Arachne | Spider-Man No Way H...

Par -Zinniasky-

806 28 8

In which Y/n Parker, AKA Arachne, will have to help her brother save the multiverse. ΰΌΊπŸ•·ΰΌ» 'I've faced plenty... Plus

α΅£β‚‘β‚—β‚β‚œα΅’β‚’β‚™β‚›β‚•α΅’β‚š β‚›β‚œβ‚β‚œα΅€β‚›β‚‘β‚›/cβ‚β‚›β‚œ
1 - We're Unintentionally Famous πŸ“Έ
2 - This Octopus Guy Thinks I'm Peter's Girlfriend βœ‰
3 - It's Strange How The Multiverse ExistsπŸͺ„
4 - And With Great Power, There Must Also Come Great Responsibility πŸ’‰
5 - Peter One, Peter Two, Peter Three πŸ—½

6 - π˜–π˜­π˜·π˜ͺπ˜₯𝘒π˜₯𝘰 πŸ•·

79 6 1
Par -Zinniasky-

Your POV

Peter 1 lands near him. "Strange, wait, we're so close-!"

"Skip it! I've been dangling over the Grand Canyon for twelve hours!" Doctor Strange grumbled.

"I know, I know, I, uh, um, uh..." Peter 1 stammered. You facepalm and really hope Doctor Strange wouldn't turn to you. "I-I'm sorry about that, sir, I mean..."

Peter 2 and 3 walked up with glares on their face, which startled you.

"You went to the Grand Canyon?!" Peter 2 exclaimed.

"They could've used your help!" Peter 3 gestures furiously to yours and Peter 1's direction.

"Oh, no, no, it's okay-"

"Uh yeah- These are our new friends-"

"-This is Peter Parker-" You point to Peter 2.

"-this is Peter Parker, Spider-Man, Spider-Man, they're mes from other universes, they're here to help." Peter 1 finished, still tripping over his words.

Doctor Strange shook his head, confused. "No, no."

"This is the wizard I was telling you about." Peter 1 said to the other Peters.

"Look, I am really impressed that you've managed to give them all a second chance, kids. But this has to end, now." Doctor Strange replied. Damn, he looked so done with life.

Peter 2's face suddenly changes into a look of dread. A voice appeared out of nowhere.

"Can the Spider-Man come out to play?"

You re-retract your mask back on and look around the skies for the pestilential Green Goblin.


He flew in so suddenly all you could see was a glimpse of green and a swarm of bat-looking pumpkin bombs. Doc Ock crushes a couple of them with his tentacles.

The glider swoops in and the Green Goblin kidnapped the Machina de Kadavus from Strange in the chaos of the pumpkin bombs. You shoot a web at the box while Octavius grabs the glider with a tentacle.

You tried to take the box back, but the Goblin wouldn't let go. Strange conjures a magic lasso, which wraps around the box, and you both pull it back.

Osborn severs the tentacle with a blade and flies into the clouds, disappearing.

You feel another jerk of the spidey-sense and look down at the box in your hands. Strange suddenly takes it, but you notice the pumpkin bomb lodged inside.

"STRANGE, NO!" The three Peters shouted before it exploded.

You get blasted back and your head hit the wall. Boom, you blacked out.


A cold wetness was what made you jump up to consciousness. With an unveiling headache, you stand up in time to see Peter 1 and the Goblin tumbling right onto the underside of the shield, where you stood. The shield was half-slipped off of the land, a little bit of it in the water.

Peter stands up in a three-point landing, glaring angrily at the Green Goblin. You shake your head and realise what was about to happen.

"Peter, wait!" You raise your voice, forcing the headache to deepen. He didn't look at you, and the Goblin merely side-eyed.

"Poor Peter. Too weak... to send me home to die." Green Goblin smiled a bit. God, that's creepy.

"No... I just wanna kill you myself." Peter snapped.


The two ran at each other and Peter shot a web, which missed. He swung a punch, which the Goblin dodged. He webbed the Goblin's foot in place and landed a punch to his face.

You groan and feel an urge to join Peter in his revenge arc, but you couldn't really call up the anger for Aunt May's death anymore. Peter could, because that was his fatal flaw.

The Goblin was on the ground now, and Peter did a jump slam attack with his fist, which could've been lethal if the Goblin hadn't rolled to the side to dodge it. You web Peter's back and yank him towards you, causing him to roll off-balance.

"Y/n, stop!" Peter scrambled out of the web and stood up, shoving you to the side. You trip on the edge of the shield and tumble in the water.

"Rude!" You climb back on the edge and feel extremely light-headed.

'If I faint again, I SWEAR TO-'

Peter was already back on his feet and glaring at the Green Goblin again.

A blade flicks out from the Goblin's armor sleeve and whistles. He smiles like crazy, and they run at each other again.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh here we go again." You mumbled, leaping back up on the shield.

A small device was thrown at your feet and it exploded, making you fly back again into the water.

A sore throb in your head made you pass out, and you sank in the water.

Too bad, you're not dead, because your suit was floaty-material and it apparently saved you.

When you woke up after a minute and swam back to the shield, the Green Goblin smacked Peter in the face with a fist and they did more dodging and swinging and punching. It was quite vicious.

The Goblin slashes Peter's arm with one of the blades in his armor. That's it. You run at them and jump onto both, making the three of you crash to the ground.

You set up a Taser Web and electrocute the Green Goblin. Peter propelled you off of him and you kick him away.

The Goblin punches you in the stomach and swings his blade into the direction of your head. You roll to the side and get kicked to the side AGAIN by Peter.

Peter, even more enraged, punches the Goblin in the nose, which stuns him. Peter uses the couple of seconds to rest.

You use this tiny window to web both of them to the ground.

"Peter... would you stop?!" You hissed, firing more webs at his feet to the shield.

"I'm doing this for May!" Peter yelled. He aims his arm at the webs and something sprays out of his suit. It was the special anti-web fluid chemical that you and Peter created at 3 AM a year ago, a couple of days before school started again. It's not like you've ever used it though, because the webs dissolve after an hour.

"Isn't that anti-web fluid expired?" You asked.

Peter didn't answer. The anti-web fluid worked, so he got out of your webs and took advantage of the stuck Goblin to land a couple of hits.

"This is not what I meant to do!" You fire a Spark Web at Peter but he dodges it before he caught on fire. The Green Goblin got out of the webs as well and gets punched in the face again by Peter.

Peter webbed Green Goblin's head and smashes it against his knee, then punches him a couple of times.

Stunned, former-Norman couldn't do anything against him. Peter just kept beating him up with no visual remorse. Each hit was seemingly harder.

You nearly give up on stopping Peter.

'Why not join him?'

Nah, I'm kinda tired.

Peter storms over to the glider on the ground and slowly picks it up while the Green Goblin is nearly knocked out on the ground. He limps towards him and raises the glider over his head with the sharp blades facing down.

You snap out of your tired state and quickly shoot a string of web at the back of the glider, halting Peter in his tracks to stab the Green Goblin. He turns to you with an upset expression.

"Y/n, I thought you wanted to avenge Aunt May's death."

"I do, but killing the murderer doesn't avenge her. Nothing will." You web the glider again and pull it towards you.

Peter tightens his grip on the glider and violently yanks it back towards him. "I'm not doing this for nothing!"

You get pulled forward by the glider and slid next to Peter. You kick his knee and he collapses, nearly dropping the glider on you.

"We're not supposed to be fighting!" Peter shouted, blocking your punch with the glider.

"Yeah! So why are we?"

Peter growls and slammed the front of the glider towards you. You roll to the side and jump to your feet, feeling the stinging pain of a deep cut on your shoulder.

While you recovered, Peter ran to the still-on-the-floor-Green-Goblin and raised the glider over his head. With an angry yell, he swung it down.

In a flash, Peter 2 appears and holds the glider up, saving Norman from being lethally stabbed. Peter 1 tries to force the glider down, but Peter 2 doesn't let up.

After a minute of staring at each other, Peter 1 finally calms down. He lets the glider fall to the side and gave Peter 2 a dirty look.

Peter 2's sincere expression suddenly changes to a shocked and hurt one. The Green Goblin pulls back from him, the blade on his gauntlet dripping with blood. Peter 2 falls to the ground in silent pain.

You slowly walk over to them as Peter 1 and the Green Goblin had their final exchange.

"She was there... because of you... I may have struck the blow, but you..." Norman smiles. "You are the one that killed her."

You see Peter 3 in the distance and he throws the cure at you as Peter 1 begins to get enraged again. You catch the cure and toss it to Peter 1. He stabs the Goblin in the neck with he cure, releasing the serum.

You let out an inaudible sigh and relaxed as Norman drops to the ground. Peter 2, still on the ground, smiles.

"Peter?" Norman said after a beat, confused. He looks down at Peter 2. "What have I done?"

Peter 1 just angrily stares at him. You walk over to him and hold his wrist.

"Are you restraining me?"

"No." You muttered, a little amused.

"Yes, you are."

"I'm not."

"I'm not angry anymore."


"Let me go?"


Peter 1 grumbles and reluctantly gives you a loose hug. You returned it, and you both released each other.

"Hey." Peter 1 says to Peter 2 and 3.

"Hey." They both replied.

"Nice catch." Peter 3 says to you.

"Nice throw."

The four of you look up, and the cracks in reality were getting worse.

"Is... Is that happening? Or am I dying?" Peter 2 squints at the sky.

"No, no, that's happening." Peter 3 answered.

"Are there people in the sky?" Peter 2 chuckles at the absurdity in his question.

Spirit-y silhouettes of people were shining in the rips of the sky, slowly becoming more prominent. Some looked like aliens, but you couldn't tell.

"I gotta go." Peter 1 said. He glances at you, and you nod with a sigh.

"Yeah, yeah, I got him." Peter 3 gestures to a depressed-looking Norman Osborn.

You and Peter 1 swing up to where Doctor Strange was doing his magic stuff.

"What's happening?" Peter asked him.

"They're starting to come through and I can't stop them." Doctor Strange grunts. The cracks in the sky were stretching out and spreading larger.

"There's gotta be something we can do. I don't want to fight all those universe people." You mused.

"Yeah... can't you just cast the spell again? But, like, the original way, before we screwed it up?" Peter piped up, making rolling circle motions with his hand to present the 'before' action.

"We're too late for that. They're here! They're here because of you two!" Doctor Strange tells, still not looking at the two of you.

You look at Peter and search his head for the solution. Just kidding, you couldn't do that, but you both realized a solution.

"What if everyone forgot who we were?" Peter spoke to Strange in a somber tone.

"What?" Strange looks at him, confused.

"They're coming here because of us, right? Because we're the Spider Twins?" Peter raises his eyebrows.

"Well, there seems to be no Y/n Parker is other universes, so it's just you." You punch his arm, and he lets out a nervous chuckle.

"Okay, it's just me. So, can you, uh, cast a new spell? But this time, make everyone forget who Peter Parker and Y/n Parker is. Make everyone forget us." Peter repeats.

"No." Doctor Strange grimaces.

"But it would work, right?" You questioned.

"Yeah, it would. But you got to understand, that would mean everyone... who knows and loves you...we'd... we'd have no memory of you. It'll be as if you two never existed."

"We know. Do it." Peter urged on.

"Well, then go and say your goodbyes. You don't have long."

"Thank you, sir." You and Peter replied. You were ready to jump down until Doctor Strange said something.

"Call me Stephen." He said, smiling a bit.

"Thank you, Stephen." Peter repeated for you and himself. You nod.

"Yeah... still feels weird." Stephen half laughs.

You jump down the scaffolds and swing down to the shield, where the two other Peters were standing. Peter 2 had his arm around Peter 3's shoulders.

Peter 1 lands beside you. "I-I think this is it. I think you're about to go home. But I... uh... Thank you. We just wanted... we wanna tell you that... I really don't know how to say this, like..."

You sigh as he tries to string his words together.

"Peter." Peter 3 interrupts.

"I just wanted you to know that I-" Peter 1 was still saying.

"You know. It's what we do." Peter 2 chuckled, stopping him again.

"Yeah. It's what we do. Right. I gotta find Ned and MJ." Peter 1 exhales and suddenly hugs the both of them, forcibly pulling you in too.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" Peter 1 smiles and steps back. "I guess I'll see you."

"See you around." You added, rubbing your wrist where Peter 1 grabbed you.

"What about these?" Peter 2 hold out the ear piece you gave him.

"Keep it." You said after a split second.

He pockets it, and Peter 3 does the same.

"Stay safe. Nice meeting you, Y/n." Peter 3 said, keeping the strain of pain out of his voice.

"Nice meeting you." You said.

"Bye." Peter 1 awkwardly waves, smiles, and swings to Ned and MJ.

You nod to the two and follow him, doing a few flips in the air for fun. Might be the last time you'll swing before everything changes.

Peter 1 was hugging Ned and MJ when you arrived.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked MJ breathlessly, pulling back.

"Yeah, we're okay." MJ replied.

"Oh my god, you're bleeding." Peter noticed the small gash on MJ's forehead.

"No, I'm okay."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine. I promise."

You tap Peter's shoulder to let him know you were there. He jerks his head in your direction, but doesn't look at you.

"We should go... right?" MJ asked.

"You're gonna forget who we are." Peter blurted out. You purse your lips at the way he just let it out.

"What?" Ned stopped.

"You're gonna forget us." You repeated slowly.

"Peter... what are you talking about?" MJ looks from Peter to you and back.

"It's okay... We're gonna come and find you, and we'll explain everything. We'll make you remember us. It'll be like none of this ever happened. Okay?" Peter said in a rush.

"But what if that doesn't work?" MJ began to panic. "What if that doesn't work, what if we can't remember you? I don't wanna do that. I don't wanna do that."

"I know, MJ. I know." Peter pulls her close.

'What if we can't make them remember? Hm, that's a good question...'

"There's gotta be something we can do. We can't come up with like a plan or something? There's gotta be something we can do." MJ lets out a dry sob.

"There's nothing we can do. But we'll be okay." You said.

"Promise?" Ned looks between you and Peter with sad eyes.

"Yeah, we promise." Peter steps to him and gives him a hug. "I'll come find you. Okay?"

"I know you will." Ned said, crying as well.

You didn't really have the soul to cry right now. All your tears were gone with May. But you gave him a hug too, and it took a while for him to let go.

"I'll miss you, Y/n."

"I'll miss you too. Don't worry, we'll find you." You said.

"You better. If you don't, I'm just gonna figure it out. I've done it before, I can do it again." MJ looks closely at Peter.

"I promise we'll fix this." Peter holds her hand.

"I really hate magic." MJ said, tearing up.

"Yeah. Me too." Peter muttered.

You let them have their moment. You never really understood how they felt right now, because you were always single, but you'd get your time with MJ. Soon. When Peter finishes.

"I love you." MJ whispered.

"I love-"

"Just wait. Wait and tell me when you see me again." MJ mumbled.

Peter nods. You figure they're done and walked next to MJ. She silently gives you a tight hug, and you return it with an arm around her shoulder.

"Make sure Peter makes us remember." MJ murmurs.

"I will."

"Promise me you'll take care of him?"

"I always do."

"I-I'll miss you. A lot."

You squeeze her closely tight then release her.

MJ goes back to Peter's side and they share a hug before a kiss. You didn't look away, but you didn't STARE at them. You get me?

Stephen finishes the spell.

You walk away from them and jump on the edge of a piece of wall. You sit on it and watch the ripped-through sky.

Peter stands beside you and looks up at Stephen, who nods both of you a goodbye.

You put your mask and hood on and look at the view of New York.

A wave of magical light sweeps over the whole world at an alarming speed, and you swing off with Peter as it does.


You sit on the bench in a park near yours and Peter's old apartment, watching a couple of birds in the distance flap their wings at each other. Beside you, Peter was writing messily on a piece of scrap paper with a broken pencil, mumbling words to himself.

It's been two hours, and he hasn't finished writing.

You were wearing one of his hoodies with your suit underneath, but the suit was quite bloody.

'I should make another suit.'

"Hey, you almost done?" You ask in a soft tone, glancing at him.

"U-um, nearly. Uhh... I don't know how to start it." Peter said nervously, his hands stiff from the cold.

"You wrote everything but the beginning?" You raise an eyebrow.

"It's harder than you think."

"How about... introducing yourself? Like, uh, your name?"

"I'm doing it for you too." Peter taps his pencil on the paper.

"What? I can say my part by myself."

"That's weird. Remember, they don't know us."


You wait ten more minutes for him to finish writing.

He jumps to his feet and waves the paper in the air. "I'm DONE! Can we go now?"

"I've been asking that question for a long time." You stand up and begin walking down the street.

Peter follows you while reading his paper, as if practicing. You lead him down the sidewalk and stop at a crosswalk.

"It's been a few weeks since the fiasco on the Statue of Liberty, and the Spider Twins' cultists continue to contend that the vile vigilantes are heroes. But if they were heroes, they'd unmask themselves and tell us who they really are. Because only a coward conceals their identity. Only a coward hides their true intentions. Rest assured, ladies and gentlemen, that this reporter will uncover those intentions, through hell and high water."

You wait for the light to turn green to cross the street, with Peter standing beside you looking down at a piece of paper. He was muttering the words to himself while you held onto his arm to lead him.

"Hi. My name is Peter Parker. You don't know me, but I... My name is Peter Parker, this is Y/n, my sister... that sounds weird... uh... and you don't know us, but... Okay..." He sighs and tries again.

"Peter, we're nearly there, okay?" You cross the road with a bunch of other people, the pastry shop in sight.

"W-wait, I'm not done practicing."

"You don't need to." You stop in front of the shop.

You open the door and he walks in, masking his nervousness with happiness to see his friend. MJ, who was talking with another customer, turns to Peter as the door closes behind you. She waves to someone who just opened the door.

Ned enters the store and waves back at MJ. "Hey."

"Hi." MJ looks back to Peter. "Can I help you!"

You walk up to his side and randomly glance around at the menu, listening to Peter.

"Hi. Um... my name is Peter Parker... And I..........."

You feel him grab your hand and hold it tight from behind the counter.

"... would like a coffee. Please." He sighs through his nose and bites his lip.

"Okay, no problem, Peter Parker. You?" MJ looks at you. You shrug.

"I'm good."

MJ purses her lip in a smile-ish way and turns to the food behind her.

You nudge Peter's leg with his hand and he glances at you.

"I-I... Y/n... help me." Peter muttered.

"You'll do it."

MJ gives Ned a pack of donuts first. "Donuts for my fellow Engineer."

"Wait, what?" Ned asked.

"MIT, they have the Engineers." MJ replied.

"Oh, right, right, right. I should probably know that. Look at you with the school spirit." Ned shrugs.

You catch Peter smiling amusedly at Ned. The ache to join the conversation was a little annoying.

"Peter Parker? Peter Parker?" MJ calls. You nudge Peter again, and he looks back to MJ.

"Your coffee." MJ hands Peter the coffee.

"Right. Thank you. Um...Are you excited for MIT?" Peter takes the cup and smiles a bit.

"Right. Yeah. Yeah, actually I am excited, which is weird because I don't really get excited about things. I kind of expect disappointment." MJ chuckles.

"'Cause then you'd never actually be disappointed. Right?" Peter added in.

"Yeah. Right. It's just... I don't know... It just kinda feels different this time for some reason." MJ and Peter look at each other for a moment.

"That was..." Peter's eyes wander to the cut on her forehead, which was covered with two strips of medical tape. "You okay?"

"Doesn't really hurt anymore." MJ shrugged. "Is there anything else?"

You and Peter stand there for a long time before you shook your head, and Peter forced a smile.

"No. Thank you." Peter said.

"No problem. See you around."

You leave with Peter. As you walk down the sidewalk with him in silence, you think about what he did.

'I would've done the same. Telling MJ and Ned would put them in lethal danger again. She still has the cut to prove her injuries. I don't have the heart to do that, and Peter doesn't either.'

'Wow, he took self-sacrifice to another level.'


You sit by the trunk of a tree, leaning against it as Peter stood in front of May Parker's grave. You had bought a white rose a few minutes ago by his suggestion, and he lay that rose on her grave. The words 'When you help someone, you help everyone.' were engraved on her grave.

You watch Peter with steady eyes as he stares at May's grave for a long time. The crunch of frost nearby signaled someone coming as well.

Happy Hogan stood beside Peter, looking down at May's grave. You shift your position as they stood in short-lived silence.

"How do you know her?" Happy asked Peter, not looking at him.

"Through Spider-Man. You?" Peter replied after a beat.

"Same. I lost a good friend a while back. It felt like this. Hurts cause they're gone, and then it hurts all over again because you remember what they stood for, and you wonder... Is all that gone too?" Happy said, looking at the ground now.

"No, it's not gone. Everybody she helped..." Peter smiles. "they'll keep it going."

'Wise words.'

"You really think so?"

"I know it. Take care of yourself, okay?"

"Yeah. Nice to meet you." Happy nodded.

You stand up and leave with Peter.

"We need somewhere to live now." You mentioned, hands in your pockets. Peter absentmindedly shrugs.


You kick open the door to the new apartment you and Peter rented, holding two boxes stacked on each other. The landlord says something behind you two.

"Rent is due on the first of the month. Don't be late."

You enter before Peter does and switch on the lights. Dust coated a couple spots on the walls and the windows were dirty.

Peter puts down the box he was holding and you put your boxes down on the floor. He sat on the bed and opened his box and took out a couple of things.

You open your box and see no value in inspecting the objects inside, so you go to the window and look outside. The view of the city was blocked by a lot of skyscrapers, but at least you could see the sky.

Snow was falling on top of the streets and trees, making an icy appearance.

"Y/n, what are we gonna do?" Peter said after a silence.

You think about it, then turn to face him. "Continue being the friendly neighborhood Spider Twins, of course."


You put your newly made Night Spider suit on. It was made from light fabrics that May used to have in her closet. You still made a hood. This suit was black, red, gold, and blue, taking the traditional colors of Spider-Man. But there was more blue and gold, of course.

Peter grabs his phone from the bed and listens to the police precinct app.

"4-3 Edward, do you need EMS assist?"

"Uh, negative, Central. We're gonna need a car tow."

Peter quickly puts on his new handmade blue and red suit. You put your mask and hood on and open the window.

"C'mon." You said, then jumped out of the window. You try to ignore the freezing cold wind as you swung through the streets.

A sparkling blue and red figure appeared next to you, but you knew it was Peter.

"Y/n, this way." Peter said over the rushing wind, turning a sharp corner around a building.

You follow him.

'I've faced plenty of supervillains with Peter. I never really thought our big secret would come out. When it did, we tried to fix it, and everything shattered before our eyes.'

'I'm Arachne. Y/n Parker doesn't exist anymore because she and her brother made a huge mistake. My job is to save the world because the Avengers can't, and I'm not alone. Yes, the world may not even know who I am or what I did, but who cares?'

Thank you for reading Arachne | Spider-Man No Way Home x Reader

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