The sort-of-but-not-really-a...

By LilyShan

3K 21 10

A fanfic about One Direction and a mutual person who got caught up in their world! (There is such a story beh... More



96 1 0
By LilyShan


We arrived at nandos a few mintures later. I awkwardly clambered out of the limo and clattered up the sidewalk. I was so unsure about walking in heels, I avoided them. I was clumsy and uncoordinated.

In nandos the boys sat at their secluded corner seat. Each had changed clothes and had had makeup put on to cover blemishes and spots.

Walking over to them Tilly waved, I followed from behind. A race of nerves burning through my body. My head felt light again.

The boys saw Tilly and then I caught Louis's eye and his jaw dropped.

Not because I was beautiful or anything, more likley because I tripped over my feet, knocked a mans meal off his table and fell face first onto the ground.

Niall who was nearest helped my to my feet. He was hiding giggles under his breath. Back on my feet I thanked him and sheepishly took a seat and hid my face.

"How was the interview?" Asked Tilly.

"Fun," laughed Harry, taking a sip from his drink.

"So Lily," grinned Louis, "I know I'm hot but that's no reason to fall head over heels for me!"

Everyone laughed, I smiled, even thought I was extremely embarrassed.

Their manager shot Louis an evil glare.

"Lily, my name is Paul Higgins," I shook his out stretched hand.

I smiled kindly and blushed.

"I'm really sorry for intruding,"

"No, no," the boys started, "it's fine, seriously,"

"Stay," said Harry

"It's okay," laughed Niall

"Hey!" Laughed Harry, "that rhymed!"

I smiled.

This was a disaster.

"If you boys are finished we better be leaving," said Paul.

"Do you want something to eat?" Paul asked me.

"No thanks,"

I stood up and everyone left. To he same limo as before, everyone clambered in and squished in. Tilly,Paul, and two of the three body guards took the other limo.

I sat with the boys, hands in my lap, eyes looking out the window.

"You look very pretty Lily," smiled Liam kindly at me.

"Thanks," I said avoiding eye contact.

"Dibs!" Shouted Niall, his hand shooting into the air like an over excited school girl.

"Not fair!" Grunted Harry, "I was so going I get dibs first!"

"I think you all have forgotten I got dibs on Lily back at her place," smiled Louis.

All he boys sighed.

"Wait what?" I gasped, "no, no one gets dibs on me!"

They rolled their eyes.

"Still got dibs." Muttered Louis under his breath.

"Where are we going?" I asked in desperate need of a new conversation.

"Another interview," said Liam looking at his schedule, "then we have to meet with fans. Warm ups, and stuff then it's band time."

I nodded, a worried expression on my face.

"What will I do?" I asked.

"Sit, watch, I'm sure we can get you a job," Liam continued, slouching in his thick leather seat.

"Thanks," I said.

Everyone became silent. It was an airy silence where everyone had something to say, but no one said anything to break the quiet.

"Out yah hop!" Grunted the driver pulling up on the road.

Opening the door, the body guards, manned the way for us to get past the raging colossal mass of fans. Girls screeched like hawks, papers and pens waved violently in the air. Louis lead the way, followed by Harry and Niall who winked and grinned at the fans. Liam came before me and Zayn shut the door behind and kept end close to me. The boys occasionally signed paper, took photos and waved. Five minutes it took to cross the ocean of fan girls and enter the television studio. Walking into the safety of the building, I sighed, girls had glared and shouted, pouted and moaned. What they must have thought of me, I was a demon to them.

Louis saw my pail face and this time I accepted his warm arm over my shoulders fondly and wrapped my hands around his chest into a hug.

I didn't mean to, but I began to cry.

"I don't want this," I sobbed into his shoulder.

He stroked my hair and whispered softly and sweetly in my ear, "it is okay, you're okay."

It's not for me.

The fame.

The fans.

They weren't mine.

"Let's go-go boys!" Said a woman with a microphone taped to her face.

The boys followed the woman and Louis supportingly placed his hand in mine and as I wiped tears from my eyes he lead my away.

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