°˖✧˚ʚ Guardian ɞ˚✧˖°

By tRuLyYoUrSSteph

21 0 0

When the world begins to change and things seem to become more negative for humans, a special sort of angel i... More

°˖✧˚ʚSpecies Information ɞ˚✧˖°
°˖✧˚ʚ Prologue ɞ˚✧˖°
°˖✧˚ʚ One ɞ˚✧˖°
°˖✧˚ʚ Two ɞ˚✧˖°
°˖✧˚ʚ Three ɞ˚✧˖°
°˖✧˚ʚ Four ɞ˚✧˖°
°˖✧˚ʚ Five ɞ˚✧˖°
°˖✧˚ʚ Seven ɞ˚✧˖°
°˖✧˚ʚ Eight ɞ˚✧˖°

°˖✧˚ʚ Six ɞ˚✧˖°

1 0 0
By tRuLyYoUrSSteph

As Eijiro sat on his bed after telling Katsuki and Ochaco goodbye, he was still dazed from hearing Katsuki's words about him. Even though the moment had passed when he had finally emerged from his room, the whole time the others were there, he had to hide the fact that he felt like he had been smacked across the face.

I know eavesdropping isn't very manly, but it was part of the plan Uraraka and I made. I would stay away from Bakugo for a bit and let her talk to him and then I'd come out and we'd talk together. But I couldn't bring myself to know all this stuff now. Does he really think he's a bad friend? Eijiro questioned, looking back at his phone for what seemed like the millionth time, wondering if he should contact Katsuki about what he heard, Will it hurt our friendship? I know that he's gotten to what he says and hears now, so I don't know if I should do this. It would help with understanding, but... oh, c'mon Kirishima, be a man!

The redhead raised his phone up to his face as the screen lit up, going into his contacts and pressing the call button. While the line wasn't picking up, Eijiro's anxiety only grew larger, asking himself more questions than from before. Once Katsuki had finally picked up the phone, Eijiro raised the phone shakily up to his ear.


That wasn't his voice that was speaking, it was his friend's voice on the other end of the line. The male seemed to be frozen in place with his mouth open, thinking of what to say and how to slowly ease into the conversion that happened between the blonde and Ochaco. With haste, he replied, "Hey, am I disrupting you?"

"No, I'm just in bed. What's up?"

"I was just wondering how, uh," The nervous male swallowed the lump in his throat, "How did your talk with Uraraka go?"

"Fine, we didn't say much. Why?"

"Just curious, did you find talking easy with her?"

"A little, what's with the questions? You have something else on your mind don't you?" Eijiro could hear Katsuki's shuffling in bed, which made him feel somewhat more unsettled.

"N-no! I mean..."

"C'mon, you don't stutter for no reason," More shuffling when into the phone, "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing I-" Eijiro sighed deeply, "I overheard the stuff you said with Uraraka."

Damn, that was subtle. Good job, Eijiro.

No response came into the phone for a few minutes, making the redhead rethink his choices once more. As the minutes felt like infinity, an answer finally came through the handheld device.

"You weren't supposed to hear that." The response was cold. The sentence itself seemed to have no emotion inside it as it went into Eijiro's ear. At that moment, Eijiro truly felt like he truly stepped out of line. Katsuki was right, he wasn't supposed to hear that.

It wasn't like he wanted to hear specifically all of what the male had said, he was expecting something else. He was expecting to hear something simpler and easier to question, not something as personal and sensitive as the reality of what he actually spilled out. Shaking and not knowing what else to say, Eijiro hung up and loosened his grip on the phone, plopping it on his nightstand. He scooted himself up the very back of his bed with his head in his knees, wrapping all up in his arms.

I knew it. I shouldn't have done it. I should have never called him. I should've kept it to myself. This isn't manly at all. Eijiro thought as his phone started ringing, but he didn't even bother answering it, knowing who it was. He slowly reached toward it, shutting it off entirely.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

What the hell? So he's gonna call me, hang up on me, then not answer me a second after? Katsuki thought angrily as he repeatedly tried calling his unresponsive friend until it kept going to voicemail. In frustration, he threw his phone on the floor and got up quickly from his bed. In reality, he wasn't mad, he was confused as to why Eijiro was acting so strange. But his confusion and other things that he couldn't understand usually spiraled into anger. The ash blonde went over to his bookshelf, picking up a lopsided book which revealed a rock. It was a rock that Eijiro had given him when they were little kids. Katsuki remembered how mad he was when he received it after getting informed that it was a rock from the same river he had fallen in. He got so pissed in fact, that he smacked the little sharp-toothed boy on his eye, scratching and scarring him. Even after, when Katsuki was sent to the nursery's office and Eijiro to the nurse, even after a bunch of apologies and an ice pack with a gauge, both the little boys stayed together like glue; another reason why he felt like such a bad friend. Through the pain and hurt, he stayed no matter what.

I still remember that day, Katsuki smiled to himself, "I'm so sorry Eijiro! I'm so sorry!"

"That's okay Kacchan, it doesn't hurt that much."

"But... you were crying. Look at your face, it's all covered in tears!"

"Ow, don't pinch my cheek! That hurts!"

"Sorry... again."

"It's okay! It will probably make me look tough."

"If it makes you feel better. Still I like the rock that you gave me. It wasn't like I didn't."

"Oh well, I'm happy you did! I was going to take it back, but I guess I don't have to now!"

"Thank you so much for the rock. I'll always keep it with me!" Young Katsuki hugged the little boy that was in front of him.

"You're welcome!" Young Eijiro exclaimed, hugging the blonde back with one of his little arms.

The rock will do. The rock is what he gave me, so the rock is what I'll end with.

As the male's thoughts seemed to cease to exist from the old memory, he picked up the rock and held it over his head. Though it wasn't a big rock, it was enough to get the job done. Before he could even drop it however, something swooped into his window and held the rock to remain in the air. It was no surprise to who it was, especially since he was practically illuminating the whole room. But instead like every other time, Izuku wasn't saying a word nor was he looking Katsuki in the eye.

"What's wrong with you?" Katsuki asked with an attitude.

"Nothing, I have things on my mind. What's wrong with you?" Izuku replied monotony.

"Tc- nothing, if you don't wanna be here then go home!"

"I don't have a choice. I'm doing my job as your Guardian to protect you and keep you safe. Not that I don't want to protect you and help you, but I was just thinking about my home and how everything works. I'm not really focused right now, but don't hurt yourself. I may not know the reason why humans do such horrible things to their fragile skin and precious bodies like life is some sort of cruel punishment that you can't escape from, but I see your lives as something beautiful, something that has so many things that lie in store. I see birth, learning, friends, love interests, couples, marriage and then it starts all over again. The hardships are just temporary, and if you keep pushing people away, you won't get any better and the hardships just seem to take over. I guess what I'm thinking of, Kacchan... you."

Katsuki's face melted from annoyance, to confusion, to empathy. He deeply sighed as he put his rock back in his bookshelf's drawer and covered it up with the book before sitting on his bed and patted the edge next to him, "Sit."

Izuku slowly walked over to the bed and sat down, a bit uncomfortable and not knowing what to do or say. Luckily, Katsuki broke the silence for him.

"Go ahead, speak. You sound like you need to let stuff out, so hurry up and spill."

"O- alright. Back when I was younger and didn't know about Client choosing, me and my friends picked the humans we wanted to be Guardians for. When it was my turn, I chose a boy with blonde hair, red eyes, and a very confident personality. I didn't know you were the one I chose but I really wanted to be your Guardian, more a friend at the age I was at. I hope you don't find me creepy or anything like that, but I watched you from the clouds, seeing you grow up until I reached the age of ten, when I wasn't allowed to watch anymore and focus on training. So when I found out I got you as a Client, I was happy. But ever since our first day meeting each other, I felt as if I was a burden to you. You don't want me around and you only saw me as something that gets in your way. So I feel that one day you'll push me away so far that I'll get unassigned as you being my Client. I could only imagine what you would do after that. There are many people who want to help you, including me. I just wish you could see that."

"You don't think I do notice that?!" Katsuki blurted out defensively, "I know people want to help me, whether they come out with it straight or they use their actions, I know they want to help. It's just that I don't want their help because it makes me look weak, weaker than I already am. But I'm being too stupid, I'm still in my old ways of doing shit. I still think that I need to push everyone... and Eijiro away. Kirishima deserves a better friend, better than me. But I love him so much that I can't let him go. I don't know what to do, I'm so lost that I don't know how to ask for help. I can't..." Katsuki rubbed his eyes as he started to sob. Izuku watched as his cries became louder and messier, as they sounded harder for the male to keep in. The freckled Guardian reached out his white wing over to Katsuki subtly, looking away from him to avoid being yelled at. But instead, he felt his feathers having soft pressure getting put on them. He moved his head over to see Katsuki's head buried deep inside them. Making his round eyes widen, he slowly pulled the taller other into his body, putting his arms around him. As the greenette male stared down the human in his arms in a teary mess, he studied the most he could about the way humans act.

From what I've been seeing about a human's emotions, when humans are sad, they cry a lot. They seem to let their guards down and their true emotions and sadness out. It seems as if they can't help it though, I should write more about this in my notebook. But for now, I need to help my Client. Mmm... he seems to be a bit cold. I guess I can give him a bit of warmth. Humans like warmth, right? Izuku thought before using his power. Little sparks of gold filled the air as Izuku's green locks floated up from his head. The blonde noticed the sparks flashing in his eyes as he kept his buried face into Izuku's robe, then feeling the warmth of his Guardian's body on him. He moved his head back in as the sparks ceased along with Izuku's hair gliding gracefully back down to his head.

Kacchan's heartbeat and breathing seems to have calmed down a bit. Maybe he's feeling a little better, that's good. I guess he likes the warmth, I'll just keep it on him then, even though it's draining some of my energy. It doesn't matter though, the Client is what matters the most.

"Don't worry, once you feel better mentally and physically, you won't need me anymore. I'll only be temporary. After that, you'll just have your friends and your parents again." Izuku told the male heated up in his arms.

"What happens to you after you're done with me?" Katsuki asked, muffled in the cloth, which wasn't a question that Izuku was expecting him to ask. As the greenette boy stayed looking down at Katsuki, his red iris made puppylike eyes at him, despite his eye's shape being so sharp.

"I don't know what will happen to me, if I retire or if I get assigned another Client. All I know is that you're my main priority right now." Izuku let a small smile pass through his lips as he answered his Client, even though nothing said was all that happy.

While silence came across the boys, Katsuki remained thinking about Eijiro. Why did he hang up after he said that the redhead wasn't supposed to hear what he heard? Was it the way he said it? The blonde trancefully shook his head to ease his mind, focusing on the warmth around him and the Guardian's breathing going into his ear. To his surprise when he decided to put his gaze back on the male above him, they both made eye contact with one another, causing Katsuki's feelings to swirl and mix in his head.

"I didn't know Guardians were allowed to do this with humans."

"Of course! Even though there are restrictions on our existence as Guardians, it doesn't mean we're just here to protect you from harm. Some Guardians even gain great trust with their Clients."

"Like as friends or something?"

"Uh-" Izuku's wings fluttered nervously, remembering his rules, "Well, no. We aren't allowed to be that close. Just patient and guardian."

Katsuki felt a little disappointment as he heard that, but immediately buried the thought away, Why should I care? I don't care about him. Like he said, it'll be temporary, he's just going to be here for a little while. I'll make sure of it. Going back to his normal demeanor, the blonde pulled away from Izuku's embrace and wiped his remaining tears off his face, leaving the shorter other confused but calm.

"Thank you... Izuku." Katsuki muttered under his breath, loud enough for the angel to hear.

"You're welcome. I hope you have a good rest, Kacchan." Izuku smiled warmly before leaving out the window.

Though the ruby eyed boy said nothing, he secretly felt a lot more appreciative on the inside than he had shown. Some part of him even wished he came back until he heard his phone ring again, revealing to be Eijiro's contact.

"Do you finally wanna talk?" Katsuki asked, trying not to sound rude while speaking.

"Y-yeah. Let's talk."

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