close Rose turns back to perform a deep bow to him.

Once back on board the ship Whisper wants to explain the pin until he is presenting the other one to Sun.

The young man is all baffled and just stares at the lovely flower upon his palm.

"The flower represents you are both builders and the green jewel represents this world. I agree with my father, you have both help us to rebuild our world. We know it is going to become even better now we are making people realise we are all the same. Also Life is going to make sure nothing happens to your world, as you have proven to him your people are not all savage. There is hope in your species to become like us, peaceful."

Sun and Rose are too chocked to respond, they both just pin the flower to the collar of their shirts.

Whisper gives them in turn a hug before he leaves and heads home.


By lunch time the couple are ready with their bags packed and few extra things from the people to help them on their own world. The ride on board ship is quiet with everyone having heavy hearts, for the crew are going to also miss the couple.

Sun and Rose cannot believe their eyes, there are now pockets of green dotted here and there over their world. Still not much water, but they know in time they will once again have oceans and rivers.

The couple decide to make the meeting hall their home and Whispers does as he said reminds with them for a week.

The following morning he makes an announcement intruding the couple as the new leaders of the forgotten world and hopes everyone accepts them.

A few days later it is clear the people are happy to have them in charge and are keen to learn what they can do to help their planet to continue to grow. Before the week is up Winter arrives with his team and translators who help to put together teams of the finest engineers, one of which is Star, Sun's dear sister.

Just like her brother she is a very patient, calm and has as a great intuition. Their parents put themselves in charge of hydroponics with them being plant experts.

When it is time for Whisper to go home Sun takes him to a room inside the meeting hall, before he can enter the young man asks him to cover his eyes.

"Just what are you up to?" Whisper questions narrowing his eyes at him.

Sun places his hands together and begs, "Please close your eyes, otherwise you will spoil the surprise."

Whisper does what he is asked and feels the young man lead him inside.

"All right open your eyes."

"You better not be naked."

Sun laughs and quickly answers, "No, I'm not. Please open your eyes."

One of Whisper's eyes opens which is closely followed by the other and they look around. All the walls have been painted to show the young man's entire adventure and in the centre is a lovely picture of him standing beside Whisper.

"This is just wonderful and like I said, lad, this not good bye."

Sun nods and they both hug each other for a moment, then Whisper goes on to admire the stunning artwork.

Soon Rose is calling, "Whisper, your ride is here."

Sun replies, "We're coming."

Whisper nods and walks with him down to the hall, where he also goes on to give Rose a hug.

"Now listen to me, I am only a communication away and when this planet is ready I will be bringing The Relic so you can transfer the plants off it back on to your world."

The couple nod with tears running down their faces.

Whisper gives them both in turn another hug then goes to his waiting ship and is beamed aboard.

Four weeks later over communications Whisper is showing them Moonlight's lovely baby who is just like his father. He is also wrapped in the blanket Rose had made for him. Whisper has taken on more of his father's duties as no one expects him to do everything now he has a little one to look after.

When he starts to cry Rose comments, "He sounds healthy."

"Yes, he is and wanting his feed. Hold on, Rain, here comes daddy."

Moonlight waves to the couple as he takes his son.

"Tin na ku'na se?"

"He is asking if you are both coping?"

"Yes, we are," replies Sun with a happy smile.

"Ah, gun na in ne sin de, jin su ma."

"He said that is good to hear, and wishes you both well."

The couple bow to thank him then Moonlight walks off.

Whisper turns slightly away and holds up his hand to indicate give him a moment as he makes sure his father is all right.

"Ah, he is all right, he was just telling me he has everything he needs. I wish you both could hear him asking Rain why now when you needs feeding. He needs to be changed."

They all laugh.

"I really cannot wait to have one of my own. A baby is just a joy to have," remarks Whisper placing his hands upon his abdomen.

Sun starts to whisper to Rose and she nods.

"We are also trying for a baby," announces the young man.

"Wonderful and I wish you both all the best. Ah, there is another call coming through. Talk to you both soon."

They all make quick bows and end the video link.


Over time the forgotten world becomes more green and Whisper's home world continues to help for another five years. By then all the plant life on board The Relic has been moved over. Rose and Sun have gone on to have eight children and Whisper along with Zhù are blest with six children each. Moonlight also has gone on to have four more children.

Life on all the worlds continues in peace and harmony. Until one day Whisper is laughing an epic mission to safe as much plant life and animals as they can from the small plant that orbits around their worlds before it is torn apart by the gravitational pull of the forgotten world. The reason he is doing this is because Titan of life cannot just go depositing plant life to animals on their worlds without it being climatized first. Also he has no idea of the environmental impact it could have on both worlds and the last thing he wants to do is harm his children.

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