°˖✧˚ʚ Two ɞ˚✧˖°

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"A Guardian? That's awesome, man! Can I see him?!" Eijiro asked Katsuki eagerly on their way home from school.

"About that, he's kind of pissed off at me so... I don't want him around today." Katsuki insisted, making his friend's excitement go down a couple levels.

"Well, do they look how people say they do? Do they have gold and white wings? Do they have four of them? Are their robes golden and white too? Is it made from silk? Does it not have stitches on the seams like they say it does? Do they have halos?"

"I don't know, I don't know. He was wearing our school uniform, probably to blend in with other students. The wings thing is true, I guess. Big, gold, white, four of them, and sparkles," Katsuki's face then twisted like he had eaten a very sour lemon, "I hate sparkles."

"I know, I know. So, do they cry white tears like they say too?"

"How should I know? He didn't even cry-" Katsuki's mind then flashed to when he pressed the charm on the roof, when Izuku was in pain, he was crying. But it didn't seem like normal tears, from what he could see, they were coming out in white and gold tears, which seemed to be their two official colors. But when he wiped them off his face and onto his sleeves, they didn't make a golden white mark on the vest, they were just clear and wet like normal tears, "Yes, but it's like a mixture between white and gold."

"How do you know what Guardians cry?"

"I made mine cry by accident."

"Accident?" Eijiro raised an eyebrow and smirked at Katsuki.

"I swear, it was an actual accident. I never wanted a Guardian, anyway."

"Why did you get one? What's the occasion?"

"My parents got me one because they thought it was necessary." But Katsuki knew that wasn't the entire reason why he got a Guardian. It was truly because he was closed to his parents about everything, he couldn't tell if it was selfish or selfless of him, but he didn't want his parents to worry. When Katsuki hit the last block toward his house, he raised up his arm to stop Eijiro from walking any farther.

"What's wrong?" Eijiro asked, confused as to why he was so suddenly stopped.

Katsuki stayed silent, slightly turning his head toward the redhead, who was impatiently waiting for an answer or explanation.

"Listen Bakugo, if you're going to keep giving me silent treatment, then please at least show me sign language so you can stop being all mysterious and-" Eijiro stopped mid-sentence to feel the sudden weight on his chest. He looked down to see a pouty Katsuki with his arms wrapped around him. Recovering from his surprise, he put his arms around him as well, still a bit bewildered about the fact that Katsuki was hugging him outdoors.

"From now on, don't come to my house unless I tell you to. We say our goodbyes here, Shitty Hair." Katsuki instructed.

"Why not?" Eijiro raised his eyebrow once again.

"Because," Katsuki took out his phone to see his mother's text asking him where he was, "I'll text you later once I get home."

"Okay, bye. I'll be waiting." Eijiro waved, a bit concerned about the other before walking away.

As Katsuki was walking home, he felt guilty about pushing Eijiro away a bit. Eijiro was Katsuki's childhood friend, they've been together ever since like glue. But ever since the bullying started, Katsuki felt like he had been acting an ass toward him, always pushing him away and keeping secrets. That wasn't what friends did, friends don't lie, friends don't push each other away. That's what bad friends do. Katsuki felt his throat choke up and began to run away home. Once he had finally made it home, he slammed the door shut, looking at the Guardian note that was still on the table, making him more infuriated. Mitsuki was washing dishes when he came and realized that he had seemed stressed.

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