The ink demon(hazbin hotel x...

By deltarune_91

11.7K 277 79

The ink demon a sinner that supposedly knows the radio demon better than any other, a demon that in his past... More

Y/n the ink demon
The cartoon maker's break down part 1
The cartoon maker's breakdown part:2
Scrambled Eggs


2K 52 17
By deltarune_91

y/n pov

i was sitting next to niffty waiting to watch the commercial that alastor made but while we we're waiting for charlie and vaggie to come down ,while i was waiting it made me think about my precious little ink town i've been hiding them away from the pride ring to prevent my citizens getting hurt in turf wars and or other overlords coming to ink town and destroying it but maybe i should finally reveal that ink town exists because as far as other people know it's just my art studio from the outside gates and if anybody got their hands on what lies deep below my studio,that person will have infinite energy and not only will it cause trouble it will also make me think i failed to keep my citizens safe i snapped out of my trance when charlie and vaggie came down and sat down the t.v turned on and it showed a sinner stabbing another sinner

alastor(t.v):why hello their you wayward sinner do you like blood,violence and deprivety of a sexual nature? of course you do! that's why you're in hell!what would you say if i told you their was a place to stay that has none of that,welcome to the hazbin hotel a misguided path to redemption founded five days ago by lucifer's delusional daughter charlotte morningstar come place you're fate in her inexperienced hands as she tries to fix her daddy issues by fixing you!here we offer fun things!such as somewhat functional staff and 24 hour pest control,custom rooms and just look at this tacky parlor! enjoy rividing conversation with our singular resident WOW all this and more at the hazbin hotel

i was processing everything that happened did he compliment and insult the hotel at the same time?

alastor:so what'da ya' think?

i was about to say something but vaggie beat me to it

vaggie:i'm sorry what the fuck was that!?

charlie:uh yeah one note, alastor i mean-first off thank you so much for making this seriously amazing but um maybe the tone is a bit off?

alastor snapped his neck lightly looking at charlie

charlie:we want people to want to come here this makes it look ummm-

vaggie:bad the worrd you're looking for is bad

alastor:funny i was going for hilarious!

i watched them go on so i just stood up and went to charlie i tapped her shoulder she looked at me

y/n:hey charlie can i borrow razzle and dazzle?

charlie:for what?

y/n:a little project is all

she nodded and and gave them an order to do as i say until i get back to the hotel i grabbed my cane but alastor snapped his neck towards me

alastor:and where are you going my friend?

y/n:i have a little project i'm gonna do in ink town so i'll see you all later

i walked out the hotel with razzle and dazzle following me closely as i was walking i stopped at a little donut shop to get razzle and dazzle a treat for helping me with this project i also got myself one aswell i also got us some drinks aswell when multiple bullets went through me and my ink splattered everywhere i look over nonchalantly knowing exactly who it is and low and behold it was alice angel she was mad at me because she should've been ruler of ink town but i won fair and square in that fight

y/n:alice how are you doing this hellish morning?

i got zero response i just got more bullets i gave my donut to razzle and gave my coffee to dazzle and i started slowly walking over to alice slowly but surely turning into my ink demon form she just kept shooting and as she shot me ink minions started forming and they ran towards her trying to grab her

alice:NO don't drag me into the abyss! you coward! to scared to fight me yourself!?

i snapped my ebony long fingers and the minions stopped i took some ink off of my body and launched it at at her the ink solidified and once it her she was pinned to wall i slowly went back to my normal self

alice:you don't deserve to be an overlord you're too ki-

i ripped her arm off and she screamed in pain and ink started spewing out of the wound and she started crying but i used my hand to shut her up

y/n:i do what i have to do to keep my citizens safe it doesn't mean i'm kind it means i do what i have to do

i let the ink that was holding her down go back to liquid and she ran off yelling that this wasn't over i walked back over to razzle and dazzle and grabbed my coffee and donut and continued over to ink town once we made it to the large black and yellow door i opened the gates and made my way to the office once opened i saw allison doing paper work i knocked on the doorframe she looked up with a surprised look

allison:what are you doing here y/n?

y/n:well remeber that day that you suggested i should let ink town become a public town?

allison:yes and you screamed at me for suggesting the idea, what of it?

y/n:i'm gonna do it

she stood up from her seat with a happy look on her face

allison:ok how do you want to do it?


she gave me a 'what the fuck look' before walking other to me


y/n:don't judge me the princess of hell has grown on me plus i already have two lovely assistants to help me one will hold the camera the other will hold a mic

she sighed before nodding and going to grab the camera and the mic after explaining everything to razzle and dazzle allison finally came back with the equipment i was about to take the equipment when i remebered something i look at allison with a serious look

y/n:also alice angel was spotted around ink town again and you know she doesn't travel alone she only fights me alone just let tom and the borises know ok?

she nodded and went off to go tell tom and the borises i gave razzle the camera and dazzle the mic i made a few ink minions to play some instruments and razzle gave me a thumbs up to give me a signal that we're live and the music started(start the video above)and i started walking while singing showing off all the things ink town has to offer

y/n:Boys and girls! welcome to the workshop! step right up don't be shy witness a motion picture like you've never seen before! brought to you by me! i said come one come all enjoy the show! 3 to get ready nowhere to go are you feeling blue? or just black and white? in the end we're gonna have you feelin' alright now don't you look so mad don't you be so mean make way give pay to the INK MACHINE are you feeling gloom? losing track of time? in the end you're in for one hell of a night, that's right! soon you will see we'll animate just you and me signed in blood or even ink before you know we'll all be part of this machine! now there's nothing left no one to save just a dancing demon on our grave it's what we want it was our dream not everything's just as it seems the children dance to a sheepish song we howl like wolves and sing along don't you look so mad, don't you be so mean make way give pay to the INK MACHINE soon you will see we'll animate just you and me signed in blood or even ink before you know we'll all be part of this machine

and after showing everything we stopped filming right in front of my studio razzle gave me the camera and i looked over the footage it was a bit staticky but not to bad and the sound quality was perfect now just to air this i walk back inside my studio and found alice and showed her the footage

allison:i'm not gonna lie you have a real nice singing voice i should've never doubted you i'll publish it and see how it goes

i hugged her and said our goodbye's while i was walking back to the hotel razzle and dazzle nudged me towards the donut store we we're at earlier

y/n:i guess you two do deserve a treat for helping me out today cmon let's get you guys a treat

after i got them a treat we continued our way back to the hotel once we made it razzle and dazzle ran straight to charlie and vaggie with a donut in their tiny little hands but vaggie was comforting charlie

y/n:charlie my dear what's wrong?

charlie:heaven moved up the next extermination from a year to 6 months

i stayed silent before patting her back

y/n:it's going to be alright we'll figgure it out.....somehow anyways i made a commercial so check it out if you hhad a chance also by the way razzle and dazzle we're really helpful today so thank you for lending them to me

i walked up to my room got dressed in my pajamas and climbed onto my bed slowly drifting off into wonderful slumber

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