Pit Babe: Echoes Of Madness

By anonymous_donor

6.6K 300 136

In Westbrook Asylum, Pete, Babe, Jeff, Dean, Kenta, and North confront their inner demons while new doctors... More

Into the Abyss
Patients Assigned
Divergent Realities
The Asylum Chronicles: Unraveling Minds
Unity & Trails of courage
Trials of Strength & Wisdom
Trail of Sacrifice
Trail of Endurance pt.1
Trail of Endurance pt.2
Whispers of Salvation
Race against the collapse to save North
Realm's End
"Last Farewell"

Into the Abyss: Unseen Peril

465 20 2
By anonymous_donor

It had been a challenging week for the doctors at the asylum. They had been tirelessly working with their patients, facing numerous difficulties and setbacks along the way.

Despite the challenges, they remained steadfast in their commitment to providing the best care possible.

As the day's session drew to a close, the doctors gathered their belongings and prepared to leave.

They had just finished a new form of group therapy session, where all the patients had come together for a collaborative activity.

It had been a successful session, with moments of breakthrough and progress for many of the patients.

Suddenly, as the doctors were about to exit the room, chaos erupted.

North, one of the patients known for his volatile powers, lost control in a moment of intense emotion. A surge of energy rippled through the room, sending shockwaves that reverberated through the air.

"North, calm down!" Dr. Way shouted, his voice filled with urgency as he tried to contain the situation.

But it was too late. As North's powers spiraled out of control, a rift in the fabric of reality appeared before them, swirling with an otherworldly energy.

The doctors watched in stunned silence as North was pulled towards the vortex, unable to do anything to stop it.

As the vortex continued to grow, the doctors exchanged frantic glances, their expressions a mix of concern and helplessness.

"We need to do something!" Dr. Way exclaimed, his voice tinged with desperation as he watched North being pulled inexorably toward the swirling portal.

Dr. Alan nodded in agreement, his usual calm demeanor shaken by the unfolding chaos.

"But what can we do?" he asked, his voice filled with frustration.

Dr. Charlie stepped forward, his brow furrowed in concentration as he studied the vortex.

"There's nothing we can do to stop it," he said grimly. "We can only hope that North will be all right."

Dr. Kim's eyes brimmed with tears as he watched north being dragged into the unknown.

"We have to find a way to bring him back," he said softly, his voice trembling with emotion.

Dr. Winner surveyed the scene with a heavy heart, his usual confidence replaced by a sense of helplessness.

"We'll do everything we can to find him," he vowed, his voice filled with determination.

Dr. Sonic, his usual exuberance replaced by a profound sadness, could only watch in stunned silence as North disappeared into the swirling vortex, leaving behind a sense of emptiness that seemed to echo in the very air around them.

Dr. Sonic started to have a panic attack, his rapid breaths echoed in the tense silence that enveloped the room. He started mumbling north's name, as he couldn't believe what happened to his patient.

Dr. Way, recognizing the urgency in Sonic's voice, stepped forward, his hand resting gently on Sonic's shoulder.

"Sonic, we understand how you feel," Dr. Way said softly, his voice a calming presence amidst the chaos.
"No phi, he's gone.... I can't let him go.... He's... He's my patient.... I can't.... " Sonic was loosing his composure, he ran towards the portal to save North but winner grabbed his arm, making him stop in his tracks.

"Sonic, stop it...come to ur senses...we can't risk losing any one more...We need to approach this carefully." Dr. Way tried to calm sonic.

Dr. Alan nodded in agreement, his expression grave. "Sonic, stepping into that vortex could be incredibly dangerous," he warned, his voice filled with concern. "We can't let you do this alone."

Sonic's eyes darted around the room, his gaze filled with desperation.

"But what if North needs me...us?" he pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation.

"I can't just stand by and do nothing," he insisted, his voice tinged with desperation. "If there's a chance to save North, I have to take it."

" Sonic try to understand, we can't let you do it without knowing what's on the other side " Winner warned him.

But Sonic, his determination unwavering, shook his head stubbornly.

"I can't just leave him behind," he insisted, his voice tinged with desperation. "If there's only 0.1% chance to save North, I have to take it and i will take it."

As the other doctors tried to protest, Dr. Way raised a hand, silencing them.

"If Sonic is going, then I'm going too," he declared, his voice firm with resolve. "We're a team, and we'll face this together."

Dr. Kim, his eyes shining with determination, stepped forward to join them.

"I'm going too," he said firmly, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation. "We can't let fear dictate our actions."

Dr. Charlie and Dr. Winner exchanged a knowing glance before nodding in agreement. "We're in this together," Dr. Charlie said, his voice filled with conviction.

Pete, who had been listening quietly, spoke up suddenly, his voice cutting through the tension.

"Doctors, you need to think this through," he said, his tone serious. "Stepping into that portal is a risk none of you can afford to take lightly. You don't know what dangers lie on the other side, or where it will lead you guys."

His words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the perilous journey they were about to embark upon.

But despite the uncertainty and the looming danger, the doctors remained resolute in their decision. Together, they would brave the unknown, united in their mission to bring their patient home.

As the weight of Pete's words settled over the group, the doctors fell into a thoughtful silence, each lost in their own contemplation.

The enormity of the decision weighed heavily on their shoulders, and uncertainty gnawed at their resolve.

But just as doubt threatened to overwhelm them, Kenta's voice cut through the silence like a beacon of hope.

"Doctors," he said, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation, "I may not have the answers you seek, but I offer you my help nonetheless."

As the doctors changed glances. Dr. Way stepped forward, his expression grave with concern.

"I appreciate your willingness to help, Kenta," he began, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "but we can't risk putting any of you in harm's way."

But before he could continue, Pete stepped forward, his gaze unwavering as he met Dr. Way's eyes.

"Dr. Way, we understand the risks," he said, his voice filled with determination. "But we can't just stand by and do nothing. We want to help you bring North back. Plus, our powers hurted people before, it's the time we use them in good way"

Dr. Way opened his mouth to protest, but something in Pete's eyes gave him pause. There was a fire burning within Pete, a fierce determination that spoke volumes.

In that moment, Dr. Way knew that he could trust Pete to stand by his side, no matter what dangers lay ahead.

Just then, Jeff chimed in, his voice laced with mystery as he spoke in riddles.

"In shadows deep and darkness grim, a journey fraught with peril begins," he said cryptically, his words carrying a weight of significance. "But with courage bold and hearts entwined, victory shall be yours to find."

His words struck a chord within the group, a reminder of the challenges that lay ahead and the strength they possessed as a team.

the uncertainty and the looming danger, the doctors and patients stood united in their resolve.

Just as they were about to discuss their next steps, a sudden sense of foreboding washed over the group.

Dean's heightened senses went on high alert, his expression tense with apprehension.

"Something... something is coming," Dean murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "Something powerful, something... evil."

" What do you mean? " Winner asked, while stepping close to dean.

" I can sense.... Something... Negative.... Something evil... Is approaching on the.... Other side " Dean muttered while concentrating, his eyes closed.

His words sent a shiver down the group's collective spine, a chilling reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond the portal.

With a sense of urgency gripping them, the doctors and patients knew that they had to act quickly if they were to have any hope of facing whatever malevolent force lay on the other side.

As the group grappled with the imminent threat looming before them, a sense of urgency pervaded the air.

Dr. Way turned to his colleagues, a furrow creasing his brow as he contemplated their next move.

"What do we do?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "We can't just leave North stranded, but we can't risk putting ourselves in danger either."

Before anyone could respond, Babe stepped forward, his expression resolute as he offered a suggestion.

"We go through the portal," he declared, his voice brimming with conviction. "It'll lead us right to where North is."

His suggestion hung in the air, the weight of it settling over the group like a heavy cloak.

But before anyone could voice their agreement, Dr. Alan spoke up, his tone measured as he voiced his concerns.

"If we step inside the portal to find North. What about the portal?" he asked, his brow furrowing with worry. "We can't just leave it open for anyone to stumble upon. We need to find a way to seal it off."

It was then that Dr. Kim turned to Kenta, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes.

"Kenta," he began, her voice filled with urgency, "you have the ability to manipulate matter. Could you create a barrier between the portal and our world? Something to ensure that no one else can pass through after us."

Kenta nodded solemnly, his gaze steady as he took in the gravity of the situation.

"I can try," he replied, his voice tinged with determination. "But we need to act fast."

With a sense of purpose driving them forward, the group sprang into action.

Dr. Way, Babe, Alan, Kim, and Kenta gathered around the portal, their minds focused on the task at hand. With each passing moment, the threat grew ever closer, urging them to work with haste.

As Kenta concentrated his powers, a shimmering barrier began to take shape, spanning the divide between the portal and their world.

The air crackled with energy as the barrier solidified, sealing off the portal from any intruders.

With the barrier in place, the group exchanged a determined glance before stepping through the portal, their hearts filled with resolve. Whatever dangers lay on the other side, they were ready to face them together.


Author's note:  I hope you liked it... Please show some love bubbly pumpkins... I'll see u guys in next episode till then take care of yourselves and I love you all💕✌🏻

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