Korra and Asami

By EriWinters

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*Korra and Asami's life continues after 'Ruins of the Empire'. Korra and Asami are back in Republic City foll... More

1:Finally Home
2:Living Arrangements
4:Simple Life
5:Something New
6:Drunk State
9:Dangerous Games
10: Connected
11: The Morning After
12:New Ideas
13: Dynamic Duo
14: Confidence
15: Memories
17: Promise
18: Hope
19: Distractions
20: Surprises
21: Long Night
22: Clarity
23: Revealed

16: Control

349 8 1
By EriWinters

When Korra woke the next morning, she watched Asami's sleeping form for a while. Last night, she felt her tossing and turning, the bags under her eyes were proof of her lack of sleep. Korra leaned over and placed a soft kiss on her lips before rolling out of bed and deciding to get ready for the day.

She wishes she would have realized sooner that Asami seeing her so close with not only Tenzin and his family but even Korra's parents a few months prior, would pull at her heartstrings so much. Asami lost both of her parents and only has Korra, a few friends, and her business, aside from that, she has no other family whereas Korra has basically two sets of parents, her tribe, a connection to the spirit creatures and so many other connections. 

It broke the Avatar's heart. 

When she stepped out of the small home, she was greeted by Naga who was happily wagging her tail sniffing her up and down in excitement. Korra laughed petting her head.

"Good morning to you too girl. I know you want to come with me, but you need to stay and keep watch for Asami," Korra stated. Naga whined but Korra pet her head once more, leaving her behind.

On her way to the air temple, Korra couldn't help but worry about the plan that everyone had come up with last night. Asami will be used as bait to lure out this new enemy and the thought of her getting hurt in any way was driving Korra insane. The urge to leave Asami with the air-benders and do this herself was strong but she knew if she did that Asami would be so mad at her.

They are a team, and Asami can fight, though Korra hates the idea.

"Korra, good morning," Tenzin smiled as the avatar walked up to him.

"Good morning."

"Lin called last night to see how you and Asami were doing," Tenzin said.

Korra rolled her eyes, "You mean she's checking in to make sure I'm not doing anything hot-headed."

Tenzin rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah. . ."

"She's always hovering, micromanaging me," Korra frowned.

"Korra, she loves you like we all do, she only wants you safe."

The avatar sighed, "I know, but sometimes I feel like she doesn't have any faith in me."

"Of course she has faith in you, she's always been extra cautious, you know that. It also doesn't help that in the past you've managed to go against several of her decisions and wind up in trouble," Tenzin smirked.

Korra chuckled, "I guess that's true."

Tenzin was right, Korra has a bad habit of not listening to orders, especially from Lin. 

Tenzin looked at her for a few moments before placing a hand on her shoulder, "On another note, how are you and Asami?"

Korra blushed lightly, "We're good. Some rough patches here and there but, we are doing good."

"I'm happy to hear that. You two have always made such a good team, I'm surprised it took as long as it did for the two of you to get together." Tenzin told her.

Korra was surprised by this, "What do you mean?"

Tenzin shrugged a bit, "The way you two interact together, the way she looks at you, even before you left. You never realized?"

She shook her head, "I mean, there was a lot going on in my life I never really had the time to realize much aside from my duties. I didn't notice until after I was poisoned."

"Well, I noticed. I also know that you love her a lot and that this plan of ours upsets you."

Korra looked away, "Yeah, it does upset me. I just don't see how we can't find another way. I even thought about leaving her here to just try and catch them myself-"

"Which you know is not a good idea," Tenzin said to her with a pointed look.

Korra grinned, "Which I know is not a good idea," She frowned suddenly, "What if. . . what if it doesn't work and she gets taken again? What if she gets hurt or worse? I won't be able to handle it Tenzin. Asami means the world to me."

Tenzin sighed, "I see that, but we have all seen her fight. For a non-bender, she is quite impressive. She can take care of herself, Korra."

She grimaced, "That's what she keeps telling me as well. I'm not going to leave her here, not that it would stop her from following me, but I want to, so bad. I don't care if she gets mad at me or hates me forever, so long as she's safe."

"I understand, Korra, but doing everything yourself has never gotten you far before. It's with the help of your friends and family that has always aided in your success." Tenzin replied wisely.

Korra took a deep breath, "I know."

"So what's different now?"

"What's different now is that I have a weakness unlike any other. Asami is my weakness," Korra muttered painfully.

Tenzin cupped her face gently, "No, Korra, that's where you're wrong."

Korra furrowed her eyebrows.

"Asami isn't your weakness, she's your strength. She pushes you to do better, to be stronger. She holds you up when you feel you're too weak to do so and she helps you guide your actions to be the best version of yourself. That's also something I have noticed." Tenzin smiled.

Korra's lips turned up, "You're getting wiser and wiser by the second old man."

"Comes with age, Avatar."

Korra hugged him before walking back to the house so she can see Asami. She was a little surprised she wasn't up yet but paid it no mind as she walked. She saw Naga was still outside, rolling around in the dirt happily and Korra relaxed at the sight, knowing Naga would never leave Asami's side unless to warn her of something going wrong.

"Good girl," Korra told her before stepping inside the home.

She planned to talk to Asami about yesterday and see if there was anything she can do to ease her pain even if she just needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent to. When she went to the bedroom though, she opened the door silently to peek inside, her eyes widening at the sight before her. 

Asami sat at the edge of the bed, completely naked, her back facing Korra as she let down her hair, shaking her locks out.

"I was wondering when you'd come to check in on me," Asami said softly.

Korra stood there speechless, unsure of what to do at this moment. She was surprised, especially considering that after last night and what happened.

The avatar snapped out of it quickly though, "Um, w-what are you doing?"

Asami stood and Korra shamelessly looked over her porcelain body, licking her lips at the sight of watching Asami walk around the bed, looking well-rested, a smirk on her face.

"Just greeting my girlfriend," She replied, coming closer to Korra, and pressing her body against hers.

"W-well it's a good greeting," Korra grinned, allowing Asami to pull her to the bed.

Korra sat down and Asami got on top of her, breast perfectly aligned with Korra's eyes. She grabbed the avatar's face, leaning down and pressing her lips against hers hungrily. Korra responded quickly, meeting her tongue with Asami's, and exploring her mouth.

Asami pulled away quickly and removed Korra's shirt, laying her back while rubbing her hands up her toned torso, gripping her breasts which made Korra's back arch a little. Korra's body was becoming warmer with every touch and although touching Asami hasn't been an issue, she wasn't sure how well she can control herself when Asami touched her and she hasn't had the opportunity to practice either like she had intended.

She couldn't seem to stop her though, allowing her raven-haired beauty to continue to undress her, lifting her hips to let Asami pull her pants off, raising her arms to allow her to remove her breast covering, all the way until she too was completely naked. Her heart pounded and she felt Asami's hand move from her abdomen to her thighs, and then. . .

Korra quickly grabbed her wrist before she could touch her core, flipping her over before dominating her mouth once more. Asami was surprised and a little irritated Korra once again wasn't letting her pleasure her, or touch her intimately.

Korra attempted to distract her by sucking on her skin, while her hand went in between Asami's legs but Asami flipped them again, holding Korra's wrist above her head while staring down at her with confused eyes, before she attempted to touch her again, her fingers almost making it this time but Korra grabbed her hand once more making Asami huff out angrily before she sat up still straddling the avatar, glaring down at her.

"Korra, why aren't you letting me touch you?" She asked bluntly.

Korra pressed her lips together before responding, "Why aren't you letting me touch you?"

Asami rolled her eyes, "Don't get cute with me, you're not letting me touch you. Why?"

Korra was embarrassed that she still didn't have complete control over her fire in times like this. Touching Asami wasn't the problem, it was Asami touching her that caused her to burn her the first time, she didn't want it to happen again and was honestly hoping she could go a while longer without Asami noticing.

"Um. . ." Korra blushed, biting her lip which Asami thought was so sexy. She tried to find an excuse but came up short.

Asami leaned down, kissing her deeply, distracting her long enough to feel her wet folds. Korra clearly wants her, but again, she grabbed Asami, pushing her hand away and Asami gritted her teeth, upset that Korra wasn't telling her why she keeps rejecting her. In all honesty, it hurt her feelings.

Asami huffed out in annoyance, before climbing off of her girlfriend and attempting to walk toward the bathroom but Korra sat up, her hand gripping Asami's tightly, stopping her.

"Asami, wait. . . please. . ." Korra spoke gently, pulling Asami back to her, placing her over her body once more.

Asami straddled Korra yet again, giving her a blank expression, waiting for the avatar to explain herself, but Korra hesitated while Asami grew impatient and insecure.

"Is it me?" Asami questioned timidly, not understanding Korra's sudden disinterest.

Immediately, Korra shook her head, "Of course not, never. I just. . ."

Asami relaxed, gripping the avatar's shoulders, "Korra, what is it?"

Korra looked down with a sigh, "I just don't want to burn you again."

Asami's expression softened, though she was confused, "But I thought-"

"When I touch you, I'm fine for the most part but when you touch me, that's when I really lose control and. . . well- I haven't been able to. . ."

Asami's lips turned up slowly, finishing her sentence, "Practice?"

Korra's face turned red, "Yeah. . . you know, that idea I was talking about before? I-I meant to practice how to control myself."

Asami's smile was wide now, "And how exactly did you intend on doing that?"

Korra didn't want to tell her, she felt so humiliated at the confession, to begin with. Sheepishly, Korra covered her face with her hands breathing out shakily, not wanting to admit what she had planned, it was mortifying.

Asami noticed her discomfort and pulled her hands away to reveal a red-faced avatar, "Hey. . . I'm not going to judge you or laugh at you."

Korra believed her, taking a deep breath before confessing, "I planned on. . . thinking about you. . . about, t-touching myself to see how far I can get before. . . my body got too hot. I was planning on controlling it before something like this happened again."

Asami bit her lip, trying not to get too turned on at the thought of Korra touching herself at the simple thought of her. She was beyond in love with this woman who would go through anything to be able to be with her in every way, it both warmed her heart and her most private parts.

"Ugh, this is so humiliating," Korra covered her face again and Asami pulled her hands away, before leaning down, kissing her gently.

"Don't be embarrassed. Let me help you," She breathed against Korra's lips, excited at the idea.

Korra's eyes widened, "W-what?"

Asami grinned, "Let me help you. I'll go slow, and when you feel you might lose control, tell me when to stop so you can control yourself, and then we'll keep going."

Korra looked desperate, eager for Asami to touch her but she held back, "I don't know, Asami. What if I can't? I. . . I won't want you to stop, I'll end up hurting you again. You know what, just forget it, I'll-"

Asami cut her off with a kiss, pushing her back onto the bed and pressing her body on top of Korra's. Korra hesitantly wrapped her legs around Asami's waist, and Asami took that as a sign to get started. Without breaking the kiss, Asami reached down, lightly tracing her fingers over Korra's opening, making Korra gasp lightly at the touch, her hips wriggling beneath her.

Asami pulled away slightly, "Is this alright?"

Korra slowly nodded, her hands gripping Asami's sides like her life depended on it.

Asami slowly pushed a finger into Korra who closed her eyes with concentration, but Asami could tell she was trying too hard, she was too serious.

She stopped her movements, "Korra, no. You need to relax. Stop thinking so hard."

Korra opened her eyes meeting Asami's patient ones before taking a breath, relaxing once more, "Okay."

Asami met her lips with hers again, taking things slow. She moved her finger in and out of Korra slowly, feeling Korra's walls contract around her deciding to add another finger. Korra moaned softly, and Asami loved the sound, doing whatever she could to hear it again.

Korra's breathing picked up, and she felt that familiar warmth spreading through her body before she tensed, "Okay, stop."

Asami halted her movements, watching as Korra closed her eyes, taking labored breaths before relaxing again, nodding for her to continue. They continued like that, taking it slow, taking their time, Asami was patient and understanding, genuinely enjoying the slow and sensual pace with her girlfriend. She enjoyed watching Korra's pleasure-filled expression, the feeling of her hands tightening on her waist when Asami curled her fingers or picked up the pace a little, the moans escaping Korra's lips, she loved every second of it.

Korra stopped her when she felt her fire appearing, doing what she needed to do to gain back control, her need to stop lessening as time went on. Her breathing was heavy and Asami noticed the desperation in her face that told her she wanted more. Adding a third finger, Asami continued her movements, picking up the pace more, going faster.

Korra moaned reaching down, grabbing her wrist and Asami thought she was going to push her away, she didn't expect the avatar to pull her hand closer, making Asami go in even deeper. Asami smiled, doing exactly what she wanted, moving her body further down Korra's, bending slowly, putting her mouth over Korra's clit, starting to suck.

Korra moaned loudly at the action, arching her back and lightly gripping Asami's hair, pulling her impossibly closer to her body. They've been at this for a long time already and Korra's body was covered in sweat, her inner thighs wet from her juices. She was loving every second, loving that Asami was willing to do this for her.

Asami felt her walls pulsing and she knew Korra was close. Korra didn't tell her to stop, so Asami didn't, knowing that she'd be able to feel if the avatar's body was too warm, which it wasn't, so she kept going, sucking harder, moving her cramping hand faster not daring to stop.

Korra's body started shaking slightly, and she moaned out loudly, grinding against Asami's face all the way to completion.

Asami sat up, watching Korra closely. The avatar's breaths were quick, her eyes closed, her glistening body absolutely beautiful after what just happened, Asami was in awe. She crawled up next to Korra, laying beside her, cupping her face and turning her head towards her.

Korra sluggishly opened her eyes, looking at Asami lovingly, "Thank you."

Asami smiled, "Of course. Although, watching you touch yourself would have been great too."

Korra blushed deeply, laughing out, "Maybe next time."

"I'm going to hold you to that avatar," Asami smirked.

They lay together for a while, relaxing side by side not saying a word, just enjoying each other's presence. Korra's eyes opened suddenly as she sat up quickly, startling Asami. She looked over Asami's naked body in concentration for even the smallest of marks, and Asami watched her in amusement.

Korra grabbed her arm gently, pulling slightly, "Do you think you can turn over so I can-"

Asami quickly straddled her, pushing down into the sheets, "No, Korra. I'm fine, you didn't hurt me, just like I knew you wouldn't."

Korra bit her lip, "Can I check anyway?"

Asami rolled her eyes, climbing off her body, and laying on her stomach. Korra lightly touched her sides, tracing the scratch marks she made with her fingers about to utter an apology.

"Korra, don't. . . those are completely normal and will continue to happen in the future. . . hopefully anyway," Asami told her with a grin.

Korra blushed, running her fingers down Asami's body, over her butt, placing her fingers right at Asami's core, watching her expression smugly.

"Korra," Asami warned, gripping the sheets, preparing herself.

"What?" Korra asked innocently before pushing two fingers into Asami quickly and without warning making her gasp loudly, "I need to reward you somehow."

Asami moaned, arching her back with a nod, "That you do avatar. Make it good."

Korra smirked, "Yes, ma'am."


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