The Salt Files: Additional Ca...

AnonymousSnake977 द्वारा

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WE HAVE RETURNEDDDDDDDD I didn't want to make the first one too long so I made another. They don't go in a s... अधिक

The Liar and The Writer
Lila's Christmas Story Pt 1
Lila's Christmas Story Pt 2
We Are NOT Dating!
A Salty Christmas Story
Meet The Plastics (Song Request)
Revenge Party (Song Request)
Someone Gets Hurt (Reprise; Song Request)
World Burn (Song Request)
Someone Gets Hurt (Song Request)
First Burn (Song Request)
Power Of The Deputy
Broken Trust Pt. 1
Broken Trust Pt. 2
Broken Trust Pt. 3
Broken Trust Snippets

Lila's Christmas Story Pt 3

432 9 24
AnonymousSnake977 द्वारा

It's Plagg time! :D

"The name's Plagg, but you should know that by now." The kwamii got close into the liar's face. "You upset my chosen today. My chosen doesn't ever get upset, and never to that extent." Lila realized that Adrien was Cat Noir, which explained a lot about Adrien's recent aggressive behavior. The miraculous must've started corrupting him after some time.

"It has come to my attention that you still don't see the bigger picture why your lies are dangerous. Let's start!" The kwamii grinned wickedly as the room started spinning. There was a swarm of black and green wind and when it cleared, Lila was standing in a cemetery. It was raining, yet there were many people in black and had umbrellas. Lila walked closer and her stomach dropped at the name in the stone.

Marinette died. Marinette Dupain-Cheng fucking died. 

There was a new feeling of panic as she realized how far things went. Sure, things got out of hand, but she didn't think this would truly happen!

While Lila was panicking, she didn't notice that people could actually see her now. "What are you doing here?!" A random student from school growled. He pointed a finger at her, drawing attention. "You're supposed to be at the police station!" The growing crowd whispered and got closer. Lila felt overwhelmed and started running. She heard others follow after her, but she continued until she ran into an alleyway.

The path was a dead end, and the mob of people behind her were blocking the only way out. As they stalked closer, a black figure appeared between them.

"Don't even think about taking another step closer." The person growled. The mob dissipated a bit, but there were a few still willing to try and jump Lila. The person took a staff out and held it like a sword.

"Do it and you will be just as bad as she is." That got them to stop, scowl at Lila, and stalk off. Lila took a breath of relief and was about to thank the person when they turned around. Their green eyes froze Lila in place.

It was Adrien. But he looked different.

His suit now had a hood, no longer had sleeves, and now had fingerless gloves on. Lila didn't know the suit could even change.

"T-thank you." Lila mustered out. Cat Noir tsked and rolled his eyes.

"I shouldn't have had to do that. Your lies destroyed not just one life, but everyone who truly cared about Marinette." The pit in Lila's stomach grew. Cat Noir glared at her.

"But I know you aren't our Lila." The girl looked up in confusion. He shrugged. "Viperion warned me ahead of time that we would meet someone who isn't like the other, and I just saw the other Lila in a security prison. There's no way you could have escaped that place in under an hour, especially since your attire is different." 

Lila felt relief that someone knew she didn't belong there. But she still had questions to be answered.

"What all happened?" Cat Noir sighed as he put his staff away.

"A lot. Follow me, we need to talk where it's safer." Cat Noir took them to an abandoned warehouse, where no one was around. He started explaining after looking around. "First of all, it hasn't been too long of a jump between your time and ours. It's been maybe around a few weeks to a month. Tombstones aren't ready too quickly, but because Marinette was beloved by everyone it was at top priority." Lila shuttered. The last thing she wanted on her mind was how much she was reminded that she was involved in Marinette's death.

"After Marinette was found dead, you and Alya were taken into questioning. You tried to lie your way out of it, but you failed and your lies caught up with you. You were already put under arrest before even being charged with the intended crime. Alya however, tried to pin everything on you. Also failed, since there were witnesses and video evidence of her extreme involvement as well, and she was also under arrest. After your lies came out, Alya nearly choked you out herself before she was dragged away. Currently, you two are supposedly in jail awaiting trial. You both have many charges against you, including murder, defamation, and a bunch of others from celebrities. Oh, and your mother abandoned you. She was embarrassed you caused so much trouble and knew nothing about it. She was publicly ridiculed for being neglectful, and then it came out that you were in contact with your father and you weren't supposed to be. They fought again, and this time your mother won and your father landed himself in jail for breaking some sort of rule because you were technically supposed to be no contact with him. Your sentence was shortened a little because of his influence on you, but you still are most likely going to receive life in prison." Lila crumbled to the ground hearing all of the sudden news. How did everything go so wrong?

"You truly didn't believe anything was going to happen to you because of all that you did?" Cat Noir looked Lila straight into her eyes. "Karma is a bitch, and it comes back to everyone. You and Alya will both suffer as you should while everyone else will try to get back to normal after ruining their lives." Cat Noir walked to an open window. He turned back around.

"If you are truly from the past, please learn from your mistakes and avoid this at all costs. This reality wasn't worth all the lies you told, nor how many you messed up. When, or should I say if, you go back, do better and be a better person." The black cat was now gone, leaving Lila in the dusty building alone on the floor.

So her lies wouldn't get her where she wanted at all, and Alya tried to turn on her! 

In all fairness, Lila turned first. The black kwamii nearly made Lila scream at their sudden appearance. "What happened to Marinette's friends?" Plagg sighed as he morphed their surroundings. At every explanation, the scenery changed.

"Chloe moved with her mother to New York for a change of scenery. She was one of the closer people to Marinette, especially after she was forgiven, and wanted to remain a good person. She is currently learning about managing a business and is trying to get her mother to dedicate a fashionline for Marinette."

"Sabrina ended up staying here to learn about being a police officer so this incident doesn't happen again. She felt like she didn't do anything for Marinette, so she wanted to save other lives before they ended up like her."

"Juleka, Luka, and Ivan made their own band. Rose left earlier because of your lies and her breakup with Juleka, and never could ask to join again without feeling guilty. The trio has performed a number of songs, and Luka even dedicated a song to his deceased girlfriend. He plays it for her every day at her grave." Plagg made sure to glare at Lila with that note.

"Adrien moved to London to be with his cousin. That Natalie woman knew his father would have kept him in the house so she sent him away so he wouldn't be alone and had someone who would actually keep him company. The two model together, and Adrien even considered joining the band with his old friends on piano, or would become a pianist himself. He plays many sad songs though, so who knows if he will actually sell."

"Kagami ended up going back into her perfectionist routine until her mother could tell her daughter was having a mental breakdown. She made her daughter tell her everything and demanded she had a sleepover with a friend or two so she doesn't undergo any unhealthy habits. She is doing better now, and is constantly telling herself to take a break, because that's what Marinette would have wanted."

"Aurore and Nino actually started dating. Your lies actually broke up a toxic relationship between Nino and Alya, so that's the only thing I would thank you for. Aurore runs another blog like the Ladyblog, but better and she actually checks her sources and cites them! Nino is a DJ and recently released a playlist full of Marinette's favorite songs, along with the same songs having remixes or mashups with others that he knew Marinette would have loved. He was originally going to gift it for her birthday, but he never got the chance." Another glare. "The music is sometimes featured in the background of Aurore's videos."

"Nathaniel and Marc became closer, since their best friend and cousin died. They made a comic in memory of Marinette and it instantly became popular. Any money they make they split between the Dupain-Chengs or donate it to charity."

"Anyone else involved is either still grieving, attempting to move on, or are straight up into a depression. If they are like your ex-teacher Buster or Damn Man, they are currently unemployed and having their lives crumble under them." Plagg looked Lila up and down. "You've really done it this time."

Lila blinked once, twice, and then a third time. All that happened...just because of one comment?

This actually reminded Lila of someone from her past.

"What happened to Angela? From my childhood?" Plagg looked confused, then nodded in understanding.

"Technically, you should have asked Fluff that. But since I'm showing the future I guess I can find out." Plagg closed his eyes as a green aura surrounded them. They were suddenly in Lila's old town, with crowded children playing in the streets. Lila stayed in the shadows as Plagg searched for the girl. He suddenly stopped and turned back around, face solemn.

"I'm afraid she has no future." Lila froze.

"What do you mean she as no future? Everyone has one, even me! The only way she wouldn't is if-" Lila's next words froze in her throat. There was no way...

Plagg sent them to where the aura was located, which was another cemetery. According to the death date, Angela died not long after Lila moved away. But Lila didn't understand, she was perfectly fine before! A clean bill of health and not even a scar or scratch on her body! How could she possibly have died?

"What happened to her?!" Lila screamed. "How could she have died so young?!" Plagg touched her grave, and the scene played out.

After Lila left, Angela was harassed and accused of helping Lila rein terror over the school. One rainy day, some students chased after her, which ended up making Angela run into the street. Before she knew it, a car came and she was on the ground bleeding. The kids didn't know what to do, so they ran. Angela died that night, and Lila never knew. This entire time, Lila thought that Angela was living her best life and moving on since it was so long ago.

"I guess everyone you come across has lasting effects." Plagg said, removing his hand(paw?). Lila was shaking. Did Angela die because of her as well?

And if that was true, did all of her other victims die as well?

This isn't what Lila wanted, she never wanted to leave a blood trail. She just wanted to be popular and never questioned about anything, and beloved by everyone. If others could do it, so could she. But why is when she did it ending in death and despair?

Then it hit Lila. She went about it the wrong way. She took her father's advice over everything, and even told him more than her mom. His advice was bad because he was bad, so it rubbed off on her. No wonder her parents divorced.

Lila stood up. "I want to go back." Plagg raised an eyebrow.

"You finally see what damage your lies have caused?" Lila nodded.

"I may not be able to fix everything, but I can definitely fix some. I can alter my future before it happens, or ensure I at least have someone in my future." Plagg nodded. He raised his hands as the world spun around them.

Lila woke up in her bed, hair messy and covers all over the place. It was now morning outside, and she heard her mom about to leave for work. Lila jumped out of bed and ran to the apartment door just as her mother was about to leave. Her mother turned around. "Oh Lila, good morning! I didn't want to wake you, but I left you some-" She stopped talking as Lila gave her a tight hug. She felt tears streaming through her business suit.

"Mama...I did something bad. Really bad." Mother Rossi's stomach dropped at the sound of her daughter crying. Lila hasn't cried since her father left.

"Ok ok, here's what we'll do. I'll call out of the office today and we will spend the day just talking. Tell me everything that happened and we will plan out the next steps, alright?" Lila sniffed and nodded. Her mother closed the door and went into her bedroom to call the embassy while Lila sat on the couch. 

She was dreading the conversation, but this needed to be done. And after this, she would check on Marinette.


Lila's mother was furious, as Lila predicted. But she didn't abandon Lila, but will be severely punishing her daughter. They now knew that police could come to the door and arrest Lila or take her in for questioning, which either way could end up in Lila not coming back. Lila was prepared for that, already having seen the worst of what the future could be. 

Her mother offered to visit Marinette for her, which she accepted. Lila didn't want to risk going out and getting jumped as soon as she left the house. No one knew her mother's face, so she was safer.

Thankfully, Marinette survived and woke up that morning. She couldn't really talk much and she was out of it, but she was able to comprehend what Lila's mother said and sent her regards with flowers. Marinette nodded before she went back to sleep. 

Lila's mother was saddened to see her daughter in handcuffs when she got back to the apartment. She kissed Lila's head and told her she would see her soon. In the meantime, Madam Rossi was about to send hell towards her ex-husband.


Time skip cuz I don't feel like explaining what happened in between lmao

It's been a few weeks and Marinette was recovered well. She is constantly surrounded by her friends and they chase off anyone who could try anything funny, especially Alya.

That girl could not get it through her head that she was in the wrong and that some things can't be easily forgiven, or forgiven at all. Chloe and Kagami ended up getting her sent away with police because she kept harassing and stalking them, which added to her charges. At this point, her parents were debating on if they would even bail her out when the dreaded time came.

Kagami and Chloe ended up getting together, so now the majority of the group was in a relationship. Marinette and Luka joked that they were the bodyguards of the group, and they took that job very seriously. Adrien insisted on paying for something towards Marinette's recovery, but she refused. He ended up working with Chloe to make a blanket for her, which she loved with all her heart. It was soft, warm, and made her feel relaxed when she was stressed.

Marc and Nathaniel drew up a comic that had them inspired by Marinette's injury. It became a hit and they made lots of money off of it and donated it to the family, even though they already paid the hospital bills. Their business improved drastically because many heard about the accident and wanted to support the family as much as possible.

And Marinette was loved so much that there was a celebration party held at school when she returned. That same night was when she met the new principal and new homeroom teacher.

Rose apologized profusely as Marinette told her it was alright. Of course, she was never going to trust Rose again, but she wouldn't mind if Juleka started hanging out with her again. Marinette didn't want anyone to choose who they hung out with because of her.

In the end, life improved for Marinette and her friends, and Marinette got the support she should have had from the beginning.

Back in prison, Lila was laying on her bed when she heard whispers. She looked around, but found no one. As she laid back down, a paper appeared under head. She picked it up and read it.

Tell anyone what happened and we will make sure your future is worse than what you saw. We're watching you.

Lila shuttered and paled at the note. She watched as Alya got dragged into another cell near her and sighed as she laid back down.

Things could have been worse.


It took me so long to write this oml

It took me longer than a week because I could only update little pieces at a time T-T

But that doesn't matter now because it's finished :D

Thank you for sticking through this idea, and I'm curious which kwamii was the favorite in this story

Or your favorite in general

I personally don't have one, too many to choose

Anyways have a good morning/night

2875 words

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