Standing Next To You

By Arvinnikooo

711 104 75

A normal an peacefull life is what you always wanted. A new neighbor makes the world you once Dreamed about... More

Authors note
Epilogue: The one where you meet Jin
~ The one with your anniversary
~ The one with the boat trip
~ The one where you text with your new neighbor
~ The one where you found out
~ The one where you wake up in his bed
~ The one where you ignore everyone
~ The one with Jimin and the deal
~ the one that is the day after the deal
~ The one where you make chocolate chip cookies together
~ The one where Jin asks you to meet up
~ The one with the pancakes and him not forgiving you
~ The one where Hobi finds out
~ The with the shelter and Tetris

~ The one with the text messages

28 7 0
By Arvinnikooo

The meeting that Jin had was delayed which led to him being away for another week.

You just want him to put more effort in your relationship. It's always you who stays awake so you can call. It's always you who keeps asking him questions so the conversation keeps on. Maybe you are driving yourself crazy for no reason but you just want to matter. You want to feel like Jin also needs you in his life.

That he really wants to be with you and reassure you that when he comes back he will make up for it. Will take you out and make beautiful memories. Instead you are met with more disappointment when he tells you he has to leave again after he comes back for two days.

You have been working at the restaurant to stop your mind from overthinking. Like usual the staff was working hard to be able to send everyone their food. Not having you seen your boyfriend has made you extremely irritated and you have been acting it out on your workers.

It wasn't your choice but every small detail had to be done like you liked so when someone else did a slightly different thing it made you irritated and eventually ended up in you getting mad at them. Hobi got fed up with it and took you to your office.

'I know you are irritated with Jin but that is no reason to get mad at the workers for doing their job like they always do.' He speaks.

You know Hobi is right which irritates you more. Right now you want life to work out like you want to. Looking at Hobi's eyes you see the worry in his eyes and decide to give in this time.

'You're right, I will stop yelling..' you say.

Met with a Hobi lifting his eyes you continue.

'And acting bossy, I will return back to my lovely mode.' You say

Hobi walks over to you, pats your hair and goes back inside.

You know the reason why he left you alone is to take a breather. A minute to yourself to get back to your old settings. It's a sweet way of him saying that he is here for me and now I have to be in the kitchen working to be there for him.

Tonight is prepping day. Hobi left earlier because his new bed arrived and he needed to put it together in order to sleep in it tonight.

Checking the time you see that it's a little over midnight and you will be done before 1 am. Proud about the fact Jin hasn't been on your mind, you grab your phone.

Some music seems needed and while searching for a good song you see a message come through.

Software engineer: Know where I could get some decent food at this hour?

Software engineer: Haven't eaten dinner yet.

You and your neighbor have been texting a lot lately but mostly about random things.

Sending him a picture of the chicken you were prepping, you ask if he wants some.

Me: Can I fulfill your needs with some Korean fried chicken?

Software engineer: Please!! I am begging you to bring me some.

You laugh at loud and send him a quick reply

Me: will be home in about an hour. Stay awake so you can enjoy some warm chicken.

Choosing a song you start cleaning the kitchen and bake some korean fried chicken for your neighbor to eat.


Entering your apartment you feel your body getting tired instantly. Thanks to overworking yourself you slum against the elevator waiting for it to open. Stepping out of the elevator, you put the food in front of Taehyung's door.

The reason you didn't give the food in person is because you reek of meat and don't want to look unhygienic seeing your new neighbor.

You don't want him to see you like this, don't know why but you just don't.

Closing your own door you send a text to your neighbor

Me: It's in front of your door, enjoy

Software engineer: Why don't you join me?

Me: I am too tired, besides I will get fat.

Software engineer: You won't get fat but I get that you're tired. Get some sleep. We will talk tomorrow.

the question you wanted to ask him all day lingers in your mind. Your thumbs fidget above the keyboard and eventually you type.

Me: What is your name actually? If you don't mind me asking.

Software engineer: You can call me kook

Me: Like cookie?

Kook: Yeah

Me: U hungry?

Kook: Always...

Me: I made some loaded fries, want some?

Kook: Yeah but I am not at home. Can you drop them off but tell Taehyung you put cinnamon in it.

Kook: He is allergic to cinnamon and that way he won't eat my food <3

Giggling, you are giggling at kook's message. You have been texting almost everyday about everything at the same time nothing.

Me: noted

Making a box with loaded fries you decorate it and put aluminum foil on it but poke some holes in it. Otherwise it will get mushy you think to yourself.

Giving food to Kook has become a habit for you. Since he works overtime he doesn't order much and you are just grateful that he messages you. Naza and Taehyung have been hanging out a lot and Naza usually replies after a few hours, the same goes for Minhee and Namjoon. Kook usually responds in a few minutes while he is really busy and the fact that he does that means a lot to you.

After a few days of cooking you just started cooking for two people and send one to Kook for him to eat. After eating your lasagna he kept asking for more food everyday and now it's part of your daily routine.

You like Kook's company even though you've never seen him. It feels like you've known him for years but at the same time it's like you met for the first time.

Opening your door you walk up to kooks apartment and knock on the door.

Taehyung opens the door and instantly greets you.

'Some loaded fries for kook, careful I put some cinnamon in it.' You smile

'Kook told you to say that so I wouldn't eat it right?' He asks

'Well yeah, but I thought you would figure that out. Which is why I actually did put some cinnamon in it.' You wink at him.

'What does your boyfriend think about you making food for Kook?' He bites back

Jin doesn't know that I have new neighbors and also doesn't know I have been cooking for one of them regularly. Part of you not telling him is that he wouldn't want you to keep texting. Which is fair, but kook is the only person whom you talk to these days. Hobi and Yoongi are fishing every possibility they get and you don't want to accompany them and end up smelling like fish.

Jin would think that you're cheating on him which would lead to you feeling guilty. If he would just stop going on trips for a while you would have somebody to spend your time with. Now you are not mad at him for going to work but sending me one message isn't that hard. I can always answer when I am awake or have time. He does the same with you so why not reciprocate?

'He is happy that I have someone to talk to since you stole Naza from me.' I bite back.

'I didn't steal her..'

A sudden sound stops Taehyung from talking. Pushing Taehyung away you see Naza sleeping on his couch and her phone on the ground. It must have slipped from her hand.

They probably were having some quality time and she must've fallen asleep. Not wanting to take more time from them, you look at Taehyung and nod.

'Have fun.' You wink.

You leave being happy for your bestie.

Kook: thank you for the food <3

Me: you're welcome

Kook: How was your day?

Me: you got time? I mean you must be busy.

Kook: I got time for you.

Me: Well today I went to work, got home, made food, saw Taehyung and Naza at your place, came back and layed on my couch.

Me: what about you?

Kook: woke up, did some coding, took a shower, coded some more, went to a meeting, coded some more there, came back home, ate the best loaded fries of my life and now I am texting with you.

You can't help but smile at the text he sent.

Me: been productive huh

Kook: life is heartless

Me: I won't take anymore of your time. Get some sleep I promise to text you tomorrow so you can have some food

Kook: Will we eat together?

Me: Don't think my boyfriend would like that

Kook: were just friends, whom like to talk to each other and who share meals

Me: yeah...

Kook: Does that mean you will eat with me tomorrow?

Me: No

Kook: At least I tried

Kook: I know it is 3 am but are you awake?

Me: was about to sleep

Kook: You in bed

Me: yes

Kook: Do you have some cookies?

Me: I literally dropped some off...

Kook: I know...

Kook: you there?

Kook: Okay, I won't ask for cookies! Come back...

Me: put them in front of your door

Kook: Why can't I see you?

Me: Idk

Kook: You shy that you will find me hot?

Me: Yeah keep telling yourself that bud.

Kook: Your cookies are better than orgasm. What even is in this?

Me: you're lying. I put macadamia nuts in it. I really like it that way.

Kook: Me too. When can we bake them together?

You blush while reading his request. Jin never liked to bake together so Kook asking you to bake cookies together came as a shocker.

Me: idk

Kook: Seriously when can I meet you

Me: idk

Kook: Just wanna know if I am being catfished

me: We all know it's probably going to be the other way around.

Kook: Let's find out then.

Me: You got me, I am actually 60 and I have 4 cats

Kook: I love cats. When can I see them?

Me: I'm actually more of a dog person

kook: Yeah me 2

Me: I want to get a puppy but I don't know if I could take care of it.

Kook: I have a Doberman. I can help and we both know you can take care of a dog.

Me: I think it's time to find a dog

Kook: yess

Me: okay but I took enough of your time. You should sleep

Kook: You never take away my time but if u don't want to talk anymore that's okay...

Rolling your eyes you start typing on your phone

Me: When did you get a dog?

And that's how you and kook keep texting till you both fall asleep. Those hours you spent talking not once was Jin on your mind.

Author's note:

Or I was going to write another chapter or I was going to cry so here you go

Please vote. Idk how I can get people to read my book.

Had a busy day today and wanted to let everything out. Next chapter is going to be a lot of words I think

We finally have an hour on reading time!

I am open for opinions ————>>>>

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