Intertwined {BTS Jungkook/Jim...

By Sirennx7

434 32 14

You're the most famous solo artist at the time, power in the palm of your hand, and daddy issues in your back... More

Chapter 1: Meeting the Boys
Chapter 2: Settling In
Chapter 3: Unsteady
Chapter 4: Hold Me
Chapter 5: Feelings Bubble Up Like Soda Pop
Chapter 6: And Then They Pop
Chapter 7: Jealousy, Jealousy
Chapter 8: We're Going on a Trip
Chapter 9: Oh Jimin
Chapter 10: 50 Shades of What the Heck
Chapter 11: Benefits with Friends

Chapter 12: We're Just...

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By Sirennx7

"What about friends with benefits?" I asked.

"Oh so you're using me for sex now." He said and smirked, "I see how it is."

"Omg stop it." I chuckled and slapped him. The room went silent after our laughs faded and we stared at each other for a bit. We couldn't be in a relationship, we both know that. Being friends with benefits is going to be hard enough. The members can't even know.

"I think friends with benefits is a good idea." He said and looked back up at me.

"No strings attached." I replied.

"No strings attached." He repeated, "Can we sleep now I'm really tired."

"Oh wow! Did I actually breach your god like stamina?!" I said with a happy shocked expression.

"No y/n it's literally 1:00 am." He said and I laughed.

"Ok I'll head back to my-" I started but was cut off by a muscled bunny pulling me into a cuddle on the bed.

"Jungkook! Friends with benefits don't do this!" I said trying to squirm out of his hands.

"Oh come on just for tonight I'm really sleepy and you're comfortable." He said with a pout.

"Aish, ok, JUST TONIGHT!" I said and settled back in his arms. The truth is I didn't want it to just be tonight. I wanted it forever, every night, and every day. Is it bad to say that strings are already attached? This is not good, I know that I'm just going to end up heart broken. To be honest I don't know if I can handle that anymore. And still I can't help myself from getting in these situations. I just want to move on, I want to have some normal life experiences. Is that too much to ask. My life is already so far from normal. I couldn't help but start to tear up at the thought. Single drop flowing down my cheek and onto Jungkook's shoulder that my head was resting on.

"Are you crying?!" He asked, "What's wrong?"

"Just don't leave me." I whimpered out, "Even if we stop this relationship, always stay in my life. Please?"

"Of course, of course, shh." He said while patting my head, "I won't leave. I promise."

I felt him hold me tighter as I buried my face further into his chest. Eventually we fell asleep in that position, intertwined.

I woke up at 8:00 am to a text from Jimin.

"Hey, since it's our last day before going back to work do you want to do something fun?" Hmm, I wonder what he means by that.

"Sure." I replied.

"Ok meet me downstairs in 15." He texted back.

"Ok, what should I wear?"

"Anything you want beautiful." Aish this boy.

I tried to get up and realized the giant body next to me, still hanging onto my waist for dear life. Then I heard the all too familiar morning groan of Jeon Jungkook. Oh man, this boy really needs some help.

"Jungkook!" I whined. Nothing, "JUNGKOOK!"

This boy is so damn stubborn I swear to god. He still didn't budge, no noise, no movement, just stationary.

"Jungkooook I need to go." I said.

"No. *insert heart emoji*" He replied.



"Jungkook I need to be downstairs in 15 minutes, I swear to god if you make me late I will call off our deal." I said and glared at him. He immediately let go but still pouted at me.

"Where do you have to go anyway?" He said furrowing his brows. I got up and started walking to the door.

"I don't know Jimin said we are doing something." I replied as I quickly ran out the door.

"Hey!" I heard Jungkook yell when I was already halfway down the hall. Oops. When I got back to my room I realized I desperately needed a shower. Jimin was going to have to wait. I texted him I wasn't going to be down till 9:00 and he said ok. After taking a shower I walked out to find Jimin sitting on my bed. I'm not even surprised at this point. If i'm in a towel he is there.

"See y/n I really think this is a sign." He said as I walked out and over to my closet.

"Yes, Jimin, actually I'm starting to think so too." I said. His eyes lit up for a second before I continued, " A sign that you are a pervert! Now get out!"

"Hey! You're the one who's running late." He said.

"Fine whatever." I replied and grabbed my clothes heading to the bathroom. I put on my outfit which consisted of a flowy white flower printed dress. It barely covered my butt. I threw on a pink cropped cardigan on top and threw on some white sneakers. I walked out and over to the dresser to put on my makeup when I heard Jimin speak.

"Gosh you are stunning baby." He said with a smirk. I just rolled my eyes and continued to sit down and do my makeup, "Why are you doing your makeup when I'm just gonna end up messing it up anyway."

"Jimin!" I said sternly but he just laughed.

"So are you going to tell me where we are going?" I said while putting on some mascara.

"Nope." He replied with a giant smile that made his eyes close into crescents.

"Ugh, I don't like this." I sighed

"Oh shut it now hurry up lets go!" He said and grabbed my arm as I started to stand up. I grabbed my mask and sunglasses on my way out.

When we left the house we didn't get a car... or tell anyone. I'm pretty sure we aren't allowed out without security. I don't think this is going to go well. Is he going to murder me? Why is he randomly taking me without telling anyone to a place he isn't saying in a forgein country? Great, I should have thought this through more.

"Umm Jimin." I whispered, "Your not going to murder me right?"

"What!?" Jimin screamed, "Why the hell would I murder you?"

"That's exactly what a murderer would say." I replied.

"Yeah but we also are working on a project together." Jimin stopped and looked at me. "Oh and I don't know... MAYBE BECAUSE YOUR FAMOUS! I wouldn't just get away with your murder."

"Oh see you have thought about murdering me before!" I exclaimed as Jimin turned around and kept walking, "So how are you gonna do it? Are you going to leave me in the woods?"

I may have watched one to many true crime videos because I seemed to be more excited than I should have.

"Wtf? Weirdo, why are you excited about that." He said and chuckled, "Stop getting your hopes up I'm not going to murder you."

"Aish, you're no fun!" I said with a pout that was covered with the mask, "Are we almost there yet?"

"Yes now stop acting like a 2 year old!" He said and dragged me through some wooded area.

"See you really are going to kill me." I said, "And I'm not the 2 year old you are!"

No other words were spoken because all of a sudden we stopped. I looked up to see we were on the top of a hill looking over one of the prettiest views I've seen.

"You can take your mask off, no ones going to come up here. No one can." He said while taking his off and smirking.

"Oh my god Jimin, this is so cool!" I said in awe, "You boys are always showing me the coolest places."

"Boys?" He said furrowing his brows.

"Oh yeah Jungkook took me sight seeing the other day." I said, still paying most of my attention to the scene in front of me.

"Of course he did." Jimin mumbled. I only slightly registered what he said so I decided to drop it.

"Although I do have to say it's a lot better to be outside without a mask on... I missed this." I said, sighing.

"Yeah... I miss it too." He said, "Come over here there is a bench." I turned around and sat on this old bench that was in front of the tree line behind us. It was the beginning of October now so the weather was still warm and had a slight breeze to it. It was really nice out today, the sun was out and there were fluffy white clouds passing by in all different shapes and sizes. I loved clouds a lot, I don't know why but they always looked so pretty to me. I got out my phone and started taking some pictures of the view and the clouds when I heard Jimin chuckle.

"What?" I said looking at him confused.

"Are you taking pictures of clouds?!" He said looking at me and trying to hold back a laugh.

"Yeah? So?" I said, still confused.

"It's just that Jungkook has this weird thing with taking pictures of clouds too." He said and sighed, "I always make fun of him for it."

"Hey! They are interesting, they look like cute little fluff balls." I said pouting, "It's so strange when you think about it. Like there are these little puffs of water that to us look like fluff just floating in the sky."

"Yeah it is pretty weird." He said and looked at the clouds.

"Oo that one looks like you Jimin!" I said acting really excited.

"Huh? Which one?" He said scanning the sky.

"The really really really really small one." I said and burst out laughing. He glared at me with his death stare which just made me laugh more.

"Hey I'm still an inch and a half taller than you!" He proclaimed.

"Ok ok ok" I said and settled down, "Thanks for taking me here Jimin. I know it's gonna be crazy for the next few months so I'm happy I got to spend some time with you outside of work."

"Yeah me too, surprisingly you're actually pretty fun." He said and chuckled. I playfully hit him on the arm as I went back to looking at the clouds, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." I replied, focusing my gaze back onto him, "What's up?"

"The sky." He said and chuckled, "On a serious note.... Umm..."

"Omg what Jimin! Spit it out" I said impatiently.

"Are you and Jungkook... like do you... um... do you like Jungkook?" He said and looked away nervously.

"Yeah ofc I like him as a friend!" I said smiling.

"No, y/n, you know what I mean." He said looking down at his feet.

"Listen Jimin you have nothing to worry about. Me and Jungkook know that we have to work together so we are obviously staying just friends." I said and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"That's not what I meant..." He mumbled but I ignored it. Maybe I was trying to avoid the truth but Jimin doesn't need to know anyway.

"We should probably start heading back, I have to go over some things with Riley." I said while getting up.

"Yeah...ok" Jimin said, still looking down. He got up and brushed himself off, finally looking at me with his classic crescent eye smile.

-Jimin POV (When first arriving at spot)-

When we finally got to the view I watched as her eyes lit up at the scenery. I wish I could make her this happy all the time. I already messed things up back in the dance studio. I have always had a problem with controlling my temper, I didn't realize how bad she needed me too. I dont think I'll ever get over this guilt.

"Oh my god Jimin, this is so cool!" She said in awe, "You boys are always showing me the coolest places."

"Boys?" I said furrowing my brows.

"Oh yeah Jungkook took me sight seeing the other day." She said while looking at the scene in front of her.

"Of course he did." I mumbled. Why is it that he is always there, always around her. Ugh.

"Although I do have to say it's a lot better to be outside without a mask on... I missed this." She said, sighing.

"Yeah... I miss it too." I said, "Come over here there is a bench." I watched her gaze slowly tilt up to the sky as she traced her eyes over the fluffy white shapes in the sky. I don't know what it is about her but she's so captivating. She took out her phone and started taking some pictures. I hate to admit it but her and Jungkook really do work well together. It's just gonna take time and restraint for me to acknowledge it. Breathe Jimin, remember what your therapist said.

"What?" She said looking at me confused.

"Are you taking pictures of clouds?!" I said looking at her and trying to hold back a laugh.

"Yeah? So?" She said.

"It's just that Jungkook has this weird thing with taking pictures of clouds too." I said and sighed, "I always make fun of him for it."

"Hey! They are interesting, they look like cute little fluff balls." She said pouting, "It's so strange when you think about it. Like there are these little puffs of water that to us look like fluff just floating in the sky."

"Yeah it is pretty weird." I said and looked at the clouds.

"Oo that one looks like you Jimin!" She said acting really excited.

"Huh? Which one?" I said scanning the sky.

"The really really really really small one." She said and burst out laughing. I actually found that pretty funny but I can't let it show!

"Hey I'm still an inch and a half taller than you!" I proclaimed.

"Ok ok ok" She said and settled down, "Thanks for taking me here Jimin. I know it's gonna be crazy for the next few months so I'm happy I got to spend some time with you outside of work."

"Yeah me too, surprisingly you're actually pretty fun." I said and chuckled. She playfully hit me on the arm and went back to looking at the clouds, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." She replied, focusing my gaze back onto me, "What's up?"

"The sky." I said and chuckled, "On a serious note.... Umm..."

"Omg what Jimin! Spit it out" She said impatiently.

"Are you and Jungkook... like do you... um... do you like Jungkook?" I had to look away, I know the words might hurt but I need to get over her now.

"Yeah ofc I like him as a friend!" She said smiling.

"No, y/n, you know what I mean." I wish she would just tell me.

"Listen Jimin you have nothing to worry about. Me and Jungkook know that we have to work together so we are obviously staying just friends." she said and placed a hand on my shoulder. I don't know whether to be upset or happy. Does this mean that I still have a chance? I really shouldn't think about her like this though, even if she doesn't like him... he likes her. I know it. I could never do that to him. Like I would ever have a chance anyway.

"That's not what I meant..." I mumbled but she ignored it.

"We should probably start heading back, I have to go over some things with Riley." She said while getting up.

"Yeah...ok" I said, still looking down. I got up and brushed myself off, finally looking at her with a smile. Maybe if I fake it enough I'll eventually believe I'm this happy.

-Y/n POV-

After getting back I went into my room, and after a couple of minutes Riley arrived. We were almost finished when Jungkook barged into my room. He looked fucked out, not necessarily mad. To be honest I couldn't really tell what emotions he was having. Whatever they were... it was a lot of them.

"Riley can I please talk to y/n alone. now." He said with very little expression besides what he was already showing. What the hell was going on.

"Umm yeah I'm actually just gonna go we were pretty much done. Bye!" She said and flew out the room.

"Jungkook what the hell is wrong with you!" I said looking at him very confused. I mean like very confused.

"How could you!" He started blabbering and pacing in front of my bed, "Anything could have happened literally everything. Your career! What if someone saw. The rumors. STILL WE DONT EVEN KNOW IF YOUR SAFE! And if they do get out could you even imagine ARMY! We are talking about serious shit. I mean come on. AND EVEN IF NONE OF THAT HAPPENS! WHAT ABOUT YOU! What if you had another episode, I wasn't there, no one could have helped you and you-"

"JUNGKOOK CALM THE FUCK DOWN YOUR MAKING ABSOLUTLY NO SENSE!" I screamed, catching his attention. He looked at me with teary eyes, I can tell now. Worry. He was worried and scared, "What is the problem?" I said while motioning him to sit next to me on the bed.

"It's just I was so worried, correction AM worried. Your one of my best friends y/n I-" His voice started cracking and I just pulled him into a hug.

"Kook, why? Why are you so worried, what did I do?" I said as I felt his grip tighten around me.

"You went out with Jimin. By yourselves, no bodyguards, no masks. So many bad things could have happened." He said pulling back and looking at me. He took his hand and caressed my cheek with his finger. "Never do that again. Please y/n I don't ever want to lose you."

"Ok." I said and he went back into a hug. After a couple minutes I dragged myself from him. "Don't you think you overreacted a little?"

"NO! This is serious stuff!" He said with a pout but I just chuckled at his cuteness. "I think I deserve after sex cuddles for the stress you put me through."

"Jungkook if you keep finding ways to cuddle we are going to have a serious problem" I snapped back. We would, I'm already too emotionally involved with him.

"Just the next round because you made me cry." He said.

"Fine." I said and we laughed.

"Actually I think I'm in need of relieving some sexual frustration." He said looking down at my lips. Oh god, I'm never going to sleep again am I?

-time skip 6 hours later-

"One more round!" Jungkook whined as we laid next to each other fucked out of our mind. What the hell kind of stamina does this man have I am literally about to break into a billion pieces if we don't stop soon. Quickly my thoughts were cut off by the all too familiar soft puffs of skin pressing against my swollen and bruised lips. The pain hurt but god damn. The pleasure was sooo much better. The endorphins running through my veins quickly dismissed any common sense I had. I felt his head drop down to my neck as I started working my hands on his shaft. Gosh! Was it bad that we had already gone at it 5 times and I still wanted him in me just as bad. I felt a familiar lump form in my throat and I guess Jungkook could feel it too.

"Shhh, relax, let me do the work this time... let it out baby." He whispered in my ear. It was enough to let my body fully melt into him and the moan I was holding back broke out, "Good girl."

I felt his tip at my entrance once again. I clenched my core asking for his intrusion. I'm such a horny motherfucker omg. Once he was inside me all the tension building finally released and I relaxed into his motions. After a couple minutes I couldn't take it anymore and came all over him. I had so much overstimulation of my vagina physically. Could. Not. Handle. It. Anymore. I guess Jungkook was feeling the same way because not long after he hit his high and settled back down next to me.

"Your really taking 'stay up all night and fuck till daylight' to a literal level" I said chuckling as I looked over to see the sky turning orange from the sunrise.

"Hey! This is the last chance I might get to play it out because of work starting soon." He said and grabbed me pulling my back into him. "But I guess we should get some sleep, we are going to be working hard for the next few months."

I chuckled and settled back into his arms. This was it. This is what I have been searching for my whole life. This is what everyone searches for. Pure, true, unconditional love. You might think I'm crazy for saying I love him after only knowing him for a week. Heck even I think I'm insane. But there is no other way to describe this feeling. Tranquility. That's what true love feels like. I used to believe my soulmate would be someone I can't live without, someone who I loved so much and deeply I would do anything for. But it's not. Real love feels so much different, it's like all the chaos in your head suddenly goes quiet and you're swimming in your most comfortable shirt surrounded by blankets with a fire next to you. It feels like honey, lavender, and chamomile. It feels like laying in someone's arms under the sun in a field. Warm and safe. That's what it feels like. The constant pain and stress on your heart is suddenly lifted and you have never been happier in your life. Simply because they are breathing. Simply because they exist. Simply because you know they exist. So it's not the feeling of them being the only thing that matters, because they make it so suddenly, everything matters. I love him. Shit, I love Jungkook. It came out of nowhere, I didn't even expect it to happen. All of a sudden it was just him.

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