The sort-of-but-not-really-a...

By LilyShan

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A fanfic about One Direction and a mutual person who got caught up in their world! (There is such a story beh... More



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By LilyShan


"It's okay-" said Liam

"You're alright-" said Harry

"Breathe, Breathe, Breathe," hushed Niall

"Lily?" questioned Zayn

"Can you see?" joked Louis with a box over his head.

My eyes unblurred and my head wobbled dangerously on my neck as I sat up. We had left the interview and were now in the limo on the way to lunch with the prime minister.

I was leaned up against Louis chest, Niall and Harry rested their head gainst my knees, Liam and Zayn on either side of Louis. I trusted Louis the most. After I had fainted and had a panic attack, I would only let him touch me, confort me. After I eased up, the otheres helped me to the limo where I sat now. I had vomited twice, and now had a bucket in my lap. My feet were still hot from the dropped coffee.

"I think I'm okay," I said sitting up slowly, "my heads just a little-" 

The light blared in my eyes I hid my face again in Louis neck and he brushed my hair with his fingers.  

"Are ye sure ye want te come to lunch?" Niall asked, sounding especially Irish to make me smile.  

"Yes," I said, determined, I looked round at the boys, "thank you,thank you so much." 

"It's alright," smiled Louis, "you're OUR Lily now, we're gonna look after you", the boys all nodded and I pulled all five in for a big hug. I trusted them, and even after this short time they trusted me.  

"Oh Em G," giggled Louis, "best girlfriends forever!"  

The boys laughed and I felt a warm smile creep into my cheeks.

At the moment 'aunt flow' wasn't bothering me, but I snuck a product into my bra, as we left the limo, from my purse. Entering Geligio the boys headed towards their VIP sectioned seats. The PM was yet to arrive so excused myself and went to the bathroom. 

Feeling fresher I cheeked my face in the mirror before leaving. 

Walking out of the bathroom a boy caught my eye. Face like the pizza he delivered, my old boyfriend and an overly tall, skinny bleach blonde girl I recognized as my neighbor.  

'Just walk past,' I told myself, 'don't let him see you.'  

I walked passed my eyes set on the table Zayn stuck his head around the corner of his high backed-chair, and smiled, Louis leaned over and in his highest voice giggled, "LeyLey!" 

That had done it, my ex and seen me, just as I was passing, him, I shot Louis an evil glare and smiled at my ex-boyfriend.  

"Wow, Lily," he gasped, "you look- wow." His date turned green with envy and glowered at me. 

"Thanks, I got to-" 

"Hey babe," 

Zayn's arm was around my waist, he leant me back and kissed me square on the lips, my arms played the part and wrapped around his neck. Ten seconds of passionate pashing and Zayn pulled away.  

The girls jaw dropped, knowing perfectly well who Zayn was and I swear she could have shaved with with her dinner knife she was that mad. 

"Oh," my ex said cockily, "I didn't know your boyfriend was a fag!"  

"Oh," Zayn said back, "I didn't know your ex was a pizza." 

Zayn turned to my ex's date, "I'm sorry I've interrupted your date," he winked and she melted. 

Zayn's hand kept on my wrist as he lead me away back to the table. 

The boys applauded Zayn and he bowed and slid in next to me.  

Louis on my right had stuck chop sticks in his mouth and was pretending to be a walrus.  

I giggled and leaned over to Zayn. 

"Thanks, for that," 

"No problem," he replied, "your ex is a dick, and don't tell him I told you but it was Louis idea."  

"Why can't I tell him? " I whispered. 

"He'll get embarrassed," laughed Zayn, collecting an order from a fan hurling waiter whose hand were shaking. 

"A rum and coke please," ordered Zayn.  

The waiter turned to me his eyes focused on each of the boys and his flicked his blonde hair from his eyes, "I'll have an L&P," the boys have me a weird look.  

"Me too," said Louis dropping his menu on the table. 

"Me three," Niall placed his menu on Louis's. 

"Me four," laughed Harry following Niall and Louis and placed his drink menu on the pile. 

We all looked back at Zayn. 

"Fine," he sighed, "L&P and run please," 

After taking Tilly's order and Paul's the PM appeared. 

A short stout man with too many chins and shirt buttons fit to burst. 

He sat down and ordered his drink the waiter left to get the drinks, starstruck. 

"Hello Paul," the PM greeted. 

Paul introduced Tilly and the boys and finally turned to me. 

"This is Lily," the PM took a seat, "she's giving us the New Zealand experience,"  

"Ah, nice to meet you," the PM shook my hand. Across the table. 

"Nice to meet you sir." 

I sat down, and found so many thing wrong with my manners.  

I was slouching, correct posture. 

I had elbows on the table, removed. 

My smile was missing, returned. 

The waiter returned to the table and shakily handed out drinks to everyone, he waited to take food orders. 

Harry started and passes a napkin around the table, every signed it and Zayn passed it to the waiter who pocketed it and stuttered a thanks.  

I looked at the dinner menu. 

Everything sounded lovely. I checked the prices.  

'I'll order the cheapest,' I though scanning. 

The boys ordered their grand expensive meal and I ordered my small cheep meal. 

"Come on Lil," laughed Liam, "our shout, what do you really want?" 

I pondered. 

"I'll have the beef gourmet lobster roll, please."  

The boys applauded like idiots. 

Cute idiots. 

The PM his wife and the minister of events (or whatever) sat down. 

His wife was a plump, rosy cheeked lady that look like an over grown strawberry.  

Waiting for dinner, laughs and chatter echoed across the table.  

I was having fun. I wasn't nervous anymore. I wasn't scared or anxious. 

When dinner arrived we ate slowly still eager to continue our conversations. Paul and the PM chattered profusely.  

The meal was lovely and foreign to my taste buds.  

When we were finished stuffed like turkeys. The desert menus were slide slowly across the table. 

I didn't want anything. I was full.  

Zayn, sitting next to me ordered a chocolate sundae. 

After a short while I, again, need to use the loo. Trotting down to the bathroom thankful my ex had left his seat.  

As I dried my hands I fixed my hair. Everything was in its place and I still looked pretty.  

Returned to my seat the waiter was bringing over the deserts on a tray. Zayn climbed out of the seats to let me in and I slipped over to my seat just as the nervous waiter slipped. 

Icecream and chocolate sauce spilt everywhere, over my dress, over my face all through my hair. Like a projectile rocket of sundae. 

The waiter apologized.  

Napkins were passed my way as I proceeded to try clean my self up. 

Everything had been going so well. 

Now I was too embarrassed to even talk. 

I remained silent on the drive back to the apartment. It was still early in the afternoon but the boys had to prepare for tonight concert. 

I had to change and be re-beautified, so Tilly and I took a separate limo and the boys took the other. 

Getting out again at Philip and Suzan's I trudged inside and waved politely at the receptionist and I enter the make up room.  

Philip was disappointed I had ruied my self, but thankfully was sympathetic about my dilemma. My make up was removed, hair washed and dried and straighter to a great length.  

Face primed in glowing makeup my eye shadow was a mixture of grey like clouds in the sky.  

"What's it like?" Philip asked, face hidden as he searches through clothes.  

"What's what like?" 

"Being thrust into fame?"  

"Oh," I paused pondering my answer, "it's hard adjusting, I think everyone is judging me, I'm ten times more clumsy around attractive males-" 

"Tell me about it," Philip added with a hearty chuckle. 

"It's different, I'm normally the weird loner, now I'm the mistakingly famous '1D damsel', half the girls hate me and I feel hated, I can feel it, they don't know me, they only know rumors," 

Philip again disappeared into the clothes retreating a tight, purple, way above the knee dress. Strapless and silk with a ruffled textured hemline and top. I changed into it, a skin colored pair of stockings given handed over the door with a shimmering black and bejeweled pair of stilettos. 

Returning to Philip he clapped his hands.  

Looking at my figure I smiled. 

I wasn't fat.  

I wasn't super model thin. 

But in this dress I was flawless!  

My hair was curled and I was belonged out with a pair of dangling earrings and a small, hooked on a silver chain, velvet purse. 

I was stunned. 

"Thank you Philip,"  

"Not with fizzle but with a bang, you show them,"  

I smiled.

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