Chapter 7- A new home

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(AN: I have been editing a few chapters, nothing major, but you might want to reread , especially the last chapter)


"So... now what?" Via asked when they had all somehow squeezed into the meeting room in the I.M.P offices

"I probably should get back to Lust soon, if Harry is staying with me I am going to need some help as neither I nor Fizz know anything about what to do with a child, we also need to work out what we do when Lucy inevitably finds out about him"
Asmodeus said with a slight undertone of panic to his voice, Harry had gone back to sleep in his arms. He thought the first thing to do should be to get the boy a bed.

"Via and I can come," Loona offered with a fanged glare at her dad as if daring him to object.


"Yes, of course I'll go dad, don't worry,"she replied

"All right then, I will take Harry , Loona and Octavia back to Lust, and we can meet somewhere to plan tomorrow ?"

Everyone agreed, and Asmodeus opened a hot pink portal through which the inside of his home was visible and stepped through. Harry cradled in his arms. Via and Loona waved goodbye to their respective parents and followed the Sin through the portal, which closed behind them.

Stolas, Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie exchanged looks and agreed to go to their respective homes for the night and work out things in the morning. Blitz was almost waiting for Stolas to ask him back to the owl's palace and was surprised and something else (d̶i̶s̶a̶p̶p̶o̶i̶n̶t̶e̶d̶) when he left with merely a brief farewell.


Meanwhile, in the Lust ring


Fizz dodged a crowd of paparazzi, shot one of his robo arms up onto the roof, and swung himself up. He knew the rooftops around the Palace of Lust very well, as this was the fifth time this week that he had had to escape in such a way.
It almost made him miss- No. Shut up. He would never miss that traitorous imp even if he lived to 10,000. Never ever.
He hastily jumped over a gap, darted nimbly across a crumbling roof and dropped down in front of the heart-shaped doors of hi and Ozzie's home.
Strolling in he announced
"Oh Ozzie... I'm- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?"

His Sin gained a sheepish expression as he looked at the-the Thing in his arms

"What, Harry? He's not a what, he's a who"

Fizz was too stunned to yell at Asmodeus for that so he quickly turned to the more important factor.

"Ozz, please don't tell me he is what I think he is" he said in his most dangerous tone

"Well..... that would entirely depend on what you think he is"

"I think he's a- a human" this last word was whispered with slight revulsion
"I hope , for both our sakes, he is a demon of some form."

"If I could tell you that he is a demon I would, but I did promise not to lie to you...." The feathered Sin muttered

"Asmodeus. How in the 7 rings did an alive human get into hell? And why, In all the tiers of heaven, Is he in OUR HOUSE!?!?? "

Said Sin was saved from replying by the sudden arrival of a hellhound and a owl-demon.
"Uncle! The room is amazing!" exclaimed the purple owlette with great excitement before the hellhound remarked , looking at Fizz,
"Who are you? And why do you look familiar?"

Fizz didn't know how to reply to the second part of her question as he was fairly certain he had never seen her before in his life. He went to tell her his name but was interrupted by the owl.

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