My safe space(carl grimes x f...

By C0ral_Gr1mes

66 0 0

carl x fem oc tw sa r*pe/mentions of r*pe violence bad language ect. More

3. |•Scared•|
5.|•Hear me out•|
7.|•Just friends•|

4.|•Im done•|

4 0 0
By C0ral_Gr1mes

Violet's point of view
I woke up to an empty bed this morning which i was a little disappointed about. I decided to get myself up and get ready like usual except I wanted to shower today.

I decided to pick out my clothes which consisted of light blue-ish grayish jeans with a black tank top and a purple checkered flannel.

like this^^^

After i had my outfit picked out i walked down to maggie's cell to ask if i could borrow some stuff "hey maggie" i said sticking my head in the door "hey violet whats up"

I walked into her room a little and leaned on the door way "could i borrow your shampoo and conditioner and your brush pretty please?" i asked super nervously but maggie was super sweet about it and handed the stuff over to me along with a towel "you might want that to dry off" she said with a small smile and i chuckled a little which caused maggie to laugh a little.

I made my way towards the showers and locked the door behind me once i was in there.

I set my stuff down on a bench and went to turn on one of the showers and adjusting the heat of the water so it was just right.

I peeled my sweats and t-shirt off throwing them onto the bench then taking my under clothing of doing the same thing.

I made my way over to the shower that i had turned on with my shampoo and conditioner and let the water run over me. I wasn't really that dirty since all i do is sit in my cell and read all day, but i get dirt on me from when carl is with me. Im actually curious on where he went.


After my shower i brushed my hair and got dressed and then returned maggie's stuff and then walked to my cell to put my dirty clothes in there.

Afterwards I walked down to the dining room to see carol cooking and carl was helping her. I went to sit down but was stopped when i heard a ladies voice say my name "Hey violet! Could you do me a favor?" I turned around to see it was carol talking to me which was strange because I have never talked to her before "ya of course whats up?" i said trying to sound confident and kind.

I looked at carol waiting for an answer and then finally got one "could you come take over the cooking I need to do some stuff real quick" Shit. I haven't really ever cooked since I've basically been locked away "uhm i would but i don't really know how to cook I'm so sorry i-" I started to ramble in trying to explain but got cut off by carl "i can take over and teach violet don't worry" he said shooting a quick smile over to me "thank you kids i will be fast so please don't burn down the prison" carol said as she walked away and i took her place.

I have no clue what the hell i'm doing but oh well "carl I don't know what i'm doing" i finally said he looked at the eggs in front of me and he told me that i basically just had to keep them moving until they looked done.

I did as he said but they looked plain "hey carl?" "hm" I looked around then back at him "is there any seasoning? These eggs look plain" carl looked up and pointed to a cabinet by my head "thank you" I said and he just hummed in response. Weird, he's usually super talkative.

I looked through the seasonings and finally decided on some granulated garlic and onion salt since thats how my dad always made them and it was my favorite.

I turned to carl "can i use these?" He looked up and shrugged which was no help "ok well is anyone allergic to these that you know of?" he didn't look up but actually used his words this time "does it look like i know?" he said kinda rudely "ok" i said in a whisper and used the seasoning anyways.


Breakfast was ready and everyone was sitting in the dining room eating and talking. There was a few people complimenting my eggs and saying that i should cook more often.

Me and carl usually sit next to each other but after him getting upset with me i really didn't want to. I mean i may have only been here for like three or four days but he has never gotten upset with me before.

When i sat in between glenn and maggie they both looked at each other and then began to question me "why aren't you sitting next to carl?" glenn asked me and i just shrugged "hunny what happened?" maggie asked me and i sighed explaining what happened in the kitchen "i feel like im just overthinking it though sorry" "no its ok i will talk to him" rick said as he ended up being part of the conversation "please don't get mad at him he could just be tired or overwhelmed" rick assured me he wouldn't get mad and we continued to eat.

After breakfast i went outside and sat in my same spot on the wall waiting for my dad to show up.


I had been sitting here for about an hour and a half until i heard footsteps walking towards me.

I looked up to see rick with a pissed look on his face which made my heartbeat speed up a little.

Rick sat down next to me and let out a sigh before saying something "i talked to carl" was all he said "Is he mad at me?" i asked slightly mumbling and looking at my hands fiddling with my fingers

Rick let out another sigh "not necessarily" 'what the fuck does that me?' i thought to myself but rick interrupted my thoughts "he said he was just annoyed by all the questions you were asking or something and i told him that was no reason to get upset with you and he went off on how he hates how you're treated so much better then him or whatever" rick explained to me and i felt horrible. I ended up just nodding and then walked back to my cell.

Im so confused he was just comforting me last night and telling me how he was always gonna be there for me or whatever.

I was broke out of my thoughts by the feeling of something fall down my face, 'why am i crying?' i thought to myself

This is all stupid, carl's right i am treated differently but its for a good cause, right?

It doesn't matter, Im gonna go walk around outside the gates. If they will let me at least.


"Please Beth just for a little bit i just want to see if my dads close at all please." I have been begging Beth to let me out but she wont budge "i can't violet i was told you're not aloud to go out by yourself"

Who said that?

I think this is bullshit honestly. I thought to myself "how come everyone else can though huh? I'm not a baby Beth and i can take care of myself i appreciate everything you guys have done for me but just please let me go out just for a little." I said this hoping to have her see where i was coming from.

"do you have any weapons?" she asked

"What no i haven't had one for awhile" i replied knowing this probably didn't help me.

Beth looked around super cautiously and then handed me a knife and her holster "do you know how to use this?" she questioned and I nodded "ya my dad taught me" she nodded and made sure i knew how to kill a walker as well and then let me go once she knew i would be ok.

I quickly stepped out of the gates and ran into the woods. If i'm being honest i was terrified but i also felt so free.

I climbed up a tree after walking for awhile and decided to just enjoy the view for a little.

After sitting in the tree for about 30 minutes i decided to head back knowing Beth a would get nervous about me being gone for too long. I looked below me to check for walkers and then got down once confirming it was clear.

I began to walk back to the prison but stopped once i heard a branch break. I looked around and seen a deer walking. It stopped to look around and eat some grass but dropped to the floor once an arrow was quickly shot through the head of the deer.

I processed that i wasn't alone fairly fast and as quickly and quietly as i could i rushed up a tree.

I looked at the deer as i heard footsteps walk towards it. I looked down and was relieved to see who it was, "dad?" i whisper yelled down to him causing him to swing his crossbow up at me and glare at me.

Once he realized it was me he lowered his crossbow almost immediately "the hell you doin out here kid" I was a little taken back that he wasn't happy to see me or anything but i didn't think about it "i'm out here lookin for you since you decided to disappear." He looked at me all pissed off "I ain't disappear i was huntin but since you wanna be all pissy why don't we just leave it huh!" he yelled and got in my face and i froze. I do it anytime someone yells, i freeze.

My dad stopped and looked at me as i had tears now streaming down my face "princess i'm so sor-" I slowly backed up "violet please i didn't mean t-" I stopped before I just shook my head and turned around starting to walk back to the prison but yelled back to him "get your deer and bring it back we're a little low on food." And with that i sped up my walking pace until it turned into a run.

I ran and ran until i made it back to the prison and beth was already waiting there to let me in. I handed beth her knife and holster while thanking her and then running up to my cell. Ignoring her concerned calls to see if i was ok.

He yelled at me, all i was doing was looking for him and he got mad and yelled.

I sat in bed and cried until i couldn't breath, i thought i was gonna throw up. My eyes were red and puffy and my eyesight was blurry.

There was only one person i wanted right now but he is currently mad at me as well. But i decided to try and find him anyways.

I walked to his cell and seen his curtain was down which he only does when he is reading or taking a nap so i decided to knock on the wall by his cell door.

"ya?" i heard him call from the room i hesitated before speaking "carl can i come in?" i asked in a slight whisper so he wouldn't be able to tell i was crying

I heard an annoyed sigh as i heard him get up. I wanted to leave now, he's still upset obviously and doesn't wanna talk to me.

I heard him rustling in his dressers "what do you need?" he called out in an annoyed tone "never mind" i said but my voice cracked and thats when the rustling stopped.

I tried to leave as fast as i could but i heard carl call out to me and i ignored him.

I got to my cell and sat on the edge of my bed with my fingers through my hair as my elbows rested on my legs and i tried to calm myself down but the tears just came right back making my puffy eyes sting and my face turn red.

I heard carls fast footsteps make their way to my cell door and he let himself in "get out carl." i said in a whisper not wanting to be mean.

He knelt down beside me "whats wrong" he asked and i was taken back. How is he gonna ask me whats wrong when he didn't give two shits about me until he knew i was upset.

I didn't answer him "violet, whats wrong" He went to put his hand on my leg but i shoved him off and scooted away from him "what did i do?" he asked and he sounded genuinely confused "really?" i asked and he gave me another confused look "why are you mad at me carl?"

He thought for a second "what do you mean? i'm not mad at you" i scoffed and instantly regretted it "im sorry i shouldn't have done that." he moved over to me "do what" "i scoffed and im sorry"

He had that stupid look of sympathy on his face and i hated it " i asked rick to talk to you after breakfast because you were obviously upset with me. And he told me that you were annoyed with all of my questions even though you were the one who offered to help and teach me how to cook and then he told me you hated how im treated differently and everything and that's why you have been pissy with me." I ended my little rant off by trying to catch my breath

Carl realized what i had been talking about "oh my god violet im so sorry I didn't mean to be rude im sorry i was just struggling with the change and i guess i was jealous of how you barely have to work or do anything and your favored basically." I understand what carl was saying and i felt bad for being the one who was being noticed and not him.

I don't think he understands though " Carl, I hate how I'm treated. I want to work i want to be unnoticed sometimes i don't want to be treated like i cant do shit for myself it sucks and seeing everyone give me their stupid sympathetic looks is so frustrating and it's all so much worse because the one time i got to be free and go look for my dad outside the gates i find him and he yells at me and gets in my face and i broke i couldn't stay near him. Carl i walked away from my own dad." I ended my sentence and was now sobbing and carl was looking at me with guilt in his eyes.

Carl looked at me and finally spoke up " Violet i-im so sorry i had no idea that was how you felt about everything i wish i talked to you or something before just being a dick." I looked up and was met with carls bright blue eyes that were now filled with glossy tears "carl its fine I just wish i didn't have to be the person to deal with all of this. Im so tired of it i'm done."

Carl hugged me but then quickly pulled away and held my shoulders and he looked kinda mad "wait did you say you went outside the gates?" i nodded with a confused look "by yourself?" "yes carl now why is that important ?" he looked upset "i told beth to make sure not to ever let you out by yourself" I was kinda pissed about this but i thought it was funny he was concerned "carl i was fine and it will happen a lot more so dont get upset about it" i said and he just left it and stood up pulling me up with him.

He started to lead me downstairs "carl where are we going" i said with my now croaky dry throat.

"get you some food and water" he replied blankly while leading me down the hall by my hand "im not hungry" i mumbled "to bad you haven't eaten like anything the past day" Ya because i haven't been hungry, i thought to myself.

I didn't argue it as we were now in the kitchen and he gave me water and a granola bar "im not eating carl" i said before taking a sip of my water " yes you are and we will sit here until you do" i shrugged my shoulders continuing to drink my water. I finished it and asked him to refill it and promised i would stay right where i was and i meant it until someone walked in, my dad. Me and him made eye contact and he tried to talk to me "viol-" He tried to take a step towards me but i backed up and then left and ran back to my cell.

I couldn't face him not right now. So i went and laid down on my bed and almost the second my head touched the pillow i was out cold.

Heyyy so i know this chapter is very chaotic and all over the place and I'm very sorry but i mean i hope it's at least interesting 🤷🏻‍♀️
word count including bold text

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