The Elite Chronicles - Book 1...

Od Amity3775

103 0 0

Cody had always kept to herself, she went to school, did homework, went to work at Mighty Med, and then repea... Více

1- An Old Friend Comes Back to Town
2 - My Bestfriend Ended Up as My Spring Formal date
3 - Never Leave a Cosmic Superhero Out in the Cold
4 - Searching for Mr. Terror Behind My 'fathers' Back
6 - Laser Tag
7 - The Plan Falls Into Place
8 - It's All Gone.
9 - Meeting the League of Heroes
10 - Getting a call to join a Elite Force

5 - Going Behind Tecton's Back... Again

11 0 0
Od Amity3775

Cody grabbed her backpack and ran out of the hospital. She ran back to her and Tecton's place and ran to her room and locked the door. She threw herself on her bed and curled up sobbing her eyes out. she sobbed until her cheeks were burning from the acidity from the tears and her eyes were blood red from crying. 

The next day Kaz came over to her house. He walked up to the door and knocked three times. It took about three minutes before Kaz knocked again. Tecton came to the door and opened it. 

"Hey Kaz," he said forcing a smile.

"Hey, How's Cody doing?" Kaz asked with concern. He picked at the hem of his shirt. 

"Not good...She hasn't come out all day." Tecton sighed. "I tried to get her to talk... But she is unresponsive. She's still pretty mad at me."

"Do you mind if I try?" Kaz asked. "I have ways of making her talk." he said with a small smirk.

"You can try, but I don't think she will." Tecton said welcoming Kaz into the house. 

"It's up the stairs. The first door on the right." he called as Kaz knocked on her door. 

"Go away!" Cody snapped, pain in her voice. Kaz could hear things hitting the floor.

"Cody, it's Kaz..." Kaz said through the door. "Please open the door."

"Oh Sorry, go away! please!" Cody hissed; he could tell she was crying. and she was. she was devastated that such an event happened yesterday.

"Cody, if you don't open this door, I will burn it down with my powers." Kaz said sternly. 

"Fine." Cody said walking to the door and opening it up. 

"Can I come in?" Kaz asked, with genuine eyes.

No matter how much she didn't want to admit it, she missed talking to Kaz. He always knew how to make her feel better.

"Fine." Cody sighed letting him in her room.  Kaz walked in and looked around at her wrecked room. 

There were broken pictures and broken stuff all over her room. Her bed was a mess and there were burn marks all over the wall.

"What happened in here?" Kaz asked curiously, taking a seat on her bed. 

"I got angry and lost control of my powers. this is the result. right now, my anger is making my powers unstable. they're too powerful." Cody sighed.

"Cody, what did Horace mean when he said you killed your family?" Kaz asked. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"When my little brother was taken. My mom, my dad, my baby brother and I set out to find him when we got to Mr. Terror... he was dead. My parents and my big brother fought her, so I could get out... and she killed them. We knew it was a suicide mission. But I ran instead of trying to help my family. I could've been with them when they were heroes... but I'm the only known remaining survivor of my family. Their deaths were on my head." Cody explained.

"I'm sorry Cody. No one should have to go through that." 

"I've spent so long running from the pain and now I realize that I need to confront her. I want to kill her." Cody said.

"I know you do, but you're blinded with rage right now... you can't think clearly." 

"I'm going to go. Whether you come with me or not. You can't stop me Kaz. I'm more powerful than you. That's a mistake you don't want to make."

"I'll tell you what... It's late. Tecton is downstairs watching TV..." Kaz said walking to the window.

"What are you doing?" She asked as Kaz opened the window. 

"You want to take down Mr. Terror? I'll take you."

"What?" Cody asked in Confusion. she was touched Kaz would do that for her. 

"I can't stop you from going, but I'm not going to let you go on your own." Kaz smiled. 

"So, is this the part where you tell me that you didn't change his mind and we're going behind his back again?" Cody asked crossing her arms. she looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"No, this is the part where I tell you, Tecton is wrong." Kaz said, with confidence. he was confident that they can at least try to take down Mr. Terror.

"What do you mean?" Cody furrowed her eyebrows. She tries not to cry as she thought that Kaz sounds a lot like her brother. She saw her big brother in him.

"I have complete and utter faith in you. I believe we can take her down. Trust me." Kaz smiled offering her his hand. 

"God! You sound just like my brother..." Cody said shedding a few tears but instantly wiping the, 

"Well, he sounds amazing. So, are we going to do this?" He asked as Cody nodded with a confident look on his face, taking his hand and jumping out the window and soaring high into the sky. they flew for about two hours before they reached the city ash graveyard and landed in the soot. Ash clouded up around their feet from the impact. Cody walked next to Kaz, her super senses on high alert. 

Kaz kept his head on swivel, scanning the area for traps. When men in black started shooting projectiles at them Kaz and Cody took off into the air. They levitated in the air back-to-back rotating and blasting the attackers. 


Tecton woke up the next morning thinking everything was okay. Kaz got her to talk, but he never noticed him leave. He proably left when iI fell alseep. Tecton thought as he went up to Cody's room the next morning to find the window open. Kaz was no longer there. 

"Oh no... they went after her... alone." Tecton said shooting into the air and trying to rush to them before it was too late. he couldn't let Mr. Terror take Cody from him. she was like the daughter he never had. he had to save Her... and Kaz of course. time permitting. 

he flew through the clouds as fast as he could, when he saw the smoke from the demolition sight. He picked up his speed to try and get there in time.


Kaz and Cody were battling Mr. Terrors men when Mr. Terror suddenly shot an Electric rope at them tying them up. They continued to fly higher to try and escape but they were struggling against the restrains. 

"Kaz fly higher!" Cody demanded.

"I'm trying!" Kaz said as he struggled against the restrains. The rope of electricity got tighter and tighter. "If we wait much longer, we will be captured!"

"I know!" Cody yelled as she felt her anger boil in her when she saw the look on Bridget's face. 

"Pull harder! they can be useful to us! very useful." Mr. Terror sneered. "You can't beat me Kaz! You will die here and soon will the other Superheroes!"

"This is the last mistake you'll ever make!" Kaz yelled using his fire to try and attack some of the army but with little luck

"Oh, I'm sure, Kaz... I'm sure" Bridget sneered. "Come on Cody, don't fight it!"

Tecton then flew up and saw the pickle they were in. "CODY!" He called as Cody looked at him and smiled. 

"Tecton!" she said excitedly. 

Tecton slammed to the ground sending an earthquake that knocked Mr. Terror's minions down. he started to fight Mr. Terror and he attacked her knocking her back, before she blasted him with electricity. They went head-to-head before Tecton got the upper hand and knocked Bridget 1000 feet away. She got up and screamed. 

That scream made Cody explode. She felt her powers flow through her and used her cosmic energy transference to blast the electric field tying them up. they flew high into the air and Cody stared at Mr. Terror. her blood boiled with rage. 

"That's its Cody Cosmo. If you take me out... your path to becoming a villain will be complete." Bridget sneered.

Cody scowled and shouted into the air. her anger and rage being let out in her scream of pain.

"Cody!" Kaz yelled "Let's go!" he demanded. 

Cody circled the army from above. "I'm so close! I might not get this shot again!" Cody snapped in frustration.

"But are you willing to sacrifice Kaz too?" Tecton asked as Cody looked at Kaz who looked at her with pleading eyes. he hoped her answer was no.

"Cody, we will take care of her, just not today. there will be another time. I promise." Tecton said almost to sincerely. he had a different approach in his voice than the argument they had yesterday. One that made Cody's heart warm up. He truly cared about her like a father. 

"Agh!" She said as the three of them flew off. 

Cody, Kaz and Tecton flew in silence for a while. Cody had conflicted feelings. she couldn't believe that she let Kaz go with her. she loved him. and she's now admitting it to herself. she would kill herself if he died. 

but what exactly did she like about him? She couldn't explain why she loved him. She just did. maybe one day she might be able to explain it. but that day is not today. She knew two things. one: Kaz was a superhero. and two: she had fallen completely, immensely and unconditionally in love with him. She was snapped out of her trance when Tecton looked at her.

"Using your cosmic energy... pretty smart." Tecton smiled.

"I didn't know I was that powerful..." Cody sighed. "Look I'm sorry for what I said to you yesterday..." she said softly.

"It's okay... you're right... I'm not your father." Tecton said in shame.

"But you are. You're the one who, put clothes on my back, a roof over my head, food on my table, you protect me, paid for school, pay for my training, vouching for me to the League of Superheroes... Make sure I sleep at night... that sounds a lot like a dad to me..." Cody smiled. 

Tecton chuckled to himself.

"And thank you Kaz, for believing in me... I appreciate that. you believed in me when nobody else would... and that's why I stand by you." Cody smiled as Kaz smiled.

"That's what friends are for... I wasn't going to let you go alone. that's the last thing I wanted." Kaz smiled.

"Thank you for that..." Cody blushed as they arrived at her house again. Their feet touched the earth and Cody hugged Kaz tightly. "I love you so much Kaz you have no idea." She whispered.

"I love you too." He whispered returning her hug, turning it into a bear hug. 

"I'll see you at school tomorrow?" Kaz asked pulling away. Cody looked into his eyes.

"Yeah... see you then." Cody said before running and hugging Tecton like a scared child hugging their parent.

"Take it easy, Starlet, you're going to hurt yourself." Tecton chuckled before picking her up and hugging her in a bear hug. 

From that moment forward, Cody promised to be completely honest with Tecton. He was her father now. and she wouldn't have it any other way. She loved him like a daughter would love their dad and that's all that mattered.

this was the first time in a very long time that she actually had a real family. it may not be her birth family, but she knew that she would never trade this for the world. Kaz was her best friend/brother who she had a big crush on, but she would never admit it. She now realized why she loved him: he was handsome, kind, funny, protective, supportive and he loved her for her. Oliver was her other best friend/brother who she would push into a frozen river if she had the chance just to laugh at him. he was smart, generous, caring, sweet, and genuine. Skylar was her sister. the one she always wanted: Smart, determined, brave and supportive. Tecton was her father: He stood by her, he protected her, he raised her, and Horace was her fun uncle: funny, supportive, protective, honest, and loving.

she wouldn't have it any other way. she was so focused on what was taken from her and not what was given. she was given a home, a family, and people who loved her. She was lucky to be the one to carry on her family's legacy and she promised herself she would make them proud.

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