Chances, Dreams, Kisses «Zayn...

By bookfulhouse

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Ever felt like there's no more hope in life? like there's no more point in living? Sounds extreme? Bitch, wh... More

Chances, Dreams, Kisses
surprise.. SURPRISE!!!
Beautiful Goodbyes.
The Good Taste of LONDON! :)
First day high!
1..2..3.. LET'S GO!!!
I hear you say..
For the first time
A visit to remember
good luck
a wrong day gone best
crazy times
author's note!
time flies
quality time
kidnapping surprise

This school...

52 3 0
By bookfulhouse

I wake up to the smooth, crisp air of London. It's my second day here, a Sunday. Dad says that if I am lucky enough to be able to find a decent school that would accept me then I could go to my new school tomorrow. I get out of bed, take a quick shower and get dressed in gray shorts and a white and black striped top with some flats. A casual look for school hunting, I could say. I apply light make-up just to cover up my blemishes and nothing more. I am not a big fan of make-ups because it takes up to much time to do and it actually causes more acne.

I head downstairs to the smell of bacon wafting through the room. I sit on the chair beside the breakfast nook. Dad was cooking our breakfast. He sits across me and puts the bread, butter, jam and bacon on the table. It was a very simple breakfast compared to our lavish breakfasts back home. On the table were fish, hotdogs, eggs, bread and many more considering we had maids to do household chores for us like cooking breakfast. One of the greatest perks in the Philippines would be househelpers to wash dishes and clean the house but now, I have to do everything myself. I know how to do all chores in the house because I was always at home watching my maids do their work and I guess I just learned. My maids were the best 'cuz they always knew what I needed and they could be trusted. Gosh! If only I could take them with me here to London..

"Alex is helping us look for your school today so he will be driving us around. He says that schools here in London have high standards but I think you're ready. You've always been even when we were back home." Dad says. I just nod my head not knowing what to say.

Dad and I had a quiet breakfast. We just ate there while dad was reading the morning paper and me, tweeting Kherstel..

@Kherstel29: @Serena07 how's London!? Have you seen One Direction yet!? Tell me as soon as you do! Miss you!Xx

@Serena07: @Kherstel28 London's been great! Great house here but missing my maids! Nope.. not YET! Miss you too! Xx

@Kherstel29: @Serena07 Too bad..No maids for youu.. :(( WAIT! what do you mean not YET!???

@Serena07: @Kherstel29 Dad got me tickets to see their concert on Wednesday in O2 arena! 2nd row!!!

@Kherstel29: @Serena07 SHUTTUPPPP!!! you're kidding right!???

@Serena07: @Kherstel29 nope! I ain't kidding!!! super excited!

@Kherstel29: @Serena07 Have fun!!! Don't forget my autograph!Xx

I don't reply anymore as I quickly finish my food 'cuz Alex was already waiting. By now, I could here my phone ringing every second. I guess people, specifially schoolmates, were asking if I was really in London (because I didn't tell them) and if I was really going to One Direction's concert. I ignored them all because these people mentioning me never minded me back home and now that I could get them all autographs, they would talk to me but guess what, too late! These people don't even deserve to see One Direction.

Dad and I both get in the car and I close the door shut. Alex greets us with a nice morning smile and continues to drive. Alex breaks the silence with 'Serena, I heard you went to an all-girls school back home. yeahh??'

'Yep!' I say with a popping 'P'

'Well, time for you to experience something new. London's schools are mostly mixed with girls and boys so good luck!' Alex says.

"Thanks!" I mutter.

We pull up to this school which was quite big but I could sense my instincts telling me that their student population was quite big already and I didn't really like crowded places and to think I'd be here everyday..NO WAY! We head inside the building which had wide corridors and large classrooms. We walk around with Alex leading the way because he seems to know his way around and dad and I just followed. There were no students today 'cuz it was a Sunday but by the look of the pictures, I knew that this school was like an American school. Probably run by the American government because I could see the students were very liberate, something I wasn't very comfortable with. We knock to a door that looks like a headmaster's office. 'Good morning' I greet with a smile.

"Morning! So I heard from Alex that you are from the Philippines and that you are looking for a school." The lady states.

"Yes, I'm a Filipina and looking for a school. My name is Serena, by the way." I say.

"Hi! nice to meet you. I am Ms. Roberts, the head master of London Academy. So.. would you like to join our school?" Ms. Roberts asks.

Deep down, I really didn't want to because my instincts said this school will only be equal to rumors. I didn't know what to say because I didn't want to hurt her feelings and this might be my only option. "Can I take a look around other schools first before I finally decide?" I ask.

"Sure!" Ms. Roberts said with a genuine smile.

From here, I wave goodbye and walk out the door. Dad, Alex and I head out of the building and into the car. Alex drives for another 15 minutes and pulls up to a school bigger than the first. What caught my eye was the garden. It had neatly cut grass with trees just enough for shade and it literally was rubbish-free. We head for the large double-doors that said on the top 'British Academy of St. Therese'. Maybe this is a Catholic school, I think to myself. We walk through the corridors which were flooded with arranged lockers on either side. Pictures were placed beside trophies and dozens and dozens of medals. A successful school, I whisper to myself. We enter this office with a carpeted floor and curtained windows, fancy. At the end of the room, I see a lady writing and she didn't seem to notice us enter until I greet her.

'Good morning! I'm Serena Gonzales.' I say awkwardly.

'Ahhh..yes.. Ms. Gonzales. I heard you were a brilliant student from back in the Philippines. I read your recommendations and it said nothing but good things.' The lady said. I just blushed 'cuz I had no idea how to respond. 'British Academy of St. Therese would love to have you as one of our students. Would you want to join us?' she continues.

Honestly, I felt that this school was too up-tight. I want a school a little more relaxed and I knew this school would be full of rich asses and I wouldn't blend in since I wasn't all fancy. I decided to tell the truth. 'uhmm.. I wanna look for other options first. Do you mind if we look around town before I decide?' I ask nervously.

'Sure! Come back whenever you decide and by the way, my name is Ms. Collins' She says in a cheerful tone. I nod my head and say thank you before I head out of her office.

'You're so picky.' Dad says.

'I just want to make the right choice, dad.' I say in a reassuring voice.

We head to the car and Alex drives again but this time to a restaurant. I looked at the time and it was already 12 noon. I guess those 2 school visits took longer than I noticed. We go inside and the waiter sits us down and hands us the menu. I order roast chicken while dad orders roast beef and Alex orders shrimp with garlic. Our orders came and we ate peacefully. The food was actually good but the pasta we ate at the cafe tasted better. We finished our food and went back to the car.

Alex drove along the beautiful streets of London for around 20 minutes and he parked the car in a wide, open-spaced parking lot surrounded by beautiful trees, shrubs and grass. I felt the calm and pleasing vibe around here. I noticed big and tall metal gates behind the gardens that I didn't notice from the car when we passed by it. We walked to the main entrance of the school and something in me told me THIS. IS. IT.! This is my new school. The hallways were lined with lockers and several classrooms here and there. From inside, the school wasn't very big but just enough for a decent student body. We stopped at a door of an office which read 'Ms. Anderson' and below it read 'head mistress of Standford Academy-London'. We entered the office which looked very relaxed with the light shining from the sun through the windows which illuminated the entire room and a lady who I'm guessing is Ms. Anderson greeted me with a warm smile.

'Good day, Ms. Gonzales. I am Ms. Anderson, head of SAL. It's a pleasure to finally meet you.' she said. I was surprised that she knew who I was without introducing myself yet. I shook her hand and returned her smile.

'Thank you, Ms. Anderson. I am very fascinated by the surroundings of your school.' I answer.

'why, thank you! Now, Alex told me you were looking for a new school and based on your recommendations from your previous school, we would gladly accept you. You're grades highly exceed our expectations and if you choose to accept, you can start tomorrow.' Ms. Anderson said in a nearly pleading tone.

'I would gladly accept your offer, Ms. Anderson.' I say.

'Great! You won't regret your decision in joining us. You will have loads of fun here. Everything will be provided by our school, you just have to bring yourself tomorrow.' She says.

'Thanks!' I say.

We head out the room and dad says 'why here?'

'I feel the vibe' I mutter.

We walk back to the car in silence but deep in me, I was overwhelming with joy and excitement to be at my new school.

'Thanks, Alex for helping us today.' I say with the happiest smile on my face.

'No problem! Anytime!' Alex replied.

We stop at the front of our house and get out of the car while dad says his final thanks to Alex and we both head in.

'I'm in my room!' I shout. I slip off my flats and get changed into sweat pants and a white tee before lying on the bed and drifting to sleep. What a day it has been...


Filler but next chapter will be more exciting, PROMISE!

TEASER: next chappie is the concert and Serena's first day of school.

took me 3 days to write this so hope you liked it. ♥



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