Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)

By MindOnJupiter

4.2K 105 63

This is the sequel to Antecedent. Following the attack and death of her friends, Lori is still in the firm g... More

Malevolent: 1
Malevolent: 2
Malevolent: 3
Malevolent: 4
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Malevolent: 22
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Malevolent: 30

Malevolent: 28

75 2 2
By MindOnJupiter

A/N: I'm trying to get myself back into writing after an hiatus so I apologise if this isn't the best or the longest.


There was a sickness that twisted my gut becoming worse as the day dragged on. The taste of sulphuric acid would rise and fall in my throat, my stomach discontent with every viable movement. I pinned it down more to being certain that if it was possible, I could get Brittany out. At this moment, Mama was still leaving us other than the odd visit into the room to 'feed' Grandpa and leave food for myself and a porridge like substance for Brittany which she refused to take to almost immediately. I agreed with her, fully prepared to be dubbed ungrateful by her and Tex when he inevitably returned. We just had to hope that he too would leave us by becoming too invested in toying with his potential victims. He was someone who enjoyed playing with his food.

Like a cat ensnaring a mouse by the tail and allowing it to try and flee only to drag it back by the tug of claws and a paw. I ignored the thought of the intended meal, by now I had seen the bodycount and it became a blur of faces while the redhead one remained prominent in my thoughts.
It was distasteful to rely on luck, it seemed where it was concerned we were in the minus and practically jinxed. What could go wrong, already had, where we could be punished, we had been and felt. I tensed in my seat. I didn't want to think what more could go wrong, we had to hold onto the scrap of chance we had and take advantage of the situation where we possibly could.

Frowning from where I sat with my knee tucked against my chest, I nibbled on my thumb nail the stress budding in my brain and forehead. I wanted to be optimistic but each attempt regularly ended in failure to the point that I could only be cynical. Hope was dangerous, it gave me something to lose and when all else had been robbed. Turning my head, I spied the woman in question becoming uncomfortable and shifting soundlessly as if afraid to remind Mama that we were still together. The police scanner had remained silent but that was usually far from a surprise, each member hunted in their own way before attacking and when on the road, Tinker preferred stealth. Alfredo would be ready to clean up the mess that they left behind and keep the slaughter under wraps. Same shit, different day was the saying that came to mind and summed up life with the Sawyers. The denouement simply consisted of death.

Brittany threaded her hair feverishly where she sat. Turmoil stained her pale features as she tugged on the tea stained coloured crochet blanket over her purposely avoiding the swelling of her belly. There was no news or information I could offer that would reassure her and wrapping my arms around my knees together, I decided to keep it buttoned. The risk was immense and her body was weakened in her condition. If time was on our side it would still be fleeting. There was nothing that could bring comfort with the fact and I had no temptation to be condescending. She would have to be resilient if an opportunity came knocking. Still, it seemed selfish to put so much on her shoulders having already endured hell and worse. I frowned to myself, lifting my head up to focus on her once more. This time my tired green eyes reached hers and as they did, she stared back quizzically.

"You don't have to do this." Her optics widened at the statement bewildered. She lingered on the words slowly as if repeating the suggestion to herself but then considering they had carved one of her ears as easily as her tongue it was feasible to think that she truly did not catch what I had said. Or perhaps, that she didn't believe that I had. A fire passionately burned in her eyes which was the only answer I could accept unable to hide the relief that she was determined to get out of here, fuck the consequences if we were caught. Pride filled my belly, like me she had likely considered the worse and mauled over it decided that she would not succumb completely to the psychotic family. Slowly, she nodded, keeping eye contact as she did to ensure I knew that we had to try. "Gotcha." I reassured gently. "Rest up, you'll need your strength."

As difficult as running around after a beating had been, I wasn't pregnant and I could only be grateful for that. She would have to go with as much energy as she could possibly muster or if it was required I would find a way to carry her but that was only if I managed to get free in the first place. The fate she would suffer if I was even remotely tempted to save my own ass was unfathomable. Her tongue, her ear, they were a start, not means to an end and even if Junior seemed to dote on her, they would discard her once the baby was born. Tex had told me before that Junior moved on and it was a horrific thought and a fate I didn't want to be awaiting her. No one deserved it, especially Brittany.
Biting my lip and trying not to dwell on the worst case scenario, I listened to the gentle breeze as it caused the hole riddled curtains to flutter and blow. It offered some sense of calm but it was almost laughable, it was a beautiful day but those were the ones which tended to end the worst out of irony. Perhaps it was a good day to go hunting. The sun would no doubt light the way if they lost their mark, the trees would offer little protection, the shadows would hardly conceal them from view. Blood if spilled would leave a trail amongst road or ground which the Sawyers already knew like the back to their hand. They had it to their advantage and would no doubt use it for the purpose of causing pain and fear. The despairing ring of laughter left my lips as Brittany tilted her head to look at me quizzically as if something truly was amusing.

"Nothing." I reassured her plainly. She remained confused as I shook my head allowing tangles of auburn hair to stroke my cheeks and knee caps. "Nothing good." She frowned deeply absorbing my words, deciding not to press on it any further before quickly ducking down in a pretence of sleeping at the sound of footsteps etching down the hallway and closer to us, gentle taps that would have been otherwise inaudible. Heather, I guessed having my suspicions confirmed as the blonde appeared with a sickly sweet smile on her face accompanied by the skull 'doll' she carried everywhere.

"I was told to come check on you." The small girl informed me wickedly. "You're not trusted."
"And here I thought you came to see Grandpa." I replied briskly.
"Grandpa is sunbathing, silly." It didn't surprise me to hear, despite the fact he had seemed quite the character in life, Mama seemed to give him love and pedestal in death. To be more than fed, was to be expected but the thought of the rotting and festering corpse in the burning sun sickened me knowing full well that I would surely smell him at his worst later when he was returned. Her blue eyes scanned the room quizzically to where Brittany huddled, as she stepped forwards I shook my head.

"Didn't Mama tell you that an expectant woman needs her rest?" Heather faltered at my words as she looked puzzled attempting to sniff out a lie. "Should never wake them."
"You made that up." She accused me as she uncoiled an arm around 'Sally' to point at me. I shrugged and leaned back into the sofa. "Uncle Tex says you always make stuff up." I rolled my eyes, holding in the scoff that was so determined to escape my lips. It was the pot calling the kettle black at the very least.
"Suit yourself, you can find out the hard way if you like. Not my butt that'll be getting spanked." She hesitated and gingerly balanced from one foot to the other.
"Why should I believe you? Everyone thinks you're a liar." The young girl told me begrudgingly as her smile wiped itself free of her face at the thought of being punished. Pregnant or not, I didn't put it past her to hurt Brittany through malice or boredom.
"Then what do I have to lose by telling the truth? You wouldn't believe me anyway." She stared thoughtfully at me before giving a relenting sigh and turning away from the ginger woman's direction. Both hands returned to cradling Sally. "I want it to be a girl."
"There's enough men in the house." Her blonde head nodded in agreement parting her pouty lips.
"If not then I'm going to make it one."
"How so?" I asked as instant regret hit me. Her fingers stroked to the bone of the doll that she had sharpened and used as a makeshift knife. The grin which returned to her face twisted and grew manically. My eyes widened at what she was implying. It was an answer I should have expected but perhaps this was where she differed from the behaviour of the others in her family. They seemed to look out for one another so it was a slim possibility if it was even one that they would be on board with the infant mutilation.

"You just have to cut off what you don't wan..." Another voice overlapped hers and forced her to halt and inspect the radio. Gratitude emerged in my chest, grateful she didn't finish the sentence, my sight had returned to the hiding red head who seemed aware of the threat she had previously not seen coming.

"Mama, it's Tink." The radio crackled.
"Looks like it's good news." Heather chimed angelically, "I'll go get Mama!" Turning on her heel, Heather left as quickly as she had arrived. Brittany peeked her head from over the blanket as I exhaled.
"Good news for us perhaps." I told her as Tink's voice repeated itself.
"Got another pig to add to the dinner plate, they're coming in hot and fresh."
"Get ready." Brittany nodded slowly, aware of what I was implying. In a few hours, we'd have an opportunity. If all went according to plan.

My knees shook together at the thought of just how easily the opportunity could be snuffed out as the sounds of squeaking wheels passed as the wiry haired woman passed with a vicious grin on her face to answer her son and lover. Thinking the worst would do no good but also it wouldn't leave any room for disappointment. Gingerly I turned away from Mama as she sent me an apprehensive glance and focused on the wall over where Brittany once again feigned being asleep.

"You best be behaving." Mama warned sternly as I exhaled and stretched my leg towards me so she could hear the cluttering of the chain and shackle that had once again returned to my ankle. Like a dog on a leash, just the way the family liked it. My thoughts lingered on the idea that the victims were getting closer but it was them or us...
A begrudgingly laugh left my lips as if the reasoning was justified but it was all I could think about. The fact we had suffered longer and had more left to endure, these people would have days even if the female was left in Alfredo's hands.

By the time darkness took over the evening and the hours drew to a close on the men's return, my body shivered at the noise of Tex's laughter before making shushing noises. In returning, it only indicated that the others were so close by. The kitchen door shut soon after, the whispers commencing. They were soon replaced with small cries from the small girl in the hallway and heading up the stairs, the game was starting which meant the prey was close by. Brittany fidgeted and stared at me with wide eyes. I shook my head in return and placed a finger to my lips. Despite the fact she could no longer yell or scream, she had ways of making noise and trying to warn whoever it was. Upon seeing my notion, she bit against her scarred lips mustering all her strength to do as I instructed. It was difficult, I knew that but my mind continued to chant the cry of 'them or us' and if Brittany managed to break free then it was possible they could still be saved.

"Hello?" A new female's voice called as the front door eerily creaked open. Again, Brittany faltered and once more I indicated silence. Perhaps if it was only Mama and Heather, they would have a chance but Tex was already in the house, awaiting his role and who only knew where Junior, Tink and Alfredo were. They could be close by and even if we ruled them out, Charlie could still be on the roads scouring the proximity of the girl who had escaped only days ago. They were fucked. They didn't know what we knew. The crickets chirped from outdoors, the footsteps which pitter pattered from the floor above us becoming more audible and with purpose, so that this person would hear and follow them in hopes of aid. "Hello?"

Light beneath the crack of the door filled with shadow indicating that they were close. "Hello?!"
The radio crackled in static, the lamps filling the darkness of the room in various shapes. I held in my breath wanting her to stop calling and do what was required to get Brittany out of there in one piece. This woman through no fault of her own was a hindrance and I didn't need a larger body guilt or my guilt complex plaguing my conscience.

"Them or us." I whispered quietly to myself trying to calm my breaths. I captured the small and determined ring of laughter that shuddered against my lips, concealing it with a hand pressed and clamped down heavily on my mouth until I was certain it had left as fast as it came. I didn't want to give away our position. Heather's cries increased in volume, deliberate whimpers echoing from the staircase. Brittany couldn't contain herself and got up from her seat unsteadily. "No." I told her sternly, keeping my voice as discreet as possible. Her blue eyes watered as I shook my head and held up my hands. "No." I repeated as she faltered and gave soundless whimpers. The floor creaked as the visitor hesitated and waited, I pleaded silently with the red head not to give away our location. My eyes kept locked in hers as she quivered as if trying to reason that there was another way but in doing so, she seemed to talk herself out of that notion. It wasn't foolish but enough time had passed that we couldn't afford to be naive. This was the end game and I wasn't sure just how much of me was left to continue fighting the Sawyers.

"Wait, wait." The unknown female's voice became soft, the stairs squeaking to indicate that she was falling for the scheme hook, line and sinker. She had found Heather, she was taking the bait. Leading her way up the stairs, I could hear the barely audible click of the kitchen door handles. Footsteps stealthily followed where the victim was going. The screech of Heather's door sounded from above. I sat up slowly, allowing my feet to touch the ground, the shackle clanking briefly as I did.

"Not yet." I instructed the girl beside me and focusing on the ceiling, Tex was like a fox steadily creeping in closer to the lady upstairs. Brittany looked ready to go into fight or flight, she shifted her weight from one foot to another. I refused to blink, able to visualise just where all three of the people above us were. The woman's voice wasn't clear but remained apparent that she was attempting to speak to the child as calmly as possible. "We need to know where everybody is."

Tears burned in my eyes at my concentration unable to take my focus off the stained ceiling before a pained wail came from the room. Brittany flinched and covered her ears. Her elbows dag into her small knees as she tried to contain her terror.

"Yakkety-yak, don't talk back." Heather's voice scolded in a strained voice which was met with confusion and dry sobs. I remained still and fixated as the thudding of boots made themselves known, a fresh scream filling the air before being cut off and captured.
"Girls, sorry to butt in, but it looks like you had yourself another little mishap." Tex's voice chimed playfully. Another strained scream of terror came as the woman above seemed to grasp the full level of danger that she was in. "Don't they just get dumber and dumber." Heather giggled manically, Tex joining in as the yells continued.
"Go back to sleep." I ordered Brittany pointing at the chair behind her. "We need to know where they all are." I reminded her as she seemed torn on whether to try and aid the woman who was no doubt in Tex's grasp. "We can't mess this up." My voice shook as it pleaded and gestured firmly once more, my chest tightened at the notion of just how easily our plan could crash down if she attempted to do so. "We can't." My heart thudded like a drum, my breath capturing in my throat. "This is our last chance."

"Hey mama, lookie what I found poking around." Tex called. I indicated behind Brittany a third time and she finally relented and forced herself down onto her chair and hid her fear stricken face under the blanket. I did the same, pushing myself back to sit as the door was pushed cheerfully. I saw the maniacal cowboy with his arm tightly around that of a brunette woman's throat. Upon seeing me she whimpered out small pleas and lifted my ankle so she could see the chain, Tex cackled.
"I can't help you."
"Didn't think we just wanted you, did ya honey?" He asked as the woman struggled. "What d'you think Lori, think she looks like fun?" The blonde male questioned as I shrugged simply. "Don't be jealous, I wasn't thinking for myself."
"Jealous, that is the last thing I would be." I told him dryly. "By all means, replace me."
"Now lookie here, this is what a healthy relationship looks like." Tex ignored me to tell the trapped woman. "Not what you and your gentleman fella had. See Michelle here had her eyes on me the second she saw me. Forgot all about him, even willing to take me for a ride."
"You...creep..." Michelle struggled to say, her dirt stained face reddening.
"He takes all insults as a compliment." I informed her, "so you might want to save your breath." If she was screaming already she would be hoarse before the true horror started. Perhaps that would be a positive thing from where Brittany stood, it would make her less distracted on her way out for what would hopefully be the last time. Tex grinned wickedly and moved her to the side to focus on me more.

"You know I've missed you." I didn't fight to hide the disgusted expression on my face. "I hope you've been a good girl." Tracing his tongue against his teeth, I turned my head away before he jerked Michelle towards the door frame. "But first things first, come meet Mama."
"No!" Michelle gasped fearfully. "No!" Beneath the crochet blanket I watched Brittany shake trying to block out the noise.
"Don't worry, your fella will be on his way." Tex's voice taunted as I closed my eyes wanting to block her and everything out. "All of you are late, got my dander right up and hungry."

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