Fallen Moon

By KibaBlackfire

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For years vampires and werewolves waged war on one another. At last the blood war is near its end. Currently... More

Prelude: Brink Of Destruction
Chapter 01: First Moon (Part I)
Chapter 01: First Moon (Part II)
Chapter 02: Aftermath (Part I)
Chapter 02: Aftermath (Part II)
Chapter 03: Bloodshed (Part I)
Chapter 03: Bloodshed (Part II)
Chapter 03: Bloodshed (Part III)
Chapter 04: Lord Grimm
Chapter 05: Dreadful News
Chapter 06: Conversion
Chapter 07: Entrapment (Part 01)
Chapter 07: Entrapment (Part 02)
Chapter 08: Preparation (Part 01)
Chapter 08: Preparation (Part 02)
Chapter 08: Preparation (Part 03)
Chapter 09: Lunar Ball (Part 01)
Chapter 09: Lunar Ball (Part 02)
Chapter 09: Lunar Ball (Part 03)
Chapter 09: Lunar Ball (Part 04)
Chapter 10: Ultimate Betrayal (Part 01)
Chapter 10: Ultimate Betrayal (Part 02)
Chapter 10: Ultimate Betrayal (Part 03)
Chapter 11: Unmerciful Punishment (Part 01)
Chapter 11: Unmerciful Punishment (Part 02)
Chapter 12: Rise Of A New Heir (Part 01)
Chapter 12: Rise Of A New Heir (Part 02)
Chapter 12: Rise of A New Heir (Part 03)
Chapter 12: Rise Of A Heir (Part 04)
Chapter 13: Bound (Part 01)
Chapter 13: Bound (Part 02)
Chapter 14: Hell
Chapter 15: Understanding
Chapter 16: More Than A Prince
Chapter 17: Premonition
Chapter 18: Ziek's Tale
Chapter 19: Fate's Tale
Chapter 20: Selene's Tale
Chapter 21: Raine's Tale
Chapter 22: Jay's Tale
Chapter 23: Answers
Chapter 24: Temptation (Part 01)
Chapter 24: Temptation (Part 02)
Chapter 25: Know Thy Enemy
Chapter 26: Shields
Chapter 27: NightShade
Chapter 28: Alexis' Tale
Chapter 29: Claire's Tale
Chapter 30: Matching Scars
Chapter 31: A Wolf's Tears
Chapter 32: Sacrifice
Chapter 33: Fate's Tale (Part 02)
Chapter 34: Jayden's Tale
Chapter 35: Blaire's Tale
Chapter 36: Scythe's Tale
Chapter 37: World's Collide (Part 01)
Chapter 37: World's Collide (Part 02)
Chapter 37: Worlds Collide(Part 03)
Chapter 38: Forsaken
Chapter 40: Loyalty
Chapter 41: Newfound Freedom
Chapter 42: Change Of Plans
Chapter 43: Darkside

Chapter 39: Rescue Mission

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By KibaBlackfire

Claire rushed through the forest making haste for Lord Grimm's castle. Time wasn't on her side, there was no telling what Lord Grimm's intentions were for her sister. The only certainty is that he's aware she's a traitor, most people who betray him end up dead. She just hopes for her sister's sake this is not the case. They wouldn't kill her just yet. They need her to point out the guy who helped her conceive a Hybrid. Until she does, they can't kill her, they need her. So the real question is to what lengths would Lord Grimm go to find out the man responsible for helping create a Hybrid? Part of her was scared to find out. But, this wasn't the time to be afraid, her sister needed her and she wasn't going to let her down.

"Don't worry, sis, I'm coming, just hold on a little bit longer." Claire was just about to reach the hilltop overlooking mountains that hid Lord Grimm's castle. Before she did, she stopped by a voice.

"Claire, wait up, could you just slow down?" Brandon burst out of the trees behind her. "Okay look, if you're going to be running like this. The least you could do is give a guy a heads up. I can't protect you if you're just going to run off ahead of me." He rested his hands on his knees. "The sun is out and in case you haven't noticed. I'm covered in diamond armor which means I'm not going to run as fast as you so slow the fuck down woman."

"I thought you weren't going to help me." Claire crossed her arms and glared at him. "I thought you said it was too dangerous, So Brandon," She walked up to him. "Why the sudden change of heart? Did you finally decide to give a shit about your girlfriend's well being?" She put her hands on her hips.

"You could say it's something like that," Brandon's hand was tucked into his coat pocket as he said this to her. "So, boss lady, how exactly do you plan on rescuing your sister? Because I was thinking, we might as well rush in and bust down the door and raise hell."

"You can't be serious," Claire raised her brow. She waited for Brandon to think for a minute hoping he'd figure it out for himself that his idea was stupid. Like usual, Brandon saw no flaw in his so-called plan. "Okay, so, you want us to storm a castle full of werewolves just the two of us against an army. You think this is a good idea?"

"Hey, I told you it was dangerous. I told you we were going to get killed. Did you listen no, because you never listen. So, don't go calling my ideas stupid because this whole thing is your idea. Which makes you," Brandon pointed at her. "The Queen of Stupid Ideas."

"Okay first of all," Claire held up a finger. "I'm nowhere near as stupid as you. "Secondly," She held up a second finger. "I would never suggest a plan that is that dumb. Since you're clearly lacking the brain capacity needed for this type of situation. The only way this is going to work is if I do all the thinking. First thing we're going to need to do is to reach the castle undetected. So follow my lead and if you do as you're told. You won't die."

"Okay fine, lead the way, boss lady." Brandon gestured in front of him. Claire headed toward the hilltop. Once they reached the hill, Claire's eyes widened. In the midst of the forest was a giant wolf standing right where the Nightshade campsite was located. The wolf had long dark red fur, its canines dripped with venom. Its eyes were blood red. There's no mistaking it, this must be Alejandro's werewolf form. "Um, Claire, are you seeing what I'm seeing? Because that is one big ass werewolf. What the hell are you feeding him?"

"I don't know," Claire shrugged. "It's Alejandro, he eats whatever he-," Her jaw dropped as a giant metal dragon appeared across from the giant wolf. "What the fuck is that? Why is there a giant metal dragon attacking Alejandro?"

"That would be Scythe's doing," Brandon explained. "He really wants to kill Alejandro. We should go, we do not want to get caught up in their fight. As much as I'd love to fight a giant wolf. I do not want to get caught in that crossfire." He pointed at the wolf and the dragon. The dragon was trying to wrap around the wolf only to be smacked aside by a tree. The tree was cut into pieces leaving traces of wood falling from the sky. The wolf let out a loud howl, the entire forest shook as the wolf charged at the dragon. "Yeah, we need to go."

"Agreed," Claire left the hilltop along with Brandon. The good news was they were heading away from the fight. So, they didn't need to worry about being caught in the crossfire. If they were lucky, those two fighting each other would create a huge distraction and hopefully force Lord Grimm to weaken his defenses in the castle. The less guards he had, the easier it would be to rescue her sister. She just hopes it plays out that way. In the off chance it doesn't, she had a back up plan. "Brandon, we need to stop here for a moment."

"Wait isn't this," Brandon eyes wandered the forest. "This is where we-,"

"First met,yes, granted back then you were trying to kill me." Claire began digging her claws into the dirt. "I knew I'd be able to remember this spot. So I decided to come back and hide some things in the event. I had to rescue my sister. It should be around here somewhere." She dug deeper into the ground until she struck a box. "Found it," She took out a small box and opened it. Brandon glanced over her shoulder as she opened the box. She took out a rolled up cloth and when she unrolled it. Inside was an assortment of knives.

"Are those throwing knives?" Brandon glanced over at Claire. "They're silver, Claire, tell me, you didn't plan on killing your own kind just to save your sister." She took out some of the knives and hid them on her person. She stuck some in her pockets, her sleeves. By the time she was done the knives were all gone. All that remained on the cloth were five syringes filled with tranquilizer.

"I didn't plan on it, that's why I have these." Claire put the tranquilizers in her back pocket. "However, five tranquilizers might not be enough, so. If need be. I'll resort to knives. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that." She put the small box back and buried beneath the sand. "Now before we do this, Brandon, fetch me a stick."

"I'm not a dog," Brandon argued, "You're the werewolf, go get your own stick."

"Brandon, " Claire groaned. "Go get me a stick so I can draw the layout of the castle. You haven't been in Lord Grimm's castle. I have and if we're going to sneak inside the castle and save my sister. You need to know the layout. So again, go get me a stick."

"Fine, I'll get you a damn stick." Brandon walked over and picked up a stick. "Here," He handed her the stick. He crouched down as Claire drew a general layout of Lord Grimm's castle interior. The problem is, yes she knew what the inside looked like. However, she was never given a tour. She only knew where the throne room was. "So, once inside, the first step would be to find your sister right? Where is she?"

"Um, I'm not sure," Claire answered. "I do know, he'd have her imprisoned somewhere in the castle. So there would have to be a dungeon somewhere.If I were to have a dungeon in my castle. I wouldn't want it to be easy to find or to escape from. So it can't be here," She crossed out the two front rooms.

"Wait a second, Lord Grimm's castle layout looks similar to ours. I mean, there's a few differences, but it's pretty much the same. In our castle, The throne room is here." Brandon pointed directly at Lord Grimm's throne room. "Our dungeon is somewhere around here." He drew a circle in the area behind the staircase. "I know this because sometimes Lord Alexander puts me on guard duty. When we first turned your brother. I'd have to keep an eye on him while he was locked up. That's part of how we became friends." He explained. "However, there was only one place, I was never allowed to stand guard over. The only person who could go inside was Blaire. The door was located right beside the dungeon. I believe it was right," He rubbed his chin. "Here, I know this because when I first saw Angel. This was long before I knew who he was and that he'd be our commander. He came out of this room. I saw him go from this room to the rooms upstairs. Not long after, I saw walk out of the castle into the sunlight."

"Wait, he walked into the sun. Doesn't that kill you guys?" Claire asked.

"I know, that's exactly what I was saying. I thought he had some special power that made immune to the sun. Turns out, he was trying to kill himself. That's when I got put in charge of keeping an eye on him. So, I got assigned as his bodyguard. My sister got assigned as his therapist. He became our new project. That's why I remember, he came from this room." He pointed at the room next to the dungeon. "The layouts are similar so if we're going to be checking each room. We should start with this one. It's our best bet. The longer we're in the castle, the higher chances we have of being wolf chow. So, what do you think?"

"Brandon," Claire glanced up at Brandon. "I think for the first time since I've known you. You've actually said something smart. You've contributed to the plan. Maybe, there's hope for you after all."

"Well," Brandon smirked. "As many walls as I've broken down trying to find my way around Lord Alexander's castle. I'm telling you I know my way around that castle. Selene gave me a tour, I will never forget. It involved her kicking my ass up and down the stairs. Trust me, I know that castle's layout when I see it. So, we'll start our search there." Claire nodded and erased the drawing on the castle's layout. "So, um, don't you think it's a little weird that we're this far out in the forest. Yet, we haven't seen a single werewolf scout. Don't they guard this area?"

"That is weird, we should have seen some by now." Claire crossed her arms. Now that Brandon's mentioned it. This forest is more empty than she remembered. There should have been scouts patrolling the area. Yet, somehow they made it past them without being detected. A scout should have seen them, it's not like they were hiding or anything. "I don't like this, Lord Grimm's lowered his defenses outside the castle. Which could mean he's strengthened his defenses inside the castle instead."

"With Lord Alexander inside the castle, I bet that's the case. If it were me and I knew my strongest threat was going to be entering my castle." Brandon rose to his feet. "I'd want my defenses up in case he tried anything. Whatever the case, we've come too far to turn back now. We should hurry, time isn't on our side here." He walked ahead of Claire.

"My sister is counting on me, I will not fail her. If I have to fight an army to save her then so be it." Claire took a deep breath in and out. "Brandon, the castle is this way." She pointed, he nodded and the two of them continued further into the forest.

"So Claire, I've been meaning to ask," Brandon put his hands in his coat pockets. "Did you see my sister Patience die? You had to, you were right there by her clothes. If you did, I was thinking maybe, you had a glimpse of the guy that killed her. You said it was a scout right?" Claire continued walking ahead. She didn't want to answer the question. It's bad enough she had to lie to Brandon knowing full well, her sister Raven killed Patience. Part of her wanted to tell him the truth but she knew if she did. He wouldn't help her save Raven and he would be mad at her for lying to him. She figured it was better just put what happened to Patience behind them and not talk about it. "Do you think, if I got there sooner, I could have saved her."

"Brandon," Claire let out a sigh. "Dwelling on the past gets us nowhere. I know it hurts that your sister is dead. But there's nothing you can do now to change that outcome. It's best just to move on, the more you focus on it. The harder it is to press forward. You did all you could and that's all that matters."

"I guess," Brandon lowered his head. "You're right." He balled his hand into a fist. "We should hurry, lead the way," The two of them arrived at a mountain, behind this fortress of rock was Lord Grimm's castle. The entrance was still caved in, not that it surprised her. This was Lord Grimm's way of making his castle hard to reach for vampires. Werewolves had claws, they could climb easily. Vampires did not because of this. They'd have more trouble reaching the top. It was a good idea and it works seeing as. Brandon couldn't climb it. "So ugh, any reason why you decided to bring us to a mountain?"

"It's what's beyond it, Lord Grimm's castle. In order to reach it," Claire threw off her jacket and tossed it to Brandon. "We have to climb. The entrance is sealed to keep vampires out. So, I guess from here, I'm on my own. It's probably for the best anyway, no offense but I don't see you as much of a stealth person. Mister shiny armor," She pinched Brandon's cheek. "Wish me luck," She began climbing the mountain with her claws.

"Shiny armor?" Brandon glanced down realizing the sun was shining on his diamond armor causing it to sparkle. "Right, I forgot about that. But, Claire, you can't go by yourself." He yelled. "You need me, we're supposed to do this together. How the heck are you going to carry your sister up a mountain? She might not be able to climb it by herself." Claire stopped. She thought for a moment. She'd figure something out when she got that far. She kept climbing the mountain. "But, Claire, don't leave me down here by myself. I'll get bored. I got it, I'll just bust through the cave in." He began backing up and he began charging at the mountain with a powerful shoulder tackle.

"Brandon, no," Claire yelled. His feet skid across the dirt. His shoulder was less than an inch away from hitting the mountain. "If you hit the mountain while I'm climbing it. I'll fall off. Do you want to kill me?"

"I mean," Brandon shrugged. "Sometimes, yes, I do." She glared at him. "Okay look, you know as well as I do that sometimes. You can be a bit of a bitch." Did he just call her a bitch? Claire growled as she kept climbing ahead. "Claire, don't be like that. I'm just being honest. You asked a question and I answered it. Claire, don't go by yourself. I'll think of something." He reached into his pockets searching for something to help him get up that mountain. He felt a piece of paper in his back pocket. "Angel, you smart motherfucker," He took out the piece of paper. Just as he thought, it's one of Angel's curse tags. This tag allowed him to borrow Angel's ability for one curse and it only lasted for a couple of minutes. He just needed to think of a curse that Angel has that would get him up that mountain. "Teleportation, I remember Angel saying he was working on a teleportation curse so I'll use that. Let's hope he's perfected it or this could suck." He thought of teleportation. A marking appeared and he placed it on his forearm. In seconds, he was teleported into the air and was falling from the sky. 

"Oh shit, shit, shit," Brandon began falling fast and right below him was Claire walking toward Lord Grimm's castle. "Incoming," He yelled.

"You've got to be kidding me." Claire jumped into the bushes as Brandon crashed into the ground making a giant crater. "Brandon you idiot, stealth, Brandon, stealth, that means not making a sound and not being-," She gasped as a little girl with white hair rushed over to the window.She grabbed Brandon and pulled him into the bushes with her.

The little girl pointed outside toward the crater Brandon. A woman opened the window and looked where she was pointing. "Was that the loud noise you heard?" That woman, of course it has to be her. Yule's wife. The little girl with white hair. She must be their daughter. The little girl nodded. "It's okay sweetheart, we're inside Lord Grimm's castle. Besides, you've got your father and Grandpa Nikan. Trust me, nobody is going to hurt you. Plus, mommy's here to protect you too and trust me nobody wants to pick a fight with mommy even daddy's scared of me. Now go play with your dolls." The little girl ran off and the woman shut the window. Two werewolf guards walked up to her and she began pointing out the window.

"Brandon, if we get caught because of you." Claire glared at him. He gulped. The guards came outside to investigate the noise. She began quietly moving back away from the crater. Brandon began to move toward one of the guards. He was not about to try to fight them out in the open. He went to charge forward. Claire threw a knife hitting a tree beside Brandon's head. He glanced back at her. She glared at him and pointed beside her. He went to approach the guard again, she pulled out a second knife.

"But there's only two of them." Brandon spoke.

"Who said that?" The guard pulled out a spear and began walking toward them. Claire rolled her eyes and threw the knife at the guards throat killing him. The guard's body fell in front of Brandon as blood poured out of his throat. Claire moved her lips miming the words. Shut up or that's going to be you. Brandon looked down at the guard then at her. He covered his mouth and hid in the bushes next to her.

The other guard came into the forest. Claire came out behind a tree and stabbed him in the neck with a tranquilizer. She slowly brought his body down to the floor being careful not to make a sound. Once the two guards were taken care of. She urged Brandon over. "Now hide the bodies in the bushes, we don't want to make it obvious we're here. Granted," She glared at him. "You already did." She flicked Brandon's nose. "Now go hide the bodies." He drug the two guards into the bushes. She started to head toward the castle but noticed two wolves sound asleep in the grass.

"Aw, look they're sleeping." Brandon went to pet one of them. Claire grabbed his wrist and pushed his hand back. They weren't sleeping by choice, these wolves, they patrolled the forest outside Lord Grimm's castle. If they spotted intruders, they would howl and alert those inside the castle. Under normal circumstances, they wouldn't be sleeping. Unless, Claire noticed a dart in their necks. They were hit by a tranquilizer. Which means, the reason there was no one patrolling the forest outside the mountain is because. They aren't the only ones trying to sneak into Lord Grimm's castle. There's someone else. "What's wrong Claire?" Claire glanced up at the treetops, she saw a woman wearing a mask. She dressed in purple. Before she could get a solid description, the woman was gone. She vanished as if she were never there. So fast, so silent, even being a werewolf she couldn't sense her. "Claire, did you see something?"

"No, we should go. We managed to take out two guards. It won't be long before more come to check on them." Claire started to head towards the castle doors. Before she left, she glanced back at the spot where she saw the woman. "Who was that woman? She didn't kill us but she could have. Could it be possible that she's helping us?" She let out a sigh. "I'll worry about that later, right now, my sister needs me." She headed towards the castle. Once she reached the front doors of the castle, took a deep breath.

"This is it, focus, you can-,"

"So is this the part where we-,"

"Brandon, could you please," Claire took a deep breath. "Shut up." She punched his shoulder. "I need to focus, if we get caught they'll kill us. So be quiet and follow my lead." She cracked the door just enough to peek inside the main hall. There were at least five or six guards patrolling the hall. Going in from the front door wasn't going to work. She needed to get in through one of the windows. She walked around the castle. All the rooms were located on the second floor. But the second floor was bound to be crawling with stronger threats than mere Guards. It was too risky. But perhaps, Claire kept walking around the castle. It was there she noticed a back door. Right, the kitchen had a back entrance. She tried to open the door but it was locked by a padlock. "Brandon," She whispered. He rose out of the bushes, she urged him over to her.

Brandon began walking with his knees bent as if he were crouching and walking at the same time. He did a front roll and pressed his back against the wall. He was quietly singing stealth spy music as he was moving. Of all the people, she got stuck with him. He's lucky he's cute. "What do you think, stealthy right?" He smirked. She plucked a lock of his diamond coated hair and began using it as lock pick. "Did you just pluck my hair?"

"Brandon, you're talking again." Claire picked the lock and handed him the padlock. She opened the door and went inside. When she got inside, a servant started to scream. Before she could, Claire stuck her in the neck with a tranquilizer. She set her down gently afterward.Brandon came into the room shutting the door behind him. Claire walked through the kitchen with Brandon behind her. When the cooks saw Brandon, Claire pulled out a knife and put her finger over her lips. She pointed to the exit. The cooks nodded and left the kitchen. She began checking the spice rack in the kitchen. "Pepper, Pepper," She repeated.

"Pepper, why on earth do you need pepper? This is not the time for cooking Claire." Brandon pointed out. Claire ignored him rummaging through the spices until. She found a pepper shaker. She tucked it into her back pocket and headed out of the kitchen. She stopped and backed into the kitchen. Brandon went to exit but Claire put her arm over his chest to stop. The dining room was filled with Guards on their lunch break. They were vastly outnumbered. This complicates things. But it could work to her advantage. She needed to create a diversion that would alert all the Guards. Think, Claire, think.

"Man, I love a woman who knows her way around a kitchen." Brandon smirked. Claire walked over to the stove. She turned the knob. It's a gas stove, perfect. She began turning the knobs on all the stoves emitting gas. "Claire, what are you doing?"

"Creating a diversion," Claire opened a cabinet, finding a book of matches. "This should do it," She grabbed Brandon's hand as they were leaving the kitchen. She struck a match and threw it at the gas stove. She quickly shut the door and she pressed her back against the door. A loud explosion went off forcing the door open. Claire flew and tackled Brandon to the ground. The door was blown to pieces and the entire kitchen was engulfed in flames. Brandon's jaw dropped as he looked at the burning kitchen.

"Woman, you blew up the kitchen." Brandon rose to his feet. "That does it," It wouldn't be long before the guards investigate the explosion. They had to hurry. Claire raced to the front door of the castle. " You know, if we get married. You are not allowed in the kitchen. I'll do the cooking. The last thing I need is you blowing up our kitchen. You craz-," Claire glared at him and he shut his mouth. Smart boy. The two of them entered the castle as the guards tried to deal with the flames that had now spread to the dining room.

"Brandon, which way?" Claire whispered as she hid behind a suit of armor. He pointed behind the staircase. She nodded and crouched down. She could hear shouting from the dining room as the wolves continued fighting to put out the flames. She tried to open the door to the dungeon but it was locked. Brandon groaned and plucked a strand of his hair and gave it to her. She took it and unlocked the door. "We made it," She shut the door and locked it back. "Now let's just hope my sister is here." The two of them continued further down the stairs that lead to another door. Claire slowly pushed it open.

The room was dark, she couldn't see anything. She took out her cell phone and turned on the flash light. Once she did, she saw bloody claw marks on the concrete floor. Were these fingernails from someone being dragged into the dungeon. "Brandon, I don't like this place." Claire walked into the room taking slow steps. The cells had Vampires chained to the walls being starved to death. Some of them had blood in their mouths not from feeding. But from their vampire teeth being ripped out of their mouths. Is this Lord Grimm's Idea of torture.

"What the fuck is Lord Grimm doing to our people?" Brandon walked up to a cell trying to force it open. "Hey, I'm going to get you out of here okay just hold on." He went to ram the cell but Claire stopped him by getting in the way. "Claire, move, he's torturing them. We can't just leave them to die."

"So what, you save them and then what?" Claire asked. "Look at them Brandon," She shined the light on the male vampire that was chained up. His body was frail, he was barely able to stand. If he was freed, he'd never be able to escape the castle in that condition. These prisoners were as good as dead. "You can't help them, besides, we're not here for them. We're here for my sister. So, we have to keep mov-," Claire's eyes met with an open cell. It had her sister's scent, this is where they kept her. They're close. "We need to hurry." Claire noticed a door and the very end of the dungeon. The door was shielded by diamond bars. That had to be it, Claire ran towards the door.

"That's the room," Brandon walked toward the door. "This diamond, there's only one person who can make diamond do something like that. This is Lord Alexander's doing. I've never been able to break any diamond made by him. But that's never stopped me from trying. Step aside." Claire moved aside. He gripped the bars trying to break them. He strained his muscles but the bars wouldn't break. "Shit," He punched the bars. "We're not getting in that room, Lord Alexander made sure of it. But damn it, I'm too fucking stubborn to call it quits." He threw Claire his trench coat. "I'm breaking it down." He charged full speed at the doors with a shoulder tackle.

"Brandon, no, you'll get us," Claire shielded herself as Brandon crashed through the diamond bars, shattering them and breaking down the door in the process. "Shit," Claire walked into the room and held up the door. She heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Brandon's stunt attracted the guards. They're screwed. "Brandon, you're strong right?" He nodded. "Good, hold up the door and keep them out."

"Claire, we've got a problem."

"I know we have a problem, your stunt caught the attention of every guard in the castle." Claire continued to hold the door as the guards came closer. "Now help me, hold the door shut."

"Claire, no, we have a huge problem." Brandon forced her to look where he was pointing. It was right then, Claire's heart sank. Her sister was resting against the wall. Her eyes closed, her blood was all over the wall and on the floor. Her sister was bleeding out and she was being left there to-. Claire's eyes started to build tears. "I think she's-,"

"Don't you fucking dare," Claire pointed at him. "She's not, okay, she's not. Just hold the door, I've got this." She rushed over to her sister's motionless body. "Raven, wake up," She snapped her fingers in her face. Her eyes were closed and she wasn't moving. "Come on, you've got to wake up. This is not the time to be resting. You've got to wake up. Raven, look at me," She held her head forcing her sister to face her. "You can not die here, you've got to wake up. I came all this way just to save you. I put my life at risk for you. You can't die here. I need you to wake up please."

"Shit," Brandon sprung forwards as the guards tried to move the door. "Claire, we don't have time for this. We're trapped. There's no way out of this room. We came here to save your sister. Which was for nothing, she's gone. Now we need one of your brilliant plans to get us the fuck out of here because we're screwed."

"This can't be happening," Claire wiped the tears from her eyes. "You can't be dead. I didn't come here for nothing. So," She grabbed her sister's shoulders and shook her. "Wake the fuck up." She yelled. But Raven's body still wasn't moving. Her eyes wouldn't open, she just sat there motionless. "Okay um, I'm not sure if this'll work but."' Claire took out her knife and cut her wrist. "My blood does have healing properties and it's healed other werewolves before. Granted their wounds weren't this fatal but it has to work. It has to, here, sis, just drink." She pressed her wrist against Raven's mouth and tilted her head back. Claire's blood poured into her sister's mouth but even with the healing properties in her blood. She wasn't moving. "Come on, give me something, I don't want to give up on you."

"Claire," Brandon screamed. A sharp ax went through the door almost hitting the side of his face, "This is not the time to be trying to save your sister. This is the time where we should be trying to save our own ass." Another ax went through the door. This time Brandon moved to keep it from hitting the back of his skull. "Okay, that's enough, I'm about to whoop some werewolf ass." Brandon charged with the door in his hands, using it as a shield to crush the werewolves. He lifted the door and threw at it another werewolf guard. He grabbed an ax from the werewolf and broke it half. He then struck the guard with a headbutt knocking him out. "You want some of this, come get some, I'm not scared, I'm not," He stopped as a tall werewolf growled at him. He was twice Brandon's size. In his hands was a giant metal hammer. "Okay now I'm a little scared." Brandon was hit by a giant hammer. The impact sent him flying into a wall. "Who the heck decided to give a werewolf a damn hammer?"

The giant werewolf took a step into the room holding his hammer. He lifted it over Claire's head. She took out her knife and stabbed him in the knee cap. She rolled between his legs as he dropped to one knee. Just as she was about to slit his throat. He grabbed a handful of her hair and threw her down to the floor. While she was down, he grabbed her throat with both hands, choking the life out of her. Brandon snuck behind him and snapped his neck. Claire began trying to catch her breath.

"How's that for stealth?" Brandon smirked. More guards rushed into the room. He quickly got one knee looking at her sister. "Look here bitch, you're not dying, you hear me, so you better wake the fuck up. Because I didn't come here for me or for your sister. I came because," He took out Angel's necklace and placed it in her hands. "My best friend couldn't. You mean more to him than you know. So, don't die." He charged at the horde of guards fighting them off. Claire's ear twitched as she heard a faint heartbeat in her sister's chest.

"She's not dead, but if we don't treat her wounds soon She will be," Claire rose to her feet. "Brandon, carry her, I'll get us out of here." She took out her throwing knives hurling them at the guards aiming for their throats. Brandon paused and looked at her with confusion. "I got this, just carry my sister. I'll-,"

A thick layer of mist entered the room. Claire tried to see past it but couldn't. She heard footsteps enter the room. They were moving toward her sister. She took out a knife and threw it trying to hit the figure but missed. Brandon tried swinging blindly at the figure but to no avail. They couldn't fight someone they couldn't see. The figure's hand touched the side of Raven's neck.

"Still alive, I see," That voice, the mist cleared. Once it did, the guards fell to the ground. The person standing before them was none other than. Nikan's oldest son, Yule. If he's here then he must be here to stop them from rescuing her sister. But then why did he? Brandon went to punch Yule. He caught Brandon by the wrist and twisted it causing him to do a front flip landing right on his back. He planted his foot on Brandon's chest holding him down. "I didn't come here for a fight. I just can't stand the thought of killing an unborn baby just for being what it is. Yes it's something we don't understand but that doesn't make it right to kill it. As a father, I can't allow that so," Yule released ice from his palm ,weakening the structure of the ceiling. He then fired a spirit wolf off his palm, breaking open the ceiling. "Go," He snapped his fingers, a ice bridge formed allowing them to escape from the ceiling. "Take Raven and get out of here, I'll handle things here."

"Thank you," Claire went to hug him but he stepped back.

"I didn't do it for you bear trap, I did it for Raven." Yule replied. Werewolf guards entered the room. He dodged one of their attacks and countered with a leg sweep. While the guard was falling. He struck him with a palm strike, sending him flying past the other guards knocking them all down. The guard's body struck the bars of a jail cell. Heavy footprints entered the room, the person making them was easy to identify. Lord Grimm, he's here. "Go, now," Claire nodded. The two of them made haste for the exit using the passage Yule made for them.

"Boy, do you have any idea what you've just done?" Lord Grimm tightened his hand into a fist. "That does it, I've had it with you Yule. I've been far too lenient with you for far too long. This time, your father isn't here to save you. So, this time, maybe, you'll learn not to defy your king." He let out a huge howl. A blast of spirit shot out his mouth heading straight for him. Yule blocked being blasted through the ice bridge he made to help Claire escape. Lord Grimm grabbed Yule by his throat, picking him up with one arm. Yule stabbed him in the arm with an ice sickle infused with spirit in order to sharpen it. Lord Grimm released him, once Yule's feet hit the ground. He struck the king with a powerful palm strike. The impact pushed Grimm all the back, his feet skidding until his back collided with the bars of a prison cell.

Yule stared at his hand realizing what he's just done. He hit the king, he attacked his own king. His ruler, his leader. He just attacked him. Lord Grimm snarled, baring his sharp canines at him. He threw off his coat and charged at Yule full speed. Before Yule could even move, he was struck full force in the stomach. Yule arched over Lord Grimm's fist coughing up blood. He backhanded Yule, sending him flying across the room. Yule rolled across the floor, wiping blood off his lips. He created snowballs infused with spirit, throwing them at Lord Grimm. The king walked through them getting closer to Yule.

"So this is all Nikan's oldest has to offer." Lord Grimm smirked. "I would figure a wolf with balls big enough to attack his king. Would put up a much better fight." He shot spirit from his mouth at Yule. Yule caught the blast and fired it back at him. The blast shot Lord Grimm back causing him to break through the metal bars of a cell. He charged at Yule, he froze the ground, the king slipped on the ice and fell on his ass.

"Please, stop this, I don't want to fight the king. So don't make me," Yule started to walk away. Lord Grimm appeared behind him. Just as he was about to hit Yule, he caught Lord Grimm's fist. Spiritual energy radiated off Lord Grimm's fist as Yule held it in place. His arm straining, Lord Grimm was indeed powerful. Even he himself wasn't sure how he was able to catch his fist. His instincts took over and he acted.

"Those eyes, those damn eyes." Lord Grimm growled. "I've had enough." He yelled. He drew his other arm and went to punch Yule with a fistful of spirit. Yule's eyes widened. He knew the moment that punch connected, it would kill him.

Claire couldn't believe it, right now, Yule was fighting the king by himself. They had to go back, they had to help-.

"Claire, we've got to go now." Brandon yelled. He was running ahead of her. Just when he kicked down the door. Claire's eyes widened as Nikan, Lord Grimm's right hand man stood in front of them. His eyes glanced down at Raven who was unconscious in Brandon's arms. Claire quickly reached into her pocket pulling out the pepper shaker. Just as she was about to use it to blind him. Nikan walked past them and toward the hole in the ground made by Yule. It was like he saw right through them. He could have killed them and yet. He let them go. The two of them raced out of the castle together.

Yule prepared himself for impact. The second Lord Grimm hit him, he was dead, his face obliterated. There was nothing he could do to stop it. Just before the punch connected, Nikan caught Lord Grimm's wrist and twisted it, bringing him to one knee.

"Nikan," Lord Grimm growled. "Release me, your son attacked me. I have every right to put that boy in his place. Now release me, that's an order." He yelled as Nikan continued to twist his wrist. Yule could hear the bones in Grimm's wrist beginning to bend and snap out of place.

"Lay one more finger on my son and I'll break your arm." Nikan released him. Lord Grimm rose to his feet and glared into Nikan's eyes. Yule backed up, he wasn't sure why his father was protecting him. He deserved to be punished by the king. He attacked him. He helped Raven escape. Despite all this, his father was still protecting him.

"You can't keep protecting him, Nikan," Lord Grimm snarled. "The boy needs to learn his place. I'm the king, He pointed at himself. "And," He breathed through his nose. "I will be respected." He yelled these words right in Nikan's face. 

"No," Nikan got in Lord Grimm's face. "It is you who needs to learn your place, my lord." He corrected him. The two of them glared at each other's eyes. Neither one of them was budging an inch. Nikan's hands were in fists, despite being burned from grabbing Lord Grimm's fist. Lord Grimm was getting closer to his face, his hands ready and eager to punch Nikan right in the face. What amazed Yule was the fact. His father was daring him to try it. It was almost as if a fight was about to break out between them.

"Sooner or later old man, you'll have to accept that Yule is no longer a child. One day, you will retire from the Elemental Guard. When that happens, you won't be able to protect him from me anymore. Oh," Lord Grimm smirked. "I do look forward to it," His face formed a frustrated snarl as he stormed off in defeat.

"Yule," Nikan spoke. "You should go, have your wife tend to your wounds."

"I'm fine, father," Yule assured him. "This is nothing." He was certain Lord Grimm succeeded in fracturing a couple ribs. But it's nothing a werewolf's natural healing factor won't fix. There was no need to trouble his wife with it. He'd live.

"It wasn't a suggestion, now go." Nikan ordered. He stood there. His eyes were watching as Lord Grimm left the dungeon. The guards all followed behind him. Yule himself was still in shock by what he just saw his father do. It wasn't the first time. Nikan stood up to the king in his defense, But, it was the first time. it got that intense. He's never threatened to break Lord Grimm's arm or even dared to fight him. He usually sent him away and the two of them would talk it over and argue for a bit. But, never, this.

"Father," Yule forced a swallow. This couldn't have been easy for his father. To stand up to the person he respected most in the world. The person he chose to serve for the rest of his immortal life. The guy he vowed to protect for all eternity. He stood up to him in order to protect Yule. "You know what I did and yet you still chose to-," He stared at his hand still shocked by what he's done. He hit the King, he tried to fight the king. No werewolf has ever done that. Most were too afraid to even speak to him. Yet, he was able to. "Father, I helped Raven escape. I attacked Lord Grimm, he had every right to-,"

"I'm well aware of what has happened. Now please, do as I said. I won't ask again." Nikan glared at Yule. He nodded. Yule didn't understand. If one of his brothers tried to do what he just did. His father wouldn't have protected them. He wouldn't have let Lord Grimm kill them. But, he would have let Lord Grimm punish them at least. For some reason, when it came to him, Lord Grimm wasn't allowed to touch him. No matter what he does, his father just protects him. What made him so different from his brothers? Why was he so special? It didn't make any sense. 

Yule had so many questions but he knew. He would get no answer from his father. All he'd be left with is this deep shroud of confusion that would just continue to grow. So instead of asking him, he walked away. Just as he was about to leave. He glanced back at his father. He wanted his father to see the confusion to see the longing in his eyes. Hoping maybe if he saw it, his father would give him something. Anything, and hoped it would be an answer as to why he's so different.

"I need more time," Nikan's eyes shifted down to a picture in his wallet. This picture was of him and his siblings when they were just kids. "Please, just give me a little more time." Yule nodded and left. His father always did this every time he protected him from Lord Grimm. For the first time in his life, Yule understood why. It's something only a father would understand. He didn't want any of his children to see him cry. It took him having a kid of his own to understand.

"Yeah, Yeah," Yule rubbed the backside of his neck. He walked up the steps and left his father to deal with his emotions. 

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