By kemi_Adejumo

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"A rejection would have been less painful than this." I cried as I repeated the announcement again in my hea... More

Chapter Two
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter One

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By kemi_Adejumo

    Hi, I am Jessica Lohan, 21 years of age and a 400 level student in the University of Orlander. I am currently in my college cafeteria arguing with my best friend. Before I explain the reason there is an argument, let me give you a quick recap of my life.

I was born in the palace where my Mother works as the Head maid and my father worked as the Head of guards but he is retired now while my Mom will retire in four months. Yes, they met in the palace as a maid and guard and they fell in love, got married, and had me very late in their marriage. Every staff in the palace is entitled to a room in the servant quarter while heads of staffs and staffs that have worked for more than fifteen years are entitled to an apartment on the palace grounds, it is a very big palace. Once a staff retires or stops working, he or she is no longer entitled to the room or apartment except the higher ups gives the free will to stay. Six months before I was born, the queen Annabelle was delivered of a baby, prince Christian. We basically grew up together, we became best friends and went to the same school from kindergarten to college.

King Henry is so generous that he set a rule that as long as you work at the palace, your kids educational finances are covered. Of course, not the best schools in the state but a good enough one. As for me, I went to the best schools where billionaire's children and royalties attended. You must be asking how that is possible, well it's possible because of my best friend Prince Christian. My mom always tells us stories about when we were younger. She said I and prince Christian have been friends since we were babies and would follow each other everywhere. When it was time to attend kindergarten, Christian cried because we were supposed to go to different kindergartens. He cried a lot that he wants to follow me to my kindergarten. This situation made king Henry enrol me to the same kindergarten as Christian. He used that technique till we reached middle school. King Henry explained to him that it was time to go to different schools but Christian insisted and said that he needs me as his personal maid. King Henry gave up and consented to it.

Hence, we went to the same school till college. I became prince Christian's best friend and personal maid. He never really treated me as his maid though, sometimes we even forget that I am supposed to be his maid. Christian was the high school prince, of cause he is the prince but every girl in school had a crush on him including me. I started having a crush on him when I was ten and he was almost eleven. I mean who wouldn't, he his so handsome, sexy, caring, kind, captain of the football team and  rich. Apart from his father being the king, he owns a billion dollar company and lastly, Christian is the prince of Orlander. He is perfect in every sense and  the more reason I don't stand a chance.

I mean, I am just average, not fat not skinny, not short not tall, I am average In every sense. The only parts of me that I love is my curly hair and great skin. My mom is white and my dad is black so I have a beautiful curly hair and luckily my mom has great genes in the skin department... So yeah. My grades are good enough but not the best , I study business administration same as Christian, I joined the drama club in high school because it was fun, I don't have any special talent, well my best friend Molly says my talent is my heart and how much I love people, even if I don't count that as a talent. My life basically rotates around Christian's.

Christian and I have three close friends , Molly, Jake and Luke. Molly is my female bestfriend and Christian's cousin. We met through Christian when we were ten and have been inseparable since then. She's my ride or die and I love her so much. She used to live in Prance but relocated at age ten. She often came to the palace and we go to the same school so we just hit it off. Molly is the definition of a beauty queen and I am not saying this because she's royalty but because she is just naturally beautiful.

She looks like a Victoria Secrets model and that's not surprising because Molly owns one of the best fashion brand in Orlander. She studies Fashion design and her family owns the biggest fashion houses , boutiques and malls in Orlander. I adore Molly so much and she's the best friend a girl can ever ask for. Jacob who we call Jake for short is Christian's best friend and Molly's boyfriend . We met Jake in middle school were he and Christian hit it off and became best friends. Plus Christian's mother and Jake's mother her super tight. His Father owns different clothing and textile factories in and out of Orlander. Jake has had a crush on Molly since the day he laid his eyes on her and she totally ignored his feelings saying he could not be trusted because of the swam of girls that chases him. Molly finally agreed to be his girlfriend in Sophomore year in highschool and they have been so in love since.

Molly always say that they are perfect for each other because his company makes the clothes and textile while her company makes the magic happen with her fashion sense. I know it sounds cheesy but that's just Molly. I love and admire them so much that sometimes I wish I have what they have, someone to deeply be in love with me. OK fine, not someone but Christian.

Lastly, we all met Luke in the last year of middle school as the new kid. Jake and Christian said they thought he was cool because of the way he helped them get out of science class which by the way, I thought wasn't funny because they almost blew up the science lab. Well Christian and Jake found it hilarious and decided that he should hang out with us. Luke has always been a sport freak and even if Christian is the quarterback and Jake the wild receiver in both high school and now college, he is still one of the best in the football team. His Dad literally owns almost all the Gym in Orlander and he was once a football champion in Orlander back in his days. Luke is the only one among the boys that is continuing his career in football after College. It's what he loves and we love him for that.

Now that I am done with the my quick recap, let's go back to the present. Christian, Molly ,Jake, Luke and I are in the cafeteria and Christian won't stop arguing with me.

"Jess!! I said you are not going back to the palace till we graduate, just two months and College is over" yelled Christian.

"But Christian the doctor said my Mom needs to rest and it's time for her to retire . She still has four months before her retirement and I don't want to have her pay back her salary. You know the Palace payed her full year salary, it's for her retirement program. I just have to work in the palace as a maid for just four months " I replied

"is it money Jess, then fine I will pay it off" answered Christian

"No Christian!! I don't want your money . Please let me just do this for my mom, I can complete my studies online"

"Well you leave me no choice, you are staying and it's a command" he fired back.

I became angry because he won't just understand "You can't do that Christian, that's not...."

"Oh, will you two just shut up!!" Molly interrupted before I could complete my sentence. "You two have been going back and forth for thirty minutes and it's irritating me" Jake slightly chuckled and she glared at him before she faced me and sighed

" Look Jess baby, you should understand what Christian is saying, this is the last two months of our college life. We don't want you MIA..... but I understand that you have to do this for your Mom after everything she has done for you. She deserves a debt free relaxing retirement. " I smiled and hugged her

"you really understand me Molly"

"I know " she smiled and turned to Christian "and you Christian, need to understand that she has to do this for her Mom... Please it doesn't even affect her studies. After two months, she gets her degree and then after the next two months, she can finally submit her application in your company like you guys planned. Viola... everybody is happy "

Christian always talked about how he is going to employ me in his family's company after we graduate. Everytime I asked him why he wants me in his family's company, he would always say that he wants me to be successful. This is the main reason he doesn't want me to work as a maid. Since we have been best friends, Christian has always found a way to exclude me from that crowd and he is mad that he can't always have it that way.

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