Shadows of the Abyss

By Starry_Night_Reader

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In the "Shadows of the Abyss", Andrew is thrown into the past timeline to rewrite a chaotic future. Time has... More

Chapter 1: Shadows of Redemption
Chapter 2: A Sinister Reunion
Chapter 3: Shattered bonds
Chapter 4:Shadows of Betrayal
Chapter 5:Fragments of Love
Chapter 6: Embers of Revenge
Chapter 7: Road to Hunter

Chapter 8: The Hunter's Trial

85 38 66
By Starry_Night_Reader

Perched atop the majestic mountain, a figure cloaked in sternness engaged Andrew in conversation. "Are the rules crystal clear to you? You have but two hours to retrieve the precious crystal," his voice rang with unwavering authority.

Undeterred, Andrew met his piercing gaze head-on. "Yes, I am fully prepared for the challenge".

With the relentless ticking of the clock spurring him onward, Andrew plunged into the depths of the treacherous forest below. Each step he took was measured, every sense heightened to detect the lurking dangers concealed within the shadows. The passing of the first hour unleashed a barrage of perils, a strategic array of deadly traps laying in wait. Poisoned arrows hissed through the air, flamethrowers spat their scorching fury, and the forest floor riddled with treacherous pitfalls and hidden snares. Swinging blade pendulums threatened to rend anything in their path, while a deceptive maze played havoc with Andrew's senses.

With resilience and resourcefulness, he traversed the perilous terrain, narrowly evading each trap by a hair's breadth. Yet, despite his unwavering determination, the crystal's elusive location remained a puzzle yet to be solved.

As Andrew endeavoured to ascend a towering tree, seeking a strategic vantage point, an unforeseen event disrupted his plans. The tree erupted in flames, forcing him to retreat hastily to the forest floor below. Gasping for breath, Andrew realized that one precious hour had already slipped through his fingers. To his astonishment, a formidable figure emerged from the shadows, exuding an aura of strength and authority. Introducing himself as William, he declared with conviction, "Hey Andrew, I am your examiner".

Caught off guard by the examiner's unexpected revelation, Andrew's mind raced with caution. Was this a trap, a clever ruse to deceive him? With a hint of scepticism, he dared to question, "If I recall correctly, examiners are tasked with introducing challenges that test candidates, concealing the crystal's true location. They aren't supposed to directly intervene during the test. So, why are you here now?"

A faint smirk tugged at William's lips, his gaze piercing through Andrew's doubts. "Yes, it's true," he admitted, his tone carrying an air of mystery. "But I have my own methods. I only let a candidate pass if I deem them worthy of being a hunter. Unfortunately, I've yet to encounter one who meets my standards. You'll have to prove yourself," he declared, his words laden with challenge.

As Andrew's suspicion deepened, William's mind briefly wandered, recalling Andrew's connection to Ryan, a former candidate. The thought flickered across his consciousness, a brief acknowledgement of the familial tie. Nevertheless, William remained resolute in his stance.

Initially dismissing it as a waste of time, Andrew was caught off guard as William retrieved something from his pocket. To his astonishment, it was the very crystal he had been tirelessly seeking. With unwavering confidence, William announced, "I'm changing the rules, kid. If you want this crystal and wish to pass the test, you'll have to stake your life to claim it from me".

At that moment, Andrew's perception shifted, finally grasping the hidden significance behind one of the hunter test's rules. It wasn't simply about finding the crystal, it was a visceral trial of survival. Failure meant more than just defeat—it meant risking injury or even death, as evidenced by the deadly traps scattered throughout the forest. Andrew realized that William had orchestrated these challenges not to hinder him, but to push him beyond his limits, testing the very essence of his determination and resilience.

Andrew's mind raced with the chilling realisation of William's sinister intentions. It dawned upon him like a shadow creeping across his consciousness: William intended to kill him and fabricate a false report, ensuring Andrew's demise would never be traced back to him. The thought sent a cold shiver down Andrew's spine, igniting a fierce determination within him.

As William's voice cut through the tense air with a cold and determined tone, Andrew's heart pounded with a mixture of fear and resolve. "Let's enjoy killing each other, Andrew," William declared, his words dripping with malice.

At that moment, time seemed to slow to a crawl as William's fist ignited with a blazing crimson flame. Andrew's instincts screamed at him to move, to defend himself, but before he could react, William closed the gap between them with startling speed. 

The searing heat of William's "Fire Fist" landed directly in Andrew's gut, sending shockwaves of agony coursing through his body. The impact sent Andrew hurtling through the air, crashing violently into a nearby tree before tumbling into an open field, battered and in excruciating pain.

As Andrew lay on the ground, gasping for breath amidst the haze of pain, his mind raced with a torrent of thoughts. Fear mingled with determination as he grappled with the reality of his situation. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him, a stubborn resilience surged within Andrew's core. He refused to yield to William's brutality, his inner voice echoing with a fierce determination to survive at any cost.

With a lightning-fast movement, William closed his iron-clad grip around Andrew's head, desperately, Andrew attempted to break free from William's iron-clad grip, his muscles straining against the relentless pressure. "Let go of my head. You will crush it," he pleaded, his voice strained with agony and defiance. Though his struggles seemed futile, a spark of defiance flickered within Andrew's soul, refusing to be extinguished in the face of adversity.

With a cruel grin etched upon his face, William ruthlessly slammed Andrew's head against the unyielding ground, eliciting a bone-chilling "BAAM!!!" from the impact. Despite the excruciating pain reverberating through his skull, Andrew's will remained unbroken. In a display of sheer brutality, William callously dragged Andrew's battered and bloodied body across the unforgiving terrain before hurling him with savage force, causing him to collide with a colossal rock nearby. The sickening thud echoed through the air, yet Andrew's determination kept him conscious amidst the torment that surged through his entire being.

As Andrew lay on the ground, his head throbbing with agony, he couldn't ignore the overwhelming power emanating from William. The examiners, he realized, were leagues above the candidates in strength. A grim understanding washed over him, acknowledging the daunting challenge ahead. Despite the odds stacked against him, William approached with a sinister smile adorning his face. "I will give you a choice," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "Give up on your dream to live, or die fighting for it." Andrew breathed heavily, acutely aware of the vast chasm in their strength; a direct confrontation seemed futile. Yet, undeterred, he met William's gaze with unwavering resolve and declared, "I don't fear death, I have nothing left to lose. I'll become a hunter at any cost".

Impressed by Andrew's unwavering determination, William couldn't help but be intrigued. "Why are you willing to go to such lengths to become a hunter?" he inquired, his tone laced with curiosity.

Amidst the throbbing pain and the chaos of battle, Andrew's mind raced with a flurry of thoughts. The pain was excruciating, but amidst it all, a fierce determination burned within him. His thoughts echoed with memories of his brother, Ryan, and the promise he had made to him. "For Ryan," he thought resolutely, his brother's face flashing before his eyes. With every fibre of his being, Andrew was determined to honour that promise, no matter the cost.

A surge of adrenaline jolted through Andrew, erasing the pain for a moment. He scrambled to his feet, his gaze scanning the dense foliage. The game had changed, but his goal remained constant. He would find the crystal, honour his promise, and become a hunter, even if it meant facing every demon lurking within this treacherous forest.

William's challenge hung heavy in the air, laced with unspoken threats. Without faltering, Andrew met his gaze, his voice firm despite the lingering pain. "I made a promise to those I hold dear," he declared, each word laden with conviction. "A promise to become a hunter, the greatest one to walk these lands. And I will never break that promise, no matter the obstacles you throw my way".

As he attempted to rise, William scoffed, feigning amusement. "Greatest hunter? A lofty ambition for one so... feeble".

His mockery died in his throat as Andrew, in a blur of motion, vanished from sight. Faster than the eye could follow, a gust of wind tore through the clearing, leaving a stinging red welt across William's cheek.

"Missed your head by a hair this time," Andrew materialized behind him, eyes blazing with determination. "Next time, I won't be so generous".

A stunned silence reigned as William slowly touched the fresh wound, his amusement replaced by a flicker of genuine surprise. It dawned on him with chilling clarity: Andrew wielded the elusive wind element, a rare and powerful ability. This wasn't just a game anymore, this was a serious confrontation.

William's lips curved into a sinister grin, his eyes alight with a chilling excitement reminiscent of a true psychopath. "Wind, eh?" he taunted, his voice dripping with a dangerous edge. "Well then, Andrew. Let's see what you're made of. Bring it on".

The earth shattered with a deafening crack as William's fiery fist slammed into the ground, sending a shower of jagged rocks hurtling through the air. Andrew, reflexes sharp as a hawk, launched himself upwards, the projectiles whistling past his ears. Dust stung his eyes as he landed precariously atop a boulder, William already aiming a searing "Fire Blast."

With a desperate leap, Andrew pushed off the rock, twisting mid-air as the fiery beam erupted, scorching the stone where he stood a moment ago. Embers brushed his cheek, the heat a scorching reminder of the danger. Landing in a crouch, he launched himself at William, fists flying.

But William's defence was an iron wall. Each punch, fuelled by mana and determination, met an immovable barrier. Frustration gnawed at Andrew, yet he refused to relent. He feigned, jabbed, threw deceptive blows, hoping to find a chink in William's armor. But the examiner anticipated every move, a seasoned warrior parrying with effortless grace.

Suddenly, a blow landed. Not from Andrew's fist, but from an unseen force. A ripple of air materialized around William, slamming into his gut with the force of an invisible fist. He doubled over, a choked grunt escaping his lips, blood blooming on his shirt.

Startled, he stared at Andrew, eyes narrowed. "How?" he rasped, hand clutching his wound. "I saw no attack".

A slow smile played on Andrew's lips, not mocking, but confident. He held out a hand, and a gentle breeze swirled around it, the leaves on nearby trees rustling softly. "The wind answers to my call," he declared, his voice firm. "It's not just about fire, examiner. It's about mastering the elements".

William remained silent, studying Andrew with a newfound respect. This wasn't just a boy with a dream, he was a true hunter in the making, one who wielded the power of the wind itself. The game had changed, and a new challenge, tinged with a hint of excitement, gleamed in William's eyes.

As Andrew executed his plan, he knew the same trick wouldn't work twice on William. It was a risky move, one that could cost him his life, but he saw no other way to defeat the powerful examiner. Swiftly, Andrew dashed deep into the forest, with William hot on his heels, driven by the desire to hunt him down.

Using his wind powers, Andrew propelled himself higher onto a tree, narrowly evading William's grasp. But just as he thought he had the upper hand, a wooden log tied with a rope came hurtling towards William. Reacting quickly, he blocked it mid-air, but the impact sent him tumbling to the ground.

To his surprise, a barrage of knives materialized out of thin air, coming straight for him. Despite his bulky frame, William deftly dodged the onslaught, his speed a testament to his formidable skills. But as he thought the ordeal was over, an intense gust of wind engulfed him, turning into a deadly scythe that sliced into his back, causing him to wince in pain.

Turning around, he realized that Andrew had ingeniously triggered every trap in the vicinity, using them against their creator. Undeterred, Andrew unleashed another wind scythe, declaring, "Razor wind," further pressuring the examiner with the deadly wind scythe at his disposal.

William's leg was slashed, blood began to flow, and the Razor Wind attack felt like a sharp blade tearing through his flesh. To Andrew's surprise, William had anticipated his plan earlier than expected. While William dodged the traps, Andrew sought an opening in his defence, waiting for the opportune moment to strike when the examiner would be most vulnerable. With perfect timing, Andrew's attacks were guaranteed to hit their mark.

The scent of burnt hair and gunpowder filled the air. William coughed, eyes stinging from the smoke. Where was he? His gaze darted, searching for the telltale shimmer of wind that betrayed Andrew's location.

Reacting swiftly, William grabbed a knife hurtling towards him and hurled it at Andrew, simultaneously launching a fire blast attack. Utilizing his speed burst ability, Andrew evaded the searing flames, counterattacking with two razor wind strikes. The first slash cut the incoming knife in half, and the second gash landed on William's chest, adding to his injuries.

In a desperate attempt to hinder Andrew, William unleashed a barrage of fire bullets from his fingertips. However, Andrew's incredible speed rendered the effort futile. With relentless determination, Andrew continued to inflict cuts upon William. Time was of the essence; Andrew knew he had to incapacitate the examiner before running out of traps. The race against time intensified as the battle raged on.

As the remaining traps dwindled, William's body bore the brunt of numerous cuts, leaving him bleeding profusely. The accumulated damage took its toll, slowing the once formidable examiner. Sensing an opportunity, Andrew feigned an attack, swiftly closing the distance with a burst of speed. Catching William off guard, Andrew successfully snatched the crystal.

Attempting to flee, Andrew was met with a devastating fire fist from William. Though he tried to shield himself with powerful winds, the impact sent shockwaves through Andrew's body, nearly causing him to collapse. Undeterred, William aimed to finish him with another fire fist, but Andrew countered with his own move - "The Whirlwind Fist".

With the force of a tempest, Andrew's explosive punch sent William crashing through rocks and trees. Despite the considerable damage inflicted upon Andrew's body, he was stunned to see William still standing after such a powerful blow. As William prepared his ultimate attack, "Hell Flames," a blazing fire beam surged towards Andrew.

Swiftly, Andrew utilized his wind magic to create a sword and sliced through the fire beam. However, the attack split into a wall of flames that surrounded him, leaving no escape. Cornered and exhausted, Andrew found himself pushed to his limits.

William remarked, "It's been a long while since I've had a fight as exhilarating as this one".

Determined to put an end to the battle, Andrew focused all his remaining mana into his fist, fuelled by the promise he made to his family. His power surged, preparing for his final attack. Andrew unleashed his whirlwind fist, and William countered with his devastating spell, the "Inferno Blast."

The collision unleashed a torrent of fiery energy, turning the once serene forest into a blazing battlefield. The force of their clash sent them both crashing into a tree, leaving Andrew unable to move his body. Despite the intense battle, William was not defeated yet.

With his fist burning in hot flames, William moved in to deliver the finishing blow. Just seconds away from ending Andrew's life, he launched his inferno blast towards Andrew's face. But in a swift and calculated move, Andrew created a wind sword, nearly slicing off William's head. The cold and bloodthirsty look in Andrew's eyes sent chills down William's spine, he had never encountered such determination.

Andrew's plan had worked, and he emerged victorious in the battle. As the dust settled, he reached for the crystal in his pocket, only to find it shattered into pieces. Disheartened by the loss of the crystal, he uttered, "It's all over... I lost the test."

As William gazed upon Andrew, a flicker of contemplation crossed his features. The hunter association had appointed him as an examiner for a reason, one that weighed heavily on his mind. They wanted assurance that Andrew, despite his tragic past, would not succumb to the temptation of vengeance. The path his family wished him to walk was one of honour, not one clouded by the darkness of retribution.

But William, ever vigilant, knew that the emerging threats lurking beyond the shadows demanded much more from the hunters of today. The tests set by the association were mere benchmarks; he felt compelled to take it a step further, to push Andrew to his limits and beyond. Only then could he be certain of Andrew's true character, of whether he would emerge from the crucible of trials as a tempered blade or a shattered soul.

In setting the trial at an extreme level, William sought not to break Andrew, but to forge him into a hunter of unparalleled strength and resilience. And as the battle unfolded, he watched with keen interest, observing Andrew's every move, every decision, with a calculating eye.

Deep within, William harboured a silent hope that Andrew would choose the path his family had envisioned for him, the path of honour and duty. But he also knew that the choice ultimately lay with Andrew alone and that the crucible of trials would reveal the truth of his heart.

To his surprise, William responded with a faint smile, his voice carrying a note of genuine admiration. "You are the first candidate to defeat me, Andrew," he admitted, his tone tinged with respect. "Don't worry about the crystal. You pass the test."

Confused by William's unexpected words, Andrew furrowed his brow in disbelief. "But the crystal broke before I took it to the starting point," he pointed out, seeking clarification.

William's explanation came with a wisdom that belied his stern demeanour. "Finding the crystal was not the real test," he revealed, his gaze steady. "The true intention was to assess your bravery, strength, and situational analysis. And in defeating someone like me, you've demonstrated a level of skill and determination that few possess. That, Andrew, is a testament to your worthiness to become a hunter."

Realising the significance of his victory, Andrew felt a swell of pride mixed with relief. "I see... I am glad to hear it," he replied, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. Exhausted from the intense battle, he allowed himself to succumb to the comforting embrace of sleep, a content smile gracing his lips as he drifted into a peaceful slumber.

As Andrew drifted into sleep's comforting embrace, William's unsettling words echoed in his mind like a haunting melody. How long can you stay on the right path, with darkness lurking inside? The question lingered, stirring doubts within him. As he surrendered to rest, another thought intruded: What's the hunter association hiding? The mysteries of the test and William's mysterious intentions left Andrew unsettled, promising to trouble his dreams until dawn broke anew.

To be Continued...

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