Hogwarts is doomed (a harry p...


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When Harry is sent to the dursleys, he is abandoned at age 3 and left by a roadside, where some interesting p... More

A/n and book stuff
chapter 1- the killing
Chapter 2-the abandonment
Chapter 3- The Decision
Chapter 4- The Adoption
Chapter 5 - The Radio Demon
Chapter 6- The Removal
Chapter 7- A new home
Chapter 8 -Negotiations
Chapter 9- The Choosing.
The Meeting Of The Sins
Chapter 13-The Naming
The Locked Room Problem
La Lune
Cherri Bomb
Cousin Velvette
The Extermination

Family Fun

1.1K 37 4



Harry grinned as he hugged his uncle Lucy. He could now turn his hair into flames that grew and shrank, depending on his mood.

Quickly bidding his uncle farewell, he prepared to teleport. He focused very hard. He wanted to return home now, so...

'I want to go to Uncle Lucy's sibling'

And with a pop, he vanished.


He landed in a new place, one that was definitely not the Palace of Lust. In fact, it resembled backstage in a theatre... He looked around before nearly getting knocked out by a large demon resembling a Christmas tree.

"Watch where you're standing, kid!"

The demon spat.

Harry gazed after him, slightly stunned, before getting to his feet from where he had fallen and followed him quietly, out through a passage. Harry stopped at the end of said passage and looked out. He saw a large stage with countless seats and a passage up the middle of the audience space. The theatre was decorated with pound, dollar, and euro signs.

On the stage stood the demon who had knocked him over. He was yelling at four or so demons, maybe staff?

"You incompetent fools! The theatre needs to be ready! How am I meant to perform and get money if you have done absolutely nothing?!?"

".. Well, Lord Mammon...er.. we did it as you instructed..." a particularly brave demon uttered.

"Oh! Liars as well, I see! I would never be so distasteful as to instruct anyone to decorate MY theatre in such a fashion!"

£$As recompense for my wasted time, you will pay me the money you wished for fee$£ Mammon stated in a very odd tone of voice. It struck Harry what had happened when he saw swirling dollar signs dancing in all the demons' eyes. They had been hypnotised!

"As is your will, Lord Mammon," all said eerily in unison.

£$Good.Now get to work!$£

Harry growled almost silently. He didn't like this Mammon person one bit. He looked around hastily before an idea strikes. He rushes off just in time as Mammon comes back through the passage and, luckily, heads in the opposite direction.

Ten minutes later

Harry darted up to the stage, where the four demons from earlier are still there. Now they look very sad. They are arguing quietly about what to do now they have to pay Lord Mammon lots of money.
The one who had objected earlier spots him first.
"Hey, kid! What are you doing here?"

Harry desperately hopes his plan works

"Aren't you the decorators? What in hell are you doing still here? Lord Mammon told me that everyone should be long gone!" He blatantly lies.

"H-he did?" A different one pipes up.

"Yep. I'd better leave if I were you. Otherwise, he'll be really angry..."

"Uh-oh.. we'd better be off then, thanks, kid, " one calls as they all arise and make a swift exit via the wings.

Harry smiles wolfishly. That went very well, now for the fun bit.

He runs back out the way he came and to where he had lain a large trail of straw, leading to a huge pile of fabric and paper that he had found around the theatre. He follows the straw trail to its end, just by the huge double doors, then takes a breath, remembers how horrible Mammon had been to the poor demons, and lights the straw on fire. He waits just long enough to see the burning straw reach the pile he had made. Smoke begins to plume from its top as the first bit of paper begins to burn. The flames dance in his eyes as he focuses, thinks

'Lucy's Brother'

Because surely this place was the home of the brother of a different Uncle Lucy, so he pictures his Lucy and his Ozzie, then vanishes with the usual pop.


He lands in a huge red building. There are raised voices coming from, well, everywhere. He follows the sound of the loudest, passing two demons who are locked in a vicious fight and finds himself in the corner of a large throne room. At one end, there is a large, red demon with huge black dragon-esque wings. He is sitting on a throne, yelling very loudly at another demon, who has curling horns over a cowboy hat, a forked tongue, and a long tail. This demon is also wearing a cowboy outfit and is talking in an American accent.

"But your majesty, I-"

He is interrupted by the large red demon.

"I don't give a shit what your excuse is, did you or did you not obey a minor princess-in-law¹ of the Ars Goetia over me, your Prince?" !¡Do Not Lie To Me¡!

When this last bit was said, Harry heard that his tone was similar to Mammon's had been when he had hypnotised those demons. Harry felt really angry, almost unnaturally so. Then he looked over and saw the cowboy demon's hands were clenched into fists, and he looked to be actively forcing himself not to attack. This supposedly royal demon made people angry!

"Yes, Lord Satan, but -"

!¡Leave.Now. Or Else¡!

The demon scarpered quickly, clearly knowing how to choose his battles. Harry distinctly heard him snap something at someone else after he had gone past him.

He was peeved. Demon or not, this person was far too loud. Then he gets an idea. Surely, if magic can turn people's hair to fire and humans into demons, there must be a way to make someone be quiet. It's worth a try, seeing as Satan is still shouting to himself. Now, how to accomplish such a trick...

Satan looks at the pathetic demon just creeping in. A deer demon, it seems, with unsettling green eyes and strangely familiar blue hair. It looks very young to be one of his servants...

"E-excuse me, Lord Satan." it stutters

!¡What Do You Want?¡! He growls in Wrath-Talk, fed up of all these nervous bitches wasting his time.

The posture of the kid changes abruptly.
It grins,showing sharp teeth.
"For you to shut up." Satan then feels a rush of magic surrounding him,it doesn't quite feel normal.

He opens his mouth to yell at it and determine what it has done, however no words come out. He growls. At least he tries to, but again, no sound. Now he is really angry and tries again to shout but to no avail. He then tries to use his own magic against the impudent fool who thought it could beat him but nothing works. He lunges for the kid who abruptly disappears with a pop.

Silently, he growls, then gets off his throne and storms to find his Grimoire. There's no way whatever that kid did will stand against the might of a Deadly Sin... is there?


Harry appears elsewhere. That had been close, but had worked brilliantly! Looking around, he realised he was in a huge bedroom. Well, to be more precise, it looked like a small palace crossed with a bedroom.

There is an enormous and ostentatious bed at one end, and sleeping in it is a tall demon with light purple skin, long blond hair, and cat ears. She is snoring lightly. Harry frowns. He definitely didn't mean to appear in someone's bedroom. He turns to the door and exits. He wanders around the large palace for a while.

There is nobody doing anything, and all the demons he sees are either lazing around or sleeping. After 20 minutes or so, he finds himself back in front of the bedroom door, wondering whether he should just leave.

Then, a devious idea springs to his mind.... In fact, it was practically a community service! Surely, there was something all these demons had to do today. He thinks to himself and then decides to do it.

He creeps back into the bedroom and goes to the bed. As quietly as he can, he conjures a bucket of ice water. Well... that was what he meant to do, at least... Unfortunately, his magic didn't listen to the 'bucket' bit...

There is a spluttering from the occupant of the bed, probably because she has just had an enormous wave of ice-cold water dumped on her, a wave that has just gone out the door. Harry hears similar splutters and outraged cries from outside the room and decides it is high time he left.

With a loud pop, he vanishes, leaving all the inhabitants in the Palace of Sloth, including Belphegor; the Sin of Sloth, wide awake, and utterly soaked.


He lands in an enormous, elaborate, and fancy palace. It is absolutely obvious it is a palace as there are expensive paintings, priceless gems, and gaudy and ornate furnishings everywhere you look.

Two demons scurry past, they are carrying a huge, solid gold,wardrobe. Intrigued,Harry follows them as they hurry through winding corridors and into a gorgeous garden.

In the garden, there are many fancily dressed lords and ladies, all clustering around a broad shouldered demon sitting on a throne-like chair. Said demon has slicked black hair, a dark suit and tie, dark glasses, small black horns, and is utterly covered in jewellery, most of it gold and obsidian, but it varies. He gives Harry an unsettling feeling. The ladies are all looking enviously at the jewels.

The wardrobe-carrying demons scuttle forward.

"King Levi! The wardrobe you asked for! What shall we do with it?" The one at the front asks.

"Put it with the other stolen goods." Levi says. He has a distinct drawl to his voice and an American accent rather like the cowboy demon at Satan's. A brief flicker of gold shines from his glasses before it is gone.

The demons leave, struggling slightly under the wardrobe's weight, and Levi catches sight of Harry. Curiosity shows in his expression for a split second before his eyes fix onto Harry's hair. The gold glow appears around his glasses for a long moment.

"Hey kid, come on over, yeah?"
He calls to Harry, who feels rather like he should be running, but goes over anyway.
"What's your name? We don't get many kids 'round here."

"H-harry. Sir" Harry decided it's best to be respectful, he still can't place the unnerving feeling this demon gives him.

"Ha! Did y'all hear that? Sir? Me? Oh no, no, no, the name's Levi. Prince Levi actually, but that's a minor detail. Come, sit."

Cautiously, Harry does. As if by accident, Levi runs a hand through the ends of Harry's hair.
"Gorgeous colour," he mutters. If Harry had looked at him, he would have seen the gold light reappear around his glasses. He doesn't look, too busy trying to think of a way to leave. Then, an idea hits him. Levi is still running a hand through his hair, almost pulling. Harry focuses very hard and remembers what Lucy taught him earlier.

Scandalised gasps sound from the lords and ladies as Harry's hair turns to waves of burning blue fire and Levi, who's hand had been in his hair when it turned to fire, falls back in pain, holding his burnt hand.

Grinning demonically, Harry darts to his feet and pops away. Just before he vanishes, he sees a couple of the ladies wink at him, almost as if they are pleased..


He arrives in a large, gold, living room.
The ceiling is very high and the gold fades to green near the top, while fading to orange at the bottom.

Lounging on one of the gold sofas is a tall demon whose face resembles a fox. She has four arms, pointed ears, and small wings, a swirling pink and blue tattoo across her midriff, and her hair has blue bits the same colour as his and Ozzie's.

She looks quite shocked when he appears,then studies him closely. A different sort of shock shows on her face before it changes to understanding.

"Well, well, well. Unless I am terribly mistaken, you are Asmodeus's Chosen! What a delight. It's been ages since any of us took Chosen. Might I ask your name?" All of this is said very quickly, so Harry has to pause, think it through, and then answer.

"I'm Harry! And yep,I'm Ozzie's Chosen. Who are you?"

"You mean to say that my brother hasn't even told you about his siblings? Oh, tut-tut. Well, darling, I'm Beezlebub, Sin of Gluttony. But please, call me Auntie Bee. Whatever are you doing here if you don't know who I am?"

"I haven't been here for long, that's probably why. And I telepopped here because I was escaping from a demon called Levi who wanted to steal my hair."

She blinks. Blinks again. Then laughs. "Sounds like you've had some adventure! Fancy some food? You can tell me about it then."

Harry happily says yes, he is rather hungry after the morning's chaos. Aunt Bee leads him through her very gold house to an enormous room containing a huge table covered in food. He looks at her.

"Oh, help yourself to anything you like, there is always plenty."

"Thank you!" He says before darting to the table, finding a (gold) plate and filling it with all manner of food. There is usual breakfast stuff, usual lunch stuff, and usual dinner stuff. Not to mention all the puddings.

Scrambled eggs and toast sit next to platters of sandwiches, every flavour imaginable. Behind those is a roast ham, surrounded by potatoes. Next to that is a gigantic bowl of ice cream covered in sprinkles. There is chocolate, candyfloss, carrots, cream, fruit of all shapes and sizes, fish and chips, black pudding, Yorkshire pudding, strawberry laces, chicken stew, cheese and crackers, the list goes on.

He chooses bacon sandwiches, strawberries, black pudding, and a little bit of candyfloss. Sitting down on a pink chair next to Bee, he tells his story in between bites. She laughs a lot which surprises him, she seems to love the bit where he burnt down the theatre especially. When he has eaten and story-told, she tells him to tell Ozzie the story precisely as he just did. A tad confused, he agrees.

"Would you like me to open a portal back to Lust so you don't get lost again?"

"Yes please!" he definitely doesn't want to be telepopping around Hell for the rest of the day.

Bee pulls an impressive looking book out of nowhere and flips to a bookmarked page.

"Let me see... Aha!" she swirls her finger in a wide circle and a portal appears, first gold then it quickly turns pink. Through it Harry can just make out the sillhouettes of Ozzie and Fizz, they seem to be looking frantically for something.

"I'd wager they have noticed your absence. You'd beter head back now, they appear rather worried."

"ok. Thanks for the food Auntie Bee!"

"No problem Harry, come any time."

He waves goodbye and steps through the portal.


"Harry!" He is instantly scooped up and hugged by Ozzie. "We were so worried! Where in Hell have you been?"

Harry winces. He honestly hadn't thought that Ozzie or Fizz would be worried... "It's rather a long story." he said truthfully.

"We've got plenty of time, it's only 11. Go on, tell all." Fizz grinned. He had been worried when they discovered Harry was missing, but not as much as Ozz, or Loona for that matter. Both girls were currently checking Stolas's Goetia manor and the I.M.P building in case he was there.

Taking a deep breath, Harry began.

"Well, I telepopped to Uncle Alastor,

burnt the 'control room' and all the TVs of someone called Vox like he said,

then Uncle Lucy taught me to turn my hair to fire without going full demon,

then I tried telepopping to Lucy's brother, you, but I ended up in a theatre and a yellow Christmas tree called Mammon was hypnotising demons, so I burnt the theatre down,"

At this point Fizz burst out laughing, both at the description of Mammon and the fact that this little demon had burnt down his theatre. He knew it was a good decision taking Harry in. He continued.

"then there was a loud red demon called Satan and he was too loud so I silenced him," Now Ozzie began laughing too.

"then there was a blonde, purple-skinned cat lady who was asleep, so I flooded her big house with cold water," Ozzie was now in hysterics.

"then there was a greasy demon called Levi, and I burnt his hand when he tried to steal my hair,

then Auntie Bee gave me food and sent me here!"

By the end of his speech, both Ozzie and Fizz were practically in tears. Somehow Harry had caused chaos for 4 out of 7 of the Sins, not to mention an Overlord. Not bad for a new demon, not bad at all.

"Wait a second, how did you get to all of my siblings? For that matter, how did you get to 'uncle Alastor' in the first place?" Ozzie asked.

Harry looked confused. " I told you, I telepopped! Wait, they were your siblings? That means I didn't go wrong!"

This statement did not clarify anything.

"What is telepopping? And what do you mean 'you didn't go wrong'?"

"I think where or who I want to go to, then I pull my magic and I go there! See?" He demonstrated by vanishing with a flash-bang, then reappearing on the other side of the room.

"And I thought I went wrong because when I telepopped from Uncle Lucy's, I thought 'Lucy's brother' as in you, but I ended up at the theater, then I did it again and again until Auntie Bee's place!"

Ozzie and Fizz exchanged looks. Clearly, raising a kid would be a bit more trouble than they had planned.


¹ Before Stella married Stolas, she was only a Duchess of the Ars Goetia². Currently, as Stolas is a prince, she is a princess, though not by birth, but if they get a divorce, she will just be a Duchess again.

² The order of power goes, from most to least,

7 Princes/Sins
Official Consorts of the Sins
Charlie and Chosen
Overlords and princes/esses of the Ars
Dukes/Duchesses of the Ars
Counts/esses of the Ars
Sinner Demons

Hope you enjoyed! Lucifer's plan for a trouble-free 2 weeks has just gone up in smoke...



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