Hell Triplet's (Hazbin Hotel...

By GaelJuarez8

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Sable and Cereza are helping Lucifer's daughter Charlie in her redemption hotel. Unfortunately for them they... More

Radio killed the video Star
Scrambled eggs
Dad Beat Dad
Welcome to Heaven
Hello Rosie!
The Show Must Go On


391 8 6
By GaelJuarez8

[So after watching Ep 4 Masquerade SEVERAL times, I came to the conclusion that both Sable and Cereza won't take part in it, they really don't get along with Angel so far. So this is mostly an original chapter describing the impact the Crimson Knight had for Pentagram city. For better and for worse.]

[The episode opens with Angel Dust waking up in a dimly lit room, tied up to a chair. He tries to budge free but fails. His captor paces around him.]

Captor: Finally awake, Angel Dust.

[Angel glowers but eventually regains his confident smile.]

Angel Dust: Yeah, and what's it to ya?

[Captor holds a knife against Angel's face.]

Captor: I want you to tell me where your boss stashes his vault.

Angel Dust: (laughs unbothered.) It's hilarious you think I'd tell you anything.

[The captor grabs Angel off the ground by the neck.]

Captor: Fine! I guess I'll just have to fuck the information out of ya.

Angel Dust: (Stares defiantly.) Do your worst. (Then breaks into a seductive smile.) Daddy~

[The captor rips his shirt open and engages in sexual intercourse with Angel, revealing this is a porn film played on the hotel's TV.]

Angel Dust : (onscreen) Oh, yeah, baby~

[Cuts to Charlie, Sable and Charlie watching creeped out, Cereza and Vaggie annoyed and rather interested Niffty.]

Angel Dust: You know, this performance won me a Sex-x-xi award.

Sable: What the fuck is wrong with Sinners today?

Charlie: It's, uh... Very... Honest?... Oh. (Charlie turns away, nauseous and tries to shield her eyes with her right hand.)

Vaggie: Ew.

Cereza: Oh I'm gonna puke now!

[Charlie peeks from her fingers back at the TV screen before turning her head away to avoid watching with her hand covering her mouth this time.]

Angel Dust : (onscreen)Oh, harder, daddy~

Vaggie: Okay! Enough of that.

[Vaggie tries to help Charlie by covering the side of her face with her own hand so she doesn't have to see the TV screen. She turns her head to Angel Dust with a disapproving and unamused stare.]

Vaggie: Angel, what the fuck?

Angel Dust: What? You said was show-and-tell day. I'm showin' you my best film, and I'm tellin you that it scored me a win over that bitch, Tiffany Titfucker.

[Husk is seen cleaning and wiping a wine glass.]

Husk: Ya know, not a very convincing interrogation scene.

Angel Dust: (laughs pissed off) Alright, dickhead. What makes you think you have any right to insult my work to my fuckin' face?

Husk: You really gonna sit there and act like these scripts ain't hot garbage?

Angel Dust: (Gasps) Fuck you! This is classy art! (Gestures with two hands at the TV screen)

Angel Dust : (onscreen) OH! FUUUCK!

[Co-star slaps Angel's butt and bites it. Sir Pentious covers his eyes when he sees while Niffty lies on her stomach on the table with smile, kicking her legs back and forth as she continues watching.]

Husk: That's bullshit. You get drunk and bitch about them all the time. Everyone likes to bitch to the bartender. I know everything about you and these motherfuckers at this point. (Gestures to Sir Pentious) That one. That one is an insecure buffoon whose lonely ass watches you idiots sleep! (To Charlie) Princess, is a bleeding heart who wants to solve everybody else's problems 'cept her own.

Charlie: What?! No, I-- What? Pfffft, no, no. (Vaggie just stares at her silently.)

Husk: [to Vaggie.] This one. [She turns her attention away from Charlie and scowls at Husk, growling under her breath.] Judges everyone and everything because she hates herself.

[Vaggie frowns before groaning.]

Husk: (To Cereza) She is a hopeless romantic and daddy attention seeking broad who is jealous that his sibling has a better love life than her.

Cereza: Fuck you! 

Husk: (To Sable) You are just scared puppy afraid to make his own choices who is weirdly into Beelzebub songs.

Sable: No I'm not! I just like her songs!

Husk: (Gestures to Niffty who smiles mischievously.) And Niffty? Hehhh... You don't even want to know what her deal is.

[Husk drinks from his bottle of whiskey/wine he is holding as Angel laughs and kicks his legs.]

Angel Dust: You weren't kidding. Oh ho, wow!

[Angel laughs in front of Vaggie's face briefly while she is still frowning before sitting himself down on the couches arm.]

Angel Dust: Kitten's got claws.

[He gestures claws with his hand while looking to the side at Husk flirtatiously, causing his eyes to widen and his eyebrows to raise at that. Angel places his hand underneath Husks' chin, turning his head to face him closely as his hand adjusts against his cheek with his other holding the bottom of Husks' hand.]

Angel Dust: (Sexily.) Meow~

[Husk immediately breaks away from his grasp and points at Angel with his index finger rather annoyed, causing Angel's eyes to widen and eyebrows to raise in surprise from the sudden move.]

Husk: And you! (Scoffs.) Don't get me started. I see right through you and all this bullshit and how fake you are.

Angel Dust: Oh ho ho, me? Fake? Wow, I had no idea. Guess that's why I'm an actor, dumbass. And-- (Phone vibrates and rings.) Hold that thought.

Angel Dust: [answers the phone.] Hello? Uh, yeah I'm-I'm... No, No, I just, I... (Nervously.) No, I-I'm not... But, uh... Yeah, I'll be right there.

Angel Dust: Well, uh... Looks like Val needs me for an... Uh-- emergency shoot.

Husk: Uh-huh, sure.

Angel Dust: You know what? Fuck you. I don't give a shit what some drunk ass bartender thinks a' me. (Pulls out glasses/shades from chest fluff.) So why don't you just crawl back to whatever cave you came from, porn critic. (Husk grows annoyed at his comment as Angel flips him off and puts on hid glasses/shades. Husk growls and glares at him.)

Charlie: (Sprints after Angel.) Angel, you can't leave yet. (Tries to stop him from leaving by taking his hands and gently leading him back to the lobby.) We haven't finished our exercises for the day.

Angel Dust: I'm sure you'll manage without me. (Walks back over to the door to leave, grabs the handle, and opens it.)

[Charlie sprints back after him and closes the door with her back, trying to block him from leaving.]

Charlie: There isn't much time left for the hotel to prove itself.

[Angel places his hands on his hips and waist growing annoyed before facepalming trying to remain calm before taking off his glasses/shades with one hand and placing another on Charlie's shoulder.]

Angel Dust: Dollface, it's my job. I know you want to fix everything but unless you can fix my boss, there's nothing you can do.

[Charlie frowns at what he said Angel moves her out of the way to the door, opens it, puts his glasses/shades back on, and slams the door and leaves.]

Charlie: Uuugh, why is this so haaaard? What am I doing wrong?

Vaggie: Well, I mean... You're the princess of Hell.

Charlie: So?

Cereza: So, you don't really use the power that comes with that, which I love about you, but maybe you can... I don't know, command a little more... Authority?(Mutter Maybe even get Alastor to do something around here...

Charlie: (Whines.) But that's so meeeeaaan.

Vaggie: It's not mean exactly. It's... Uh aggressive kindness.

Charlie: Okay... I could be so aggressively kind to Angel's boss... That I convince him to let Angel spend more time at the hotel!

Vaggie: Sure, whatever gets you there, babe.

[Charlie leaves.]

Sable: Well lets hope she can convince his boss. (To Cereza) You ready?

Cereza: Yup, let's go.

Vaggie: Where are you two going?

Sable: Recruiting.

Vaggie: Recruiting? Where? Most places we went rejected us. I don't think there's one left.

[Both Cereza and Sable look at each other nervously.]

Sable: (Sighs) The Crimson alleys...

Vaggie: (Shocked but then frowns) No.

Sable: Vaggie...

Vaggie: No, absolutely not. There are limits Sable.

Sable: I know but currently they are the only place with Sinners we haven't talked yet, besides there are rumors of the alleys being overwhelmed by Sinners. This could be a great opportunity!

Vaggie: The alleys are different Sable, that's the place where the Crimson Knight cult resides. We need Sinners not crazy murderous cultists.

Cereza: The Crimson Knight has a cult?

Vaggie: (Scoffs) You didn't know?

Sable: Why do you think they called it the Crimson alleys?

Cereza: Maybe because they are Crimson color? I don't know! Why would they even worship him? He was a murderous fuck who just killed Exorcists!

Sable: Because people will worship anything, specially if it save their lives'.

Cereza: He didn't save shit! All he did was rampage through Pentagram city, I assure you that he didn't give a fuck about the Sinners he "saved".

Vaggie: That doesn't matter to them, all they see is someone who finally stood up to Heaven, (Softly) through any means necessary...

[Vaggie inadvertently touches her hand.]

Vaggie: How did you even know about those rumors?

Sable: Alastor told me about it. The day we went to see that tailor.

Vaggie: Still it's a terrible idea. There's no way we can house one of them.

Sable: Vaggie we are running out of options, the extermination is getting closer by the day and we need to prove Charlie's idea works. Because just having a Porn star and an incompetent Overlord wannabe isn't gonna cut it.

Mr Pentious: (Offscreen) Pisss off.

[Vaggie looks at the floor for a few seconds before sighing in defeat.]

Vaggie: Fine. Just please don't pick a cultist. Make sure he is able to listen to orders and can along with others.

Sable: We will. Come on.

[It cuts to the siblings walking towards the Crimson Alleys. Sable is looking at his phone for directions.]

Cereza: So? How does it feel to be working with your first client? Feel something nostalgic about it?

Sable: Honestly, it's weird Cherry. I started doing this ever since I was twelve. Alastor was my most frequent client for 3 years and then Puff! No contact for seven years. Then all of a sudden he is the host of the hotel.

Cereza: He is planning something, most likely taking advantage of Charlie.

Sable: Uh remember that we are only doing this because we need to "save our reputation".

Cereza: Yeah but we aren't really taking advantage of Charlie, we are just helping and if we become famous then that's just a bonus. (Groans) Are we there yet?

Sable: We shouldn't that far according to Alastor we should see a "definitely the not creepy alley".

[They finally arrive to the entrance of the alleys, which is guarded by a huge gate. The first alley is just a long one, in the distance a church can be seen where multiple armed Sinners are guarding the gate.] 

Cereza: Yep definitely not creepy.

[The gate to the alleys is then blocked as several other Sinners are attempting to enter however they are either shot, slashed or punched so they can't enter. The gate is also shown to have spikes where Exorcists head are placed, some of them are so old that the masks are torn that you could see the horrific faces they were making before they died. ]

Sinner: Please let us enter!

Sinner: You fuckers! Let us in! We don't want to fucking die!

Alley Sinner: Fuck off! There's no place for you here!

Sinner: Then kick out all those fucking mutts you have in there! They are worthless!

[The Sinner gets shot in the head.]

Cereza: Huh, guess they are not accepting any guests right now

Sable: Think you can get us in with a magic spell?

Cereza: Please.(Snaps fingers)

[A pure black shadow absorbs the siblings before they slid past the multitude of Sinners as shadows, the sneak through the gate and the main alley. They stop at the intersection where the church is. The get out of the shadows in a relatively empty alley. The first thing they notice is the large amount the hellhounds there. Some kids are playing and various are praying in front of the church.]

Sable: Lots of hellhounds here...

Cereza: Think the guy has a fetish for them?

Sable: Ugh I'd rather not think about it.  Come on let's start asking around.

[They enter the first bar they see, inside they see a multiple of sinners and hellhounds talking, but then everything goes quiet as they are noticed. Specially by the hellhounds.]

Sable: Shit, they know who we are.

Cereza: Guess news travel fast here too (Loudly) We mean no trouble, we are under the guise of Princess Morningstar. We just want to talk to whoever runs these alleys and come to an agreement!

???: Well well well, if it isn't the Vorvar'g family? What do the children of a war monger want with us?

[A young Sinner with the appearance of a reptile appears in front of them accompanied by various other Sinners.]

Sable: (Mockingly) I suppose your are the leader here?

Alex: I wish, the name's Alex and I think I speak for everyone here when I say we don't want you here. What ever you have to say you can shove it up your ass, no matter what you say we won't agree to it.

Cereza: I don't know, we try we can be quite convincing.

Alex: You really think that we would listen to you that easily?

[Alex raises his arms as he is encouraging the people in the bar to answer.]

Alex: How many of us are always being pushed around by those with more power, I mean raise your hand if you have been fucked over by an Overlord or someone of higher power.

[Many people agree with him raising their hands.]

Alex: We need change, like the Knight, we need to stand up and show them than we are no longer weak!

[Many people cheered him on while Cereza just scoffs.]

Cereza: Nice plan smartass. And how do you exactly plan to do that?

[Alex just smirks and claps his hands, all people inside push the tables aside.]

Alex: ♪  If you feel so empty

So used up, so let down

If you feel so angry

So ripped off, so stepped on

You're not the only one refusing to back down

You're not the only one, so get up ♪

[It cuts to Alex hyping up various Sinners with various Angelic weapon scars, implying that they were saved by the Knight.]

Alex/Sinners: ♪ Let's start a riot 

A riot

Let's start a riot

Let's start a riot

A riot

Let's start a riot ♪

[Alex then goes to the Hellhound's where most of them must be in their twenty's also implying that they come from the Hellhound Adoption Foundation.]

Alex:  If you feel so filthy

So dirty, so fucked up

If you feel so walked on

So painful, so pissed off

You're not the only one refusing to go down

You're not the only one, so get up ♪

[They all pull Angelic weapons signifying that they scavenged all 5000 Exorcists weapons. They rise it as if they were preparing for war.]

Alex/Sinners: ♪ Let's start a riot

A riot

Let's start a riot

Let's start a riot

A riot

Let's start a riot ♪

[It cuts to an imaginary shot of the Crimson Alley expanding into kor]

Alex: ♪  If you feel so empty 

So used up, so let down

If you feel so angry

Just get up ♪

[All the people inside surround the siblings.]

Alex/Sinners: ♪  Let's start a riot

A riot

Let's start a riot 

 Let's start a riot

A riot

Let's start a riot

Let's start a riot

A riot

Let's start a riot

A riot

Let's start a riot

A riot ♪

[Cereza being fed up with Alex goes to smack his face but it's stopped by Sable.]

Alex/Sinners: ♪  Let's start a riot

Let's start a riot

A riot

Let's start a riot ♪

[A gunshot goes off distracting everyone, it's revealed to be gunslinger female Sinner, who just shot of her revolvers.]

???: That's enough Alex.

Alex: Oh come on Tess, you're ruining my mood.

Tess: Alex, David already told ya to cut off this revolutionary BS. Get outta here and leave the fancy people alone. (To the Siblings) You said you working with a princess or something?

Cereza: Yes, Lucifer's daughter actually. She believes that Sinners deserve a second chance she helps them to rehabilitate and gives a place to live.

Tess: Rehabilitant sinners and free housing? That's a new one.

Alex: Tess you aren't thinking about taking these shit snobs to David are ya?! 

Tess: Fuck off Alex! 

Alex: Fine! Just remember they are part of the problem.

[Alex and his crew leave, not without shouldering Sable, the bar returns to a normal environment. Tess sighs.]

Tess: You folks want to meet David?

Cereza: Is he in charge around here?

Sable: We have a proposal for him, we know that you currently overpopulated and we want to help with that.

Tess: Heh, should I ask how you two managed to get inside when we keep tight security on the gates.

Cereza: A girl can keep a secret don't ya think?

Tess: (Smirk) Just follow me. And yes he is kind of the guy that keeps thing civil here.

[They get out of the bar, they walk as Sable and Cereza notice the people praying at the stairs of the church.]

Cereza: Didn't take Sinners to be the religious kind.

Tess: Many people believe the knight to be their saviour, someone who actually knows that Heaven's rule

Sable: Did he saved you too?

Tess:  Nah, but the people here did so I owe it to them I'm still here. Look David's office is just this way.

[They finally arrive, they use the metallic stairs and arrive at the apartment.]

Sable: Thanks for the help at the bar anyway.

Tess: No problem. Just don't piss him off, he is already stressed enough with the whole shortened extermination notice.

[Sable nods and she gives him a warm smile, she finally leaves, Cereza just smirks at the interaction.]

Cereza: I think she has the hots for you.

[Cereza was about to open the door but it's stopped by Sable.]

Sable: (Grabs Cereza's arm) Please keep your wit and contempt to yourself okay? We are here to negotiate not criticize. 

Cereza: Oh relax, all we gotta tell this guy that we are here to recruit some guys, and as much as I want to shit on this guy for worshipping a 

[Cereza opens the door as they expect to see a Sinner, however they eyes widen in shock as they see not a Sinner but a brown hellhound.]

David: What?

[Both Cereza and Sable are left in shock.]

Sable: You are a hellhound...

David: It's always a surprise isn't? Tess told me you wanted to see me?

[Sable and Cereza clear their throats.]

Sable: We come from the Hazbin hotel and we have a proposition for you.

David: Proposition?

Cereza: We know that the Alleys are overrun with Sinners, well the Hazbin Hotel is willing to house them as long as they agree to give up their sinful ways.

David: Rehabilitating Sinners? Talk about a losing battle. But I doubt they leave the main reason why people stay here is safety.

Cereza: But for how long? The Knight hasn't showed up in an year and we are actually helping unlike that maniac.

Jess: (Offscreen) He is not a maniac! He is a hero!

[They turn around and see a young hellhound not older than fourteen, she is glaring daggers at Cereza.]

David: Jess get back to your room now!

Jess: But she wasn't there she has no fucking right to-!

David: I said get back to your room now!

[Jess slams the door.]

Cereza: Who the fuck is she?

David: She is my sister, Jess, and would you please refrain from insulting the Knight? We both own a lot to him.

Sable: Did something happened with the knight and you two?

[David just sighs. Cut to a flashback of various guards struggling with David as he tries to get Jess. He is finally thrown out of the building.]

David: (Narrating) I had turned nineteen when the HAF threw my ass off, I was given away with Jess but she was only ten. I had to trace her to her new owners before I could rescue her. We had nothing and decided to test our luck. At first it was hard but we manage to find stable ground here.

[It then cuts to the arriving at Pentagram city, they first have only a small shelter in an alley, then as time progresses they finally move into a rusty old apartment.]

David: (Narrating) Then the extermination happened, they didn't matter who was inside that building. As the broke through everything trying to kill every Sinner in sight. We barely managed to escape but then an Exorcist found us.

[An Exorcist lands in front of them pointing her spear at them.]

David: Wait wait wait! We are hell born not Sinners!

[The Exorcist ignores him and whacks him with the end of the spear. Then kicks his gut and throws him against a wall.]

David: AGH!

Jess: David!

[The Exorcist grabs Jess by the hair and throws her to the floor.]

David: Leave her alone!

Exorcist: I know I can't kill hell born but that doesn't mean I can't hurt you. Really, really badly. (Raises spear.)

David: NO!

[As the Exorcist was about to stab Jess, out of nowhere the Crimson Knight appears and stabs through her chest. Then slides the sword all the way to her head. Splitting her in two]

[The Crimson Knight throws the body away, he looks at the traumatized Jess one more time before starting to leave. She snaps out of it and grabs the Knights wrist desperately.]

Jess: Wait! Please help my brother! He's hurt!

[The Knight looks back at the beaten David and the crying Jess one more time. He sighs and grabs David and helps him to stand up.]

Crimson Knight: (Distorted) Follow me.

[The knight takes them to the what would essentially would become the alleys.]

Crimson Knight: (Distorted) Follow that alley until you see a blue door, hit it twice and if the guy inside tells you to fuck off respond with the word "favent" .

[The knight finally leaves, Jess and David walk through the alley as more explosions and screams happen in the distance, they finally reach the blue door. David manages to tap the door twice.]

Doctor Sinner: (Inside) Fuck off! We are closed during exterminations!

Jess: Favent!

Doctor Sinner: (Inside) Son of a fucking bitch! (Opens the door.) Get in here quick. Fucking Knight bastard....

[It cuts to David being cured by the doctor he winces in pain as the cotton touches his injuries.]

Doctor Sinner: Stop fucking moving. You are lucky those Angels just beat you up, I literally had clients who survive 

David: That guy fighting the Exorcists....who is he?

Doctor Sinner: Oh just some fuck head who thinks he can kill those Angels. And the only reason you I'm treating you right now.

[They exit the clinic, they return to the building but now it's nothing but rubble now.]

Jess: What now David? We lost everything!

David: I don't know...

???: It looks like you need some help my child.

[The two of them tur around and see a goat demon in a Crimson robe. David puts Jessi behind him in order to protect her.]

David: Who are you?

Father Martial: My name is Martial, and it seems that he deemed you two worthy of saving. He works in mysterious ways.

David: He? Are you talking about that...knight?

Father Martial: The Crimson Knight, he is the warrior that saved you both and I would appreciate if you talk about him with respect.

Jess: Is he a god?

Father Martial: To us yes. Follow me and don't worry you are safe now. As now you are under his protection. Shall the knight protects us all.

[The flashback finally ends, both Cereza and Sable look honestly baffled at David's story]

David: After that, the knight just kept coming here. Killing more exorcists and in the process saving more people. So when you call him a maniac, here he is called something that people forgot about...a hero.

Sable: Look I think it was honorable of him saving you both that doesn't mean he should be considered a hero.

Cereza: Exactly that doesn't change a fact that he was just Sinner trying to oppose Heaven.

David: I never said he was a Sinner....

Sable/Cereza: What?

David: Take a look.

[David pulls a picture, it depicts the Crimson Knight stabbing an Exorcist. The Knight figure is revealed to be canine looking, its arm are coated in a Crimson flames as he also wears a type of armor but the most distinctive feature are the Katana and the Axe on his hands. Sable and Cereza widen their eyes at the armor itself.]

Sable(Fearfully) Is that Ho-...a hellhound?

Cereza: That could be fucking anyone!

David: (Shakes head) Look I appreciate what you are trying to make but unfortunately the people here believe in actions not promises, I'll try to see if anyone's interested but now I need to see Father Martial. Go find Tess and she'll take you to the back exit.

[David leaves his office and starts walking towards the church, Cereza quickly follows behind and grabs him by the shoulders turning him around, this causes the entire place to froze up.]

Cereza: Can't you see that we are actually tyring to help you!

David: You just don't get it. If the princess is trying to do something then why did it take her so fucking long?!

Cereza: Well she...

[The guitarist outside the church interrupts her.]

David: ♪ Here's to the greater good, for all

Do what you know you should, for all (for all)

We all may die 

[The citizens of the alleys start surrounding the siblings.]

David: ♪ Something's going on, just look around

Fear is on the rise and there's blood all over the ground

Let's all just blindfold the poor

We must remind them what's in store

We got 'em now, just break them down a little bit more


[All people just stamp their feet on the floor causing a loud noise.]

David: ♪ Said hey (hey), you (you), feed the machine

Bring 'em all back down to their knees

No time to waste, remind the slaves

They ain't gonna make it out alive today

I said hey (hey), you (you), poison the well

Watch it all burn, take 'em out to the grave

They got the whole (whole), world (world) in his hands

It was nice to know ya, we've all been damned, c'mon 

[The people start to pull the corpses of the Exorcists as it scares the siblings.]

David: ♪ Nothing's going on, no need to fear

And we're all in this together and just to make it all clear

We want the same thing as you, this will all be over soon

Now here's a little pill, here's the truth

We're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna

We're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna

We're all gonna die 

[A hellhound blows some dust to the face of the siblings disorienting them, they are grabbed and throw towards the gates.]

David: ♪ Hey, you, feed the machine

Bring 'em all back down to their knees

No time to waste, remind the slaves

They ain't gonna make it out alive today

I said hey (hey), you (you), poison the well

Watch it all burn, take 'em straight to the grave

They got the whole (whole), world (world) in his hands

It was nice to know ya, we've all been damned, c'mon

We've all been damned, c'mon

I said hey (hey), you (you), feed the machine

Bring 'em all back down to their knees

No time to waste, remind the slaves

They ain't gonna make it out alive today 

[The multitude of Sinners outside the gates see the whole mob and start to run away in fear.]

David: ♪ I said hey (hey), you (you), poison the well (poison the well)

Watch it all burn, take 'em straight to the grave

They got the whole (whole), world (world) in his hands

It was nice to know ya, we've all been damned, c'mon

We've all been damned, c'mon

(C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon)

We've all been damned, c'mon 

[They finally thrown out both Cereza and Sable out the gates. Sable quickly stands up but the gates are closed before he could enter. ]

Sable: Wait! (Slams hand at the gates) Fuck! 

Cereza: This isn't good Sable, we need to conatact dad ASAP.

Sable: First we need to see if we agree on same thing on why should we contact him.

Cereza: Someone stole our dad's weapons and use them to fight Exorcists.

Sable: Cereza, we both know that guy looked like Hound....

Cereza: Don't you fucking dare say that name! He is not! Just no!

Sable: And what makes you think that?!

Cereza: Because it's fucking impossible! Remember, he left when we were 17 meaning that dad didn't activate his A.C and unless he came back all remorseful and shit, which I fucking doubt, he shouldn't be able to even scratch an Exorcist.

Sable: (Sighs) So what now?

Cereza: We keep this to ourselves, I'll contact dad about the stolen merchandise and we'll tell Vaggie that some were interested. Nothing more. Let's go.

[They leave the alleys to the hotel. Cereza and Sable arrive at the scene of Charlie weeping tears of joy. Angel picks her up and gives her to Vaggie.]

Angel Dust: Ehh, I think this is yours.

Vaggie: Ok missy, let's get you to bed.

Charlie: (still blubbering) He-he-he said he - for-forgave me! [inaudible cries] It's so beautiful, Vaggie...

Husk: Hey, how about that drink?

Angel Dust: You read my mind.

 [Angel and Husk head for a drink. Vaggie finally notices the siblings.]

Vaggie: How did the recruitment go?

Charlie: Recruitment?

Cereza: Oh me and Sable went through some places and we are happy to say that they are a few interested in this hotel.

Charlie: That's amazing!

[Sable and Cereza look back at each other worriedly. It cuts back to the Crimson Alleys in David's office, he enters the room that was behind him. Inside the room there is revealed to be an familiar old fashioned radio. ]

[He tweaks a bit with it before the static starts then Alastor voice comes from it.]

Alastor: (Radio) So you did your job?

David: Yes, but it seems they didn't believe me.

Alastor: (Radio) Don't worry about it pal...

[It cuts to Alastor on his radio station, playing with the artifact that Vorvar'g gave him.]

Alastor: All you did was to plant a seed my friend, now let me take care of the rest.

David: (Radio) I know that I'm in your debt but I swear if you do something that's gonna harm the knight I'm-

Alastor: I wouldn't worry friend, your hero is gonna be just fine because everyone just loves a good comeback story.

[Alastor smiles wickedly before shutting down the radio. He smiles one last time at the artifact, the episode ends.]

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